Cleaving through creatures (DMG 272) | When a melee attack reduces an undamaged target to 0 HP, the attack can carry over to another target within reach if it would hit using the original attack roll. If hit, the target receives whatever damage remains from the original damage roll. |
Climb onto a bigger creature (DMG 271) | A smaller creature can grab onto a larger creature by a) making a grapple check if the target creature is one or two sizes larger, or b) making opposed Athletics/Acrobatics checks to climb onto a creature more than two sizes larger. |
Disarm (DMG 271) | An attacker can declare an opponent's weapon as the target of a weapon attack. A successful attack (opposed by Athletics or Acrobatics, made with ADV if the attacker is larger, DISADV if the target is larger or is holding the weapon in at least two hands) means the target drops its weapon. |
Level Advancement without XP (DMG 261) | PCs do not track XP; PCs gain levels by accomplishing goals or completing tasks. |
Overrun (DMG 272) | A combatant can move through a hostile target's space as an action or bonus action by succeeding with contested STR (Athletics) checks, with ADV/DISADV conferred to the attempt if the pushing combatant is larger/smaller than the target. |
Shove aside (DMG 272) | A combatant using the shove action can choose to move targets sideways, instead of backwards. |