Nov 18, 2023 9:38 pm
Island Approach

"The horizon tells thar be land!!" calls down Skeev from the crows nest with the spyglass up to his eye. The overzealous exclamation, which is overtly influenced by the pirate crews’ vernacular, shows that the goblin seems to be taking well to becoming a pirate. Perhaps he is even slightly too enthusiastic at times.
The rest of the pirates on the other hand are not nearly as enthusiastic about entering the waters around Elegy. They are apprehensive and whisper tales to each other of sea dragons, the kraken, and an undersea kingdom of a giant. They also are cautious about running into the ghoul crew of the Revenge, the legendary pirate ship commanded by Donatello "The Black" Matrongle. The undead pirates are said to have taken control of Ha’ali Cove.
The circus troupe however pays little attention to the pirates’ nervous mummers. The circus members are instead anxious to reunite with their ship, and hope to put the ordeal in Sind behind them, even if with the loss of their original ring leader Master Ganesh. They desire to reestablish the circus and gain some work on the sister Ierendi island of Safari, which is known for its tourism—that is as soon as they think any agents of the Rajahadraja sent abroad have given up searching for the troupe.
Jin himself is not so convinced it will be so easy to reestablish the circus. He reminds Admiral and Tasya, who are both at the moment conferring with him on the main deck, that all he knows is that his grandfather Ganesh had arranged for the Order of The Shadow to deliver the ship to a Makai port village, called Maulia on the eastern side of the island.
"My guess is that my grandfather has friends in the Makai village and that he didn’t think it safe to send the ship to Elegy’s main port of Mahipa, where the Ierendi government has a keep and garrison and possible political connections with Sind," explains Jin in discussion with Tasya and Admiral.
Admiral, during the journey, managed to salvage a few of the soggy maps he rescued from the slaver ship, one of which fortunately is of Elegy Island.

"The horizon tells thar be land!!" calls down Skeev from the crows nest with the spyglass up to his eye. The overzealous exclamation, which is overtly influenced by the pirate crews’ vernacular, shows that the goblin seems to be taking well to becoming a pirate. Perhaps he is even slightly too enthusiastic at times.
The rest of the pirates on the other hand are not nearly as enthusiastic about entering the waters around Elegy. They are apprehensive and whisper tales to each other of sea dragons, the kraken, and an undersea kingdom of a giant. They also are cautious about running into the ghoul crew of the Revenge, the legendary pirate ship commanded by Donatello "The Black" Matrongle. The undead pirates are said to have taken control of Ha’ali Cove.
The circus troupe however pays little attention to the pirates’ nervous mummers. The circus members are instead anxious to reunite with their ship, and hope to put the ordeal in Sind behind them, even if with the loss of their original ring leader Master Ganesh. They desire to reestablish the circus and gain some work on the sister Ierendi island of Safari, which is known for its tourism—that is as soon as they think any agents of the Rajahadraja sent abroad have given up searching for the troupe.
Jin himself is not so convinced it will be so easy to reestablish the circus. He reminds Admiral and Tasya, who are both at the moment conferring with him on the main deck, that all he knows is that his grandfather Ganesh had arranged for the Order of The Shadow to deliver the ship to a Makai port village, called Maulia on the eastern side of the island.
"My guess is that my grandfather has friends in the Makai village and that he didn’t think it safe to send the ship to Elegy’s main port of Mahipa, where the Ierendi government has a keep and garrison and possible political connections with Sind," explains Jin in discussion with Tasya and Admiral.
Admiral, during the journey, managed to salvage a few of the soggy maps he rescued from the slaver ship, one of which fortunately is of Elegy Island.

Note: when I originally wrote about Elegy and the destination of the circus ship I wrote it was going to Mahipa, confusing it with Maulia. I just updated those past posts. This post is correct. The Whisker approaches Elegy from the northwest.