Stellar Cartography

Feb 17, 2024 12:39 pm
Our huge galaxy was divided by ITC in convenient segments, called sectors for administrative and military reasons. Each sector is mapped into a 2 dimensional area of metadimensional space measuring 17 hexes by 12 hexes, for a total of 204 hexes.

Twenty five sectors (arranged in five rows of five sectors each) form the Known Space, the largest area that is considered colonized and generally controlled by ITC, with Earth as part of the Home Sector in the middle. The table below shows that. Sectors marked with '?' are not relevant (yet) to our campaign.

?? Home Sector ??
Pandora's VeilNew Jordan???

To locate the sector where we will play, there is a caveat: north, south, east, and west are insufficient terms for referring to directions within the galaxy. Instead, the following conventions have achieved widespread acceptance and are used: Coreward – toward the galactic core (up); Rimward – toward the rim of the galaxy (down); Spinward – towards the direction the galaxy is rotating (left) and Trailing – opposite the spin of the galaxy (right).

Our campaign will start in the New Jordan Sector:

Our adventures will take us around the sector and maybe even further spinwards, away from Earth.

For your first mission, you'll embark from New Jordan (07.11, in blue) to reach Altairia (05.01, in green), the nearest inhabited colony to your destination. There, you'll refuel and resupply for the last time before venturing beyond the sector for the months ahead.

Upon departing Altairia, your course will take you to the Pandora's Veil sector, home to Astralon, utilizing wilderness refueling techniques—such as collecting water from planets or icy asteroids, or harvesting hydrogen from a gas giant.

Further details will be given In Game. =)
Feb 17, 2024 12:40 pm
Adebaran (New Jordan, 08.06)(by Esidrix)
Aldebaran is a Red Giant star that has expanded off the main sequence. If it had inner planets, they have long since been devoured by the star. It has 4 'outer' planets. Aldebaran b, Aldebaran c, Aldebaran d and Noximo. Aldebaran b is a gas giant planet with ice rings and close to 60 'moons'. Only two of which are large enough to have noticeable gravity, Eclipse and Twilight. Twilight was a dead planet with no inner core. Eclipse, on the other hand, had a rotating core and a basic nitrogen atmosphere. Terraforming was completed several hundred years ago and now Eclipse is a subsistence level planet. Basic foods are produced and certain precious metals are mined from the surrounding rings along with Ice for water on Eclipse and for refueling ships heading Rimward.
Feb 17, 2024 12:40 pm
Draco (New Jordan, 06.09)

Draco I
Draco I is a tiny and rocky inferno orbiting its orange (K4) star. Its climate is harsh, with temperatures soaring to extremes. The population of 30,000 struggles in this unforgiving environment, governed by a Feudal system. Strict laws and regulations, rigorously enforced, shape daily life. There is also taxation, heavy and often unfair, that burdens the citizens.

On the other hand, the planet boasts abundant mineral resources, a double-edged sword under the watchful eyes of the feudal government. All goods are tightly controlled, requiring ration coupons and paperwork for every purchase. While there is a rich nobility, the average wealth teeters on the edge of survival.

Gravity on Draco I is a modest 0.32G, creating a unique experience for its inhabitants. The class 3 starport includes a downport and orbital station, offering essential repair facilities. Please note that obtaining special parts or undertaking complex repairs is too much for it and demands off-planet resources.

Ruling over this challenging domain is Duke Arion Voss, a figure known for his iron-fisted control. His authority extends through the feudal hierarchy, and his name strikes both fear and respect among the people of Draco I.

World tags: Civil War, Restrictive Laws, Heavy Mining
Trade modifiers: -2 Mineral, -1 Tool, +1 Medical, +2 Military
Friction: 4
Trouble: 4 in 10 chance
Draco III (Postal Authority Division base)
Draco III, on the other hand, is a majestic gas giant adorned with a mesmerizing ring system reminiscent of Saturn's beauty. Circling this colossal sphere are five moons, the largest of which is Nocturna, an inhabited icy orb shrouded in an atmosphere of nitrogen and methane. Amidst the celestial dance of the five moons, a Postal Authority Division base gracefully orbits. The base's operations include the strategic collection and refinement of fuel and minerals from the ring system.

World tags: Trade Hub
Trade modifiers: -2 Cultural, -1 Postech, +1 Astronautic, +2 Luxury
1d10 Trade good Types Base cost (per lot)Lot size (in tons)
1 Nocturna's Blossom Extract (Makes immiscible proteins from Zyronis Prime V edible, has cultural significance for both systems) Rare, Agricultural, Cultural 2,0001
2 Colonial Survival Supplies Survival, Postech 5,0001
3 Mail/data containers (empty) Postech, Compact 5,0000.1
4 Housewares, Postech Consumer, Postech 5,0001
5 Small arms, Energy Postech, Military 10,0001
6 Artwork Luxury, Cultural 10,0001
7 Building Material, Postech Tools, Postech, Bulky 10,00010
8 Exotic Jewels Rare, Mineral, Luxury, Compact 25,0000.1
9 Medical Supplies, Postech Medical, Postech, Compact 25,0000.1
10 Parts, Starship Maintenance Postech, Astronautic, Rare 25,0001

Friction: 2
Trouble: 1 in 10 chance
Noctuna, at Draco III
The moon's atmosphere is dense (2.4 atm at the surface level) and poisonous, but does not contain any corrosives. The frigid average temperature of 118 Kelvin and the low gravity (0.2G), coupled with scarce natural resources, restricts habitation to a modest scientific outpost, home to a few hundred resilient individuals.

World tags: Outpost World
Feb 21, 2024 12:23 am
Zyronis (New Jordan, 04.08)
Against the velvet canvas of space in the Zyronis system, two F4 stars pirouette in a mesmerizing celestial ballet, their radiant beams intertwining in an eternal embrace.

With the stars circling each other in an eccentric orbit between 15 and 45 AU, there are no gas giants in the system but five to six rocky worlds orbit relatively close to each one of them.

3 planets, described below, are in the habitable zone of their stars, so the system was extensively populated.

Besides those planets, another point of interest is a Psi Operatives' top secret training facility, in an eccentric orbit around Zyronis Prime. Peter trained here.
Zyronis Prime V (Zyronis)
Zyronis, the system capital, stands as a monument to a bygone era of prosperity and ambition. The whole planet is a labyrinth of interconnected buildings that stretch downward through multiple levels, a testament to the ingenuity and industry of its first inhabitants.

In ages past, Zyronis boasted the capacity to house trillions within its sprawling planetary city. However, the echoes of a catastrophic event left behind a ghostly silence that now haunts its streets. A mere million people now lives there.

Despite the desolation that hangs heavy in the air, life persists amidst the shadows of Zyronis. A resilient population ekes out an existence within the crumbling remnants of its once-great planet. Agriculture and resource extraction efforts are sporadic, interspersed amidst the urban sprawl and a network of advanced maintenance systems, remnants of a bygone era. Even though they ensure the continued functioning of the city's infrastructure, these systems operate beyond the control of the present natives, their origins and workings shrouded in mystery.

Either way, amidst the decaying edifices of the cityscape, factories still churn out goods of consumer desire, their products a stark reminder of the world's former glory. From technological marvels to everyday essentials, Zyronis's factories continue to produce, their output a testament to the ingenuity and resilience of its remaining inhabitants and their once-proud civilization.

World tags: Urbanized Surface, Sealed Menace
Points of interest:
- Stellar Express major trading station and sector headquarters (orbital)
- Forbidden Regions (Elders ruins, near the equator)
- Calypso (capital city, northern hemisphere)
- Zyronis Imperial spaceport and shipyards (in Calypso)
- Kinjo bar and grill (in Calypso)

Trade modifiers: -2 Consumer, -1 Tool, +1 Mineral, +2 Agricultural
Friction: 3
Trouble: 3
1d10 Trade good Types Base cost (per ton)
1 Fusion Plant parts Postech, Tool, Bulky 1,000
2Polymer Common, Low Tech 1,000
3ToysConsumer, Low Tech 2,000
4 Colonial Survival Supplies Survival, Postech 5,000
5 Consumer goods, Postech Consumer, Postech 5,000
6 Machinery, Postech Industry Tool, Postech10,000
7 Small arms, Energy Postech, Military 10,000
8 Small arms, Advanced Melee Postech, Military 10,000
9 Medical EquipmentTools, Postech, Medical50,000
10Handtools, PretechPretech, Tool100,000

Zyronis Second V (Neptunia)
Neptunia is a world entirely covered by liquid water. The only dry land is an artificial island that used to house the planet's spaceport. The planet's history is marked by the presence of a once-thriving colony, a unique society of genetically modified humans known as the Thalassans, who possessed the remarkable ability to breathe underwater. Neptunian cities were built atop massive floating platforms made of woven reeds, some spanning over twenty kilometers in diameter, and used to accommodate hundreds of thousands of citizens.

In the halcyon days of Neptunia's history, the Thalassans harnessed the bounty of their world's rich biosphere to support their agriculture and industry. Sea-snail farming flourished, the creatures bred for their formidable size and strength, their shells hewn into materials rivaling the strength of steel. From the depths, the Thalassans also drew forth genetically modified seaweeds cultivated for myriad purposes – from sustenance to medicine, from clothing to construction.

However, this colony met a grim fate, as some unknown cataclysmic event, be it a crisis or natural disaster, forced its inhabitants to either flee or perish.

Either way, the remnants of those once-flourishing cities now lie scattered amidst the ocean waves, silent testaments to the tragedies of the past. For centuries, they stood as solemn reminders. It was not until recent years that the planet witnessed the arrival of intrepid settlers, drawn by the allure of untamed riches waiting to be harnessed amidst the ruins and depths of this enigmatic world.

World tags: Abandoned Colony, Oceanic world, Altered Human
Points of interest:
- ITC Navy orbital station, refueling and repairs. It's also the Second Fleet headquarters.
- Rumors of an abandoned research facility, partially submerged in the southern hemisphere.

Trading: There are no significant trading with the planet. All ocasional barter should be roleplayed.

Zyronis Second VI (Verdura)
Verdura, once a prison world, now blooms with verdant fields and bustling agricultural communities. Its fertile soil and temperate climate make it an ideal hub for agricultural production, its fields stretching as far as the eye can see, yielding bountiful harvests that sustain not only its inhabitants but also countless others across the cosmos.

Ruled by an intellectual elite selected through ostensibly neutral examinations or tests, Verdura's governance system is unique. The values upheld by this system may or may not align with practical leadership skills, and the examinations themselves are subject to varying degrees of corruption.

Amidst the sprawling farms and bustling cities, robots and automated vehicles play a crucial role in the daily operations, assisting in cultivation, harvesting, and logistics. Their mechanical efficiency ensures the smooth functioning of Verdura's agricultural sector, enabling the planet to meet the demands of its thriving export industry. From grains to fruits, vegetables to livestock, the planet's bounty finds its way to Zyronis and distant markets, enriching both its coffers and its people.

Beware, though, because the planet's abundant flora and fauna, while a source of sustenance and beauty, also harbors a plethora of bacteria and viruses, unseen to the untrained eye but ever-present, waiting to strike. The presence of these microscopic adversaries necessitates a constant demand for medical supplies and personnel to safeguard the health and well-being of its inhabitants.

Last but not least, within the lush embrace of Verdura's verdant landscapes, a network of warden AIs and advanced automated systems stands vigilant, ever watchful against the specter of unauthorized departures. These mechanized sentinels protects against the escape of any who dare to defy the laws of the land.

Authorization permits, coveted like precious gems, hold the key to freedom on Verdura. Highly sought after and fiercely contested by the population, these permits represent the golden ticket to traversing the stars beyond. To obtain one is to gain passage to distant realms, to explore new horizons beyond the confines of this agricultural world.

World tags: Mandarinate, Prison World
Points of interest:
- Meixian (capital city, northern hemisphere, oriental continent)
- The Jade Pavilion (in Meixian)
- The Lotus Market (in Meixian)
- The Garden of Tranquility (in Meixian)
- Verdura Orbital Starport (in orbit), The Celestial Gate (in Meixian outstkirts) and Verdura's Startown (around the Celestial gate)

Trade modifiers: -2 Agricultural, -1 Livestock, +1 Medical, +2 Vehicles
Friction: 3
Trouble: 4
1d10 Trade good Types Base cost (per ton)
1 Grains Common, Agricultural, Bulky 50
2 Genesoy and other gengineered grains Agricultural, Biotech, Bulky 200
3 Drugs, Raw Materials Agricultural, Biotech, Bulky 200
4 Livestock, Common Common, Livestock 2,000
5 Clothing, gengineered cotton Consumer, Biotech, Cultural, Low Tech 5,000
6 Medicinal Herbs Agricultural, Medical 5,000
7 Printed religious books and philosophical treatises Cultural, Luxury, Religious, Low Tech 10,000
8 Exotic fruits Rare, Luxury, Agricultural 10,000
9 Livestock, Gengineered Biotech, Livestock 10,000
10 Fine Liquor Luxury, Low Tech, Compact 100,000
Feb 21, 2024 12:34 am
Thenon (New Jordan, 07.08)

Thenon III
Description to be written, if the crew travels to the system.

World tags: Xenophobes, Hostile Biosphere
Trade modifiers: -2 Livestock, -1 Medical, +1 Survival, +2 Luxury
Friction: 2
Trouble: 4
Feb 21, 2024 12:54 am
Dianreti (New Jordan, 05.07)
Dianreti III
This small, Earth-like world has no surviving cities outside the starport shanty-town. The civilisation on Dianreti III has collapsed due to repeated raids from Thenon and nearby pirate bases. The planet’s population has broken into several dozen clans, each of which fears all outsiders. The clans all have their own languages and wildly divergent cultures. The only planetary starport is operated by Stellar Express and is on an artificial island far away from any of the native-held archipelagos.

World tags: Minimal Contact, Warlords
Trade modifiers: Low tech -2, Medical -1, Postech +1, Weapons +2
Friction: 5
Trouble: 2

Dianreti VI (Englene Station)
Gas giant. Description to be written, if the crew travels to the system.

World tags: Theocracy, Major Spaceyard
Trade modifiers: Luxury -2, Astronautic -1, Cultural +1, Religious +2
Friction: 3
Trouble: 1
Feb 21, 2024 1:00 am
Castand (New Jordan, 05.06)
Castand II
Description to be written, if the crew travels to the system.

World tags: Gold rush, Cyborgs, Bubble Cities
Trade modifiers: Pretech -2, Vehicles -1, Consumer +1, Agricultural +2
Friction: 3
Trouble: 2
Apr 16, 2024 11:07 pm
Darasalam (New Jordan, 05.04)
Darasalam I
Description to be written, if the crew travels to the system.

World tags: Desert World, Robots
Trade modifiers: Robots -2, Mineral -1, Agricultural +1, Survival +2
Friction: 2
Trouble: 2
Apr 16, 2024 11:40 pm
Panipat (New Jordan, 06.02)
Panipat II
Description to be written, if the crew travels to the system.

World tags: Holy wars, Megacorps
Trade modifiers: Cultural -2, Agricultural -1, Religious +1, Military +1, Consumer +1
Friction: 4
Trouble: 3
Apr 16, 2024 11:41 pm
Altairia (New Jordan, 05.01)
Altairia IV
Description to be written.

World tags: Hostile Space, Beastmasters
Trade modifiers: Robots -2, Livestock -1, Military +1, Medical +2
Friction: 3
Trouble: 2

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