
Dec 25, 2023 11:24 pm
Your character starts with some credits and their personal effects, clothing, etc. They also can afford basic meals, cheap lodgings, etc, snd we won't keep track of that as long as they are not completely broke.

During the adventure, you will also get supplies and basic gear from the GM. If you're looking for something different, just ask him if that's available before you leave your starship and/or shuttle, so you can note that down in your character sheet (current equipment section).

The following posts list some examples of common equipment that adventurers may want. This is, by far, not a exhaustive list and will be updated in the future.

Below, the cost of the item is always in Credits ($) and the weight of the item is in kilograms (Kg). Armor and weapons are grouped in tables, and every other entry includes the object's name, cost and a brief description. Items without specified weight or size can be easily carried or worn. Additional explanations are included when necessary.

Under most circumstances, the GM can simply rule that characters can carry a 'reasonable' amount of equipment without actually tracking it – armor, a main weapon, a pistol, a few grenades, and items in a backpack are all reasonable. However, characters being what they are, there may be times when they attempt to carry an unreasonable load. The first thing to consider is how they are actually carrying something. Six blaster rifles may not weigh all that much, but without a suitable pack or bundle, they are not easy to carry for long stretches without dropping one. When PCs start to carry a lot of items, the GM should step in and ask where or how they are being carried.

Most items of equipment have a listed Weight, and a GM can also use this to limit what is being carried. A character should be able to carry equipment totaling a number of kilograms equal to twice his Strength plus any ranks in Athletics, without penalties. Characters can temporarily carry up to twice this amount but will suffer a Disadvantage on all physical actions while they do so.
Dec 25, 2023 11:27 pm

Armor reduces the amount of damage a character takes from a hit, based on the type of armor worn. The Damage Reduction (DR) rating for a set of armor is equal to the amount of damage reduced by the armor when you are hit in combat.

Skill Required: Some armors and vaccsuits have a required skill level in Zero-G. A character suffers a +5 increase in the DC for all skill checks when using armor or vaccsuits without the necessary training.

Weight: The mass of armour is distributed around the body when worn properly, thus reducing its effective weight. Use the second number when wearing it.

Reflec vest3005/02/0.5-
Ballistic vest3000/52/0.5-
Reflec bodysuit1,50010/08/2-
Ballistic bodysuit1,5000/108/2-
Explorer environmental suit2,000510/2.5-
Civilian vaccsuit 10,000 0/235/8.7Zero-G 0
Sealed combat armor20,0001540/10Zero-G 0
Powered Exoskeleton 20,000050/0Zero-G 1
Powered combat armor 50,00020150/0Zero-G 1

I will write a description for each armor and equipment in the table above soon.


Electric pike1,0003d82.8
Stun baton200-1.8

Hold-out pistol3003d40.5
Blaster pistol5003d61
Heavy blaster pistol7503d81.3
Blaster rifle1,0003d84.5
Sniper rifle1,0003d6+34
Slugthrower pistol2002d60.5
Slugthrower rifle3002d64
Gauss rifle1,2003d8+15

I will write a description for each weapon and equipment in the table above soon.

To be written.

Power pack ($25, 0.1Kg): This standard rechargeable pack has enough power for around 50 shots from a blaster rifle or 100 from a blaster pistol. In this game, we don't track every blaster shot and occasionally having to reload is only dictated by the GM as a consequence of prolonged firefights. Otherwise, we can say that you recharge the pack automatically when you get back to your ship, shuttle or base.

Slugthrower ammo ($10, 0.1Kg): There are many disadvantages for chemical weapons, one of them is the need to buy and keep track of ammunition. A slugthrower clip only have 10 shots. Moreover, the rifle and pistol versions are not interchangeable.

Gauss ammo ($10, 0.1Kg): A gauss rifle shoots in bursts of 5-10 rounds each. A gauss ammo pack has enough for 8 bursts before you need to reload. Players also need to buy and keep track of Gauss ammunition.
Dec 25, 2023 11:27 pm
Datapad ($100): Also known as a tablet, this is a small electronic device used mainly for inputting, storing and displaying information. It has 10 sturdy buttons and a hyperspace resistant green screen. It can also serve as a computer terminal when physically linked (by its network interface jack) to a standard computer, including those in starships.

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