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Jul 27, 2023 8:05 pm
Engagment= 2d6 (total of 9+ to succeed) + mind + appropriate career + modifiers
Priority = 2d6 (total of 9+ to succeed) + mind + initiative + modifiers
• The enemy has a tactical advantage (Hard –1)
• You have a tactical advantage (Very Easy +2)
• Subtract the highest initiative noted for any rivals or
toughs acting against the heroes.
Attack: = 2D6 (total of 9+ to succeed) + agility (or strength*) + melee (or ranged) – target’s defence + any range (or other) modifiers

Range band Difficulty Modifier Target Number Optional Modifier
Gunpoint (3’ or 1m) Very Easy +2 7+ +1 bonus die
Point Blank (6’ or 2m) Easy +1 8+
Close range (listed) Moderate +0 9+ n/a
2 x listed range Hard –1 10+ +1 penalty die
3 x listed range Tough –2 11+ +2 penalty dice
4 x listed range Demanding –4 13+ +3 penalty dice
5 x listed range Formidable –6 15+ +4 penalty dice
6 x listed range Heroic –8 17+ +5 penalty dice

Social = 2d6 (total of 9+ to succeed) + appeal or strength or mind + appropriate career + modifiers

Resolve (pg 62) - Particularly gruesome and troubling events can harm a
character’s resolve, which is damaged by fear or mentally
destabilising effects in exactly the same way as lifeblood
damage is cause by physical effects, except that this
damage is recorded on a separate resolve track and its
associated critical resolve track of 5 boxes.

Super Hero Points (SP): Scale (Power Level) x 5
Use SP to buy additional boons, add scale to attributes or career, or as a pool to boost.
Jul 27, 2023 8:09 pm
[ +- ] Boons
[ +- ] Flaws

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