HcH - Vol. 1 Issue 1

Oct 20, 2023 3:07 pm
Summary so far:
"Couldn’t this have been an email?"

Who is currently in the scene:
The Team.

Are we ready to move on (Black means "I’m done"):
Black means "Go!":
amymist October 20, 2023 5:03 pm
amymist October 20, 2023 5:03 pm
amymist October 20, 2023 5:03 pm
amymist October 20, 2023 5:03 pm
Aegis October 20, 2023 5:54 pm
Aegis October 20, 2023 5:54 pm
Aegis October 20, 2023 5:54 pm
Aegis October 20, 2023 5:54 pm
BeardHare October 20, 2023 6:27 pm
BeardHare October 20, 2023 6:40 pm
BeardHare October 20, 2023 6:40 pm
BeardHare October 20, 2023 6:40 pm
BeardHare October 20, 2023 6:40 pm
BeardHare October 20, 2023 6:40 pm
BeardHare October 20, 2023 6:40 pm
Chloe October 20, 2023 10:49 pm
amymist October 21, 2023 5:44 am
timplausible October 22, 2023 6:08 pm
timplausible October 22, 2023 6:08 pm
timplausible October 22, 2023 6:08 pm
timplausible October 22, 2023 6:08 pm
timplausible October 22, 2023 6:09 pm
timplausible October 22, 2023 6:09 pm
BeardHare October 23, 2023 5:25 am
BeardHare October 23, 2023 5:25 am
Aegis October 23, 2023 6:41 pm
Aegis October 23, 2023 6:41 pm
Aegis October 23, 2023 6:41 pm
Aegis October 23, 2023 6:41 pm
Aegis October 23, 2023 6:41 pm
Oct 20, 2023 7:30 pm
It has been almost a month since the battle with The Doctor and life for most of the city has resumed back to normal. People went to work, the infrastructure around the battleground was rebuilt and tempers had cooled. Life goes on...

But for a select few young citizens of Halcyon, their lives would never be the same. In the time that has passed, Mister Phase had gotten together with some of his contemporaries and convinced them it was time to move forward with their plans. What's left of the Halcyon City Heroes (The Doorman- the man listening at every door; Azimuth- the woman at the height of human evolution; Mister Phase- none of the teens really remembered his sobriquet except Second Phase; Tempest- The Supreme Sorcerer of Halcyon) had long been discussing passing the torch and uplifting a new generation of heroes with their mentorship. With Mr. Phase's endorsement, it was decided that now was the time. The Hall, one of the meeting places for the Halcyon City Heroes when they deigned to work together, was cleaned up, refitted with equipment, and gifted to the Team.

Today is the third meeting for the Team. The past meetings were kind of a meet and greet and introduction. This time, they've been told to handle some organizational issues. Who is in charge? Will they be proactive and look for trouble or defense and used mostly for protection? Who will be the spokesperson? Who is on active duty and when? and other organizational things like that. The way that the HCH sees it is the heroism is adult work, so the kids need to prove themselves as adults by taking care of this kind of business themselves.

You're seated around a round table in The Hall. The flourescent lights above hum and pop and one or two flicker in the corner.
Alright guys. Take it from here. Use this as an a place to get us introduced to your characters thoughts, appearance, goals, etc... I'm imagining The Hall as not rundown... but it's not the bastion of high technology and gleaming steel and chrome you'd usually see on the shows and comics.
Oct 20, 2023 8:25 pm
To an observer, the metallic girl near the head of the table would appear proud. She is sitting upright, her legs crossed, her arms leaning easily on the armrests of her chair. She looks like the picture of confidence.
But it's an act. Alice Farran, the Alloy Angel, is anything but proud and confident in who she is. She is ashamed, embarrassed, scared. She doesn't understand what she has become and she mourns what she used to be and has lost. She's not one to show those feelings, however, except in her weakest moments.

Pupilless white eyes scan the other gathered teenagers, their unsettling differentness hiding the jealousy as she looks into human or human-looking faces around the table. "We are supposed to discuss the future of this team," Alice says. Her voice has a tinny tone to it, like an old recording on an even older radio. "Who is our leader, who speaks for us, who works with whom in what patrol routes and times." Her scoff sounds more like a mechanical click. "How are we supposed to decide these things when we haven't worked much together yet? We should be out on the streets right now. Not in here."
Oct 20, 2023 8:59 pm
Aria listens to Alice and nods in appreciation with her sentiments. "I too am eager for action! But studying the wars of my home planet has taught me to also appreciate strategy and the need for leadership."

With a -- perhaps flirtateous? -- smile at Alice, Aria twirls a strand of her hair, her radiant pearl-white eyes twinkling with both mischief and genuine curiosity. After an exaggerated stretch of her neon blue arms, she gazes around the table, sizing up Alice and her other teammates.

"You know," she begins with a smirk, "given my occasionally... 'extraterrestrial' understanding of Earth customs, maybe it's best I'm not the face of our PR campaign." Floating a few inches above her chair for emphasis, she continues, "However, I've got the sky covered. Patrols from above? Consider it my specialty."

Gently settling back into her seat, Solstice tilts her head, studying each of her teammates with playful intensity. "So, brainstorm time! What makes a good spokesperson, apart from a stellar understanding of puns? And who thinks you've got the chops to lead our motley crew?"
Most of you have likely noticed that Aria seems to flirt with just about everyone. An aspect of her alien culture? You likely don't know what to make of it.
Last edited October 20, 2023 8:59 pm
Oct 20, 2023 9:23 pm
At the table sat seemingly a normal girl of Asian origin.
She was wearing a similar same sort of red and grey costume as Mister Phase. On her chest was a badge, a clever mix between a Roman II and letter P. She didn't really wear much of a mask. More like a visor to protect her eyes when running. Regardless of the outfit, she looked quite more normal than some of the others at this table.

She looked awkwardly at everyone. Clearly not feeling very confident about what she was about to say.

"I don't know what makes a good spokesperson... I could do it, I guess. People might recognize me through my dad. That might kinda be a good thing... or not... But leader or not, spoke person or not. None of those matter all that much..."

she hold quiet for a moment, looking at everyone.

"Until we have a name where people can remember us by. We have to think of a team name too... PR is kinda important."
Oct 20, 2023 10:31 pm
Lex leans against a wall with her arms crossed rather than sitting down, even though she probably should still be rest her leg from the injury she took a month ago. Any mentions of it just got ignored or grumbled at however.

'Surprisingly I'm with Alice, we should actually be doing things rather than just sitting around and working logistics. Do we even need a leader?' From the few interactions with the girl the others would have had it is unlikely she would listen to one anyway. Reckless and acting in the moment she was still getting used to the whole 'team' thing. Even the hero thing was still new.

As Second Phase looks up she furrows her brows. 'Is it? As long as we do the job surely it doesn't matter?'
Oct 21, 2023 5:06 am
"I do think a name would be useful," Alice says in her tinny voice. "But it has to be catchy, evocative. So we are not letting the girl who named herself Second Phase choose it." She smiles an unsettling smile at the speedster, though to be fair, almost all her smiles are unsettling, owing to her creepy eyes. "It's just a shame that we do not function on a coherent theme. I am full of technology, Lexie here is some kind of nature guardian. Then we have an alien, a girl with goggles, a teleporter, a biker and someone who's way too secretive to function in a team."
She shrugs. "We can always call ourselves The Trashpile. Or Assorted Oddities."
Oct 21, 2023 5:43 am
Mirage sat at a corner of the table, glad not to be the center of attention. Their helmet was sitting in front of them, and they rested their hands lightly on it. Even though these people were meant to be their teammates, they felt exposed and vulnerable, out of place among the group.

They did their best to will themself to speak, though doing so did not come easily.

"Some people will probably judge us no matter what... We don't need to make it any easier for them."

They averted their gaze, their unease showing plainly on their face.
Oct 21, 2023 7:05 am
"Hey!" Second Phase says a bit offended to Alloy when she commented about her name "It's a family thing!... And I like it.... so there. And our name should be more heroic. We're not just some oddities."

She gave it some thought.

"Halcyon's Next Hopes?"
Last edited October 21, 2023 7:05 am
Oct 21, 2023 2:46 pm
Solstice perked up, her pearl-white eyes shimmering with excitement. "Oh, team names? I've been playing around with a few ideas during my sky patrols." She paused for dramatic effect, floating slightly above her chair again. "How about Starlight Sentinels? It has a certain celestial flair to it." She landed softly, leaning in with a sly grin, "Or Luminary Legion? Gives us a bright and shining touch, don't you think?" She paused, looking around the room, trying to gauge reactions. "And there's always the simple name of Halcyon Heroes. A nod to our beloved city and the peace we aim to bring." She folded her arms with a satisfied nod, eagerly awaiting feedback from her teammates.
Oct 21, 2023 3:07 pm
Alice winks at Second Phase when the speedster expresses her displeasure with Alice' comment, then listens to her and Solstice' suggestions for names. "Those all sound too fancy for us. We beat up one wannabe Mr. Hyde and suddenly we're the Solar Soldiers or something?" She shakes her head. "I think we need something more grounded." Referencing Solstice' ability to fly, she jokingly adds, "No offense, Aria."

She leans back in her chair, trying to come up with something. "The Patrol, maybe. Or The Watch." She shrugs, then turns to her helmeted teammate, who seemed to have some thoughts on the matter but is maybe too shy to express them unprompted. "Did you have any suggestions, Mirage?"
Oct 21, 2023 9:54 pm
'It's Lex...' Gets muttered under the girls breath as she is called Lexie. Annoyingly though Alice was still speaking the most sense.
'They sound.. very flashy. Not sure they suit us. We are a very...diverse group. If people insist on a name I vote something like the watch, the guard. Something simple.'
Oct 22, 2023 1:48 am
Mirage wilted a bit at being addressed directly. They tried not to fidget as they replied,
"No, er... nothing specific. Simple is okay with me. I just... " they trailed off, scrambling to collect their thoughts. "I just want to give this hero thing a real try. I don't want to blow it off."
They winced, afraid they had said too much, or been too earnest. They were afraid of sounding desperate, even if it wasn't all that far from the way they were feeling.
Oct 22, 2023 2:33 am
Aria cups her two hands to her eyes and pantomimes using imaginary binoculars to look around the room. "The Watch," she says with a coy voice. "I like that."
Oct 22, 2023 5:29 am
Alice turns her blank, white eyes to Mirage again and tries to smile in a reassuring way, something she used to be much better at, before she became part machine. "We're all just figuring this out," she says. "And nobody here thinks you're not serious about this."
She doesn't comment on the name currently going around, but the fact that people seem to like her suggestion feels good.
Oct 22, 2023 6:15 am
Nightfly has been keeping out of the contention and conflict around this meeting - ze finds it really hard to control her behaviour when ze gets upset in arguments. So instead of joining in, ze has been playing with a stick insect ze brought into the meeting - talking with it, making friends with it, distracting zirself from the arguments.

But ze forces zirself to speak up and engage - maybe ze can bring tempers down a bit, bring some levity to the situation?

"I don't think it's easy to agree on something as important as a name with so many people involved - and I agree with Second Phase, the name we go by has an impact - it effects how we think about ourselves, and what other people think of us.

I like "The Watch" but also, thinking about how that might sound to the people of Halcyon City - do they WANT to be WATCHED by us? Is that what we want them to feel, or even that we want to be doing?

I like keeping it simple - even though this job is gonna be far from simple..."

(Ze pauses to ask the stick insect - turns out it's name feels a bit like "Linda" if it were spoken in English - to make her way out into the middle of the table, turn, and look up and around at each of the team in turn - which it does, feelers waving slightly.)

"Maybe we want to help defend our city? Would "The Defenders" work? Although I feel like I heard that name used somewhere else before. Although, hey, we can be our OWN version of the Defenders!?"
Oct 22, 2023 6:28 pm
Through all the conversation, Leo says nothing. He appears engrossed in a game on his Steam deck. He's not dressed in his "costume" (even though his costume is barely a costume to begin with). He's dressed in jeans and a black hoodie sizpped all the way up, hood pulled up. He sits in his chair with his feet propped up on the table, leaning the chair backward on its two back legs.

"I still like Trashpile," he says without looking up from his game. "And I'm not sure how many of us will actually listen to a leader. Maybe what we need is just a mascot. Someone to smile for the cameras and say 'Please don't lock us up. We're heroes, we promise.'"
Oct 22, 2023 6:59 pm
"What's Leo's problem?" Nightfly asks zirself. "Like, what the hell is his deal?"

"We're never going to get anything done together if he keeps sulking and sprawling and being too cool for school like this all the time".

Ze watches Leo - trying to get some kind of a fix on where his attitude is coming from, if there's anything ze might be able to do, that could encourage him to work with the others a bit more.
Going to try using the PIERCE THE MASK move
On the mixed success I rolled I'd go for "How could I get your character to (take this meeting seriously, work with us to find a reasonable Team Name for example?")
Last edited October 22, 2023 7:04 pm


Pierce the Mask on Leo - (2d6+3)

(15) + 3 = 9

Oct 22, 2023 7:08 pm
'If we want our enemies to laugh themselves into submission.' Lex growls at Leo's suggestion. It had been a while since she had worked with him, and back then circumstances had been very different. 'Defenders, guardians maybe instead of watch. Then the princess can just wink at the reporters occasionally if image is 'so important'.' She gestures to Second Phase. ' I'm definitely not speaking to any. '

She'd got an earful from a lot of people, mostly the adults but not just, regarding the doctor fight and the amount of damage there had been. She.. they had got him in the end. Surely that was what mattered.
Oct 22, 2023 7:27 pm
"Guardians has a nice ring to it," Alice has to admit. "Even if it's still a bit high-and-mighty." But while she tries to follow the meeting, she keeps getting distracted by Leo's damned video game. She fixes him with a white-eyed glare, then - her metallic voice not making it quite clear whether she is amused or angry - says to the boy, "Shut that thing off or I will do it for you." Given her affinity with technology, she definitely could follow through with the threat.
Oct 22, 2023 8:14 pm
Nightfly says:
"How could I get your character to (take this meeting seriously, work with us to find a reasonable Team Name for example?")
Though Leo appears to be ignoring everything, watching closely, Nightfly can see that he actually pays attention to what Wild Claw and Second Phase say, but tries to hide it. One of them could probably talk him into taking the discussion seriously.
Oct 23, 2023 6:41 pm
This is all great stuff guys! Love it. I'll make a simple map with names and locations for us to look at soon.
As the group continues their discussion the lights turn off then turn back on, but everything is covered with a red light. A klaxon gives 3 sharp blasts. Then a light appears on the wall behind Alloy Angel. It's square and about 10 feet tall and 10 feet wide. A projection.

On the left hand side of the projection there are three boxes. One shows a top down map of Halcyon City with a dot over The Hall's Location and one about 15 miles away on the other side of the city, near the industrial district.

Below that is a still image of the location, a Waste Materials Refinery and Repository.

The box below that simply has the time and says "In Process/ Up to Date"

To the right is news coverage. A copter hovers outside the building taking in the site. A large hole is smoking in the east side of the building. A chiron on the bottom says "Roberts' Disposal and Repository Explosion?" As you watch, you find out that this has only just happened and there's no facts about it yet.
What do you do?
Oct 23, 2023 7:51 pm
"Cap," Second Phase just starts to Leo, already sighing at Lex.

Really? None of them get the importance of a good name or a good PR. She rubs her temples for a moment as the lights turn off suddenly. "What?"

Then she looks at the video, intensely. Very intensely. Taking in frame by frame the details.

"This could be a job for the Guardians" she says.
Second Phase can speed read and speed learn, not sure if she could speed learn from a normal speed live feed though
Oct 23, 2023 8:15 pm
'We don't even know its a job yet. Could just be chemical or something' Despite her words there is light glow visible beneath her shirt as the artifact embedded in her chest reacts to her anticipation and a rush of adrenaline at the start of something to do. She silently wills it to settle down. Even if this was a mission she preferred to do things in her usual form first anyway, more accustomed to it.

'..maybe some of us slower one should start heading there, and Princess and Leo update us then catches up?' Even if it wasn't anything they would be able to get out of this room and the pointless discussion. She pulls a mask out her pocket , a vague attempt at a disguise when not shifted. It wasn't like she worked a job or went anywhere where anyone would recognise her anyway. Except nightschool... and Jerry.. maybe a disguise did matter a little bit.
Last edited October 23, 2023 9:03 pm
Oct 23, 2023 11:29 pm
Solstice arches an eyebrow as she stares at the display with interest. Then, reaching into a compartment in her utility belt, she pulls out something the size and shape of a Matchbox car. It looks like a toy, and appears to be a 1950s spaceship shaped like a wedge.

Solstice then produces a banana from another utility belt compartment and lays it next to the toy. "Not all of us fly or have super speed, but I can fit all of you into my ship. We can be at that site in a flash."
I have a Kirby-car feature from my playbook -- "You have a vehicle, something from your home. When you are flying your ship, you can use it to unleash your powers, directly engage a threat*, or defend someone using Superior. Strengths - Size-shifting, telepathic. Weaknesses - Bizarre fuel source (fresh fruit), unarmed"
Last edited October 24, 2023 2:28 am
Oct 24, 2023 4:22 am
Mirage felt a rush of relief at the alarm going off, though they wouldn't be likely to admit it if anyone had asked. It wasn't as if they didn't care about organization or image, but they certainly didn't know how to talk about it very well.

They slid their helmet on, and though it muffled their voice somewhat, they were noticeably more relaxed as they said, "We should head there. If it's nothing, it's nothing, but I'd rather know as soon as we can instead of loitering around."
Oct 24, 2023 2:16 pm
Nightfly too is kinda glad that this going-nowhere discussion got interrupted - hey, kinda gives zir a chance to step in and support Second Phase by reinforcing The Guardians as a name for the team.

"Yeah, Guardians, let's get out there and see if we can help, you know, do some guardianing"

Nightfly bounds up out of zir seat, and pats Mirage on the back of their shoulders.

"Hey, Mirage, how about us black-clad black-masked badasses stick together? Looks like you've got a bike here, space for one more on the back there?"

Looking at Solstice, ze says:

"Thanks for the offer of a lift in your bananamobile, Solstice! But cool as that sounds, I LOVE biking through our glorious city when I get a chance. Keeps me keen!"
Last edited October 24, 2023 2:19 pm
Oct 24, 2023 3:02 pm
'A ship? You been holding out on us ET?' Lex raises an eyebrow as she looks at what Aria is holding. She'd seen enough weird things last few months not tp doubt her.

'I call shotgun'
Oct 24, 2023 3:19 pm
Solstice levitates and drifts out of the room, the toy car in one hand and a banana in the other. "Anyone who wants a lift, join me outside."

Outside, Solstice presses a recessed control on the small car and places it on the ground. It begins to swell in size until it was the size of an SUV. All sides on the alien craft gleamed with a chrome finish, and small wings protruded from the sides.

Solstice opens a slot in the side of the car, about where a gas tank lid might be, and places the banana, peal and all, inside. The flying car hums to life. "Fructose power, so much more clean and safe than the fission and fusion technologies of this planet," muses Solstice out loud.
Oct 24, 2023 3:30 pm
Alice eyes Nightfly for a moment when ze requests to join Mirage on their bike, but then heads outside after Solstice. She whistles appreciatively at the freshly-grown ship, then muses, "I don't think I've ever seen that kind of technology before. I wonder if I could interface with it."
Oct 24, 2023 9:38 pm
Leo perks up a little when Solstice starts talking about a ship.

"Cool. Guardianmobile." he says, tacitly implying his acceptance of the name.
Nightfly says:
"Hey, Mirage, how about us black-clad black-masked badasses stick together?"
"Guess I'm not a bad-ass," he mumbles. Then he disappears, leaving behind a popping sound as air rushes to fill the void where he used to be.

A few minutes later, while Solstice is explaining fructose power, Leo appears nearby. His teleport in is less noisy, producing merely a whooshing sound. When he reappears, he is dressed in his "costume" - black cargo pants, black boots, black jacket, black mask and a black hood.

"Nice ride," Leo says.
Oct 25, 2023 5:45 am
Second's eyes twinkle at the sight of the spaceship thing.

"That, I gotta try!" she says. As everyone is getting outside and Leo shows off with his teleport, she'll take the shortest route outside. Literally the shortest, straight line. Ignoring walls and closed doors, walking though as if they weren't there.
Oct 25, 2023 5:53 pm
Here is a rough map of the city for you to peruse. I'll add this to the top post of the worldbuilding thread as well. https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1tyLPvcuoQDBDDH2rPBy4RXpbn3B-uBozOgJBA-PwvPk/edit#slide=id.g1e9985da754_0_0

This is a link to a Google Slide that we can use for some of these NPCs and whatever else... I'm not sure yet.
The team splits off, making their way to the location of the waste facility. From the sky the trip is fast and easy. No traffic to compete with, just a few helicopters in the air also making their way tot he site. Soon, a plume of smoke can be seen billowing up into the sky.

You start at the edge of the business district. Towers of cement and glass surround you. Graffitti and grime cover everything, and the brown of the cement and rememnants of smog are uniform. Moving towrads the site, you go over a corner of the residential district. Blocks and blocks of apartments, some ok, some nice, go out into the distance. This is where the bulk of the "city folk" live that can't afford to live downtown or the suburbs. And finally you reach the industrial park area. While some do live here, this location is mostly for the trades. Warehouses, labs, workshops, parking lots, quarries, and any other eye sore that any city needs, but doesn't want taking up valuable realistate and aesthetics are here.

From the sky, the building is part of a compound, surrounded by a fence. The buildings east side is still smoking with a large hole going through the thick side of it. There appears to be some sort of lobby area and what feels to the group, from the outside, some sort of warehouse location.

For those on the ground, while you start near the edge of the business district, traffic at this time of day is heavy. Cars pack the streets and while Halcyon isn't a walking city anymore, there are some pedestrians on the sidewalk. An accomplished biker can split traffic and hop the curb to make their way faster than traffic would allow. But it will still take some time to get there.
So from what I saw Mirage/Nightfly are on the road on a bike, right? Are you driving safe or just trying to get there fast and not too concerned about laws and public health?

Second Phase is riding too but what do we feel her top speed is and what's her cruising speed? Like when she's just running to get somewhere?

Everyone else is in the Kirby Car. What's it called? What's it like inside?

For the building, I'm basically saying there are four zones that you can see that may be worth investigating. There could be more as well.
Oct 25, 2023 6:20 pm
'Okay I could get use to this.' Lex gives Solstice a wink as she slides into the passenger seat. Given her living circumstance it was walking or a rickety pedal bike for transport. 'What does a girl need to do to borrow this from time to time?'

She tries to act unimpressed by the view from the sky, but gives up part way through, watching out of any available windows. As they fly over the site she points to the building with the hole. 'Drop me there. I can check that part out. Either as a group or I can handle it by myself.'
Oct 25, 2023 6:39 pm
"I can drop down with you," Alice offers. "Literally drop, I mean." She knocked on her shoulder with one hand. Even where the skin looked mostly normal, it sounded like metal on metal. "I'm a lot sturdier than I look. And we can peek inside together."
Oct 25, 2023 7:58 pm

Second Phase is riding too but what do we feel her top speed is and what's her cruising speed? Like when she's just running to get somewhere?
Good question. She's basically a mix between Shadowcat and The Flash.

According to Google the Flash's top speed is roughly 8.3 million mph. Well. Nope. That's not Second Phase.

I kinda assumed her to run car-at-high-way speed while running normally.
And car-at-high-way-getting-tickets speed when in a hurry.

Loads faster during a moment of truth when she unlocks the full legacy's power
Oct 25, 2023 8:15 pm
If Mirage is good with going by bike, Nightfly will definitely be encouraging them to progress quickly through the traffic, taking cheeky options like the sidewalk to get them there sooner - and, er, to also enjoy being fast and flashy on a bike...
Oct 25, 2023 8:42 pm
Aegis says:

Everyone else is in the Kirby Car. What's it called? What's it like inside?
Before take-off, Solstice had telepathically summoned the flying car to open up. The roof slid back and disappeared into the rear of the car, seemingly defying physics. "I call her the Horizon Hawk. We don't have hawks on my planet but as earth birds go, a hawk seems cool."

The inside of the flying car was much like the outside: gleaming chrome all around, with grey seats morphed shape to accommodate the body shape of whoever sat in them. There were no visible controls. "I can control Horizon Hawk telepathically," said Solstice after seeing the quizzical looks of her passengers. "Anyway, we're in a hurry, so ..." and Solstice seemed to concentrate while falling silent. "I told her 'Dome Up'," explained Solstice, as the roof morphed out of the rear of the car and covered them in a protective dome. Inside they could see outside the car clearly, as if the bubble dome that surrounded them were made of glass. From the outside though, this roof had been chrome and didn't let you see the occupants inside.

As the Horizon Hawk took to the sky, Solstice looked over to Alloy Angel. "I've never used them, but there are some manual controls and, um, something like a neural link maybe? I don't know if you can interface with it but you're welcome to try."

Moments later they were over the target area. Solstice nodded to Lex. "Agreed, the building with the hole seems worth investigating." Solstice slid back the roof telepathically, and took the Horizon Hawk in for a closer look.
Oct 26, 2023 12:31 am
Leo's still going to call the ship the Guardianmobile.
If anyone pays attention to Leo, they can tell that he seems impressed with the Horizon Hawk. This is of note because Leo usually takes pains to seem unimpressed with everything. He doesn't say much during the trip, just stares out the dome.

After arriving, Leo listens to the group... barely. "Building with the hole. Check." And then - POP - he disappears.

A fraction of a second later, he appears on the ground, maybe 100 feet from the hole. "So what do we have going on here?" He says to himself as he scans the building.
Gonna try to assess the situation. I got a 9, so I get one question.
What's the biggest threat here?
Last edited October 26, 2023 12:34 am


Assess the situation: roll +Superior(3) - (2d6+3)

(42) + 3 = 9

Oct 26, 2023 3:47 am
Mirage winced at the physical contact, but nodded to Nightfly before making their way outside. They boarded their bike without a word, but gave Nighfly time to get situated before starting off.

While in the business district, they drove carefully, ignoring Nightfly's comments. They wouldn't have admitted it easily, but they weren't quite as used to the more populated areas of the city- or driving with a lot of traffic, for that matter.

As soon as they were clear of the more populated areas, they picked up speed, doing their best to make up the lost time.
Oct 26, 2023 1:21 pm
Nightfly doesn't notice Mirage wince at the physical contact of zir hand on them - if ze had, ze would have apologised for maybe making them uncomfortable.

Ze gets the feeling, though, that something isn't great between the two of them, as Nightfly's encouragement is ignored to have fun, take some risks, on their ride over. And if they don't feel good about having zir arms wrapped around their waist, zir chest pushed into their back - if they're maybe stiff about that, recoil from it a bit - then ze would have noticed that.

And that's tough for Nightfly. Ze wants to be liked, and this would feel like ze is being disliked, like ze is behaving wrongly. So when ze climbs off the bike, ze calls:

"Hey, Mirage, I'm sorry I asked to ride behind you, rather than waiting to be invited. I realised as we rode over, that I'd have found it hard to say no to that request in your place, and I really hope it wasn't uncomfortable for you.

In the future, would it be better if I leave you to invite me, rather than me asking for it?"

To try and hide zir neediness, how important it is for zir to be liked by Mirage, ze adds with an extra dose of bonhomie:

"You know? Just wanna make sure that this pair of black-clad badassess will be feeling good about kicking some ass - and feel good about doing it together - you know?"
Last edited October 26, 2023 1:32 pm
Oct 26, 2023 1:52 pm
"Damn show-off," the Alloy Angel complains to Lex when Leo teleports down. "Should we leave the hole to him then and check the wider area, Wild Girl?" The wrong codename is definitely on purpose. "Should you and I stick together? Maybe check that warehouse right there?"
Oct 26, 2023 2:29 pm
Lex rolls her eyes as Leo immeadiatly disappears. 'Show off' She mutters. It wasn't just aimed at him either with the casual way Alice mentioned surviving the drop. Not that Lex couldn't while shifted. She'd learnt she could take a lot of punishment as Wild Claw. She just didn't want to shift right of the bat, it was a lot easier giving in to the artefacts power than it was put it back again.

'Sure thing Metallica' She retaliates immeadiatly against the misname as she goes to open the door. 'Solstice move us a little lower? You joining us? Or keeping an eye from the skies?
Oct 26, 2023 7:07 pm
"Taking her in for drop-off." Solstice telepathically guides the craft towards the warehouse, where the ship lands with barely a noise.

After all passengers depart the Horizon Hawk, Solstice shrinks the craft back down to miniaturized size. She stoys the device in her utlilty belt.

"Let me run recon for a bit from above. I'll alert you to anything I see. I'll listen on our comms for any urgent need and I can join in when needed."
Making a move to 'Assess the Situation', knowing that I might know anything right away but I'll hopefully notice things over time.


ASSESS THE SITUATION - (2d6+(2)+(0))

(65) + 2 = 13

Oct 26, 2023 8:10 pm
Team: 1
Great stuff.

I think going by motorcycle and being "careful" aka driving responsibly and not trying to hurt people, will take a beat or two. So those two will arrive a little later. So the Nightfly Mirage conversation doesn't happen just yet.

BUT! if you want to get there nowish...Mirage can make an "Unleash your Powers" roll with the obstacle being, essentially, city geography and roads and traffic. She'll unleash when she gets to the Industrial Park side of town, according to Mirage's Narration. Otherwise, I'll let you know when they get there.

As such, when we start engaging, it won't be with the "Team Pool" yet.
The Blackclad Biker Badasses are making great time as they go through the city. Mirage drives excellently, picking up speed when able, but otherwise driving very safely. To pedestrians and civilians, these two are some of the most considerate motorcyclists they've seen.
What does teleporting feel like to Capt. Teleport?
Captain Teleport hides behind the wall and peaks in. His eyes scan the area. He sees a manufacturing area. Robotic arms and movers and huge industrial machines line the wall and fill the space. The far wall is very far back, it's a big space. Standing inside the warehouse he sees two people looking into another smoking hole in the ground and not talking.

A man dressed in a black vest and pants and a long beard in three braids. He's large and muscular with wide hips.

The woman is wearing an orange jumpsuit. Night tight, but definetly showing off her form. She's of average height but a fit and athletic build.

The Woman is the one he knows. The biggest threat. Heatwave. She's a known super powered thug, not quiet villain, with heat manipulation powers.
Oct 26, 2023 9:24 pm
Aegis says:
What does teleporting feel like to Capt. Teleport?
The travel is instantaneous, with no sense of in between. He's one place, then he's somwhere else. There's a fraction of a second between when he thinks the thought to teleport and when it actually happens, and during that fraction of a second, his entire body starts to feel... something. Maybe it's pain, but then he teleports and that feeling is gone. On the other end, there's an odd sensation on his skin from pushimg the air out of the way. When he first got the power, teleporting would make him feel a little disoriented, but he's adapted to that.
Leo ducks completely behind the wall when he sees Heatwave. He looks around and then teleports to a spot farther away from the hole, but still out of sight of the crew in the building. He's just trying to get out of earshot.

He taps his comm. "Ok, gang. We got a big gun in the building - Heatwave. Also some big guy with a beard and another woman. The place looks like an automated factory. The baddies may be trying to get at something below. They've made another hole in the floor."

With that, Leo looks around for any of his teammates.
Oct 26, 2023 9:33 pm
Lex steps out of the Kirby car and doesn't even bother to check Alloy is following her as she starts to move towards the warehouse to check it out, just assuming she will.

Just as they reach the door however Leo comes across on comms and she curses. 'Of course they're bloody there. Should have trusted my instincts.' She taps on the com. 'On the way.'

She turns and starts to run towards the building with the hole. To those watching it's not clear if her intent is to join up with Leo or just charge straight in.
Oct 26, 2023 10:43 pm
ye i'll go for the roll
edit: lol
Once Mirage felt they were clear of people, and they had started to pick up speed, a faint green telekinetic aura shimmered around the bike. They hoped to be able to give themself an advantage to both speed and control- though they were still getting used to how it felt to use their powers without any support from Doctor Metcett's equipment.

Once they arrived, Mirage turned to face Nightfly, the tinted visor of their helmet hiding their expression as they listened to him.

"No, no," they started their tone revealing how flustered they felt. "You didn't do anything wrong. Sorry if I made it seem that way."

They let that statement hang awkwardly in the air for a moment before adding,

"And I uh, don't really think I'd call myself a 'badass.' I'm still trying to get used to..." they gestured broadly, "All of this. Just give me some time."
Last edited October 26, 2023 10:49 pm


Unleash your Powers - (2d6+(2)+(0))

(13) + 2 = 6

Oct 27, 2023 4:24 am
Alice follows along with Wild Claw and turns at Leo's announcement that he has found the villains responsible for the attack. As she runs with Lex, she, referring back to Lex' previous joke, comments, "Well, I was going to recommend we Seek & Destroy the attackers, but it looks like the captain took care of the Seek part. How boring."
As they approach the hole, she grows more serious and adds, "I haven't had a chance to test this body against heat yet. So, uhm, I would appreciate if you guys don't let me melt. Captain, can't you grab her, teleport her out and in our path and we slug her while she's still cooled off from the transport?"
Oct 27, 2023 6:55 pm
It's obvious how flustered Mirage is feeling - Nightfly feels pretty awful that ze seems to have made them so uncomfortable. Ze is going to be much more careful about physical contact with Mirage in the future. Although ze also hopes ze can maybe help Mirage feel more comfortable around zir eventually (because, hey, zir really really wants other people to like zir... and tends to try what some people would describe as "too hard" to make that happen...)

Ze tries to shrug off the awkwardness and make light of it:

"Hey, oh, yeah, of course, Mirage - you take all the time you need. Really glad to have you here. And, I mean..."

(there is an awkward pause)

"I guess the main thing about asses, good or bad, is that we go out there and we kick some that need kicking...?"

Ze smiles kinda shyly over at Mirage, gives them a wink, and mock-flexes zir arms in a bodybuilder's pose.
This is not supposed to be Nightfly flirting with Mirage - the wink is intended by Nightfly as a little 'hey, just joking and teasing around here', trying, and maybe/probably failing, to put Mirage at ease.
Collecting zirselves, switching back to professional mode, Nightfly returns zir attention to the reason they're out here together, and calls out to Solstice on zir comms unit:

"Hey, Solstice! Can you see us from up there? Got a sitrep for us? Where can we go to help out?"
Oct 27, 2023 7:41 pm
Alloy Angel says:
"Captain, can't you grab her, teleport her out and in our path and we slug her while she's still cooled off from the transport?"
"That's certainly possible. I'm not terribly thrilled about the idea of porting alone into a group of baddies though. Is everybody ready to come save me if things go south?"
Last edited October 27, 2023 8:12 pm
Oct 27, 2023 7:52 pm
'Hey don't worry no ones getting melted. Not while I'm around.' Lex gives Alloy a wink before her game face is back on. She has however slowed down as a plan starts being discussed. 'I can be near enough to rush in if need be. Princess you good to be on standby? She queries Michelle over comms.
Oct 27, 2023 7:53 pm
"I'd be a shit leader if I let one of the Guardians get killed on my watch," Alice responds to Leo over the comms. Is she serious about calling herself the leader? Her metallic tone is definitely unreadable enough to not give a clue. "Now go in there, Cap. And more importantly, come back out!"
Oct 27, 2023 8:39 pm
'Hold up, what.' Lex stops her attempt to get hold of Michelle. ' We didn't agree on a leader, so that had better be a joke.' Though it would be funny to see Alice and Michelle, who she suspected also wanted the title arguing over it. Either way she wasn't listening to either of them.

'Ready when you are Le.. Teleport' She remembers they shouldn't be using real names, but she wasn't calling him Captain. The artefact in her chest begins to glow as she starts to shift into a hulking form, ready to wait for Heatwave to be delivered to them or rush in if things went wrong.
Oct 27, 2023 9:31 pm
Michelle had been running through the city and through the walls and buildings. Through cars and shops. In a straight line. And when she arrived she just smiled at Leo. "Hi", without breaking a sweat, watching the skies for the Horizon Hawk.
Michelle nods to Lex and Leo. "Yeah, I'm ready to rush in, Cap, if things go wrong. But you can do this. for sure."
"We can discuss leadership another day, Alloy. Now, we need to make sure Cap doesn't get toasted. Everyone get at the ready!"
Sorry for the short snippets all. It was just A LOT happening to catch up to...
Oct 27, 2023 9:45 pm
I have the feeling Mirage and Nightfly still haven't arrived yet

@Aegis, if you want to ping me when you feel Nightfly/Mirage will be on-site with the others, you can let me know to wait for your call - otherwise I'll just jump in at some point.
Last edited October 28, 2023 8:27 am
Oct 28, 2023 1:08 am
I purposefully had Leo charge in without waiting for the others. Not trying to rush the game. Just Leo being impulsive.
Oct 28, 2023 12:39 pm
BeardHare says:

"Hey, Solstice! Can you see us from up there? Got a sitrep for us? Where can we go to help out?"
I figure Solstice will continue recon from the sky to ascertain (1) which of the areas in the compound have active threats (there may be more than one group of threats), (2) what is the motive of the creatures behind the threat. Once the GM resolves my 'ASSESS THE SITUATION' for this I'll radio out on comms what I've seen. If Heatwave and their companions appear to be the only threat, I'll announce that and then Solstice will fly in to rendevous with the rest of the team.

Oct 29, 2023 8:38 am
Just a bit of social interaction here between Nightfly and Mirage/@amymist - not pushing the plot forward, feel free to skip over it.
Nightfly gets a strong vibe from Mirage that they are struggling to fit in, feel comfortable, and that resonates very strongly also with zir. Ze is scared of making zierself vulnerable here, but ze also really wants to reach out and connect to them - sharing that they are maybe both feeling the same way might help both of them deal with this all? You know? Like, even just being a super hero and a teenager at the same time is a LOT. So while waiting to hear back from Solstice, Nightfly turns to Mirage.

"We didn't have much of a chance to chat, since we started working here together - you know, in The Guardians, if that's the name we're going to go with here. It feels like you had a pretty rough time before we all got together - and that maybe you're still having a pretty rough time of it."

"I know, I talk a lot. You know, I try and talk less, but it just comes out of me when I'm trying to fit in, trying to deal with feeling like I'm out of place. And I really want us all to get along well - and, yeah... for you all to like me."

"And, Mirage, I like you. Even though I'm feeling awkward saying this, I'm glad to be here with you, facing this with you, and I really look forward to us becoming friends. If you ever, you know, just wanna hang out, maybe silently, feeling kinda awkward, but also it kinda helping to be around someone else who likes you, you know where I am.".

And Nightly makes a kinda goofy set of thumbs-up towards Mirage - trying to make what is actually a really important moment for zir seem a bit less risky, a bit less vulnerable, to Mirage.
Nightfly is trying to "Comfort or Support" Mirage here - er, maybe that's the last thing they want or need, but it seems ze are trying it anyway, clouded as ze may be by zir urge to connect to others.


"Comfort or Support" move - (2d6+3)

(42) + 3 = 9

Oct 30, 2023 8:39 pm
Team: 1
Gotcha. Rushing in is definetly something a Delinquent would do.

And I love the Mirage/Nightfly Scene. After Captain Teleport starts this confrontation, we'll get the bikers in. I'll still ping you when the time comes.
Solstice flies the Kirby Car around the building, doing some reconnaissance. She sees Wild Claw and Alloy Angel start running to the location that Captain Teleport is at. Follwoing the smoke trail.

As she flies in the direction counter to the runners, she notices something strange through a window to the lobby of the building... some people seated near a window. And also seemingly peaking out through a window. You'd think with the building on fire and probably unbder attack. Most people would leave, not sit "calmly" in the building. He gut says there is a threat in the lobby.

She continues to fly until she gets back to where the others are. From the air, she saw no signs of anything out of the ordinary in the robotics lab or the warehouse.

She takes in everything she's seen and heard and tries to figure out why they would be here. The potential hostages in the lobby and the two people standing over the whole in the East building? Other than some holes in the wall and floor, no real damage? If it's not destruction they are here for and there no wanton violence? Theft maybe? Then there must be someone in that hole that Captain Teleport saw. Another threat.
Second Phase stands near Captain Teleport as he hunkers down, waiting for backup to arrive. Even as the Alloy Angel and Wild Claw continue thier approach, he takes one more look at his target, then blinks out of Second Phases sight.
Captain, give me a directly engage the threat roll. Where are you trying to take Heatwave?
[ +- ] Summary
Oct 30, 2023 8:54 pm
Where are you trying to take Heatwave?
I think the idea was to put her right into our running path so we can give her a nice running punch as she's depowered. Unless Cap has other plans of course. It's his teleport.
Oct 30, 2023 9:04 pm
"Team, Solstice here. I've completed a sweep of the area. Something's off. In the building lobby, I spotted people sitting calmly despite the chaos - potential hostages, or maybe they're in on it? No obvious destruction in the robotics lab or the warehouse.

Here's my read: This isn't about destruction or random violence. It feels like a heist, or they're after someone or something specific. The people in the lobby could be a distraction, or they're guarding something. And there's definitely something or someone important in that hole Captain Teleport mentioned.

I'll stand by; contact me if you need me."
Oct 30, 2023 10:57 pm
"Here we go."

Leo intends to teleport behind Heatwave, give her a surprise bear hug, then teleport her to where Alloy and Wild Claw are. Then he intends to port a short distance away (still near the fight, but out of reach - teleporting is just quicker than walking).
I'm taking +1 forward for acting on info from his Assess the Situation success.
Edit: ouch.
Last edited October 30, 2023 10:58 pm


Directly Engage a Threat - (2d6+1)

(14) + 1 = 6

Oct 31, 2023 3:38 am
Well, this is definitely the most fun result you could have rolled.

Don't forget to mark potential
Oct 31, 2023 1:12 pm
Michelle looks at Leo teleporting out, and then at the place she'd expect him to return.
Hopefully he won't take too long.

But her mind is also set at the possible people in trouble in the lobby.
don't want to take too much action and see how Cap does :)
Last edited October 31, 2023 1:13 pm
Nov 1, 2023 4:08 pm
Team: 1
Captain Teleport blinks into existence behind Heatwave. The puff of air as he incorporates doesn’t seem to announce his presence but in that split second a sharp pain and incredible tightness slaps across his chest and arms. Binding them tightly.

"Gotcha." There’s a sense of movement as he's pulled from his feet and thrown across the room and up against a wall. The man begins walking toward him, his right arm starts glowing red. While pressed against the wall, Captain Teleport tries to teleport out of whatever has him bound, but whenever he tries to access his power... there's static. He can't quite touch it. He's stuck.

"I was wondering when someone would come." Heatwave starts running towards the hole in the wall, outside. "Heatwave, stay there... I guess, nevermind." He has a thick lower Halcyon City accent as he says this looking over his shoulder towards where she used to be. He touches his ear "All points... we have an intruder."

A radio crackles. <Azimuth or Doorman?>

"Niether some brat. I've got him locked down. He's lucky I wasn't charged up when I grabbed him."
Alloy Angel and Wild Claw come around the corner in time to see Heatwave running out of the building, looking around, scanning the area for trouble.

Solstice can see her from the sky, Heatwaves jumpsuit shines in the daylight. Solstice can also see Nightfly and Mirage just a few moments out, tearing down the street on their bike.

Behind cover, Heatwave can't see Second Phase, but she's running straight at the hero.
What do you all do now?
[ +- ] Summary
Nov 1, 2023 4:15 pm
Only a short distance ahead, the Alloy Angel sees Heatwave, not teleported out by the captain, but running out by herself. And Captain Teleport himself is nowhere to be seen. "Damn it," the half-machine girl curses. "I guess there's a change of plan. One of us handles Heatwave, the other goes in to check on the captain. Which one's going to be you, Claw?"

Wild Claw


Nov 1, 2023 6:27 pm
Wild Claw

''Both' Wild Claw's voice is deep and guttural as she surges forward heading straight for heatwave. She said she would protect Leo if things went wrong. She said she would protect Alloy Angel from Heatwave. So the simple solution was bring them back to the same spot...

It quickly becomes clear to everyone watching that as she charges Heatwave she has no intention of stopping, hoping to slam into the villain and take her with her back into the building, through the wall if need be.
Hoping it to be a directly engage a threat so will roll that, and if allowed use the following ability if her crashing with Heatwave back through the wall making the hole bigger would suffice. If not no worries 9(Also no worries if she can't bullrush Heatwave and she gets stuck fighting her.
If not directly engage a threat will reroll, just though in pbp its easier to assume a roll sometimes and ignore if not needed :P.

If Roll stands will pick - resist or avoid their blows
-create an opportunity for your allies
And for the extra wall smashing - impress, surprise, or frighten the opposition
[ +- ] In a china shop
Last edited November 1, 2023 7:36 pm



(54) + 2 = 11

Nov 1, 2023 6:30 pm
When Alloy sees what Wild Claw is planning to do, she slows down just a little bit so she won't get in the way. As she watches Wild Claw collide with Heatwave, she comments, "Okay, that's badass!"
Nov 1, 2023 8:04 pm
Seeing Wild Claw and Heatwave get in a fight, Second rushes forward to find Captain Teleport.

Bolting straight through the cover she hid behind and going at top speed straight for the building Heatwave and Teleport were in, entering the building through a side wall.

While in the building she'll attempt to locate Cap and, if she realizes that he is trapped by something, attempt to release him from it.
I am guessing that could be Defend? If it'd be something else, just give the call :)


SAVIOR: - (2d6+(2))

(24) + 2 = 8

Nov 1, 2023 8:12 pm
Solstice has exited the flying car some moments ago (it is now miniaturized and in a pouch in her utlitity belt again). As she flew independent of the Horizon Hawk, she observed with a smile Wild Claw rushing in to deal with Heatwave.

Over comms, Solstice announces: "Going in to check on the Captain."

I hope Leo is OK, muses Solstice as she flies in like a bird of prey.
Nov 1, 2023 10:52 pm
What has Teleport trapped? Is someone holding him? Is there a physical restraint? Is it an invisible force? And how trapped is "trapped"? Can he move any parts of his body? Can he talk?
Nov 1, 2023 11:40 pm
Ah. Yeah. My bad. What CT is captured by is is an invisible psychically generated whip. The guy you’re fighting is called "Backlash". Kind of a weaker version of Psylock. Except a man and white a whip. Because he caught you in the whip, it’s causing psychic feedback that canceling your powers. Your arms are bound but you can still walk and talk and maybe do something with your hands other than break out.

"Capture someone" is a GM move for if a player gets a miss, that’s why he’s captured. And "Put them in Chains" is a GM move against delinquents, so it works doubly.

So to get out, someone needs to help you, which they are on the way to now, or use "Unleash your Powers" to overcome this obstacle.

I hope that clarifies. If not, let me know. I’ll try to be more clear about this stuff going forward.
Nov 2, 2023 2:07 am
No problem. You don't have to spell out your GM moves. I just wanted to understand the details to decide how Leo would react.
So you're Heatwave's newest flunkie sidekick, huh?"

Leo has no idea what he's talking about. He's just trying to distract this guy while the team is coming.
Last edited November 2, 2023 2:08 am
Nov 2, 2023 8:35 am
following up on my previous post, now I understand the situation better
Michelle sneaked into the building through the sidewall, phasing through it.
Noticing the man holding Cap by his whip.

"Got it, Solstice," she whispered back through her com "Some dude has him in a whipthing. Hurry up and we tackle him together."

She held ready to charge at the man and surprise ram him at full speed the moment Solstice showed up for back up.
Nov 2, 2023 5:41 pm
Solstice barrels in from above and surveys the scene. Hovering about 5 feet from the ground, she then shouts "Let. Go. Of. My. FRIEND!" and uses her heliokinesis power to blast a bolt of solar energy at the enemy holding Cap captive.
@Chloe, I figure we could either (1) make it a combo attack (our attacks could be simultaneous), or (2) maybe you rush to Cap to make sure he is free and OK? Not sure if my attack with disable the psychic whip.
Last edited November 2, 2023 5:42 pm


UNLEASH YOUR POWERS - (2d6+(2)+(0))

(25) + 2 = 9

Nov 2, 2023 11:35 pm
Kinda already set up to attack, so going on with that
Michelle sees Aria charge in and blast solar energy.
At that moment she also rushes forward, faster than speeding car, and readies to tackle the man with the whip.
I feel like a direct engage here?
Unleashing powers is a bit hard to get - but as there is a more specific option the book suggests to follow that.
[ +- ] Fight the good fight

Rolled a 10. If I am doing this right I can pick 2. So I'd pick
1. create an opportunity for your allies
2. resist or avoid their blows
Michelle rushes at the guy and takes at top speed kicks slams up to him just as Solstice's sunbolt lights the room. Knocking him over in surprise, before he can hurt her back and hopefully creating momentum for Leo to escape.
Last edited November 2, 2023 11:42 pm


SAVIOR: - (2d6+(2))

(35) + 2 = 10

Nov 3, 2023 8:20 pm
Team: 3
The red energy unwinds around the man’s right arm. The tilts his neck from side to side releasing a series of cracks and pops. He points his left arm at Captain Teleport and says "I didn’t want to make a name for myself by taking out a kid playing hero. But I’ve got to provide for the family somehow. " it falls to the floor, creating a whip. His right arm goes up, around and then finally, forcefully, down. And the whip follows the same trajectory, up around and down on to Captain Teleport…

Or at least where he had been an instant before.

An enormous crash sounds behind him. Wild Claw, with Heatwave dazed in her arms, has taken out a chunk of wall and tosses Heatwave at the feet of the man.

As he looks down and the woman sprawled on his feet, his arms slows and in that briefest moment, Second Phase sees her opportunity. She shoulder charges him from oneside, as a solar flare from Solstice hits him from the other. Caught between the two, he screams and his red energy fizzles.

Captain Teleport begins to fall to the ground, but instantly blinks to be near the wall with the hole. Second Phase goes to join the group just as Mirage and Nightfly arrive.

Nightfly backflips off the bike and lands in a classic 3 point superhero pose.

The two villains stand, pained but intent, and arrayed before them with the sun at their backs with streams of light cascading through the open wall and the smoke, are our 7 Next Generation Heroes in shiloutte. The team finally reunited and truly ready.

The man seems lost and confused. Heatwave reaches up, slowly to touch her ear. Disheartened. "We could use some backup here."
Everyone answer the following in your post, it has to be unanimous to get the team point:

When you enter battle against a dangerous foe as a team, add two to the Team pool.
• If the leader has Influence over every teammate, add another Team. Who do you think the leader is?
• If everyone has the same purpose in the fight, add another Team.What is your purpose here?
• If any team member mistrusts the leader or the team, remove a Team.Do you trust your team and the leader
• If your team is ill-prepared or offbalance, remove a Team. Do you feel offbalance
[ +- ] Summary
Nov 3, 2023 8:44 pm
"Oh no, you don't!" the Alloy Angel's tinny voice calls out as the supervillainess reaches for her headset. She reaches out a metal hand and tries to connect to the woman's headset, interrupting the connection and destroying her comms before the message gets out.
• They haven't chosen a leader yet, but lacking that, Alloy treats herself as the leader of the group.
• Alloy's primary purpose is for the team to look good here, which will probably include as secondary purpose stopping the crime in progress.
• She doesn't mistrust anyone on the team in particular.
• I don't think we're particularly offbalance. We didn't have much preptime, but we weren't taken by surprise or ambushed.
Nov 4, 2023 1:58 am
HI sorry this took so long!!! i am alive again now, gonna try and get caught up haha

if i understand right, the 9 @beardhare got on the comfort or support roll means i can mark potential for having mirage open up a bit, so that’s what i’m going for. playin a little fuzzy with the timeline as well, but hopefully it makes enough sense to work.
Mirage was quiet for a while after Nightfly spoke. They were surprised that ze had picked up on how they were feeling, and while it made them feel a bit exposed… It wasn’t all bad.

At the very least, they felt like if Nightfly was going to be one at about zir feelings, it was only fair to do the same. A little bit, anyway.

"Don’t be too hard on yourself. I… kind of like hearing you talk. I’ve never exactly been very outgoing. I don’t really know how to put myself out there, or say what I think a lot of the time. I…" they hesitated, not for the first time. "I think it’s cool that you’re able to do that. Even just talking like this, I don’t think I would have been able to do it if you hadn’t said something first. So… I appreciate it."

Mirage fell silent again, partly because they weren’t sure what else to say, but partly to listen to the communications from the rest of the team. It was hard to follow exactly what had been happening so far- but it was hard to miss where Wild Claw had smashed a hole in the wall.

They closed the distance, and once they were reunited with the group, surveyed the area, trying to get a sense for what they were dealing with.

Time to immediately undermine the unanimous answers, eh-heh.

• Mirage thinks Second Phase made the best case for being chosen as leader at the earlier meeting.
• They see this as a chance to prove that the group can act as a team to get things done.
• They generally trust the team. At least, they know they can be relied on in a fight.
• They don’t feel off-balance. I think their conversation with Nightfly helped them feel more at-ease than they did at the meeting, and the obvious fight situation gives them a sense of focus and purpose.

Also, I’m gonna try to assess the situation. If I succeed, I’ll edit my questions in.
edit: but i didn’t! two fails in a row, haha
Last edited November 4, 2023 1:59 am


Assess The Situation - (2d6+(0))

(33) = 6

Wild Claw


Nov 4, 2023 7:46 pm
Wild Claw

Wild Claw let's out a a sound that sounds like grinding stone, not too dissimilar to a growl as they take a threatening step forward to the two villains even as the rest of the teams arrive and form together.
While Claw is currently refusing to acknowledge anyone as leader, especially not Second Phase or who wants it.
Take down the bad guys
Not necessarily mistrust but she definitely doesn't trust the others to have her back or be competent yet.
Don't think they are off balance.
Last edited November 4, 2023 9:00 pm
Nov 4, 2023 8:29 pm
As per OOC, rolling to Directly Engage a Threat

For a full success, I want to:
- take something from them: Their ability to communicate remotely
- resist or avoid their blows: They can't use this opportunity for a counterattack on Alloy
Last edited November 4, 2023 8:31 pm



(54) + 1 = 10

Nov 4, 2023 9:04 pm
I'm going to wait for all the moves to resolve before posting making another Leo post. So don't wait on me.
Nov 5, 2023 12:56 am
Stunned by the show of force against them, the villains take moment to try to get back on plan. The moment is too long though, as Heatwave raises her hand to summon backup, Alloy Angel darts forward.

Her hand snakes out, lighting fast and unerring. Heatwave weaves her head, with a boxers experience, but her head wasn’t the target. Instead it’s the earpiece she wears. She swings a hook at Alloy Angel which is dodged.

As Alloy Angel makes contact, a splash of static shoots through their comma before going quiet permanently.

And just like that, she’s back to where she stood just a second or two before. The wall behind the heroes continues to crumble from Wild Claw’s rush through the wall.
Whoever wants to go next can.
[ +- ] Who’s next?
Nov 5, 2023 9:43 pm
Solstice sees how tough this fight is shaping up to be. "Why do evil supervillains have to be so evil," mutters Solstice under her breath.

Aria unleashes another bolt of sun power towards Heatwave.
When you enter battle against a dangerous foe as a team, add two to the Team pool.
• Who do you think the leader is? Alloy Angel.
• What is your purpose here? To nullify the enemy threat.
• Do you trust your team and the leader? Yes.
• Do you feel offbalance? No.
Last edited November 5, 2023 9:43 pm



(56) - 1 = 10

Nov 5, 2023 11:33 pm
As his teammates charge in, Leo quiets down. He focuses his attention on the man that has him trapped, waiting for an opening to escape.
He takes a moment to get his bearings, looking to see where he might cause the most damage... er, help the most.
Leo doesn't think anyone is the leader yet.
His purpose here is to kick butt.
Leo does not trust the team as a unit yet - just some of the members.
Leo definitely feels off balance.

Edited because he wasn't actually still trapped.
Last edited November 7, 2023 11:06 pm
Nov 7, 2023 12:53 am
A Lance of Solar Energy blasts from Solstices hand. Heatwave, sensing the attack, raises a wall of pure heat in front of her. The air distorts and turns orange as it goes up, a smirk on her face.

But Solstices blast is more than just heat or just force. And while that cascades off the shield, the primordial energies punch through, blasting Heatwave in the chest, laying her down and stunning her again, near the base of that hole in the floor. She mumbles about how she should never have come out to this shit show.

But that mumble goes unheard by Solstice who is hit in the chest by a red whip of energy originating from the man. It hurts, but weirdly almost more emotionally than physically, "Lets see how you do with someone with more than just a bit of heat to hit you with! Take your chance with Backlash!" He cracks the whip in the air, and it gets larger, thicker and deeper red and another few feet of the wall behind the team crumbles to the ground.
Solstice has to take a condition. What’s she feeling right now and why?

And who’s next?
[ +- ] Summary

Wild Claw


Nov 7, 2023 7:22 am
Wild Claw
@timplausible As a heads up Leo is no longer trapped I believe. He got out when Second Phase ran into the guy.
As Solstice is hit by the whip Wild claws attention turns to the man. 'Compensating?' Is the only word that leave her as suddenly she starts to move forward to slam into him. It worked with Heatwave, why stop now.
I like the idea of Wild Claw being a sort of juggernaut so let's go for resist or avoid blows, and then create and opportunity for allies as well Actually let's fgo for surprise, frighten or impress again.
Last edited November 7, 2023 7:27 am



(53) + 2 = 10

Nov 7, 2023 9:47 am
Nightfly sees Solstice being hit by the red energy whip, sees her face change in ways zir hasn't seen before - sees her loose some of that overwhelming sense of power and confidence that was always such a dominant part of her.

And zir heart aches as ze sees this. Solstice is always damn MAGNIFICENT to behold! But seeing her vulnerability here, in the middle of the fight, zir heart swells with concern, connection, and er yeah desire for this incredible unearthly being.

Pulling zirself together, Nightfly bellows up at Solstice:

"Hey, Solstice, babe!"

"You've got this! Shake it off!"

"We're here, together, with you, we're going to take these asshats down!"

"And you're going to be up there making it happen!"

"Doing what you do best, being freaking AWESOME, and looking SPECTACULAR while doing it!"
Using "Comfort or Support" here to give Solstice, hopefully, a chance to clear a condition if she wants to.
Having rolled an 11, I'll add a Team to the pool - @Dreamweaver/Solstice, if Solstice opens up to me, you get to either "mark potential, clear a condition, or shift Labels"
Last edited November 7, 2023 9:51 am


"Comfort or Support" move - (2d6+3)

(26) + 3 = 11

Nov 7, 2023 9:56 am
When you enter battle against a dangerous foe as a team, add two to the Team pool.

Who do you think the leader is? Second Phase (well, that's at least who Nightfly would most like to follow, and Nightfly has no particular interest in being leader zirself)

What is your purpose here? Save the city from the baddies!

Do you trust your team and the leader? Yes.

Do you feel offbalance? Yes - Nightfly usually feels off-balance, messed up in zir conflict between mundane and hero roles, constantly seeking affirmation and connection with those around zir to try and build up zir sense of esteem and confidence. With the team being so new and fresh, that offbalance feeling is strong - even though connecting with Mirage earlier was good for this, helped zir out a bit by making zir feel a bit more grounded.
Nov 7, 2023 4:38 pm
Solstice takes the 'Hopeless' condition after getting hit.
Reeling from the crack of Backlash's whip, Solstice’s breath catches in her throat, the strike leaving a searing blow to her spirit. Her blazing white eyes seemed to dim under the weight of an unfamiliar hopelessness. "Is this it?" she wonders silently, her home planet feeling a million light-years away. Aria had long been a loner, and in past times she was able to tackle any obstacle with easy success. But the power of these super villains left her feeling hopeless, and as always, alone.

The villain's taunts cut through the air, but it's Nightfly's voice that anchors her, pulling her back from the edge of despair. "You've got this! Shake it off!" Nightfly's other words reminded Aria that she wasn't alone, not anymore. She was part of a team, and the weight of responsibility was not hers alone.

Solstice locks eyes with Nightfly, her posture unsteady but her resolve clear. "I have always fought alone," she admits, her voice a quiet force amid the tumult. "And alone, I see I cannot stand."

Aria rises to hover in an action pose, her smile a flicker of light in the dark. "But here, with you, I found true strength — not in solitude, but in unity."

With a nod to Nightfly, her eyes shine with newfound determination. "We're a constellation, not lone stars. Your trust is my armor, Nightfly. Let's finish this, together."
Solstice, assuming the GM agrees that this qualifies as Aria opening up to Nightfly, will now remove the 'Hopeless' condition.
Nov 7, 2023 11:02 pm
It seems that somehow I missed the GREAT BIG POST that said Leo got free. I'll retcon his last non-action (just the flavor).
Leo sees Backlash strike Aria. "Dude, you are really pissing me off." Leo teleports directly in front of Backlash. "Boo! he screams, then immediately teleports behind him. "Over here!" Then he ports to one side and taps him on the shoulder. "No here!" Leo keeps blinking around Backlash, taunting him, hoping to distract or confuse him enough for someone to get an opening.
Attempting the Are you watching closely Delinquent move.

Success! I will choose to Confuse them for some time and Avoid further entanglements. Backlash gets spun around so much that he gets dizzy, and I'd like Leo to repeatedly dodge attempts by their attempts to hit him - just to look cool.
Last edited November 7, 2023 11:31 pm


Are you watching closely? (+superior) - (2d6+3)

(55) + 3 = 13

Nov 8, 2023 1:42 am
Team: 6
I love that Wild Claw is just rampaging. Wild Claw is still in human form right?

Yeah. I’d call that Solstice opening up to Nightfly. That’s great both of you!
In response, Wild Claw rushes Backlash, head and horns down and shoulder down in a classic bull rush. He tries to bring his whip around and strike her, buts at a weird place in its arc and doesn’t connect. Wild Claw makes contact right in his torso, sending him flying as well. The whip trails after him but he lands in a heap next Heatwave who is still recovering from the blistering attack.

He rolls over onto his feet, and for a moment looks up, as if to pray. He looks back at the team, a feeling of hopelessness is across his face looking at everyone. Then he kneels back down and yells into the hole "Hey! Help! Wrap it up down there and come up here!". Then he points to Wild Claw, in beast form. "Who are are you? I guess your charge huh?"

Until Captain Teleport appears right in front of his pointer finger. "Boo! " angry and confused Backlash is immediately overcome with emotion and lashes out at Captain Teleport, to the exclusion of everyone else for now.

There’s a pause in the action except for Captain Teleport who is busy keeping Backlash busy.
Heatwave will get back up pretty soon. Second Phase is up then I’ll go for Mirage.
[ +- ] Summary
Nov 8, 2023 6:44 am
No, she did shift when we had the teleports heatwave plan. Like to think when she's human she has a more precise martial arts style, and then when Wildclaw a lot more of this :p
Nov 8, 2023 5:22 pm
Gotcha. Made some small changes to the narrative to reflect that. Must have missed it.

Now that a little more time has passed , in your next post, describe the Beast Mode, or Wild Form or whatever the comic term would be (X-Treme Form, lol), looks like. How big it is etc…

@Chloe- you’re up
Nov 10, 2023 4:44 pm
Chloe can chime in when they get back. We’ll keep going to keep the momentum. Anyone who wants to go next can.
Captain Teleport keeps Backlash distracted with his harassment and teleport spamming. Heatwave is still struggling to get to her feet, but it seems like she’s rallying will get up soon unless stopped.

What do you do?
Nov 10, 2023 4:51 pm
"Claw, why don't you play with Heatwave a bit to keep her occupied," the Alloy Angel suggests. "I'm little use here so how about I check out the situation inside the lobby, with those people by the window. Sol, maybe you can help me get there. Unfortunately, I'm a flightless angel."
Last edited November 10, 2023 4:51 pm
Nov 10, 2023 10:05 pm
Mirage had hung back near the crumbling wall as they tried to get caught up on the situation. Their hesitation cost them time, though thankfully, the other members of the team seemed to be doing a good job picking up the slack, pushing the attack and keeping their adversaries busy.

They watched as Wild Claw tossed Backlash through the air, and as he in turn shouted into the hole. His shouts spurred Mirage into movement, and they rushed in, tossing their hands out in front of them as they tried to block the hole with their powers, an expanse of green energy rippling over the open space.

They were dimly aware of Leo appearing nearby, and they hoped he'd be able to keep Backlash busy enough to let them hold off whatever backup was coming.
Assuming this is an Unleash Your Powers roll for now. edit: amazing. my rolls have been so bad lol
Last edited November 10, 2023 10:06 pm


Unleash Your Powers - (2d6+(2))

(13) + 2 = 6

Nov 11, 2023 4:33 am
oof. Yeah. At least you’re getting some XP, lol. Maybe the dice will balance out later. But until then…
Mirage’s lattice work of green energy to keep whatever is in the hole, in those, is almost complete. But at the last second, something shoots through. The speed and power of it distorts the lattice as it rises into the air.

Still a blur, it seemingly effortlessly switches directions as it falls from the sky. And lands two boots directly into Mirage’s chest. Mirage flies backward, to land amongst the team as he lands: Riot.

Riot is a well known for hire supervillain. Sometimes he does his own schemes and heists but usually he’s someone else’s right hand man.

Riot is a man with an all white costume and skull mask. He has incredibly increased physical prowess (enough to go toe to toe with Azimuth and win) brawling abilities.

"Looks like I made it just in time, huh , Backlash? Heatwave, get up. We’re almost finished down there. "
Mirage has to take a powerful blow. Rolling low here is actually really good!

Nov 11, 2023 1:02 pm
"Talk and feelings and all that are all fine and good" thinks Nightfly to zirself "but sometimes, a body just gotta step up and hand some baddie their ass on a plate..."

Ze flips on the strobing dancing pulsing halogen-lamp-bright patterns weaving over zir skin to distract Riot, dancing and weaving zirself in time with the patterns, flipping zir stereo system in zir backpack on and letting loose with some deep bass powering syncopated electronica - tries to lures him into the spell of the noise and the movement and then BAM moves in with zir fist flipped to mimicking the properties of a diamond - hard, tough, and damn painful.
this is intended to be "Directly Engage a Threat" - 7-9 I pick "resist or avoid their blows", 10+ I pick additionally "frighten the opposition"


Directly Engage a Threat 2d6+0 - (2d6)

(63) = 9

Nov 11, 2023 5:02 pm
Mirage gritted their teeth and tried fruitlessly to keep the construct in place, only for it to flicker out of existence as Riot collided with them.
rolling, will add a bit more depending on the result.
edit: lol lmao i am so cursed! anyway i'm taking "you lose control of yourself or your powers in a terrible way." for the drama, u understand
Mirage took the blow hard, and felt themself go flying through the air. They landed in a heap, and as they tried to will themself to get up, they felt hopelessness welling up inside of them.

Back when they were working under Doctor Metcett, they'd been able to rely on his equipment to boost their strength. He'd had a machine that amplified their powers- a few minutes in an uncomfortable chair before every mission, and they were unstoppable. Without that, they felt so much weaker, unable to do the things that had once seemed effortless to them.

Mirage was starting to feel like they were helpless without Metcett. Just the same sad, scared little kid they had been before they met him, now playing around with stolen power that was already running out.

"No," Mirage hissed to themself. They wouldn't let that happen. That power was still there, they could feel it. It was like it was just out of reach. They closed their eyes, and focused every bit of their effort on reaching out, trying to grasp whatever it was that was missing.
Last edited November 11, 2023 5:16 pm


Take A Powerful Blow - (2D6)

(65) = 11

Nov 11, 2023 5:52 pm
Leo had been hoping that one of his teammates might deal with Backlash while Leo was distracting him, but too many other things appear to have happened. Despite having failed in his initial attempt to teleport Heatwave, he decides to attempt it again with Backlash. He 'ports behind him and tries to grab him.
Going to roll Directly engage a threat. He intends to drop him right in front of Wild Claw so that she can take him out.

Excellent! The two options I will choose are: Resist or avoid their blows and Create an opportunity for your allies. The opportunity is that Backlash is unpowered and exposed - vulnerable to an attack.
Last edited November 11, 2023 5:54 pm


Directly engage - (2d6)

(55) = 10

Nov 12, 2023 12:05 am
Team: 6
Alloy Angel heads outside to start the run to the lobby, asking for a lift to save some time.

As the drop kick lands on Mirage, something strange happens. Eerie green energy arches out of Mirages back. It’s shoots out of the hole i the crumbling wall and blasts through the smoke, clearing it out. In less than a second it spreads out from their back, and shotgun style, shoots into the air towards the gathering news copters that have angled themselves to try to take images through that wall. Two helicopters manage to get out of the way, dodging the green energy. But two others are gripped in a telekinetic hood and and jerked back the 30 feet that Mirage ended up flying backwards. Metal bends and glass breaks. The engines whine as the helicopter blades stop and the helicopters begin to fall from the sky.

Inside, Nightfly moves with and intentionally against the pulse of zir music, striking riot and angering him. Ze land a flying Ax Kick to the top of Riot’s head when he was expecting a low sweep kick. He yells, smashing the ground. A seismic wave bends out wards from him breaking the ground up and causing an uneven and dangerous surface for everyone. And when he stands up, takes a much more defensive stance. Almost scared.

Captain Teleport, continuing to harass Backlash sees a chance to end the fight with Backlash. Captain Teleport gets behind Backlash, grabs him and teleports him 30 feet into the air. Then let’s him fall. Powerless and unable to defend himself,Backlash’s last thought for the moment is feeling a sense that he’s just not enough to take on these new heroes. Then he’s out.

The quake created by Riot has shot Heatwave into the sky, and she’s upset. The whole room grows hotter.
[ +- ] Summary


Wild Claw


Nov 12, 2023 12:30 pm
Wild Claw
'Wild Claw' Is the only response she gives to Backlashes question. She was currently a hulking form , a beast made of stone not unlike a golems, with moss and vines here and there, including on the antlers emerging from her head.

She turns her focus to Heatwave ready to charge as the fighting begins to break out, only to suddenly hear Alloy call out to her and she pauses, turning to look at her. While in her current form there is little facial expression to read it is somehow clear she is annoyed by what she sees as an order. For a moment she debates deliberately swapping to attack Riot just to prove a point, but eventually just lets out a grinding growl. 'I was going to anyway.'

Then she charges going to try and catch Heatwave in a stony bear hug.
Going to keep with the avoiding harm option.
Last edited November 12, 2023 12:30 pm



(33) + 2 = 8

Nov 13, 2023 4:02 am
Changing the "create an opportunity for allies" to be an opportunity in relation to Riot. Leo is going to drop Backlash on top of Riot - or try to. Either way, Riot is distracted and open for an attack.
Last edited November 13, 2023 4:02 am
Nov 13, 2023 5:51 pm
Gotcha, Captain Teleport.

Wild Claw takes another one down. Just Riot left in the room.

Alloy Angel, we’ll just say that you get to the lobby in a timely manner if you want or you can be positioned to help the helicopters.
Wild Claw charges at Heatwave again. Jumping up in the air to envelop her into a bear hug. The heat from Heatwaves body is intense, maybe too much for any of the others other than Solstice to bear, but Wild Claw’s stoney form can take it.

Heatwave releases a cry of anger, a roar, into the air but the sound is muffled by Wild Claw. In one last act defiance, her heat blasts out between Wild Claw’s arms. The waves are so concentrated that they can be seen. The rays hit the support rafters in the ceiling, partially melting them and they begin to sag and droop.

As Riot stands up from pounding the ground, Backlash lands on top of him, with perfect placement from Captain Teleport. Backlashes dead weight and Riots concern for him cause Riot some time and distraction as he tries to pull Backlash off without hurting him.
[ +- ] Summary
Nov 13, 2023 5:58 pm
With Solstice too caught up in the ongoing battle to hear Alloy's ask for help, the metal girl decides to change course. Whatever is going on inside couldn't possibly be as urgent as those two helicopters. Unfortunately, there's only one Alloy Angel, so she has to make a choice. Based on nothing really but chance, she positions herself underneath the left of the two and braces herself to try and catch it.

Or, rather, catch might not be the right term. Alloy doesn't have the super strength to properly catch something like this. What she has is unbreakable metal skin. So she mostly just positions herself in the way to let the helicopter crash onto her, hopefully serving as an additional crumple zone to soften the impact of the crashlanding and maybe save someone inside the helicopter.
With her new skin, this impact shouldn't kill her, right? That would be a really shitty way to die.
I guess that would be a Defend roll, as Alloy tries to protect the people inside the helicopter.

If you accept the roll as is, Aegis, then I'll keep them safe, take Influence over someone you protect and expose yourself to danger or escalate the situation. I'll leave the details of the latter up to you but two things I could imagine are either Alloy getting hurt in this, or maybe something like, the rotor breaks off and becomes a flying hazard to the team/situation
Last edited November 13, 2023 6:00 pm


DEFEND - (2d6+(0)+(0))

(45) = 9

Nov 13, 2023 6:50 pm
Team: 6
I'll accept Defend. Makes sense to me.
Alloy Angel plants herself beneath the News Channel 3 Helicopter, arms up and waiting. The reminence of green energy that had destroyed the copters and kept them aloft begins to wane disappate, leaving both copters falling.

The Channel 3 copter falls straight down while the Channel 13 copter still has a bit of rotor activity. Maybe enough to land safely?

The Channel 3 Copter meets Ally Angel's palms and she stretches up to meet it, and tries to slow it's descent as well as she can. A series of pops and racks sound as the helicopter settles on top of her.

A moment passes with no movement until a metal hand comes out of the side, followed by the rest of her body. Slowly, maybe a bit painfully, maybe a bit fearfully, she reaches out to open the bent and rended door. After some effort, pulling it open, it seems that all hands survived the crash. Along with the rest of their bodies.

5 people pile out. Incredibly thankful for Allooy ANgel.

Just then the other helicopter crashes down. While not falling TOO fast, it's tilted crazily to the side. A propeller blade hits the ground and violently tears itself from the copter, shooting itself towards the opening in the East Building and the brawl. The copter itself is shot about 10 feet back into the air before falling back down and catching on fire.
You probably said it before, but what does her outfit/supersuit/uniform look like?

@Dreamweaver,@Chloe - you’re up.
[ +- ] Summary
Nov 13, 2023 7:02 pm
You probably said it before, but what does her outfit/supersuit/uniform look like?
You mean Alloy? She's not really wearing a supersuit, since it's her own appearance that's the recognizable part. She's basically just wearing a gym outfit - workout top and leggings - because it's practical.
Nov 15, 2023 7:53 pm
Team: 6
Time seems to stop for a brief moment...

Alloy Angel is outside and safe, a small crowd gathering around her to thank her for the rescue. Her athletic wear is dirty and smudged, but light bounces off her metallic parts, making her look heroic to the remaining news cameras up above.

A Helicopter propeller blade is careening end over end into the East Building where almost everyone is. It moves so fast, there will only be a split second before catastrophe strikes.

Heatwave in trapped in Wild Claw's arms as darkness takes her. Backlash falls to Riot's feet as Riot carefully tries to unentangle them and Nightflyer dance battles around them.

Captain Teleport hangs in the air, riding the residual momentum of his teleport.

Mirage lays on their back, getting ready to leap back into the action.
Anyone can move that wants to.
[ +- ] Summary
Nov 15, 2023 8:33 pm
Nightfly goes in to finish off Riot - if his superpowers weren't about super-strength and other physical abilties, ze'd try and manacle or cuff him. But given that ze doesn't have anything on zir that ze feels could hold him, ze just moves up to him and - changing the properties of zir fist to the hardest densest material she can - slams it into his head, aiming to knock him unconscious.

Hm, ze thinks to zirself - maybe next time I'd like to bring along something like a tranq gun or somthing like that so I don't have to risk causing these perps brain damage when I'm trying to knock them out...
I'll roll in case this is Directly Engage a Threat

Rolling a 7-9 I take "Impress the opponent"
Last edited November 15, 2023 8:34 pm


Directly Engage a Threat - (2d6)

(45) = 9

Nov 15, 2023 9:04 pm
While finishing putting Backlash on the ground, Nightflyer blasts Riot in the jaw with a mean right uppercut. Riot goes down on his back.

He hits the floor with his right hand, breathes out, then kips up back to his feet. The look in his eye is determined, almost maddeningly so. Like he’s blocking out anything else and only has his eyes on the prize. His eyes are on Nightflyer when he says "And what’s your name, kid? They call me Riot…"
Riot has one more condition. Because of the opportunity that Captain Teleport made, Riot isn’t returning the blow.
[ +- ] Summary
Nov 15, 2023 9:52 pm
Wild Claw drops heatwave as she turns to look at riot, one leg beginning to scrape at the floor as if to ready a charge. 'Rest of you. Helicopter, rescue. I've got this.' In this form she wasn't going to be the best at the fancy moves of the others. She was good at smashing and the helicopter had people inside. Smashing villains on the other hand...

As he's distracted by Nightfly she unceremoniously charges for a shoulder barge. It was his own fault, combat wasn't a time for talking.
Sorry she's all attack, but.. that is what she is. Going again for resist blows.
Last edited November 15, 2023 9:53 pm



(61) + 2 = 9

Nov 16, 2023 4:41 am
Hey, Riot - you can call me Nightfly. I don't usually mix it up like this, not usually a big fighter, but your chin was just begging to be smashed so, you know, I thought it'd be rude not to give it what it was asking for. Any last words before you are out for the count?"
Not trying to mechanically distract him here - as I can see that Wild Claw is about to knock him out - but just want to give him a bit of chit-chat back, let him know that I see him and ain't scared or impressed.
Nov 16, 2023 2:03 pm
Team: 6
You all are rolling too well, lol. No chance to make moves over here. Good for you.
"Nightfly... I'll rem" is all he can make out before Wild Claw runs him over like a Mack Truck and sends Riot flying.

The propeller blade careens into the room, impaling itself into a wall, behind where Riot was standing just a second ago. The ceiling continues to creek as the weight settles on the ruined beams.

There's a moment of peace, without the immenent threat of violence in the room. Which is shattered by the sound of a large explosion coming from the location of the warehouse.
[ +- ] Summary
Nov 17, 2023 3:58 pm
The chaos of the battle is slowly subsiding, but Solstice feels a renewed sense of urgency at the sound of the explosion from the warehouse. With her team having incapacitated most of the threats, it's time to pivot to rescue and damage control.

"Team, that explosion could mean civilians are in danger. We need to move fast!" Solstice calls out, her voice cutting through the aftermath of the fight. Solstice takes to the air and swiftly flies out of the room, looking to find the source of the explosion and also looking to make sure civilians are safe. Are all the helicopters now accounted for and safe? she wonders.
Based on the 11, looks like I have two questions I can get answered, which will be:
• what here is the biggest threat?
• what here is in the greatest danger?
Last edited November 17, 2023 4:01 pm


ASSESS THE SITUATION - (2d6+(2)+(0))

(36) + 2 = 11

Nov 18, 2023 10:01 pm
Mirage lifted themself off the ground with a groan, not completely sure of what had just happened. They looked up just in time to see the helicopter blade hurtling into the wall, and it's a good reminder that they still need to focus. Their gaze flicks around the room, and they see that the fight seems to be over- and that the building has taken more damage than it's likely to be able to sustain.

"Everybody out!" they shout in a shaky tone. As they make for the hole in the wall, they aren't sparing much thought for Backlash, Heatwave, or Riot. They're more interested in seeing their team get out safely than worrying about what becomes of their foes.
Nov 19, 2023 6:20 pm
Leo teleports over to the helicopter, trying to peer through the flames. Is anyone in there?
I guess I'll make an Assess the Situation check... FULL SUCCESS.

Leo wants to know:
* How can we best end this (the threat to people trapped in the helicopter - if there are any) quickly?
* What here can I use to... rescue anyone trapped in the helicopter

Leo worries that trying to teleport into the burning chopper to retrieve people could go horribly wrong (i.e. "Savior" is his weakest trait), so he's looking for other ways to resolve the situation if possible).
Last edited November 19, 2023 6:27 pm


Assess the situation: roll +Superior(3) - (2d6+3)

(55) + 3 = 13

Dec 4, 2023 9:20 pm
and we’re back!

Team: 6
Solitice takes to the sky to survey the area. She's happy to see that the remaining helicopters appear unharmed and she can hear police cars beginning to approach, but still pretty far out. The Team is still on thier own.

Concerned about the civilians, from what she can see and tell, the biggest active threat is the below helicopter that is on fire. While what's happening in the lobby is unknown, as far as she can tell there are no screams or cries coming from there. So that situation is potentially stable.

However a prickling of intuition tells her that there could be danger in the warehouse. The explosion from there certainly could precede an emergent threat.

Captain Teleport blinks into existence next to the expanding fire of the helicopter as Alloy Angel takes care of business some feet away. A glance into the copter tells him that there's space enough for him to move, and if he pushes himself hard enough and Unleashes his Power, he can teleport in and out of the helicopter fast enough to save the 4 occupants inside before anything can happen.

The debris of earth and metal thrown up with the crash, any number of simple tools or rams can be made to shatter a window or pry the door from the helicopter. He also knows that inside the East Building they were just in, there is a fire extinguisher on the wall. It may be enough to help slow or even put out the fire.
[ +- ] Summary
Anyone can go.
Dec 5, 2023 1:45 pm
Over comms, Solstices says, "The warehouse explosion ... I think there is some danger there. Going in to investigate."

Aria flies to the warehouse to investigate.
I will investigate from just outside the warehouse, and then enter the warehouse if I don't see a threat in order to get a closer look.

My two questions from the roll:
• what here is the biggest threat?
• how could we best end this quickly?
Last edited December 6, 2023 11:59 am


ASSESS THE SITUATION - (2d6+(2)+(0))

(45) + 2 = 11

Dec 5, 2023 8:23 pm
Nightfly makes a face - part of zir wants to dash out of the building, leave these villains to their fate, go and see if there are other people around, civilians, who need zir help.

But. Also. Ze can't bring zirself to leave these three stuck in there as this building is about to collapse on them. Maybe with their powers they'd survive. But maybe not. Nightfly feels like ze couldn't forgive zirself if ze didn't try to save them from this.

Ze is a small slight figure - but ze is unnaturally strong, and she tries zir best to gather up the subdued villains and drag them out of the about-to-collapse building.
Maybe this is a Defend roll? I'll make one in case it is.
Post-roll: on this mixed success, if it is Defend, I'll take "expose yourself to danger".

I keep them safe, and take Influence over one of them that is still conscious.

If none of them are conscious I'll take "add a Team to the pool".

If I can only Defend one of them at a time, I choose to save Riot - given, I dunno, we connected a bit over our banter...
Last edited December 5, 2023 8:29 pm


Defend roll +0 - (2d6)

(63) = 9

Dec 6, 2023 12:24 am
@dreamweaver - I don't think Captain Teleport has actually gotten any people to safety yet. Unless I'm reading things wrong, he just teleported outside the helicopter, and is making a split second decision about whether to try teleport people out or do something more conventional. I don't know if that changes what you would have done.
Dec 6, 2023 12:09 pm
timplausible says:
@dreamweaver - I don't think Captain Teleport has actually gotten any people to safety yet.
Ah, my bad, I misread the last post. I took out my first sentence that misinterpreted that.

How about this -- let's have Solstice wait a moment to see what Captain Teleport is going to do and if he needs help. After Captain's teleport's move, Solstice will either (1) jump in to help, or (if not needed), then (2) Solstice's move to assess the warehouse will trigger.
Dec 8, 2023 8:39 pm
Leo gives a brief thought to trying to teleport in and out of the burning helicopter to rescue the occupants, but he just can't convince himself that he'll be able to pull it off. Remembering the fire extinguisher, he teleports to its location, grabs it, and the teleports back to the burning chopper. He yanks the pin out, points the nozzle, and then squeezes the operating mechanism. He focuses on the helicopter's door, hoping that if he can suppress the fire around the exit the people can get out.
Dec 18, 2023 5:01 am
hi sorry for the long delay! i am alive
Mirage rushed for the exit, glancing back long enough to see Nightfly trying to help the defeated villains. They hesitated for a moment, then continued. If Nightfly wanted to risk zirself for a group of people who had been attacking the group just moments ago, that was zir own business.

Once clear, Mirage turned their gaze toward the warehouse, trying to get a feeling for what had just happened there.

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