Celestial Voyager crew - Co-creation thread

Dec 15, 2023 12:01 pm
The Celestial Voyager's NPC crew currently is

Captain Zaytsev
Captain Valeria Zaytsev

Gabriel "Gabe" Reyes
First officer Gabriel Reyes

Erin Brand
Erin Brand (by Daryen)

Ryan Carter

Ryan Carter (by Daryen)

The "crew" also includes 4 synths. (by Spaceseeker19 and Esidrix)

Help wanted

You are free to help (if you want) us to create other NPCS. This is optional. The Celestial Voyager is full (for now) but other NPCs can be created in the locations that we are visiting.

If you create one of them in this thread, you can also play with him/her/they/it during the game - but with the caveat that, unlike with your PC, I can also fully control them (it will be a "shared" / "secondary" character). We also won't follow regular character generation rules with them, all stats will be based in their background and there are no career rolls.
Dec 15, 2023 2:27 pm
How many gunners does this ship need? Also, do they need to be formally generated, or can we just handwave them?

What I am thinking of is a general "crewperson". They are able to operate the gunner position, they are able to general maintenance, but their main skill is combat. I am thinking they were an enlisted marine that stuck around just long enough to get skills, then moved on (to this ship). So, they are younger-ish (around 24-26) and don't have high skills. But, at the least, they have gunner-1, mechanical-1, ranged weapons-2, melee-1. Maybe something cool like demolitions (or the equivalent)-1. They never did university, nor did they do any kind of academy, but rather enlisted straight up at 18. I'd like them to have good physical stats, but that isn't completely necessary. A good strength and agility. The rest can be plus/minus average. SS, Charisma, and Education can all be dump stats if needed. They are from a backwater, and thus have Drive-0 instead of Pilot-0.

Basically any character ever played by Michelle Rodriguez. 😊
Last edited December 15, 2023 2:28 pm
Dec 15, 2023 3:47 pm
How many gunners does this ship need?
None. :) There are no guns in the Celestial Voyager. The Sentinel is also there because of that.
Also, do they need to be formally generated, or can we just handwave them?
No need for stats now. If you create one NPC, focus on name, appearance, background, personality, mannerisms, etc.

If you want to, create individuals, not a bunch of task solvers. We don't need a detailed NPC for that, we can just leave tasks to be done in the background, by the "nameless" ones or even the Synths. :)

It's basically the opposite of how you're approaching this.

PS: Soldiers/marines NPCs are also within the purview of the Sentinel, not the Voyager. ;)
Dec 15, 2023 4:50 pm
OK, cleaned up one more time to put the marines back in. This should be good to go now.
Oh, the ship is unarmed? OK. A little unexpected, but that works. Cool.

Then I am gonna double-down on the main premise:

Erin Brand. 25 years old female human. Her real first name is Fern. (Erin is her self-chosen replacement name.) She hates that name. If anyone finds out her real first name, and uses it, she will punch them in the face hard enough to break a nose.

She is tough-looking, though still attractive. She has a direct personal manner that doesn't brook fluff or obfuscation. She isn't rude, but neither does she suffer fools. She is very focused, but also very much enjoys downtime and knows how to have a good time. She is stand-offish to new people, but once you have earned her trust, she is very loyal. She is very competent in what she does. She always has a blade on her, pretty much at all times. (No one knows if she sleeps with it next to her, but most assume she does.) She prefers fatigues, coveralls, and relevant work clothes at all times. Can "clean up" if needed. Can dress formal when ordered to do so by the captain (and only the captain) and provided with the clothes (she will not keep any formal clothes herself).

She is from a backwater, lower tech world. Seeing she would be consigned to a life as a farmer's wife if she stayed, she rejected that and enlisted into the Marines as her ticket off-world. She saw a few combats and acquitted herself well. However, at the end of her first term she decided she was tired of fighting others' wars and wanted to see what else was out there. For two years she just Drifted, going from world to world. She already knew how to handle herself, and now learned how to talk her way out of situations instead of just fighting out of them. She also learned to deal with the seamy underside of society. She is an accomplished combatant, an expert with long arms, pistols, and a blade. She can also acquit herself well even when unarmed.

About a year ago, she found her way to the Celestial Voyager where she has found a home in maintenance and as a stevedore. She also provides assistance when less-than-legal contacts need to be made or a fight breaks out. If the fight is between crewmen, she tries to talk everyone down. If it is with someone outside the group, she makes them regret their choices.

Still every role ever played by Michelle Rodriguez. The avatar must be of a character played by Michelle Rodriguez.
Last edited December 15, 2023 8:48 pm
Dec 15, 2023 5:32 pm
Oh, I meant no enlisted Marines, Military personnel are in the Sentinel. Former Marines are ok. I liked her :)

She is just missing the avatar, do you have one? If you put an NPC tag somewhere in your post, this will change the portrait, just like posting as a character.

Erin Brand


Dec 15, 2023 5:36 pm
Erin Brand

What about this one?
Dec 15, 2023 5:56 pm
That's perfect!
We can always change her back to being a former Marine. Either way, the character is basically the same and either gets her to the same point. Heck, at this point, maybe we make her a one-term Marine who fell out after four years and became a drifter for a couple years before joining the Celestial Voyager. That gets her the combat training properly, but then still gives her the chance for a few seedy-type skills.

If it is OK, I will reedit the character and merge the backgrounds.

Also, how do I put in an NPC tag? I am not sure how to do that.
Last edited December 15, 2023 5:58 pm
Dec 15, 2023 6:57 pm
If it is OK, I will reedit the character and merge the backgrounds.
That's ok, we can merge :)
Also, how do I put in an NPC tag? I am not sure how to do that.
[***npc="Erin Brand"]https://i.imgur.com/h5EJvVg.jpg[/npc]

(Without the asterisk, and you should post as you, not as your PC. You can test in this thread. :))
Dec 15, 2023 7:06 pm
As Douklan is a pilot, he's naturally pretty interested in the synths. I'd like to build out some details on them, but I'm a little hazy on the details. How human-seeming are the synths, and how are they treated, in general? Are they indistinguishable from people, or is there something of an uncanny valley there? Do they choose names for themselves, or are they given designations? How long do they operate, and how often do they need maintenance? The reason I'm asking those last questions is that the synths are awake and aware during every hyperspace journey, meaning that they effectively live much longer, duller lives than space-faring humans do.

It's very interesting that the Celestial Voyager has them asleep most of the time that the human crew is awake, so the synths are living on an inverted version of the humans' cycle.
Last edited December 21, 2023 4:57 pm
Dec 15, 2023 7:53 pm
Nice. As long as we don't contradict what is written in the setting information thread (there is a specific post for the synths there) you can choose the answer to all those questions. Or even leave some to be answered in game.

It is indeed an "inverted crew" :D
Dec 15, 2023 8:42 pm
Synths are always identified by letters/numbers (like storm troopers), not names. The intent is to de-personalize them. They are intended to be treated as property, not people. That, of course, doesn't stop people from giving them names anyway, or stop a few from naming themselves. When given/taking a name, it is always a single name.

They are sentient, but it is not known if they are truly sapient. But, despite their quirks, they sure seem to be really close!

How does that sound?

(These are just suggestions. Feel free to invalidate these if it conflicts with what you want to do. I already made one NPC, but I still love to toss in ideas.)
Last edited December 15, 2023 8:50 pm

Erin Brand


Dec 15, 2023 8:49 pm
Erin Brand
OK, this is the NPC tag test. Her character description has been updated to merge the backgrounds together. She should be good to go!
Dec 16, 2023 12:57 am
I just wrote a post from Gabe's and Stone's point of view. You can write the same scenes (and more) from Beta's, if you want to, @spaceseeker19 =)

What's Beta's (his?/her?) "real" name by the way?
Dec 16, 2023 2:17 am
htech says:
I just wrote a post from Gabe's and Stone's point of view. You can write the same scenes (and more) from Beta's, if you want to, @spaceseeker19 =)

What's Beta's (his?/her?) "real" name by the way?
That's an interesting question. I think it depends on whether they were with the ship before the Captain bought it, or whether she brought them online afterward. Basically, did she name them, did the previous captain, or did they name themselves? I could see that the Captain who brought them online might name them all, or might just name the Alpha and let that one name the others, depending on their inclination.
Last edited December 16, 2023 2:18 am
Dec 16, 2023 9:37 am
Let's say that they named themselves, as most of the crew doesn't address them by their names anyway. If the crew needs to, they can call them by the order of revival (Alpha, Beta, etc) not by the real names that you will use.

They came with the ship when Valeria bought it, just like the jump drive and the other equipment. I'm going with Daryen suggestions above, as it looks like you approved. =)
Dec 19, 2023 3:21 pm
As a side note, while Hank is not terribly interested in how Synths work, *I* am. Hank just thinks of them with the majoritarian view, though if those views are challenged or outright debunked, he can and will deal with it. (I.e., if they are "people", he can adjust and treat them as such. However, the default has not been challenged for him.)

I am curious on several things about them:
- How long do they "live"?
- Are they actually "people"? (Whatever that means.)
- Do they have assigned sex, or are they sex-less?
- What are their maintenance needs?
- Do they have "extras"? (Honestly, the human form isn't the best shape for maintenance robots. Do they have extra, hidden, limbs, appendages, probes, links, cables, whatever that can assist them in their job?)
- Can they fight? Do they have integral weapons? Do they know how to use human weapons?
- Do they have a culture?
- What do they *do* during jump? Sure, they keep things running and make repairs. But they have to have some down time. What do they do in the down time?

Just *so* many questions!

Maybe I'll transfer that curiosity to Erin ...
Last edited December 19, 2023 3:22 pm
Dec 19, 2023 3:58 pm
daryen says:
I am curious on several things about them:
- How long do they "live"?
With adequate maintenance, spare parts and barring some unfortunate accident, forever.
daryen says:
- Are they actually "people"? (Whatever that means.)
There are plenty of philosophical debate about that in this universe. No conclusions so far.
daryen says:
- Do they have assigned sex, or are they sex-less?
They don't have sexual organs and are "sex-less". They may or may not have an apparent and chosen gender, on a case-by-case basis. Synth-Alpha (James) is a "he".
daryen says:
- What are their maintenance needs?
- Do they have "extras"? (Honestly, the human form isn't the best shape for maintenance robots. Do they have extra, hidden, limbs, appendages, probes, links, cables, whatever that can assist them in their job?)
- Can they fight? Do they have integral weapons? Do they know how to use human weapons?
- Do they have a culture?
We will answer that in game, if/when it gets relevant. Whoever writes about it first, as long as it doesn't contradicts anything written before, it becomes Canon and part of the universe.
- What do they *do* during jump? Sure, they keep things running and make repairs. But they have to have some down time. What do they do in the down time?
Usually, they study, read, conduct scientific experiments, play games, practice their skills, perform maintenance, listen to music, paint, compose, write reports, etc. Pretty much whatever they want to, in an isolated bubble of space-time.

Moreover, they are the only ones really able to investigate the physics and laws of the hyperspace from within.
Dec 19, 2023 4:38 pm
They were named by the previous captain of the Celestial Voyager, who was a bit of a romantic but also a lazy man with both gambling and drinking problems. This led him to name each of the Synths, with the first - Synth-Alpha - being named after his estranged son, James. After that, he named them in alphabetical order to help him remember. Synth-Beta was called Kelly, a "she," Synth-Gamma was named Lewis, a "he," and Synth-Delta he called Mary, a "she." The drunk captain encouraged them to cultivate and pursue their own interests. They collectively composed a table of possible pastimes, and then randomly assigned which of them would start with what hobby. They pursue these hobbies diligently and with interest, but dispassionately. In their personal directories, they have collections of:
- theoretical math postulates
- bizarre, abstract digital paintings
- nonsensical word-association poetry
- sewing patterns of clothes designed for unknown anatomies
- detailed engineering schematics for devices, buildings, and objects of unknown purpose
- recipes of random ingredients for mostly inedible food

Their first captain was mercurial, and he hired and fired crew often. As a result, the Synths were his most constant companions, and from time to time, he would have conversations with them not related to ship operations. To assist in this, he augmented the synths with enhanced personality modules that allow them to turn up or turn down the level of "realistic human personality" and emotion emulation. These can be tuned to alter how much they behave like people, from "base drone for the ship" (level 1) to "very nearly human" (level 8). At the higher end - more human - each Synth has developed an unique personality, with syntax, dialect, and accent of a particular human world or settlement. Some people in human space see this as an abomination and/or cruel, but since the Celestial Voyager's synths have these augments, Captain Zaytsev has set them to default to level 3 - slightly personable - but with permissions set so that passengers and crew can instruct them to assume a different level when the Synths interact with them.
Dec 19, 2023 4:45 pm
Agreed. That's canon now. :)
Dec 19, 2023 5:50 pm
OK, a couple extra questions on synths in the universe at large:
1) Are there any "synths rights" groups running around. If so, how common are they?
2) Have there ever been, or ever been reported, or ever been rumored, any synth uprisings?

Sorry. Seeing "servant races" running around always get my player-paranoia sense tingling.
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