OOC General Chat

Dec 13, 2023 8:54 pm
Use this channel for any out of character conversations between each other. Session Zero should mainly be used for conversations about what kind of campaign this will be, while this is a good place to do things like talk about plans or pitch ideas to each other
Dec 16, 2023 12:54 am
Hopefully My personality for Megs is ok...
Let me know if she is too much.
Dec 16, 2023 3:43 am
I think it's great. Very distinct personality, and a good foil for my character who is a bit more stodgy.
Dec 16, 2023 5:35 am
I like that Maggie has a bright personality. I am playing Ajay as a very down to earth, some what stoic but humorous character.
Dec 18, 2023 11:10 pm
@Ironmonger42 Do you want me to post before I mess with the Families or afterwards?
Dec 19, 2023 12:57 am
Not sure what exactly you mean by post before or after, but here is what I imagine a good flow would be:

Player says "I want to do x with the goal of achieving y" such as "I want to manipulate the families with my telepathy into leaving so they are not here in case the monster is nearby"

I say either "I don't think that applies" or "no need to roll, x happens" or "ok, here is what you can expect if you roll"

If I say to roll, you then decide if you want to roll and the result happen as I said to expect

If you are actively battling a monster, I will generally be in charge more and say things like "the monster suddenly my leaps forward and looks to be trying to punch on hunter x, what do you do hunter y?" Hunter Y would then declare what they want to do and just roll because things are happening so fast that expectations might not be known until after. Hunter Y might say "I jump in front of the monster to keep hunte x safe" and just go ahead and roll protect someone, or they might says "I shoot at the monster" and roll kick some ass, and if the monster survives it attacks the original target and then lashes a little at the one who shot it too
Dec 19, 2023 1:02 am
Sorry. I was talking about currently in game.
I OoC chatted about messing with the 2 familes.
Rolled for doing it.

But i never role played anything due to work.
Dec 19, 2023 2:02 am
MotW had the philosophy of "to do it you must do it". By rolling, you are commiting to doing whatever action is required. For an example, by rolling those two manipulate someone rolls, you agreed to use that power on those people. the two are linked intrinsically
Dec 21, 2023 2:51 am


Is this information correct / useable?
Last edited Dec 21, 2023 2:53 am
Dec 21, 2023 3:07 am
Yes, use the first one. the other contains things only the keeper (game master) needs to use and alternate rules I'm not using

whenever you roll, you should generally know if you have any bonuses or penalties, so once you know you are going to roll look at the move. It will tell you what happens on a 7-9 or a 10+. A 6- means the opposite of what you wanted to happen happens. I'll narrate what occurs when you "miss" (as they call it). Moves like Investigate a Mystery or Read a Bad Situation, once you see you got at least a 7, go back and edit your post to say what questions you ask.
Dec 21, 2023 3:16 am
Being New I wasn't sure what I was able to do.
I will make sure I will post an action and roleplay it in the same post.

I was not sure if you preferred us to say what we want to happen and you do the rest or not.

But I think you want it the other way. We describe what our character does to make something happen. You describe what happens
Dec 21, 2023 3:22 am
Monster of the week is much more of an improv game while also being more straight forward than a lot of other games in some areas. Pretty much all actions can be summarized as:

Player: "I do ___"
Keeper: "It sounds like you are doing x move. Roll it"
Player: "I roll 2d6+[rating] and got y. The move says ____, so I do that"
Keeper: "Ok, this is what happens as a result, now the monster does ____. What is someone doing next?"
Dec 21, 2023 3:28 am

Player: "I think monster is nearby, but I don't know where. I search for it."
Keeper: "It sounds like you are reading a bad situation. Roll the move."
Player: "I rolled an 8. I ask "Are the any dangers we haven't noticed?""
Keeper: "You see evidence that the monster has set an ambush up ahead. You get a +1 ongoing towards anything dealing with that."


Player: "I want to shoot the monster with my pistol"
Keeper: "Sounds like you are trying to kick some ass. Roll it"
Player: "I get a 10. My pistol deals 3 harm, and since I got a 10 the move says I get to choose an extra effect. I want to suffer less harm."
Keeper: "Ok, you deal 2 harm to the monster, as it has 1 armor from its supernatural muscles. It then picks up a chair in the room and hurls it at you. That would be 3 harm, but you suffer 2 because you choose to suffer less harm."
Player: "Ok, I have 1 armor from my playbook, so that's just 1 harm."
Dec 21, 2023 2:51 pm
I added some advanced rules. You will see words next to your rolls based on the results. 6 or less is a miss. 7-9 is a partial success. 10 or higher is a success. These are typical for powered by the apocalypse games, which MotW is based on, but if different words would be better suggest them and if others like it I can change it
Dec 21, 2023 8:20 pm
Quick reminder about a rule I'm not quite sure has come up yet. Everyone has I think about seven luck. You can spend a luck point after you see a role to make the role a 12 or you can use it after harm is afflicted on you to make the harm zero. However, unlike harm luck is a finite resource that last the entire campaign. Unless you spend an advancement that is limited later on, you will never get luck back. However, if you really need to stay up and the harm would have knocked you out or killed you, or if a move really needs to succeed and you can't afford for it to fail, luck is a good resource at those times. Keep in mind that fully running out of luck means bad things will happen to your character all the time. Some playbooks actually tell the keeper to do bad things to a hunter when they run out of luck. For example, the spooky playbook says that if a spooky runs out of luck, they're dark side is supposed to come out a lot and be really bad every time. Running out of the luck is almost like saying your character isn't going to live much longer in this dangerous world

This is something I forgot to mention a lot. Not saying anyone should use it now. I just know I will likely forget about it later and just remembered it.
Dec 24, 2023 1:57 am
Giving you guys a warning, I don't plan to post much the 24th and the 25th as I have family over both days.
Dec 26, 2023 5:14 pm
Is there a "clean up crew" or "Disposal Unit" that PESD has?
I just picturing the opening scene from Men in Black.
Where a crew comes with flamethrowers to burn down some cactus after they killed that alien.
Dec 26, 2023 5:30 pm
Depends on the circumstances there might be such resources available. Typically they are best when they know they are needed ahead of time.
Dec 31, 2023 6:40 pm
Does combat run in turns?

Should I wait to post again until someone else does?
Dec 31, 2023 7:55 pm
There's no initiative like with many fantasy d20 games. Mostly how it goes is players act and monsters react, and sometimes the keeper/game master uses soft moves (which are moves that are more threats and not official yet, as opposed to hard moves like when I declare a monster inflicted harm). I am making sure no one is acting too much in a row and that everyone is getting a chance to act. If I can help it, there is no order but I try to make it so no one acts again before the other two hunters have had a chance

If it narratively makes sense, I may call for a hunter to make multiple rolls, like an act under pressure roll before what they intend to do if they were trapped in web
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