Amelie had been idling in the corner of the room when the power went off. They'd also had most of their systems shut down, with little else to do and the place
mostly cleaned up where humanly possible. Or not humanly possible, robotically possible? So when things blinked out and their emergency mode kicked in, they were slightly out of it. If possible, they were what humans might describe as groggy or half asleep.
It took some time for their programming to boot up in emergency mode. Ironic, really. Yazeba had intended to look into that, as she always intended to look into everything but never did. Emergency mode activated so rarely, after all, that they never really needed it to be resolved. Now though, it would've been nice.
Amelie discovered some candles and offered them around to the questing party. They could see in the dark, with their headlamps, so they didn't need any. They made sure everyone had what they were looking for, and then set off with Parish. With any luck, they'd keep their footing. Their motor functioning hadn't come back properly, yet, and the stairs were very steep.
Whoopsie: Shut down and deactivate.