Setting information

Nov 5, 2023 10:46 pm
In our game, the spacecraft and technology are heavily influenced by the retro-futuristic designs of the 1970s and '80s science fiction. The ships are utilitarian, practical vessels that prioritize functionality over flashy aesthetics. They are reminiscent of that era's industrial and mechanical designs, featuring heavy blast doors, analog controls such as switches and levers, and numerous small screens and lights displaying vital information. See the movie Alien and Star Wars for examples.

The spacecraft's interiors are claustrophobic, dimly lit and cluttered with wires, pipes, and grating. Instead of sophisticated touchscreens or sleek colorful interfaces, the systems are designed to be black and green, crude, easily maintained and repaired, favoring durability over high-tech usability and elegance.
Nov 5, 2023 11:43 pm

(Writen in collaboration with Esidrix, Spaceseeker19 and Daryen)

"Synths," formally known as Synthetic Automatons, were originally designed for extended space missions and primarily consists of electronic components augmented by vat-grown tissue, like muscle for delicate tasks and brain tissue for autonomous functions.

Despite their humanoid appearance, a closer look reveals distinct differences: their skin lacks pores or hair, their eyes remain fixed without dilation, and they do not sweat or breathe.

The AI installed in a Synth is the most advanced AI ever made. In combination with actual human brain tissue, the Synth functions similarly to a human, but without emotion or psychological impairment.

This makes them perfect for long-term missions, and they are usually the only crew members awake during most of the transit, as they require no sleep, food, or stimulation. They are not 100% reliable, however, and so far there have never been any vessels fully crewed with them. They also can’t be relied upon to do the humane thing, and will always act for the benefit of Interstellar Trade Commision (ITC).

Moreover, Synths are expensive, and they're are ideally suited for very specific professions: things where both cognition and complicated tool use in a human form factor is needed, but which humans cannot do. That means their widespread use is pretty limited to hyperspace travel. Other tasks dangerous to humans - mining, fighting, and/or scientific experimentation in inhospitable environments - don't have to be performed by androids; they can be done by specialized drones/robots built to that one task/limited set of tasks.

Are there people who think of Synths as people, and not extensions of a ship's computer? Of course. They're more common on the more densely-populated worlds. But for the vast majority of mankind, it's not in their face: they have never even seen a Synth. For people on border worlds, they certainly don't feel sympathy for Synths, out of fear that androids would start taking their jobs. "There's little enough work and money for people!"

Game stats
Synths are VIs with the Repair, Pilot, Manage, Know and Program skills. They can mimic human-level intelligence and deal with environments and situations outside their normal operational scope. Unlike the robots of the automation support ship facility, they can leave the ship and, if not periodically memory-wiped, develop additional abilities, exhibit personal growth, or personality changes. The manufacturer strongly recommends periodic memory wipes, and you will lose the 1 year warranty if you don't do this, unless you want a "philosopher droid" alone in your ship during hyperspace.

Synth: Costs 50,000 credits (Rolls 2d6 in risky situations and 1d20 in combat)
Advanced Synth: Costs 100,000 credits (2d6+1, 1d20+1)
Nov 20, 2023 8:20 pm
The Interstellar Trade Commission (ITC)

The Interstellar Trade Commission (ITC) stands as the central governing body overseeing and regulating interstellar space in the vast expanse of colonized planets. All traders must be licensed by the ITC in order to conduct commerce. ITC agents also operate the customs stations of all spaceports.

But with the passing years and growing number of colonized planets, the ITC's responsibility also extended beyond trade regulation and now encompass a diverse array of duties related to interplanetary space. This includes engaging in rescue operations, undertaking exploratory endeavors, commissioning colony ships, conducting routine space patrols, executing anti-piracy and anti-smuggling operations, regulating and inspecting star bases, implementing blockades on restricted worlds, enforcing interstellar peace, collecting tariffs, and even undertaking routine policing duties in smaller colonies or space stations lacking their own defense forces.

The planets, moons and habitats within the ITC exhibit a wide range of governance structures: Autocracies, Monarchies, Democracies, Theocracies, Communal Societies, etc. These governments handle internal affairs, establish and enforce local laws, and manage the planetary defense forces and resources. The ITC respects the sovereignty of each planetary body in these matters. They can also establish their own industries, set local taxes and negotiate trade agreements, provided they adhere to the ITC's overarching regulations.

Here's an overview of the internal structure of the ITC:

1. Executive Council
The Executive Council consists of high-ranking officials, representatives and experts from mega-corporations and powerful planetary governments. This council elects and advises a Chairperson, responsible for overall coordination and decision-making at ITC. The Chairperson is supported by a board of directors, each overseeing a specific division.

2. Interstellar Security Division
This division acts as the vigilant guardian of interstellar space. Under the command of an Admiral, this division comprises the Space Navy, entrusted with the vital tasks of enforcing ITC regulations and ensuring the protection of merchant vessels. The Space Navy operates through strategically organized fleets, each assigned to oversee and protect a specific sector of space. In tandem with these efforts, the Space Marines, led by an experienced General, engage in boarding operations on spacecraft, quell rebellions, secure ITC installations, and provide critical support to the Colonial Affairs Division by safeguarding ITC officials and assets during their missions.

3. Merchant Regulations Division
This division, led by a Director of Trade, oversees the economic aspects of interstellar trade. It establishes and enforces trade policies, taxes, duties, and tariffs, with the proceeds used to fund the ITC. The division also includes experts in economics, law, and trade relations who collaborate with planetary representatives to maintain a fair and efficient interstellar economy.

4. Postal Authority Division
The Postal Authority, also led by a Director, manages the interstellar communication and delivery network. As faster-than-light communication is impossible, the ITC relies heavily on physical couriers. As such, this division is responsible for the swift and secure transportation of crucial documents, trade agreements, and time-sensitive communications between planets within the vast expanse of colonized space. While the Postal Authority operates its own fleet of spacecraft, it also awards contracts to private courier services for more "mundane" and slower communications. This collaborative approach allows for increased flexibility and coverage across the vast network of interstellar space.

5.The Explorers Division
The Explorers Division, led by the Explorer Council, embodies the spirit of discovery and individual freedom. Their mission is to chart the unexplored reaches of the cosmos, identifying potential colony locations and maintaining exhaustive reports on known worlds. Their work not only shapes the frontier but also fuels the expansion and sustainability of the ITC's influence.

6. Colonial Affairs Division
Led by a Director of Colonial Affairs, this division is responsible for overseeing the establishment and development of new colonies, appointing all administrators and governors until they are self-sustaining. It also collaborates with planetary governments, provides resources and humanitarian aid, and resolve disputes among planets and entities within the ITC sphere of influence.

7. Research Division
Led by a Chief Technologist. this division focuses on advancing space technology, specializing in interstellar trade and military applications. It collaborates with research institutions, private companies, and planetary governments to ensure that the ITC stays at the forefront of technological innovation.
Nov 23, 2023 10:59 am
The Elders
In the vast expanse of the cosmos, humanity ventured beyond Earth's confines, colonizing distant planets and moons. Though encountering a myriad of extraterrestrial fauna, flora and exotic life forms, the elusive search for sapient companions remained unfulfilled.

But we found the ruins left by the Elders, scattered like cosmic breadcrumbs across the planetary landscapes and within the void of space itself. These enigmatic structures and artifacts defy conventional understanding, blending advanced technology with an artistic elegance that eludes contemporary comprehension. Massive monoliths, sprawling megastructures, strange devices and ethereal energy arrays stand as silent witnesses to the Elders' once-majestic presence.

Archaeologists, collectors and explorers, drawn by the allure of these ruins, delve into the mysteries that shroud them.
Nov 30, 2023 12:33 am
The foundation of the ITC was such a major event that the calendar was changed. We now count it as year zero, signifying the start of a new era of interstellar cooperation and mutual defense.

Each "Era" consists of 360 standard rotations ("days"), each with 24 hours.

Trade Era 1228, for example, marks the 1228th year since the establishment of the Interstellar Trade Commission and the creation of the interplanetary defense forces (Navy and Marines).

Sample date format:

Trade Era 1228, Day 127
Dec 10, 2023 6:12 pm
- Blasters
- Starship shields and armor
- Gravity manipulation (grav plates, artificial gravity, compensators/nullifiers/lifters)
- Fusion reactors
- Efficient Maneuvering Drives (can accelerate continuously for weeks)
- Spike drills
- Holographic screens and holograms
- Cybernetic augmentation and prosthetics
- Vat-grown organs
- Artificial intelligence
--> Synths with human-like general intelligence.
--> Droids and automated systems, with limited intelligence and only for specific purposes
- Terraforming (see Aldebaran's description, in the New Jordan Sector)

- Wi-fi and ubiquitous computing
- Touchscreen interfaces that don't break when entering hyperspace
- Faster than light communication. You have to send a starship as a courier.
- Teleportation
- Nanofabricators
Feb 16, 2024 11:38 pm
The Psi Operatives are an elite and secretive branch within the ITC Security Division, specially trained and equipped to harness and wield psionic powers. Those with psionic potential are carefully identified and recruited into the Psi Operatives program, where they undergo rigorous training to develop and control their abilities. After a couple of years in intensive training, each Psi Operative develops a unique set of psionic talents, ranging from telepathy and telekinesis to precognition and metapsionics.

The existence of Psi Operatives is shrouded in secrecy, known only to a select few within the highest echelons of the ITC. Their operations are classified and conducted under the strictest confidentiality, ensuring that their true capabilities remain hidden from potential enemies and maintaining the mystique surrounding their role.

As such, despite their formidable powers, Psi Operatives are trained to avoid using their psionic skills in the open and to operate with discretion and restraint, understanding the delicate balance of power and the potential consequences of their actions. They adhere to a strict code of conduct and ethics, guided by the principles of duty, honor, and sacrifice. Typically integrated into standard Marine or Navy squads, they contribute invaluable expertise in missions aimed at countering or apprehending other psionics, as well as those requiring a unique combination of stealth, infiltration, and unconventional strategies.

In times of crisis or when facing particularly formidable adversaries, the Psi Operatives are deployed as a specialized task force, operating independently or in small teams to tackle high-priority targets or objectives. Their mastery of psionics often allows them to achieve objectives with minimal collateral damage and maximum effectiveness.

Both feared and revered by their allies and adversaries alike, the Psi Operatives represent the cutting edge of interstellar warfare, harnessing the power of the mind to safeguard the interests of humanity among the stars.
Suggested/common build: (please note that there are Psi Operatives that don't follow those choices)

Background: Soldier
Class: Psychic or Adventurer (Warrior/Psychic)
Focus: Psychic Training
Suggested attributes: Con 14, Dex 12, Cha 7

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