
Jan 21, 2024 1:01 am
1) Check for Surprise

2) Roll for Initiative

3) Determine Your Actions

Every player has 10 stamina points in each combat round which are used to "buy" actions.

4) Resolve Opponent Knockdowns and Wounds

Roll for damage and subtract opponent's armor rating. If inflicted damage is greater than the opponent's constitution, they are knocked down. If an opponent is struck while they're knocked down, then they take a wound.

5) Movement

Optionally, you can move before you take your actions.
Feb 12, 2025 12:34 am
Stamina Points

I don't want to get too hung up on this. We can use this table to get a general idea of what can and can't be done in a combat round.

Standard Attack5 points
Heavy Weapon Attack8 points
Switch/Draw Weapon5 points
Use/Retrieve Item5 points
Stand or Help Someone Stand5 points
Maintain Stealth5 points

As you can see, most actions are 5 points so characters can generally do two actions/round.

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