Monster of the Week Game: PESD cases

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ClosedMonster of tht WeekPublic3 / weekIronmonger42
A Monster of tht Week game. I have run the game a few times for friends and am looking to get more experience with the system. I am an experienced D&D 5e game master with a tendency to remake monsters from there as MotW monsters. I am looking for players that are relaxed but also very interested in the system and wanting to collaborate with other players.

For those not familiar, MotW if a game using the powered by the apocalypse system that plays out like an episode of supernatural or buffy the vampire slayer. You roll 2 6-sided dice, add a value from -1 to +3, and either have things go wrong (6 or less), go mostly the way you planned (10 or higher), or a mix of both (7, 8, or 9). You get a playbook representing an archetype from the above fiction to give you special moves to trigger.

Note: I will not include a lot of gore but the game is horror adjacent and involves monsters killing people.

Dec 5, 2023 4:21 pm
Looking for 3 players for a Monster of the Week game. Using just playbooks from core book, but open to homebrew when it makes sense and doesn't feel forced. To those unaware, it is a powered by the apocalypse game that plays like episodes and seasons of Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Supernatural (I have not watched either series but I hear the comparison a lot).

I have not landed on a story, though it will take place in the USA. I am looking for very collaborative players who want to come up with a fun team concept and wants to weave their character with the other hunters. I am hoping to have players post at least 3 times a week, with an understanding that weekends can be busy.

The game will involve lots of violence and people getting attacked, but I won't be describing gore and the horror I will use is mostly haunting and spooky, not slasher film.

All experience levels accepted. I am not new to running RPGs for people, but only have 4ish sessions of this system under my belt myself. Not sure if there is any SRD like for D&D 5e and some other games, but I can walk through character creation and help if you don't own the game. You shouldn't need the book once your character sheet is filled out.

Apply below and I will go first come first serve. If someone wants to be a backup, I will save the name.
Last edited May 14, 2024 12:22 am
Dec 5, 2023 4:38 pm
I would love to try out MOTW! I am down to play and have the books so that I can make a character.
Dec 5, 2023 6:09 pm
I might be interested.
I have never played MOTW but have wanted to try...
Dec 5, 2023 6:34 pm
Ironmonger42 says:
... Not sure if there is any SRD like for D&D 5e and some other games, but I can walk through character creation and help if you don't own the game. You shouldn't need the book once your character sheet is filled out.
I have not looked to see if there is any sort of SRD, but MotW is one of those PbtA games where all the players need is the free Reference Material (Moves and Playbooks) (download links) and a little landholding from the GM. Of course, reading the book can help for setting the tone.

Feel free to reach out if you need any help. There is enough demand I don't doubt you will be able to find enough players.
Dec 5, 2023 7:01 pm
Thank you for the links. It is true that a player can play +90% of the game with just their character sheet and the player reference sheet

Looking for 1 more player
Dec 5, 2023 11:24 pm
I'd be interested in joining a MotW game starring 12 year old kids, a la Stranger Things. The Scooby Doo vibe mentioned is not too dissimilar, and vintage (80s? 90s?) Small Town America would be great as a setting.

Is that something that the GM or the other players would lean towards?
Dec 5, 2023 11:50 pm
Personally I was thinking more adults, as while some playbooks work for any age, like the spooky, playbooks like the expert and to a degree the initiate imply adults and a lot of playbooks get guns which I'm not sure I'm ok with minors having

You are still free to join if you aren't set of playing a kid and reply before someone else shows interest
Last edited December 5, 2023 11:57 pm
Dec 6, 2023 6:44 am
I have always been interested in trying out PbtA. As much as narrative flexibility it gives, I get confused at the idea of running it. I would love to try Monster of the Week but unfortunately I don't have the corebook. If you have a free slot and can accept a newbie, I would love to join.
Dec 6, 2023 1:16 pm
Invite sent. That's 3 players, which is a good place to stop for a MotW game. If anyone wants to be a backup incase a player leaves, I'll take note
Dec 6, 2023 6:28 pm
Ahh! Am I already to late? I loves me some MotW (own the rulesnand everything). Mark me as backup if you're already full.
Dec 6, 2023 8:12 pm
I am full, but I will keep you in mind if a player drops I will find this thread and see your comment and reach out
May 14, 2024 12:21 am
Looking for 1 player. We decided the game would be about the cases of an agency called the PESD. We have a professional who acts as the main employee of PESD and gets the cases and an expert and spooky help with the cases at PESD's approval.

At this times the player of the spooky has not been feeling well for a while, so we have 1 slot open. First come first served. Anyone else will be noted in case someone else has to leave.
May 14, 2024 2:01 pm
I'd love to give it a shot, if you still have the opening. Just getting back into gaming on here and I love PBTA games and Monster of the Week.

Never had the opportunity to experience it as a player, but I ran a campaign of it year and we had a great time.
May 14, 2024 2:20 pm
Invite sent to Kharis. if anyone else wants to be on a backup list, you can comment here. Otherwise, assuming Kharis accepts then we have found our player.

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