Ship Controls

Aug 17, 2023 8:58 pm
1 Ki for up to a 500ft altitude (above land mass, not sea level).
1 Ki for every 1 mile altitude (above sea level) thereafter.
1 Ki to travel up to 100 miles (for simple flight)
(If the 100 miles is interrupted another Ki must be spent to travel up to another 100 miles.)
1 Ki per fast-paced navigation (like in aerial combat situations. I'll elaborate this mechanic soon.)
3 Ki to use the ship's dragon breath weapon, which is acid.
2 Ki for Khyree to change the ship's appearance. No matter what form the ship takes on, its decks still can house people and cargo just the same. Some signs are visible to those onboard--like an ethereal glow, or cloudy mist--when the ship adopts different forms, but otherwise the ship appears to stay the same to those onboard. Note: The ship will stay in the guise Khyree last gave it until she expends Ki to change its guise again.
3 Ki-- the ship can fire acid in a 120-foot line that is 20 feet wide. Each creature in that line must make a DC 18 Dexterity saving throw, taking 54 (12d8) acid damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
1+ Ki-- Kyhree's can get off the ship, send it up 1 mile (or less) into the air, and call it back to the place she left it for 1 Ki, if the sending and calling back is done in the same day. But every day longer she remains away from the ship costs another Ki to call it back. So if, for example, she were to get off the ship, send it away, and not call it back for seven days, it would cost 1 Ki to send it away and 6 Ki call it back.

>As it stands, Khyree must touch the helm to awaken the connection with the ship, but once Ki is spent and the connection is made, Khyree can be anywhere on the ship and the ship will respond to her. When the activities (that the spent Ki allowed for) are made, the ship will go dormant until more Ki is spent. Khyree must then touch the helm to reestablish her connection with the ship.

>Without the need of any Ki, the ship can operate as a normal seafaring vessel in water. Of course, then the ship would need a proper crew and replaced sails to actually sail. But it could float as is.

Khyree can pass any amount of her own Ki to the ship's reserve, which could accumulate if it is not used. Also, whenever Khyree spends a long rest attuning to and meditating aboard the ship, the ship gains 1d4 +Khyree's wisdom bonus to its Ki reserve. NOTE: Increasing the ship's Ki reserves in this way can only happen when the ship is landed and 'dormant.'

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