5. Circus Management

Feb 16, 2024 6:47 pm
Here are the rules for the optional management game

There is 4 concepts at work to manage a circus :

- Anticipation : Gives how much people want to come to the circus and are waiting to be amazed.
- Excitement : How much joy people received from a performance
- Prestige : How much the circus is Renowned
- Money : To help acquire Anticipation.

- If the performance is a success -- generating more Excitement than Anticipation, the circus gain (Prestige + Final Anticipation) gp, and get 2 Prestige points. If it is a critical success Excitement = Anticipation all is doubled.
- If the performance is a failure -- generating less Excitement than Anticipation, the circus gain (Prestige + Final Excitement)/4 gp and get 1 Prestige point.
Feb 16, 2024 7:11 pm

Once a week a circus performance is done in the evening

1. Purchase Temporary Upgrades: Gaining Anticipation, Excitement or even future extra payout.
2. Choose Non-Performance Roles: Gives bonuses or help to performances, or random events.
3. Roll for Random Event: Events that may have a negative effect on the performance
4. Tally Starting Anticipation: It may change during the show
5. Perform Acts and Tricks
6. Calculate Payout: Payout is the net gain, performers salary, animals need, and other performance related expenses are already paid outside of payout.

The show is divided in 4 acts and includes 7 tricks :

Act 1. Opener -- 1 trick, designed to capture the crowed attention.
Act 2. Build-up -- 2 tricks, design to impress the crowed
Act 3. Big Number -- 1 trick, focus of the entire show
Act 4. Finale -- 3 tricks, presenting a dazzling spectacle of all the circus has to offer.
Feb 16, 2024 7:52 pm

A trick is defined by its level --difficulty check--, its used skill(s), and its trait(s). For each trick the performer may use up to 3 actions (1 perform the trick, is required)

Possible Actions :

- Perform a Trick (simple action): Attempt to perform a trick, skill check against DC (from level)
- - Critical Success : Excitement = trick level and Anticipation = trick level / up rounded up, for this show
- - Success: Excitement = trick level for this show
- - Failure: No result
- - Critical Failure: Excitement = - (trick level / 2 rounded up)
- - -5 to perform a second time in act, -8 to perform a third time
- Coaster (reaction): You help another performer pull off their trick
- - Coaster DC = Trick DC, see Aid action
- Send in the Clown (simple action): Give signal to clown to come on stage to save a botched trick
- - Failed become Success, and Critical Fail becomes Failed
- - May be send only once per act for a single trick check


- Aerial (+1 Acrobatics): The trick involves flight
- Air (+1 survival): Involves manipulation of mist, wind, or another prop with atmospherical properties.
- Alchemical: May expend an alchemical item to add +1 to their trick check.
- Agile: -4 and -8 for second and third performance of the trick in the same act.
- Animal (+1 nature): Use trained animal
- Audience (+1 Society): Audience participate in the trick
- Beast (+1 Arcana): Relies on intelligent beasts.
- Dance: Involve dancing or choreographical movements. Allow Coastar bonus to stack
- Earth (+1 Occultism): Use mud, earth, or stone
- Emotion: Must have Alchemical or Magical Trait as well. In case of success, may reduce the amount of Excitement and Anticipation the trick generate as they wish.
- Fire (+1 Intimidation): Involves Fire, Smoke or Pyrotechnics.
- Injury: Automatic if trick has a save. In case of critical Failure DC15 to avoid a wound. Cannot do trick this show and need a DC15 to do trick next show, after its fine.
- Magical: Involves use of magic. May expend a spell slot, if trick succeed add spell slot level to Ecitement, if not spell is lost.
- Musical (+1 performance): Involves musical cues or is augmented by sound effect or music.
- Plant (+1 Nature): Uses plants
- Prop (+1 Crafting): Use props or stage setup
- Team: Require more than a perform. Automatically if a performer accept a Costar.
- Time: Involves Distorting or Altering time. Can do a 4th Performance with malus of 3rd performance.
- Water (+1 Athletics) Water is a primary component
Feb 16, 2024 8:03 pm
Non-Performer Roles

PC cannot be involved as a Performer in this show.

- Animal Handler: Trick with animal traits gain +2 bonus, the can perform tirck twice in show (not in the same act). No animal break loose event.
- Backup Clown: +1 Send in the Clown in an act.
- Bandleader: required Acoustic Performance upgrade. Can choose to generate ANticipation half the bandleader level.
- Carnival Barker: Drows in more audience. May choose to increase Maximum Anticipation by 5 for every successful trick.
- Clown Coordinator: Send in the Clown as a reaction instead of a simple action.
- Lighting: Require spotlight upgrade.. +1 bonus to Deception & Thievery tricks.
- Medic: Cannot become injure because of failing trick
- Pyrotechnic: Double excitement for trick with fire trait.
- Security Guard: No effect for hecklers or scalpers on events
Feb 16, 2024 8:20 pm
Preparing the Next Show

During 6 days you have opportunity to prepare the public for the next performance:

Maximum Anticipation: At the beginning due to the tent size maximum anticipation is 20 (any excess is ignore), can be increased by upgrade, non-performer roles or even random events.

- Purchasing Advertisement: Only possible the first day after the show. 1gp -> 1 anticipation, 5gp -> 2 a., 20gp -> 4a, 40gp -> 6a, 80gp -> 9a, 150gp -> 12a, 250gp -> 16a, 500gp -> 20a, 800gp -> 25a, 1 200gp -> 30a, 2 000gp -> 40a, 3 000gp -> 50a.
- Promote the Circus: Spend 2 downtime days in town to promote the circus with a society check DC depends on party level.
- - A second character may aid you with a +2 bonus, if passing a society check DC 20
- - Critical Success: Anticipation = sum levels x 2 + Charisma modifier (min 2 anticipation)
- - Success: Anticipation = your Level + Charisma modifier (min 1)
- - Failure: 1 anticipation
- - Critical Failure: no anticipation
Feb 16, 2024 8:46 pm

Acoustics30 gp5
- Safety net20 gp6


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