Here's a stab at such a game:
Heroes' Dice is a simple gambling contest played all over the world of your RPG. The goal is to have the highest score at the end of the game; the player with the highest score wins the pot.
One player is the Host. The Host does the initial Hero roll and sets the ante.
Every player has 1d4, 1d6, 1d8, 1d10, and 1d12.
Every player puts the Host-declared ante (or items that the Host agrees are of equivalent value) in the pot.
Then the Host rolls 1d12; the resulting value is "the Hero."
Then each player, including the Host, has up to three throws of their dice. Each player chooses how many dice to roll in a throw. But in a game, each die can only be rolled once(*). So if you roll all five dice in your first throw, you won't roll again (*). You could roll 3 dice in your first throw, then choose to roll two dice in your second throw. Or start with one die, then roll 3 dice in your second throw, and one die in your final throw.
* - with the possible exception of Heroes
Scoring: Points are scored for "sets" and "runs."
set is two or more of the same value on a die. Each set is worth the face value of the set times a number. A set of two is worth double the value, a set of three is worth five times the value, a set of four is worth ten times the value, and a set of five is worth fifteen times the value. So a pair of 2s is worth 4 points, and a trio of 2s is worth 10 points, four 2s are worth 20 points, and five 2s are worth 30 points.
run is a series of three or more sequential numbers: 1, 2, and 3 is a run, and so is 6, 7, 8, and 9. A run is worth the values of all the numbers in the run added together. So a run of 1, 2, 3 is worth 6 points, and a run of 6, 7, 8, 9 is worth 30 points.
Any dice that are rolled on the second throw
and score then double the value of their set or run.
Any dice that are rolled on the third throw
and score then triple the value of their set or run.
Heroes: Each die that is rolled with a value matching the Hero number can either be:
a) used as its face value
b) used as its face value and you choose another non-Hero die to reroll
c) used as a wild, representing any one other value
Each Hero can be used only once, but the player can wait to declare its use. One Hero cannot be used to reroll another Hero.
Note that the number of throws can never exceed three, so any Heroes rolled on the third throw can only be used as wild or as their face value.
Game one:
The Host rolls a 7 on 1d12: "
Sevens are Heroes! Ante is 10 credits!"
Two players agree; they and the host each put in 10 credits each, making the pot worth 30 credits.
The Host chooses to roll all five dice in their first throw.
The next player chooses to roll three dice in their first throw: 1d4, 1d6, and 1d10.
The last player chooses to roll one die: 1d12.
The Host posts a roll: Reason. "First throw" Roll: "1d4, 1d6, 1d8, 1d10, 1d12"
The results are: 1, 1, 6, 1, 2.
The Host has one set of three 1s: worth 5 points.
They do not need to edit their post, as all the dice have been thrown and there were no Heroes (7s) in the results.
The second player posts a roll. Reason: "First throw" Roll: "1d4, 1d6, 1d10"
The results are: 2, 2, 5.
Player 2 has one set of two 2s: it's worth 4 points by itself.
Then the player edits the post and adds another roll. Reason: "Second throw" Roll: "1d8, 1d12"
The results are: 8, 12.
No further points are added, and no dice came up Heroes, so Player 2's score remains 4.
The third player posts a roll. Reason: "First throw" Roll: "1d12"
The result is: 2
Player 3 edits the post and adds another roll. Reason: "Second throw" Roll: "1d4, 1d6"
The results are: 1, 2
Player 3 has one set of two 2s: 4 points.
Player 3 edits the post and adds another roll. Reason: "Third throw" Roll: "1d8, 1d10"
The results are: 5, 2.
Player 3 has one set of three 2s: 10 points. BUT the final 2 came up in the third round, so the score of that set is tripled. 10 points becomes 30 points!
No dice came up Heroes, so Player 3's final score of 30 points remains.
Player 3 wins 30 credits.
Last edited January 21, 2024 5:18 am