The desk sergeant grunts.
"Hired by the family you say? Well, I suppose I could ask the Inspector then. Wait here." The man leaves the desk and walks through one of the two doors flanking his desk. He comes back a few minutes later.
"All right, you've got about 10 minutes. Through the door, second door on your right." The desk sergeant sits down heavily in his chair and almost immediately forgets you are there.
Stepping through the doors you see a large open area with wooden desks aligned in two rows, each with a filing cabinet, trash bin, and coatrack. Frosted-glass doors flank both sides of this room with gold lettering for the higher-ranking officers. Doors in the back of the room lead to the bathrooms and locker rooms. On the second door on the right you see the words "Inspector Joe Edwards" stenciled on the glass. The door is half open.
Joe Edwards is typing something up on a heavy cream-colored Smith-Corona typewriter. He looks up as your approach catches his eye and the clacking of the keys stop.
"Come in. I'll only be another minute." He resumes typing. The man is not handsome, he has a gentle voice but a hard stare, and angular face, and a receding hairline. After everyone is seated a few moments he finishes his report and slides the typewriter off to a side.
"The desk sergeant said you're investigating the murders in the Memphis house. Hired by family no less. That must be the daughter Ingrid, then. Strange that my superiors told us to close the case quickly only for you to show up and start digging it back up. So, what's the story?

Joe Edwards