OOC Play by Post Basics

Jul 13, 2023 6:46 pm
Hello all!

Just wanted to lay some ground-work here for posting protocol, formatting, and what not, so that we're all "speaking the same language" so-to-speak.

First, please try to post at least a handful of times a week. I am going to make every effort to hold myself to this standard. Accordingly, if I/others are investing free-time in this, it is only respectful of everyone's effort that you invest some free-time in this. If you don't think you can meet that standard for some reason, please just chime in on the OOC thread to say so. I don't want justification or anything like that, just a quick; "Sorry guys can't post tonight/next couple days/week!", so we know what's going on and can either move on or wait patiently or whatever.

Second, here is some standard formatting for this game (and in many other games I think around this forum):

1. Regular font is for narration. Write in bold when your character says anything, example:

Bilbo walks over to the horse and says, "This is what it looks like when I'm talking in-character."

2. Characters think in italics:

Bilbo scratches his chin and thinks, "I wonder if these guys will share their PCs thoughts to reveal personal motivations and move the game along."

Sharing thoughts offers a chance for everyone to get to know your PC and even to allow other players (and the GM) to metagame a bit in the best way possible: using that insight to create drama and interesting situations.

3. You can put up pictures from web sources by pasting a 'copy picture web address' link (see the polaroid looking icon at the top of the text entry box).

4. You can quote people (see quotation mark at the top of the text entry box).
You can quote people
5. You can send a secret note to the GM and/or players for those secret matters (see the document page-icon at the top of your text entry box).

6. And you can say things Out of Character (see the OOC auto-format icon up top).
This is what it looks like when I'm talking out-of-character.
People will use other colored text and underline for a variety of stuff. If you would like to do so, just make it clear what the use is, if it is something other than simple emphasis or the like.

Once your character is approved you can toggle to post as you, the Player (using your forum name and forum avatar), or as your character (showing your characters name and the avatar you uploaded in your character sheet). Please use the character tag to post in-character.

7. You can add dice rolls to your post using the UI beneath the text entry cox. The roll macro has a "testing ground" HERE.

And I think that covers the basics. If you have any questions, there is the "OOC Chat Thread" too.

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