Oct 12, 2023 7:49 pm

Your ship has arrived at it's destination in Calgary, Alberta during early hours of the evening, as it lands you see the skyscrapers and bright neon lights of the city glowing all around you. The other soldiers that had come with you began to sit up and grab their belongings and prepare to exit the ship into the city.
The two of you have been through a lot, and finally, now that the war has ended, you have been granted a chance at a new life.
You both exit the ship, with other soldiers, and are met with a heroes welcome by the locals, they cheer you on as you exit, thanking you for your service and ending the crisis that was taking place across the ocean, the hand you gifts of flowers, cowboy hats and little trinkets. Now entering the airport you get the rest of your things and turn to get out of the building so that you can go on with your night.
You look around, the theme within the airport is like an old western, employees wearing cowboy hats, denim jackets, plaid shirts, leather boots, the whole deal. To your right side is a bar where travelers can get a quick drink, to your left are a number of small shops selling food and drinks for the road and straight ahead is the exit to this place, where Misha can see a number of skytaxis waiting to pick up new clients.
If I could have you both roll a perception check please!