How to share DM character sheets

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Dec 16, 2023 4:55 pm
Hello! New DM here!
I have two characters that are under my GM user. I would like my players to be able to see these character sheets.
Is there a way to do this?
I have poked around the forums, but cannot find anything.
Dec 16, 2023 5:16 pm
If you edit your Game Details, there's an Advanced options pop-up at the bottom. Expand that and there is a text field.
Enter this text in there:
"characterSheetIntegration": {"playerSheets": [
{"SHEET NAME": "custom/#####"}

With Sheet Name being the name you want the sheet displayed as and ##### being the number at the end of the URL when you're on your sheet. That way, the sheet will show up at the bottom of the page for your players to access it.
You'll also need to make sure the sheet is public. For that, go to your My Characters Page and make sure the book icon is red.
This is what it then looks like. Sam is my character sheet and the MS Game Aide is a GM sheet.
Dec 16, 2023 5:24 pm
Just for reference, you can see the guide about what Bowl mentioned in here. This thread also has some other useful tricks. :D

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