GM, new to play by post gaming, LFG. (Pathfinder)

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Sep 5, 2016 7:59 pm

I'm new to play by post gaming and am looking to get my feet wet.

I've been playing for a few years and have ran a few one shots for a group I used to play with IRL. I'm looking for some players to play within the world I've been creating.

Feel free to shoot me a PM if you're interested in forming a gaming group.

Happy gaming,
Sep 5, 2016 8:42 pm
Welcome, Tarrasque! It seems you're looking for a dedicated group to play with? I hope you get the opportunity to dip your feet into our many pools, as well. (We're mostly pollyamorous, RPG-wise!)
Sep 5, 2016 9:12 pm
Some pathfinder sounds like fun.
Sep 6, 2016 12:09 am
Thank you for the warm welcome!

I'll be posting in the "games," link sometime here soon with more details about the type of adventure (something player driven, ideally) I'm looking to run, so if anyone is interested, keep an eye out!
Sep 6, 2016 1:13 am
Welcome! And I mostly play (GM) Pathfinder as well. I'll keep an eye out for what pops up.

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