Relevant NPCs

Jan 3, 2024 12:05 pm
Captain Zaytsev
Captain Valeria Zaytsev
In the vast tapestry of the interstellar trade network, one name stands out among the countless traders navigating the complexities of commerce and diplomacy: Captain Valeria Zaytsev. Born on the thriving planetary hub of New Jordan, Valeria's early life was steeped in the ebb and flow of trade negotiations and interstellar politics. Her parents, both respected diplomats in the Colonial Affairs Division of the Interstellar Trade Commission (ITC), instilled in her a deep appreciation for the delicate dance of diplomacy and the power dynamics that governed the interconnected planets.

Securing her ITC merchant license at the tender age of twenty, Valeria's vessel, the Celestial Voyager, swiftly became a beacon of speed and reliability in the vast expanse of known galaxies. Outfitted with cutting-edge hyperdrives and expansive fuel tanks, the Celestial Voyager crisscrossed the cosmos, engaging in highly lucrative trade deals that earned Captain Zaytsev both respect and fortune.

Unlike the more traditional traders, Valeria fostered a dynamic crew environment aboard the Celestial Voyager. Known for her open-minded approach, she allowed crew members to join and depart as they pleased, fostering a community of diverse individuals drawn to the allure of exploration and profitable ventures. The transient nature of her crew mirrored the ever-shifting constellations they traversed, creating an environment where adaptability was as crucial as the warp drives that propelled them forward.

Valeria's prowess as a pilot matched her exceptional skills as a broker and negotiator. Her ship became a familiar sight in bustling spaceports, its sleek design and prominent name inspiring a sense of wonder and trust. The Celestial Voyager wasn't just a vessel of trade; it was a symbol of the boundless opportunities that awaited those who dared to venture into the uncharted territories of the cosmos.

Navigating the intricacies of trade agreements, Valeria's diplomatic finesse allowed her to find common ground among diverse factions. Whether in the opulent boardrooms of mega-corporations or the communal spaces of independent colonies, Captain Zaytsev's reputation for fairness and integrity preceded her, making her a sought-after mediator and diplomat.

The Celestial Voyager, with its captain at the helm, sailed through the stars, threading the needle between economic machinations and unexplored wonders. Valeria's journey was not just about profit; it was a testament to the possibilities that awaited those who embraced the unknown. In her ship's wake, a trail of successful deals, peaceful resolutions, and ever-changing crew members.
Gabriel "Gabe" Reyes
First officer Gabriel Reyes
Gabriel Reyes, widely known as Gabe, hails from the bustling industrial colonies of Zyronis. Born into a family of engineers, he developed an early fascination with the intricate workings of spacecraft. Gabe's technical prowess quickly propelled him through the ranks, earning him the position of chief engineer on various vessels, even before joining the Celestial Voyager. His backstory intertwines with the hum of engines, the scent of machine oil, and the maintenance of the synths of the Celestial Voyager and other ships.

His taciturn nature can be traced back to a stoic determination forged in the fires of challenging repairs and demanding missions. Gabe's reliability and adaptability in the face of technical malfunctions earned him the trust of Captain Valeria Zaytsev and after a couple of years as the chief engineer, he received his current assignment.

Gabe's disciplined approach to problem-solving and a knack for improvisation make him an invaluable first officer. Beneath the stoicism lies a sense of duty and loyalty, firmly rooted in the bonds forged during countless adventures across the ITC known space.
Erin Brand
Erin Brand (by Daryen)
Erin Brand. 25 years old female human. Her real first name is Fern. (Erin is her self-chosen replacement name.) She hates that name. If anyone finds out her real first name, and uses it, she will punch them in the face hard enough to break a nose.

She is tough-looking, though still attractive. She has a direct personal manner that doesn't brook fluff or obfuscation. She isn't rude, but neither does she suffer fools. She is very focused, but also very much enjoys downtime and knows how to have a good time. She is stand-offish to new people, but once you have earned her trust, she is very loyal. She is very competent in what she does. She always has a blade on her, pretty much at all times. (No one knows if she sleeps with it next to her, but most assume she does.) She prefers fatigues, coveralls, and relevant work clothes at all times. Can "clean up" if needed. Can dress formal when ordered to do so by the captain (and only the captain) and provided with the clothes (she will not keep any formal clothes herself).

She is from a backwater, lower tech world. Seeing she would be consigned to a life as a farmer's wife if she stayed, she rejected that and enlisted into the Marines as her ticket off-world. She saw a few combats and acquitted herself well. However, at the end of her first term she decided she was tired of fighting others' wars and wanted to see what else was out there. For two years she just Drifted, going from world to world. She already knew how to handle herself, and now learned how to talk her way out of situations instead of just fighting out of them. She also learned to deal with the seamy underside of society. She is an accomplished combatant, an expert with long arms, pistols, and a blade. She can also acquit herself well even when unarmed.

About a year ago, she found her way to the Celestial Voyager where she has found a home in maintenance and as a stevedore. She also provides assistance when less-than-legal contacts need to be made or a fight breaks out. If the fight is between crewmen, she tries to talk everyone down. If it is with someone outside the group, she makes them regret their choices.

Strength: 13 (+1)
: 17 (+3)
: 10 (0)
: 11 (0)

Athletics (S) - 1, Carousing (C) - 1, Driving (A) - 1, Engineering (W) - 0, Gunnery (A) - 1, Intimidation (S) - 0, Mechanics (W) - 1, Melee (S) - 2, Profession (Soldier) (W) - 0, Ranged Weapons (A) - 3, Reflex (A) - 0, Resilience (S) - 0, Stealth (A) - 1, Zero G (A) - 1
Ryan Carter
Ryan Carter (by Daryen)
Ryan is a 36 year old male. He has been working the space lanes for a long time. He has certification equivalent to a registered nurse. However, the certification is issued by an institution that is not familiar to anyone on the crew. He explains that it is a lesser known school on an obscure world that is a little behind the times. However, despite that, he has glowing recommendations from his his last few employers who all claim to have been sad to see him go. He moves around a lot because he likes the travel and wants to see and experience as much as he can. Really, he is a classic Drifter who has an unusual, but highly marketable, skill that allows him to pay the bills while traveling. For most of his past he would go to a world, explore and enjoy the environment until his money ran out, then get a job to pay the bills. Once he saved up some money, he would quit and go to the next world. His joining the Celestial Voyager is a new wrinkle he is trying out, which might enable him to stick around for longer than he usually does, but even then his wanderlust will likely kick in at some point.

He is attractive and likeable and plays to that. He is very physically fit and whip-smart. He believes he is the smartest person in the room and he usually is. His primary skill is his medic skill, but he also relates to people well. He can also damage people almost as well as he can patch them back together. As indicated by his Education score, most of his education has been from real-world experience, not from a classroom. He is not only not embarrassed by that, he wears it like a badge of honor.

He joined the Celestial Voyager six months ago, barely before the most recent group arrived. Despite that, he is already a well-liked and valued member of the crew.
The 4 synths in the Celestial Voyager's crew. (by Spaceseeker19)

They were named by the previous captain of the Celestial Voyager, who was a bit of a romantic but also a lazy man with both gambling and drinking problems. This led him to name each of the Synths, with the first - Synth-Alpha - being named after his estranged son, James. After that, he named them in alphabetical order to help him remember. Synth-Beta was called Kelly, a "she," Synth-Gamma was named Lewis, a "he," and Synth-Delta he called Mary, a "she." The drunk captain encouraged them to cultivate and pursue their own interests. They collectively composed a table of possible pastimes, and then randomly assigned which of them would start with what hobby. They pursue these hobbies diligently and with interest, but dispassionately. In their personal directories, they have collections of:
- theoretical math postulates
- bizarre, abstract digital paintings
- nonsensical word-association poetry
- sewing patterns of clothes designed for unknown anatomies
- detailed engineering schematics for devices, buildings, and objects of unknown purpose
- recipes of random ingredients for mostly inedible food

Their first captain was mercurial, and he hired and fired crew often. As a result, the Synths were his most constant companions, and from time to time, he would have conversations with them not related to ship operations. To assist in this, he augmented the synths with enhanced personality modules that allow them to turn up or turn down the level of "realistic human personality" and emotion emulation. These can be tuned to alter how much they behave like people, from "base drone for the ship" (level 1) to "very nearly human" (level 8). At the higher end - more human - each Synth has developed an unique personality, with syntax, dialect, and accent of a particular human world or settlement. Some people in human space see this as an abomination and/or cruel, but since the Celestial Voyager's synths have these augments, Captain Zaytsev has set them to default to level 3 - slightly personable - but with permissions set so that passengers and crew can instruct them to assume a different level when the Synths interact with them.
Sr. Special Agent Alex Mercer
Senior Special Agent Alex Mercer
Alex Mercer graduated with honors from Contitech University in Maryburg City, earning a degree in Engineering. Following that, he joined the ITC Bureau of Investigation and quickly proved his expertise in handling intricate cases involving emerging technologies. Known for his analytical prowess and dedication, Alex swiftly rose through the ranks to become a Senior Special Agent.

Throughout his service, Alex gained recognition for his contributions to the investigation of frauds involving gravitics and holographic projectors. He also has experience investigating various white-collar crimes, including cases involving financial fraud, corporate malfeasance, and embezzlement. His expertise extends to navigating complex webs of financial transactions and uncovering deceptive practices within corporate environments.

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