Jul 26, 2023 2:10 pm

This gateway of Gondor is bustling with activity, as trade ships coast in to the docks from the west, and seasonal workers migrate north, from the arid tracts of land that make up Harondor and the Harad to the south.
Over the centuries Pelargir has been a center of both culture and conflict for Gondor, due to it's positioning at the mouth of the Anduin River onto the Bay of Belfalas, and as the occasional (and current) southern border of Gondor.
Historically, it has also been a center of terrible woe - constituting the frontline of great wars and political strife for well more than 1,000 years of unstable relations between northern and southern nations. However! ... Now is a time of relative peace between the men of the southron lands, and Gondor and the other peoples of Middle-earth.
This once-great metropolis is struggling to emerge from a long period of decline. But it is, at this time, winning in it's struggle, and you can see it on the streets. Trade is growing, learned institutions have returned and are taking on new members, and there is even a lively and friendly exchange of cultures going on, available to anyone who seeks it.
You are a resident of the north side of Pelargir, the Gondor-governed portion of the city, which straddles both river and nations. You have been living there of your own accord and upon your own terms for some time now. However, recently, through a trusted friend you have heard - and heeded - a clandestine call, hailing any capable and available and true allies of the Free Peoples of Middle-Earth...
And so it is that you find yourself, in this moment, approaching Whistler's Wind, a firmly-Gondorian tavern you've heard of but never frequented much. It sits just a couple streets off of the commercial port. And, according to this hailing, you are to attend an audience with a naval officer of Gondor. The subject of which you do not exactly know the nature of, other than that supposedly the Free Peoples are in need of aid and this officer is desperate for help...
The matter, you're assured by your friend, whom passed along the word to you, is rather urgent and dire.
Alright, gang, here we are!Sorry for the heavy-handed and trite "You meet in a tavern." beginning. But I really just want to hit the ground running to reap any early momentum that might exist. And since PCs are generally heroic people in AIME, I figure; why mess around too much with going through a "bringing everyone into the fold" motions when we can just get to the action?
The premise, in plain terms, is basically just that "through the grapevine", because of your character's abilities and/or ambitions, you caught wind of a naval officer of Gondor seeking some manner of aid.
You're answering the call (out of curiosity? because maybe you CAN help? or maybe at least know someone who can help? because it might mean a good pay-day? you decide why...), not having committed to anything yet - you really don't know anything yet - you're just seeing what this is all about, but there seems to be some significant degree of urgency and secrecy surrounding it.
Please give us all a little introduction to your PC, as they draw near this meeting...
Physical description, their thoughts about this rather odd call, ofc any actions they want to take at this time in the immediate few moments before the meeting. Whatever makes sense to you!
Thanks for being here, and cheers! Let's have fun.