Jul 24, 2023 5:30 pm
I'm interested in running or playing in a duet or 1-on-1 in one of the following systems or styles. I'm looking to cultivate some experience with the systems and GMing in general.
Powered by the Apocalypse
Forged in the Dark
Cypher System
Modern Age
Fantasy AGE
Cortex Prime
I've got a couple of ideas for each one and am willing to learn and teach. I just want to start small. Slow and steady wins the race.
If you're interested in running or playing one of these, feel free to post or send me a message what your thinking or if you have a concept for a game you'd like. Then maybe I'll pick one and we'll take it from there.
Powered by the Apocalypse
Forged in the Dark
Cypher System
Modern Age
Fantasy AGE
Cortex Prime
I've got a couple of ideas for each one and am willing to learn and teach. I just want to start small. Slow and steady wins the race.
If you're interested in running or playing one of these, feel free to post or send me a message what your thinking or if you have a concept for a game you'd like. Then maybe I'll pick one and we'll take it from there.
Last edited July 24, 2023 6:01 pm