Captian Mortimor
Bay - The Library
Bay heads to the library, discovering its shelves amply stocked with classics like "The Metamor-mouse-is" and "Paws and Prejudice." It also contains the historical records of the manor and curiously an intriguing collection of books on famous necromancers, myths, legends, and magical enchantments related to ghosts, spirits, and the undead.
The library is not devoid of life. Within, Bay spots a sea captain engrossed in a book detailing the manor's history. As Bay enters, the captain exclaims,
"By the Kraken's nostrils!" His gaze shifts to Bay, and he seamlessly transitions as if they were already in conversation.
"I'm telling you, this place is haunted and cursed," he declares, a glint in his eyes accompanied by a toothy smile revealing a glimmer of gold.
"But if it's haunted, there must be treasure."