It has been a long and difficult journey for Eclipse. Rising up from a nameless young teenage girl who had forsaken the only family she had ever had, joining a coven of witches who guard the veil between life and death when it was her own birth family that had torn the veil in the first place. But despite the hardships, the complete change in her style of life, Eclipse has never once regretted her decision in the years she has lived among the witches by now.
She has aged faster than she should have in this time, ten years in the span of five, something which the other witches - the vörð nafjarðar - explained is normal for someone inducted into their ranks. She would soon reach the same age as them and then stop. Forever.
In this time, she has learned their magic, learned to anchor herself in a world that had almost forgotten her - her form is more solid again now than it had become on that fateful day at Rookwood Manor - but while she has grown far more powerful than that meek little teenager she had once been could ever have imagined, she was still not much more than a child to the other witches. Her fascination with the three vörð nafjarðar had only further grown over time, especially with Dawn, with whom she spends as much time as she can and who seems to value Eclipse's joining them the highest, perhaps because she knows that she owes the younger woman her life. But despite her hopes and fantasies when she joined them, Eclipse still has not received her first true love's kiss. Perhaps in another few years. Or decades. Time passes differently as an immortal guardian of the grave-fjord.
But it is not just Eclipse who has changed since that day. The world changed. The dead rise from their graves, hungry for the flesh of the living. The living struggle but even with the assistance of the vörð nafjarðar, their fight seems a futile one as a new power rises in Rookwood Manor. Eclipse does not understand who or why, but someone is starting to shape the undead into some new, evil design.
Perhaps one day, the Curse of House Rookwood will truly be broken. And perhaps Eclipse will play some part in it. But if it happens, it will not be yet. Not until a new generation can rise to oppose the sins of its family's past...
Last edited November 15, 2023 1:41 pm