Character Creation
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Str - (3d6)
(421) = 7
Dex - (3d6)
(455) = 14
Ctrl - (3d6)
(634) = 13
HP - (1d6)
(1) = 1
STR - (3d6)
(224) = 8
DEX - (3d6)
(216) = 9
CTRL - (3d6)
(256) = 13
HP - (1d6)
(4) = 4
Background - (d20)
(13) = 13
The Abyss Stares Back - (d10)
(5) = 5
Ideology - (d10)
(4) = 4
Connections - (d10)
(2) = 2
Physique - (d10)
(10) = 10
Face - (d10)
(2) = 2
Speech - (d10)
(7) = 7
Virtue - (d10)
(10) = 10
Flaw - (d10)
(3) = 3
Phone - (2d4)
(31) = 4
Cash - (3d10, 3d10)
3d10 : (171) = 9
3d10 : (4610) = 20
STR - 10
DEX - 17
CTRL - 13
HP - 3
Background - Gig-Worker
The Abyss Stares Back - The evidence online is too much to be ignored.
Ideology and Beliefs - You believe in fate and it directly impacts your life.
Connection - Protege
Physique - Short
Face - Bony
Speech - Whispery
Virtue - Disciplined
Flaw - Deceitful
Age - 35
Phone - smart phone
Cash - $221
Weapon - Improvised or Crude Weapon
Investigative Item - Directional Microphone
Memento - A note from a lost love
Bonus Item - Investigative Item (TBD)
I submitted a character sheet, and will write the prompts into something coherent. Plus find an avatar and other minor stuff.
STR - (3d6)
(343) = 10
DEX - (3d6)
(656) = 17
CTRL - (3d6)
(616) = 13
HP - (1d6)
(3) = 3
Background - (1d20)
(16) = 16
Background - The Abyss Stares Back - (1d10)
(6) = 6
Background - Ideology and Beliefs - (1d10)
(8) = 8
Background - Connections - (1d10)
(5) = 5
Physique - (1d10)
(7) = 7
Face - (1d10)
(1) = 1
Speech - (1d10)
(10) = 10
Virtue - (1d10)
(4) = 4
Flaw - (1d10)
(4) = 4
Age - (2d20+16)
(181) + 16 = 35
Phone - (2d4)
(24) = 6
Cash - (3d10x3d10)
(292) + (1034) = 30
Weapon - (1d20)
(3) = 3
Investigative Gear - (1d20)
(12) = 12
Memento - (1d10)
(1) = 1
Bonus Item - (1d20)
(8) = 8
Ruben is a 19 year-old small-time weed pusher trying to expand his operation. He's also into clubbing, and is finding that the two interests go hand in hand rather nicely. He heard about the Metroskate opening, and is eager to check it out and claim his stake on that turf before the competition does. He doesn't want to touch the heavier stuff yet, having had serious warnings (his crooked nose being a testimony of one) by larger operators. So far, if he sticks to weed he'll be alright, but one day...

Ability Scores
STR: | / |
DEX: | / |
CTRL: | / |
HP | / |
Armor | |
Stability |
Deprived? |
Character Notes and Description
Item | Damage/Defense Number | Inventory Slots Used |
General Inventory
Item | Inventory Slots Used |
Total Inventory Used / 10
Description | Causes Fatigue? | Is Reaction? |
I'm thinking my character is a goth girl who pretends not to care about things but actually does. Will fill out all the details a little later on.
If we're teens, a lot of the tables don't make much sense indeed. I'll edit my character if that's the case.
The character looks great!
Also yeah, I would roll for starting gear. Don't want you going in totally unequipped. Wouldn't be fair.
And as far as character go I would say on the younger side but def not teenagers. There is actually a module for high school but I figured the less alterations to start out the better.
Also @Loddfafnir
Thank you so much for making a character sheet like that! It'll work really well.
Also don't worry about magic. It really won't come into play unless one of your characters rolls Magic as a weapon.
Weapon - (d20)
(2) = 2
Investigative Gear - (d20)
(11) = 11
Memento - (d10)
(7) = 7
Bonus Item - (d20)
(1) = 1
Bonus Memento - (d10)
(8) = 8
+Skating grants characters a bonus movement
action. Flip a coin. If Heads, start with skates.
Or I guess more like, roll 1d2 and roll a 1.
Also @Loddfafnir
Thank you so much for making a character sheet like that! It'll work really well.
Also don't worry about magic. It really won't come into play unless one of your characters rolls Magic as a weapon.
I'll edit my character.
Do you want us to create bonds, or is it unneeded for a one shot?
Skates on 1 - (1d2)
(1) = 1
Bonus investigative item - (1d20)
(20) = 20
Weapon - (1d20)
(13) = 13
Investigative Gear - (1d20)
(17) = 17
Memento - (1d10)
(1) = 1
Bonus Item - (1d20)
(4) = 4
Bonus Memento - (1d10)
(6) = 6
Skates - (1d2)
(1) = 1
Phone - (2d4)
(11) = 2
Cash - (3d10*3d10)
(1107) + (664) = 34
Bob was 19 when his life changed. He was doing rote data entry for a crowdworking platform when he saw something that wasn't really possible. When it happened again the next day, he knew this was meant to be. Since then, Bob lies frequently as he doesn't know who to trust anymore.
One year later, Bob now mentors Alice. Alice, two years his senior and a bit eccentric, is a crowdworker like him. Together they try to pierce what lays behind the veil.
But tonight, for once, Bob will take the night off to relax with his friends at the Metroskate.
No skates.
Skates - (d2)
(2) = 2
I understand having the laptop but why does it specify a printer too? (>▽<)
I doubt it'll have much bearing on anything though.
Str, Dex, Ctrl - (3d6, 3d6, 3d6)
3d6 : (365) = 14
3d6 : (424) = 10
3d6 : (135) = 9
HP - (1d6)
(5) = 5
Physique: Scrawny
Face: Sharp
Speech: Blunt
Virtue: Cautious
Flaw: Greedy
Misfortune: Addicted
Phone - (2d4)
(44) = 8
starting cash factors (to multiply) - (3d10, 3d10)
3d10 : (138) = 12
3d10 : (643) = 13
weapon - (1d20)
(10) = 10
gear - (1d20)
(5) = 5
memento - (1d10)
(6) = 6
bonus item - (1d20)
(14) = 14
he rolled a second weapon as bonus item, then got a 14 for a shotgun - happy to swap it for a handgun instead, as he wouldnt go to a club with a shotgun!!
Rachel Rosenblatt is a teacher's assistant at the local university. While doing research for her professor, she came across a book in the library with knowledge not meant for mortal minds. Ever since that day, she's been quietly obsessed with the occult. She's managed to discover a strange book filled with names in different handwriting and a strange voice recording, but she's not sure what any of it means. Little does she suspect that at Metroskate tonight, she'll learn more than she bargained for...
he rolled a second weapon as bonus item, then got a 14 for a shotgun - happy to swap it for a handgun instead, as he wouldnt go to a club with a shotgun!!
Ola Hey Nineteen!
Ok, I have a character concept in mind. She's a changeling whose mother had been captured from her human family and kept prisoner at a noble fae's home where she gave birth to my character. She was raised well enough and when it was discovered that she had an aptitude for art, the fae gave her all the materials she could ever want. She spent her days drawing and painting on the lush estate and learning courtly manners and charms. But she got caught in a war between two Fae courts and was held captive in a cell for two years where she secretly learned her abilities from a fellow inmate. She managed to escape at the age of 19 years old but never went back to her "human home". As revenge, she kills one of her captors and reduces him to an eyeball which she wears on a ring so that he can watch her enjoying her life for eternity, while he, via his eye, is trapped in her ring. As a bonus, he can never close his eye as there is no eyelid!
Later, she took an apartment and met the rest of the group in some way and ended up at the skating place. This part is of course subject to fitting in with the rest of the group's ideas. I'll add to it as I roll stuff but obviously, I have chosen her background and concept if that's ok.
Edit. Oh, I see. I was using the full rules. I guess magic won't work in this setting unless it's rolled?
Smart phone
Starting Cash
Notebook and pen
264 pounds cash (Euro)
Strength, Dex, Ctrl - (3d6, 3d6, 3d6)
3d6 : (135) = 9
3d6 : (616) = 13
3d6 : (336) = 12
HP - (1d6)
(2) = 2
Weapon - (1d20)
(19) = 19
Phone - (2d4)
(33) = 6
Cash - (3d10, 3d10)
3d10 : (236) = 11
3d10 : (5910) = 24
Gear - (1d20)
(8) = 8
Edit. Oh, I see. I was using the full rules. I guess magic won't work in this setting unless it's rolled?
It's more of a "regular gang of people pitted against supernatural odds" horror movie style.
...Scooby Doo but rated R.

I'm using this one: "Liminal Horror" by Goblin Archives

They have super similar names but totally different vibes. Urban fantasy vs Straight up horror
@Windyridge: In case you missed it in the OOC thread, the rules of Liminal Horror can be found here.
(;° ロ°)
(;° ロ°)
Memento - (1d20)
(18) = 18
Bonus Item - (1d10)
(6) = 6
(;° ロ°)
Like what is the tooth fairy doing with all those teeth anyway? Who said you had to give your own teeth? Can other bones be exchanged for more money (and again, it doesn't have to be your bones)?
I'll have my proper character ready today and on the sheet and submitted.
Background - (1d20)
(18) = 18
Abyss - (1d10)
(6) = 6
Idealogy - (1d10)
(5) = 5
Henrietta is a social worker who is somewhat addicted to her online presence for which she uses an alias. Always seeking answers, always perplexed until she finds them, she is not all that she seems.
Go to Characters/All characters, and find the name of your Metroskate Bloodbath character in the list.
Then click on its BOOK icon, so it becomes red:

Now, when in the game forums you click on my character you should be able to see it.
Henrietta is a social worker who is somewhat addicted to her online presence for which she uses an alias. Always seeking answers, always perplexed until she finds them, she is not all that she seems.
I'm letting the handguns slide because those can technically be concealed, whereas I don't think marching through the front doors of a place armed with a shotgun ends well.
Game rules are that small items can be bundled together, so I don't want anyone losing a ton of inventory space just because they're holding a pen separately from a notebook.
Henrietta is a social worker who is somewhat addicted to her online presence for which she uses an alias. Always seeking answers, always perplexed until she finds them, she is not all that she seems.
I'm letting the handguns slide because those can technically be concealed, whereas I don't think marching through the front doors of a place armed with a shotgun ends well.