Chapter 2 - The Investigation

Captian Mortimor

SpiritualSocket Inactive forever!

Nov 9, 2023 2:05 pm
Captian Mortimor
Bay - The Library
Bay heads to the library, discovering its shelves amply stocked with classics like "The Metamor-mouse-is" and "Paws and Prejudice." It also contains the historical records of the manor and curiously an intriguing collection of books on famous necromancers, myths, legends, and magical enchantments related to ghosts, spirits, and the undead.

The library is not devoid of life. Within, Bay spots a sea captain engrossed in a book detailing the manor's history. As Bay enters, the captain exclaims, "By the Kraken's nostrils!" His gaze shifts to Bay, and he seamlessly transitions as if they were already in conversation. "I'm telling you, this place is haunted and cursed," he declares, a glint in his eyes accompanied by a toothy smile revealing a glimmer of gold. "But if it's haunted, there must be treasure."
Nov 9, 2023 2:06 pm
Hazel - The Courtyard
Unfortunately, there's no response from Hazel's comment prompting her to proceed toward the courtyard. Under different weather conditions, it could be a charming locale, featuring a well-maintained lawn adorned with a thriving raspberry bush in one corner. Remnants of removed benches suggest a deliberate effort to dissuade lingering. The courtyard's focal point is a wood shed positioned at the center, its door securely shut with a sturdy, rusted padlock. Devoid of windows, the shed stands as an enigmatic presence in the otherwise serene setting.
Nov 9, 2023 5:18 pm
Seeing things locked as a personal affront against her... personality, Hazel takes out two of her fine nails and tries to pick the lock. "Pfff! Locking! Since when is this a thing?" the hazelnut colored mouse mumbles absent minded.


Unlocking DC 11 - (1d20)

(19) = 19

Nov 9, 2023 5:19 pm
brought my dnd die, can I try again? *g*
Nov 9, 2023 5:29 pm
Her casual endeavor takes an unexpected turn as she experiences a sudden, sharp pinch in her paw, resulting in one of her nails breaking off and becoming lodged within the lock. She'll continue to feel a dull pain in her paw throughout the rest of the day. Upon closer inspection, Hazel recognizes the added challenge posed by the broken nail, realizing that it will be doubly difficult to unlock the padlock until she manages clear the lock.
You most certianly can try again! However, now that the lock is jammed, you'll be rolling at disadvantage (roll two 20s and pick the one with the worst result). That is unless you can come up with another way to open the lock or find some tools to help.

The longer you stay here trying to open the lock the higher the chances you'll be caught.
Nov 9, 2023 11:05 pm
"All of this only because someone had to put a stupid lock on this stupid door." Hazel huffs frustrated. "Even broke my nice nail." she mumbles further. Taking a step back she twists a hair at the back of her head, before grumbling: "Damn it." Keeping herself barely from stomping the lock in helpless frustration, the archer takes a breath and conjures a scarf and her hammer. Hazel folds the scarf carefully and lays it ontop of the lock to dampen the sound (no high ringing tones) and starts to knock the broken nail deeper into the mechanism to persuade it to open in this way.
Looks good!
If the adventurer gets the door open, she quickly moves inside and shuts the door behind her while already holding her breath and listening to percept if anyone has noticed her liberation of the world from locked sheds.
Last edited November 9, 2023 11:13 pm


Perusiasion - (2d20h1)

(92) = 9

Nov 9, 2023 11:20 pm
Stepping into the woodshed, Hazel is enveloped in darkness due to the absence of windows. To illuminate the space, she ignites her torch, casting light on what proves to be an unremarkable interior. A small workbench sits on one side, adorned with various garden tools, while an adjacent stack of wood occupies the opposite end. A rather unattractive, old rug covers the central portion of the floor.

She hears nothing from the outside of the shed indicating her activities have not been noticed. Then she recalls that it must be close to dinner time and the hotel staff must be busy with the meal.
You'll need to mark 1 usage on Hazel's torches.

A torch is good for 6 turns or 1 hour. I usually measure that in rooms. ( i.e. It's enough light to explore up to 6 rooms.)
Nov 10, 2023 6:59 am
Hazel looks under the rug and tries if there are any loose floorboards.
Nov 10, 2023 7:31 am
Meanwhile Sky wanders into the living room. Seeing as Hazel was checking the mousterious courtyard and Bay went straight for the library, this seems the logical thing to do. Absent-mindedly she puts one hand in her pocket and plays around with her dice as she enters the impressive room, ready to look around and meet whoever might be there.
Nov 10, 2023 10:15 am
"Ahoy there, Captain!" proclaims Bay, tipping her claw against her forehead in a salute towards the captain.

"Not a sea mouse myself, but, by the Crow's Cloaca, us Sparrow Riders know a thing or two about the buffeting winds of fate and weather - and treasure!"
Bay trying to build up a bit of rapport with the captain here - while also wanting to meet him with his rather wonderful "by the Kraken's nostrils!"
Bay sits down next to the captain, introduces herself, and asks:

"So, captain! Tell me more about the hauntings, the curses... the treasure that must be hidden in this here manor...?"

Captian Mortimor

SpiritualSocket Inactive forever!

Nov 10, 2023 12:29 pm
Bay and Sky
Captian Mortimor
Aye, me hearty! This place be cursed, it be. Ever since that little nipper vanished, every landlubber who fancied himself an owner sailed away within a week. Each one swore they heard ghostly wails and spied eerie sights. 'Tis a curse, I reckon. The lad's disappearance be a shroud over this place.

But here be the peculiar bit, me matey. When Mr. Filmon sailed into these waters and took hold of the reins, the tides seemed to turn. No eerie whispers, no ghostly apparitions. In fact, he embraced the spooky tales, turned 'em into a draw for guests, he did.

The captain proceeds to share that the former occupants of this residence were immensely wealthy. However, they chose to forsake their prosperity when their spirits were shattered by the disappearance of their son. Despite their affluence, no one else has claimed to have discovered their abandoned wealth.

Then the captain reveals a portion of the medallion fragment to Bay and Sky.

"I stumbled upon this fragment, and I've a gut feeling it's tied to the treasure. But try as I might, I can't decipher the riddles it holds."
Nov 10, 2023 12:40 pm
sry, but I went to the living room, not the library
Nov 10, 2023 12:42 pm
Hazel uncovers a hidden trap door concealed beneath the unassuming rug. The door features three small rotating discs that twirl with each other's rotation. As they spin, distinct symbols emerge on the discs: a mouse, a cat, and a snake.

Hazel recognizes the setup as a magical trap. She guesses that by aligning the three correct symbols, she could potentially disable the enchantment. Yet, intriguingly, the door seems not to be locked, presenting her with the option to directly open it to see what happens.
Nov 10, 2023 12:56 pm
As Sky steps into the living room, a sense of tranquility washes over her. The space is adorned with numerous lounge chairs and a couple of sofas, creating an inviting atmosphere. A fireplace crackles, emitting a warm and comforting glow.

Within this cozy haven, two mice are engrossed in their respective activities. Near a window, one mouse diligently works on an easel, capturing the dreary portrait of the outside world with a curious twist — a pumpkin rests atop his head. Meanwhile, another mouse tinkers with a grandfather clock, surrounded by an array of tools, focused on the intricate workings of the timepiece.

Pumpkin Jack

SpiritualSocket Inactive forever!

Nov 10, 2023 12:57 pm
Pumpkin Jack
The mouse adorned with the pumpkin continues his artistic endeavors, but there's a noticeable tension in the air. His gaze repeatedly shifts back to the other mouse, his expression contorted with frustration and irritation. The meticulous work on the grandfather clock seems to be a source of annoyance for him.

Mrs. Sprocket

SpiritualSocket Inactive forever!

Nov 10, 2023 12:58 pm
Mrs. Sprocket
The mouse engrossed in her clockwork task remains deeply absorbed in her work, oblivious to much of her surroundings. However, her actions betray a sense of clumsiness, as she repeatedly fumbles with tools, dropping them or inadvertently banging them into surrounding objects. Her attention is wholly dedicated to the intricate mechanisms before her, occasionally disrupted by the unintended consequences of her own clumsiness.
Nov 10, 2023 3:54 pm
Hazel memories the combination of the lock and raises the trapdoor with the hilt of her hammer. If nothing happens, she risks a glance inside the hole in the ground.
Nov 10, 2023 4:08 pm
Hazel's keen ears catch a subtle click, swiftly succeeded by a mystical hum. Peering down into the revealed trap door, she discovers stone stairs descending into the depths of a dark, subterranean room – an apparent basement. The only source of illumination is the flickering light of her torch. As the magical hum intensifies, a sudden snap resonates through the air. In an instant, both the woodshed and the basement become enveloped in a rapidly thickening fog, obscuring visibility to a mere foot in front of Hazel's face.
Nov 10, 2023 9:42 pm
Sky walks towards the tinkerer first, picks up a small doohickey from the floor and hands it over to the preoccupied mouse. "Are you tweaking, then, or repairing? If I might ask?" Sky aims at appearing amicable in this haunted house full of treasure seekers and eccentrics.
"My name's Sky, by the way. I am looking for stimulating diversion before dinner. What are you and Mr... Punpkinhead (?) looking for?"
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