Chapter 0: Hole in the Sky

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Aug 24, 2023 2:59 pm
Honey bows down in the presence of the great Lady, yet she does not grovel. Instead, she begins to cackle and howl. She appears to tremor as she stands.
"Oh Great Fortune Bender, Worldwheel Spinner, you have displayed your power and kept your promise! You are truly my savior out of inanity and I shall serve you with all of my breaths! Look over me as I do signs and wonders in your name!"
And with that, Honey declares herself an acolyte of the Lady in Blue.
Aug 24, 2023 3:31 pm
Hyde raises an eyebrow at the spectacle,

"Well that can't be good..."
Aug 24, 2023 11:15 pm
After spinning the wheel Henry the young muscular grave digger emerges looking worse for wear. His ongoing sickness during this journey has taken his toll. His height seems to grow, but his head gets lower as he develops a hunch leaning on his shovel handle and with a gust of wind all of his hair falls out as he becomes bald. His once colorful eyes go white and a crazy cackle escapes his lips.
Hard work is pointless in this crazy world thank you for showing us magic ol’ powerful lady!!
He is now a chaotic wizard

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