Absent Grove - Game Chat & Intro

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Sep 19, 2023 4:58 pm
Hey all,

I'm going to use this Thread as a catch-all for going over how I intend on running things, while also providing a space to ask general questions about the game/system. (Note: If your question is about your character, you should probably ask it in your Character Thread).

This will be my first time running Cairn (or GMing in pbp format) so some of this may change if it's not working. If you ever have any suggestions or feedback, I’m open to both.

Here is how I intend on running things:

1) Everyone will begin their stories in individual Threads, but I will try to nudge (but not force) you all together after not too long.
2) If 48hrs go by without a player post, they will be pinged by me as a reminder. Depending on the situation, the story may continue without their input to keep things moving.
3) If a player hasn't responded to a ping by me in 48hrs, they'll be temporarily written out of the story until I touch base with them and go from there.
4) If at any point anyone is uncomfortable with the way the story is going, let me know as my primary goal is for everyone to have fun.
5) I don’t intend on keeping too many things secret between the players, and will generally assume that if you come across information as a result of a roll that you pass that info along to the rest of the group unless you specify otherwise.
6) If there are certain parts of your backstory that you fully intend to keep private from the other players, send me a Private Note on your character thread and I’ll try not to include public reference to it in descriptions outside of a private note.

As for the posts themselves, I imagine they will generally flow like this:

- GM explains the current situation
- PC describes an intended action
-- If no roll is required: GM will provide an update to the situation accordingly.
-- If a roll is required: GM explains what the stakes are for failure and success, then the player is given the opportunity to pivot to a new plan or proceed with the roll. (This step is included to ensure no consequences befall the player without having a good understanding of the risks involved first). The GM will then update the situation accordingly based on roll results.

For post formatting, let’s try to stick to the following text formatting conventions:

- Actions are described in default font
- Anything in Bold is assumed to be said outloud by your character
- If something is meant to only be heard by some of the parties present, please explicitly say so.
- Use colors for extra emphasis.
- I will put any GM directions in purple.
OOC text should be limited to player thoughts/comments/questions
Sep 19, 2023 7:24 pm
I will use this color for speech, if everyone can see it well enough.
Sep 19, 2023 7:55 pm
I believe I have setup the character sheet template here. You should be able to copy this into a blank custom template, just update the relevant areas accordingly and when you're finished submit your character into the game.

It is my first time setting up one of these so if there's any issues on your end just let me know.

EDIT: Looks like you can click the "Create Character" button right in the sheet below to set things up.
[ +- ] Character Sheet
Sep 19, 2023 7:57 pm
RageRed says:
I will use this color for speech, if everyone can see it well enough.
On the default setting it is a little hard to read, but I use dark mode. If the others have no issues with it, you're good on my end.
Sep 19, 2023 9:41 pm
How do you handle death? It seems to come easier in this system. Do you have us create a new character, we leave the story and you recruit a new player, does our character resurrect somewhere, etc…?
Sep 19, 2023 11:40 pm
SpiritualSock511 says:
How do you handle death? It seems to come easier in this system. Do you have us create a new character, we leave the story and you recruit a new player, does our character resurrect somewhere, etc…?
If your character dies (outside of rare situations where I offer some form of devil's bargain), you'll be given the option to submit a new character or leave the game. If there's attrition I'll open the recruitment Thread.

New characters will come in on their own separate Thread, but the goal would be to give the characters the opportunity to meet and possibly form one cohesive party if those characters wish.
Sep 20, 2023 1:45 am
CurtFactor says:
RageRed says:
I will use this color for speech, if everyone can see it well enough.
On the default setting it is a little hard to read, but I use dark mode. If the others have no issues with it, you're good on my end.
I’m fine with it.
Sep 23, 2023 5:58 pm
A couple things I just wanted to add to the above:

1s and 20s: On 1s/20s something extra will happen. 1s will result in some extra benefit. 20s will result in some extra hindrance or complication, but death will only be on the table if mortal risk is telegraphed before the player decides to take a roll.

Adding Items to Inventory: Since sometimes it's not easy to tell what items are being added to inventory and what ones are being momentarily interacted with, whenever your character is picking up an item to add it to their inventory, try to include an OOC line that says something like "+Ritual Book" or something along those lines, and then update your character sheet. That way there's no confusion.
Sep 26, 2023 2:00 pm
I don't want us get bogged down in managing water and food too much, and the book is kind of vague in this area, so we'll proceed with the following food rules for now and adjust if needed.

Food and Water in The Absent Grove
If you're traveling through the woods at a normal pace, it's assumed that you're foraging/eating as you go. This is enough to keep you from going deprived, and doesn't take up any slots.

We can call more direct travel a march, and that action will come with the assumption that you're not foraging and instead need to eat from your rations that day or become deprived.

If you're not traveling, but near the woods for at least a few hours that day, it's assumed you've foraged enough for the day in that time.

Foraging extra will take a couple hours and provide perishable rations. Perishable rations are only good for two days unless preserved somehow, then they're converted into standard rations (which don't go bad).

If you want to get meat we can come up with some rolls individually for hunting/traps/fishing etc, and go from there.

As for water, let's just say filling your waterskin or equivalent item is counted under standard foraging.
As always, let me know if there's any questions or feedback.
Oct 2, 2023 6:12 pm
Heads up that I’ve asked to have my username updated because it was bothering me. I am indeed the person behind SpritualSock511. There is a typo in my new username, and I’m seeing if I can get it updated one more time.
Oct 30, 2023 1:53 am
Whether or not the horn call works in Hilmir’s thread, it’s always fun to use an item that’s not a weapon. You all best be ready because now that I got a taste for it, I’m using that horn every chance I get. 😃 📯
Oct 30, 2023 2:19 pm
Now I just keep picturing this commercial.
Dec 23, 2023 5:03 pm
Hey all,

It's a busy time of year for me (and likely others), so just wanted to say there won't be any expectations to post or anything between now and Dec 27.

If people do that's no problem either, I'll still probably check in every day but the 25th, but don't worry if your time is limited either.

Whatever you all do during this time of year, I hope you're happy and warm.
Jan 2, 2024 7:25 pm
Hello everyone, with the start of the new year, my work commitments have shifted, and I find myself in a situation at home that demands more of my attention. Consequently, my posting frequency will significantly decrease. I'm currently working on concluding or adjusting several of my ongoing games to accommodate this shift in priorities.

I might need to bow out with Hilmir, or at least set it up so that you all don't have to wait for his responses. I'd prefer not to abruptly change things for everyone, but I also don't want to be in a position where you're all waiting on me.
Jan 2, 2024 11:13 pm
Thanks for letting us know, whatever ends up working for you is what matters.

From my perspective we can possibly scale down a bit on time (Hilmir is currently the most active player anyway), or do a little something creative depending on the frequency you would be able to do with the changes.
Jan 3, 2024 2:20 am
Sounds good. I’ll keep with it with a slower posting frequency and see how things go. Don’t hesitate to tag me in a post if you need something specific from Hilmir.
Jan 31, 2024 7:14 pm
Just a heads up that the rest of this week I have several things going on, so I might be a little less active than usual. It probably won't impact anything but an FYI just in case.
Feb 8, 2024 5:52 pm
Hey everyone, I wanted to let you know that I'll be dropping out of this game. I absolutely love being part of the GP community, and it's tough for me to be in a position where I have to suddenly leave a game. Some personal stuff has made it challenging for me to contribute regularly, if at all. I genuinely appreciate the warmth and friendliness of this community. You all have been so welcoming, and I'm grateful for that. I hope to rejoin the community when things settle down for me, but for now, I don't want to hold back the group with inconsistent posts.

I know I’ve brought up this up before, but things have changed where this has become challenging to maintain.
Feb 9, 2024 2:29 am
No problem at all @SpiritualSocket, sorry that things are hectic and hope that they smooth out for you in a peaceful manner. You've been a pleasure to play with, and really brought a lot of character to Hilmir.

It's been a real joy, and I hope that in the future I find myself in a game with you again. Cheers.

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