Session Zero

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Nov 19, 2023 8:37 am
Stonehell Dungeon - Common Knowledge

Stonehell Dungeon is located beneath the foothills of a mountain chain that lies half a day’s travel from the nearest large settlement.

The origins of Stonehell can be traced back several hundred years.

It was originally an ill-fated attempt to address overcrowding in the kingdom's prisons. In a small box canyon on the western border of the realm, a group of prisoners was forced into a cave and handed tools of excavation. They were then commanded to begin digging. It was their task to excavate a new dungeon to serve as their place of incarceration. A prisoner who worked was fed. A prisoner who resisted was not. Anyone who attempted to escape was killed.

More prisoners were introduced and the excavation grew. Power blocs were established and even the bravest or most callous of guards ceased to patrol too deeply into Stonehell. The dungeon became like a great beast with an endless hunger, devouring scores of men, women and children who would never see the sun again.

A visiting scholar who toured the site wrote "These doomed souls are condemned to the earth. Without the possibility of pardon or parole, they will spend the rest of their days in a vast stone hell of their own construction". The name stuck.

Around a hundred years ago, the Stonehell prison experiment was abandoned. The gates were thrown open and the incarcerated were free to leave. Not all chose to do so. Many of the deeper prisoners were too far gone or too well adapted to their underground world to return to life on the surface.

Since its liberation, the prison has not rested easily. Like a festering wound, Stonehell will not heal or grow quiescent. During recent decades, the site has been used as a hideout for countless bands of bandits and brigands. It has served as the laboratory for wizards who needed solitude to conduct their bizarre experiments. Practitioners of grim religions have sought sanctuary within its night-haunted halls to avoid the prying eyes of the forces of light. Roving bands of orcs, goblins, and other fierce humanoids have found shelter and respite within Stonehell‘s chambers, their numbers swelling with the passage of time.

The years have done little to quell the rumours as to what lies within the crumbling prison. Tales of cannibal kingdoms inhabited by pale-skinned ghouls who‘ve carved a fortune of jewels from the earth compete with yarns about obscene magical experiments that stalk the corridors below. Bands of fearless adventurers regularly plumb the depths of the former prison. Those who return do so laden with riches won from that which still malingers within, but many do not return at all.
Nov 19, 2023 8:53 am
Now that you know what you’re letting yourselves in for (above), please go ahead and create your characters.

We’ll use the Gamers Plane Old School Essentials character sheet here. I think you just have to expand it and click "Create character" in the top-right-hand corner.

If you have a copy of the 1981 "Moldvay" Basic D&D rules, or Old School Essentials Classic Fantasy, feel free to create your character at your own pace using this thread for your rolls. If you don’t have a copy of the rules, or would prefer to work through the character creation process step-by-step, then I’m happy to do so - just let me know.

Also - think about your preferred overall size for the party. There’s a trade-off here. More characters provide more firepower, broaden your capabilities and (importantly!) increase your treasure-carrying capacity. But additional characters also dilute the XP pool. Once you’ve reached a consensus on this, I’ll invite any additional players.
Nov 19, 2023 1:35 pm
Okay, let's go.


STR - (3d6)

(545) = 14

INT - (3d6)

(265) = 13

WIS - (3d6)

(425) = 11

DEX - (3d6)

(125) = 8

CON - (3d6)

(644) = 14

CHA - (3d6)

(521) = 8

Nov 19, 2023 1:44 pm
Not bad--feel like we may have a Dwarf here. Probably swap a couple of points of INT for +1 STR.

For other creation rolls (assuming starting gold is standard), I think that'd leave:


HP - (1d8+1)

(4) + 1 = 5

Starting Gold (x10) - (3d6)

(224) = 8

Nov 19, 2023 1:46 pm
Just let me know what I did wrong and I'll modify--otherwise I'll throw together a character sheet/concept.
Nov 19, 2023 3:06 pm
Looks good - carry on!

Regarding encumbrance - we’ll use the Old School Essentials item slot system, partly because it removes tedious arithmetic, but also because that’s how the Gamers Plane OSE character sheet is set up.

I’ll post the details in a "House Rules" thread.

You may want to coordinate encumbrance as the party will generally explore at the speed of the slowest character.
Nov 19, 2023 9:20 pm
That background material was awesome! Can’t wait to explore Stonehell

Here are the rolls for my character


Strength - (3d6)

(142) = 7

Intelligence - (3d6)

(253) = 10

Wisdom - (3d6)

(644) = 14

Dexterity - (3d6)

(664) = 16

Constitution - (3d6)

(132) = 6

Charisma - (3d6)

(162) = 9

Nov 19, 2023 9:27 pm
Looks like I’m a Thief. Here are the rest of my rolls. I’m not sure how you want me to handle my HP. House rules say to reroll 1-2. I have -1 to hp due to my low constitution. So my starting hp would either be 2 or 3 (if I were to roll a 3 or 4). Am I able to start with 2hp due to the house rule or is my only possible option 3hp?
Last edited November 19, 2023 9:31 pm


Hit points - (1d4)

(2) = 2

Starting Good (x10) - (3d6)

(335) = 11

Nov 20, 2023 1:09 am
Here are my rolls for the character's ability scores. Note that, for any later details, I'm inclined to use Labyrinth Lord, since I have that and saw you mention it in the interest thread. I *do* have an original physical copy of Basic...somewhere...I'll dig it out if you feel there are important differences.

Edit: Okayyy...with those rolls, Thief is the thing that jumps out at me, but aside from not getting the XP bonus, the scores are good enough that this character could work as any class. Given that we have a dwarf and a thief so far, how about we add some magic into the mix with an Elf? Rolling Elf HP...

Edit2: OK, rolling starting money (3d8)X10 gp.

Edit3: I've submitted my elf, Gabbro, to the game. I still need to note my languages and pick the spell, but otherwise I think I'm ready. I'll finish it later tonight; I have to step away now.

Edit4: OK, I think everything's complete - it took me a while to navigate the character sheet, as it's the first time I've used this one. I still want to upload a picture of my character for the game. Even though Gabbro is statistically likely to drop dead in the first week of posts, I still like to personalize the in-character posts with a quick sketch.

Edit5: OK, rerolling starting gold.
Last edited November 20, 2023 3:30 pm


STR - (3d6)

(632) = 11

INT - (3d6)

(236) = 11

WIS - (3d6)

(441) = 9

DEX - (3d6)

(626) = 14

CON - (3d6)

(556) = 16

CHR - (3d6)

(265) = 13

L1 Elf HP - (1d6)

(5) = 5

Starting money - (3d8)

(572) = 14

Rerolling starting money - (3d6)

(311) = 5

Nov 20, 2023 4:06 am
I submitted my thief character, Tess Grimm. Please let me know if I need to fix anything.
Nov 20, 2023 7:36 am
Ishmann says:
Looks like I’m a Thief. Here are the rest of my rolls. I’m not sure how you want me to handle my HP. House rules say to reroll 1-2. I have -1 to hp due to my low constitution. So my starting hp would either be 2 or 3 (if I were to roll a 3 or 4). Am I able to start with 2hp due to the house rule or is my only possible option 3hp?
If the die comes up as a 1 or a 2 you may reroll. That's before the Constitution modifier. It looks like the you rolled a two, so you may re-roll.
Nov 20, 2023 7:50 am
spaceseeker19 says:
Here are my rolls for the character's ability scores. Note that, for any later details, I'm inclined to use Labyrinth Lord, since I have that and saw you mention it in the interest thread. I *do* have an original physical copy of Basic...somewhere...I'll dig it out if you feel there are important differences.
Labyrinth Lord should be OK for most things. It's just in the detail where it'll be a little off. For example, in the character XP progression tables, Labyrinth Lord has elves progressing to level 2 at 4,065 XP rather than 4,000. But it's easy enough for me to catch and correct those things.
spaceseeker19 says:
Edit2: OK, rolling starting money (3d8)X10 gp.
Nice try! 3d6 for starting gold, not 3d8 (I think that's another Labyrinth Lord thing).
Nov 20, 2023 1:03 pm
Rolling again for Tess' hit points


Hit points - (1d4)

(1) = 1

Nov 20, 2023 1:06 pm
This could take a while since I am rolling a d4. So in the interest of time I am going to roll 4 times. The first non 1 or 2 is what I will take for hit points.


Hit points - (1d4)

(4) = 4

Hit points - (1d4)

(4) = 4

Hit points - (1d4)

(4) = 4

Hit points - (1d4)

(1) = 1

Nov 20, 2023 1:07 pm
Ishmann says:
This could take a while since I am rolling a d4. So in the interest of time I am going to roll 4 times. The first non 1 or 2 is what I will take for hit points.
Ok. So with my con modifier I have 3 hit points
Nov 20, 2023 1:38 pm
Awesome, great to see the party coming together.
You may want to coordinate encumbrance as the party will generally explore at the speed of the slowest character.
I'll pretty much be moving 60' because with my DEX penalty I'm not going anywhere without my heavy armor.
Also - think about your preferred overall size for the party. There’s a trade-off here. More characters provide more firepower, broaden your capabilities and (importantly!) increase your treasure-carrying capacity. But additional characters also dilute the XP pool. Once you’ve reached a consensus on this, I’ll invite any additional players
I'm pretty flexible with whatever the group decides here. I'm happy to roll with 4, but 5-6 probably gets us a better chance at having 2 front line types and variable support for different situations. Wouldn't want to do more, of course.
Nov 20, 2023 3:36 pm
spaceseeker19 says:
Edit2: OK, rolling starting money (3d8)X10 gp.
Burbage says:
Nice try! 3d6 for starting gold, not 3d8 (I think that's another Labyrinth Lord thing).
OK. My reroll was a 5, my first really bad roll so far. Still times 10 though, right? Even so, this means Gabbro will start with either no armor, no ranged weapon, or no spellbook. Hooray! I've got a bit of recalculating to do. Edit: I finished re-equipping Gabbro; didn't get some items, got leather instead of scale armor, and a sling instead of a short bow. Kept the spellbook and long sword. I'm glad I hadn't done the portrait yet!

With regards to party size, I'd also be fine with up to 6 PCs.
Last edited November 20, 2023 3:51 pm
Nov 20, 2023 4:48 pm
spaceseeker19 says:
OK. My reroll was a 5, my first really bad roll so far. Still times 10 though, right? Even so, this means Gabbro will start with either no armor, no ranged weapon, or no spellbook.
I'm going to suggest we abandon the Labyrinth Lord experiment - the discrepancies are more widespread than I thought. You don't need to buy a spellbook. It's not on the list of purchasable items in B/X or OSE. I think Magic-Users and Elves are assumed to have them. Also, the prices of goods seem very different between LL and B/X.

See if you can dig out your old B/X book. It's also available as a pdf on DrivethruRPG. Or the Old School Essential Basic Rules might get you started for free.
Nov 20, 2023 6:08 pm
@MinMin - you've not quite nailed the item-based encumbrance on Druin's character sheet.

Each cell in the Inventory section is an "item slot". Each item you carry takes up a certain number of slots.

Under your "Equipped Items" you have a 1-handed sword (1 item slot), a shield (1 slot), chain mail armour (2 slots) and a dagger (1 slot). So you fill the cells sequentially as follows:

Chain mail armour
Chain mail armour

So, 5 Equipped Items slots in total, giving a movement of 90'.

Applying the same approach to your Packed Items, you start with the cell that corresponds to your Strength. Druin has a Strength of 15, so you start writing your Packed Items in the "_Str 13+" cell. Based on the items listed this gives you:

Rations (3 days)*
Rations (2 days)
Rations (2 days)
Rations (3 days)
Rations (2 days)
Rations (2 days)

(*7 days of rations occupies 3 slots, and you've got 14 days worth, so 6 slots in total).

9 Packed Items gives you a movement of 120', but your Equipped Items are restricting you to 90'. So, you have some spare carrying capacity under your Packed Items (hopefully for treasure and magic goodies) without compromising your 90' movement speed.

Hopefully, this makes sense. Have another read of the Item Based Encumbrance rules. There's also an example in there that might help. Let me know if you have any questions.
Nov 20, 2023 6:19 pm
@spaceseeker19 - some similar problems with Gabbro's inventory.

Equipped items should read:

Leather armour
Sling (including pouch of 10 bullets)

[Backpack and money are Packed Items]

3 Equipped Items corresponds to a movement of 120'

Packed Items should read:

Rations (3 days)
Rations (1 day)
Iron Spikes (12)

[Bedroll and spellbook are Labyrinth Lord items that don't appear in B/X and can be removed]

6 Packed Items also corresponds to a movement of 120', so Gabbro is going to be leading the charge when it comes to running away!
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