Chapter 4C: Street Justice

Feb 23, 2024 8:29 pm
Trade Era 1235, Day 137. 20:00 UTC

Streets, Postal Authority orbital station, Draco III

As Slaine arrived at the docking bay of the warehouse on 321 Reckoning Way, Slaine's senses went on high alert. They scanned the area, their eyes darting from one shadowy corner to another, searching for any sign of movement or danger.

With a nod to Erin, Slaine took a deep breath and stepped forward, their hand resting on the hilt of their weapon. They approached the entrance to the warehouse with caution, their senses attuned to any potential threat that lay in wait. To their surprise, Alfredo was nowhere to be found. Instead, there was a group of four men inside, each clearly armed with guns, their expressions hardened and determined. As Slaine approached a window, another man appeared from behind, his pistol raised in a threatening gesture.

"You have no business here," he spat, his tone menacing. "Leave now, or we'll make you regret it."

"ITC Investigations. Drop your weapon." -Slaine draws their blade and closes with the man.

Map by 2-Minute Tabletop
PCs turn. What do you do?
Feb 23, 2024 8:48 pm
Well... We'll see. Always nervous about a D20 roll
I haven't seen any sort of Aiming actions so... Swing I guess. Nothing else to do I think?
Ooo. Darn. Doubtful.
Last edited February 23, 2024 8:53 pm


Slaine Rowan: Stab - Usual roll - (1D20+3)

(9) + 3 = 12

Erin Brand


Feb 23, 2024 9:20 pm
Erin Brand
I have Erin as having a laser rifle and a knife with also some woven body armor. Can she get a clean shot off, or does she need to close with the knife?
Feb 23, 2024 11:55 pm
With a swift and decisive motion, Slaine unsheathed their sword, the blade gleaming. With determined strides, they advanced towards the armed thug, their focus locked on incapacitating him without causing lethal harm.

As they closed the distance, Slaine launched into a series of calculated strikes, aiming to subdue their opponent. However, the thug was prepared, his secure clothing providing some protection against Slaine's blade.
Thug 1 received 3 damage (Shock)
Erin can move north to have a clear shot at T1, I can increase the street there. But she won't have cover. Or she can use the knife or shoot the other thugs


T1 hit points - (1d8)

Erin Brand


Feb 24, 2024 12:20 am
Erin Brand
Oh, wait. The other thugs are in play, then? If they are, then she assumes Slaine can handle his guy and she worries about the others.

OK, a couple quick questions on her knife: If they all have secure clothing, or the equivalent, what kind of damage will the knife do? Will it work? Will its Shock work? I ask because she will definitely use her Savage Fray against the multiple opponents if the others are in play and the knife will work against their armor. Otherwise, she will work to pick them off one-by-one with her rifle.

Also, she isn't playing around. They are outnumbered and at a disadvantage. She's playing for keeps.
Feb 24, 2024 12:36 am
They haven't done anything yet but they may, as they hear the commotion. I will roll for Notice, depending on your actions.

Secure clothing gives AC 13, but weapons work as usual. A knife is a small primitive weapon, so it has Shock 1 (until AC15) and hits for 1d4 damage
Feb 24, 2024 12:49 am
AC13? I get 2 shock damage.
Feb 24, 2024 12:51 am
PhoenixScientist says:
AC13? I get 2 shock damage.
Plus your Strength modifier = 3.
Feb 24, 2024 7:50 pm
I realized you are waiting for Erin. I can't properly post until tomorrow. Sorry for the slight delay.
Feb 24, 2024 8:26 pm
Don't worry. That's not even a delay, that's our agreed posting rate =DD

Erin Brand


Feb 25, 2024 4:28 pm
Erin Brand
One more question: Is the garage door open or not? If not, she'll help with the one target they have now. Otherwise, she'll start working on the others.
Feb 25, 2024 4:42 pm
It is closed (for now)

Erin Brand


Feb 25, 2024 11:20 pm
Erin Brand
OK, thanks.
Since there is only one opponent at the moment, and because they need to take him down quickly if they want to keep it that way, Erin quickly moves to flank T1 and knife him. That's assuming she can do both (move close and attack with the knife). She will then work to try to get around T1 towards the one door that is currently available. (The door in N3.) She will try to hug the building as much as she can while doing this.
Feb 25, 2024 11:37 pm
Erin quickly moves to flank T1 and knife him.
Rolling the dice for you. ;)
Erin recognized the dire situation they were in. Outnumbered and at a disadvantage, she knew that swift and decisive action was necessary to turn the tide in their favor.

Without hesitation, Erin sprang into action, her movements fueled by determination and a fierce desire to protect her partner. With a deft flick of her wrist, she drew her knife and lunged towards the thug nearest Slaine, her blade finding its mark with precision as it struck true.

The thug let out a startled cry as Erin's knife sank into his side. Before the thug could react, Erin completed with a powerful punch to his jaw, knocking him off balance and sending him crashing to the ground with a resounding thud.
The punch is there just for flavor. The 4 damage, considering Slaine's previous stab, were enough to knock him down.
That's assuming she can do both (move close and attack with the knife). She will then ...
You can. That's a move to flank and a main action to stab. But after that, that's the end of your turn.

As the thugs heard Erin's swift and decisive actions, their expressions hardened with determination. Instead of fleeing or surrendering, they began to advance towards Slaine and Erin, their movements coordinated and purposeful.

Two of the men swiftly moved to open the garage door, their hands reaching for the controls with urgency. With a mechanical whir, the door began to slide open, revealing to Slaine the darkened expanse of the warehouse inside. A third pulled a laser pistol and took cover behind a gravcar chassis.

The forth and last one of them, the one doing something in the nearby room, moved further inside.

Map by 2-Minute Tabletop
Next round. What do you do?


Erin's stab with the knife - (1d20+3)

(19) + 3 = 22

Damage (knife) - (1d4)

(4) = 4

Secret Roll

Morale ML8 - (2d6)

(15) = 6

Feb 26, 2024 7:58 am
Slaine sighs, and prepares to possibly record on their compad, but expects to fight. "ITC Investigations. The only person I know is a criminal in that warehouse is Alfredo Hernandez. This doesn't have to get ugly . Anyone else is free to leave."

Erin Brand


Feb 26, 2024 2:08 pm
Erin Brand
Erin switches weapons and moves to N2 to get a shot on whoever comes out of the garage door that is opening from partial cover. She pulls Slaine around with her and whispers, "Hack whomever makes it through my gunfire."
Feb 26, 2024 4:22 pm
"Alfredo is not here. This doesn't have to get ugly. You leave, not us. This is our turf." - said one of the men.

The thugs moved to get some cover behind the broken gravcar. In the meantime, police reinforcements were on their way.

Map by 2-Minute Tabletop

Erin switches weapons and moves to N2
N2? Didn't get that. Are you going inside? Based on your message, it didn't sound like. =/ I've put you there, see the map above.

Either way, your turn again.
Feb 26, 2024 5:11 pm
Look. I get it, I grew up in the under city. You don't want ITC making your life harder or finding some fake charges to ruin your day.
But I've got better things to do. I have to find a terrorist, and you can understand that I'll need more than your word when looking for someone bombing ships.

Erin Brand


Feb 26, 2024 5:22 pm
Erin Brand
For the record, I meant outside. Sorry for not being clear. Erin wanted to be outside along the wall in N2 so she would have partial cover while shooting at anyone coming out the garage door.
Erin whispers, "If he isn't here, where is he? The longer you stall, the better chance backup arrives."

Since everyone is hunkering down, Erin pulls back with her back to the wall to look up and around where she can easily see whatever is in view. Is there a second floor? Is the garage door she is now facing opening? We saw no one was in the office; she wants to keep it that way. Basically, there is one more person who is missing; Erin don't want that person to completely surprise them.
Last edited February 26, 2024 5:24 pm
Feb 26, 2024 5:25 pm
"Shit. Let us grab Knuckles, we will take him to a hospital and leave. Okay?"
End of combat. For now?


Slaine Rowan: Talk - Usual roll - (2D6+-1)

(61) - 1 = 6

Erin Brand


Feb 26, 2024 5:28 pm
Erin Brand
That sounds good to Erin!
Feb 26, 2024 5:29 pm
Is there a second floor?

Is the garage door she is now facing opening?
It's open now.

We saw no one was in the office; she wants to keep it that way.
Feb 26, 2024 5:32 pm
No problem. Letks just make sure he makes it safe.
Slaine is going to do a quick field-patch on the guy.
Last edited February 26, 2024 5:35 pm


Slaine Rowan: Heal - Usual roll - (3D6h2+3)

(612) + 3 = 11

Feb 26, 2024 5:35 pm
Erin whispers, "If he isn't here, where is he? The longer you stall, the better chance backup arrives."
Slaine whispers. "The transporting teleporting Psycher? He could be anywhere. I'm hoping he's tired himself out and can't jump yet. But if you want to circle the place to see if anyone's exiting, go for it."
Last edited February 26, 2024 6:00 pm

Erin Brand


Feb 26, 2024 5:47 pm
Erin Brand
To be clear, Erin was asking for Slaine to ask them where Alfredo went.

As a separate thought, the second sentence was trying to say that the longer we avoid a gunfight, the more chance we have to get backup here for an overwhelming force.
Erin will stay here to cover Slaine while the others grab their friend and go. No reason to let Slaine get killed by an opportunistic opponent.
Last edited February 26, 2024 5:49 pm
Feb 26, 2024 11:59 pm
With a sense of urgency, Slaine knelt beside the injured thug, their focus shifting to the task at hand. Carefully, they examined Knuckles' wounds, assessing the extent of his injuries with practiced skill. Slaine then began to administer first aid to Knuckles, their skilled hands swiftly stopping the bleeding and stabilizing his condition.

With Knuckles stabilized, the Special Agent watched as the thugs departed, their expressions a mix of relief and gratitude. While Slaine's primary objective was to uphold the law and bring criminals to justice, they also recognized the importance of compassion and empathy, especially when lives hung in the balance.

The thugs had just left the area when a police drone escorting an armed man appeared.
@arthur12320 please describe Peter. The police drone is autonomous but remotely monitored by a police officer and is following you. There are more officers on their way, including the Chief Inspector, but you were nearer.
Feb 27, 2024 7:29 pm
Morgan comes running to where he heard the commotion, accompanied by the police drone he slowly makes his way to the alley, scanning his corners, and advancing tactically, when he gets near the corner he shouts.

"Bounty hunter with the local authorities, make yourself known."

He hears a voice responding.

"Blue, blue, blue"

After hearing the common response when coming up to another operative, he does not lower his gun yet, but once scanning the corner and identifying that those present did not seem to pose a threat he lower his gun and approaches to introduce himself.

You see a male with black and short curly hair approaching, looking to be in his late 20’s. He’s wearing a black light armor with some magazines attached to it, he has a combat rifle slung to the side, and a small backpack.

"I heard the commotion from down the street, is everything under control? my name is Peter Morgan I have been tasked by the local police on Alfredo Hernandez’s bounty and heard he was in this area, what happened?
Feb 27, 2024 9:26 pm
"Alfredo Hernandez was tracked to this warehouse after bombing a ship I, and Erin Brand, a civilian asset, was on. He is a confirmed Psionic and can at least transport, as well as a possible clone or bio-synth.
Between his psionics and his explosive tendencies bake me reluctant to try and take him alive, despite wanting answers."
Feb 28, 2024 1:20 am
"Between his psionics and his explosive tendencies bake me reluctant to try and take him alive, despite wanting answers."
Just as Slaine finishes their sentence, a loud noise, like a shotgun being fired, is heard from the back of the building. The main garage door near you is open but the backdoor is not, so you can't see what it was.
What do you do?

Map by 2-Minute Tabletop
Feb 28, 2024 1:35 am
Slaine immediately runs, blade forward, to Q6 to press up against the wall and see what's going on.

Erin Brand


Feb 28, 2024 2:16 am
Erin Brand

Erin goes around the wreck to end up at the other side of the door. (S6)

As she starts, she asks Peter, "Can the drone knock the door down?"
Feb 28, 2024 2:54 am
"Im not really sure but we could certainly give it a try"

Peter does not have a good line of fire that is not obstructed so he’s going to pile up behind Slaine on Q5, he’s going to give some hand gesture to the drone so that however is controlling it can breach the door, and he’s going to keep he’s weapon aimed at the door
Not 100% on the capabilities of the drone, nor who’s controlling it, i will wait a bit for it to breach but if not I will breach it myself, just let me know
Feb 28, 2024 3:38 am
Let's try this the easy way if we don't know the drone's capabilities. Slain's going to grab the doorhandles, keeping low and ready (lets say, acting Total Defense) and will nod to the other two. Waiting for confirmation before breaching.
Feb 28, 2024 3:53 am
Peter knocks two time on his head with his closed fist, signaling he’s ready for breach, he keeps his weapon aimed at the door.
Just let me know when the tacticool stuff gets too much LOL
Last edited February 28, 2024 4:18 am
Feb 28, 2024 11:59 am
Gripping the door handles tightly, Slaine exchanged a meaningful glance with Erin and Peter, silently conveying their readiness to breach the room. With a nod of confirmation from their companions, Slaine carefully began to open the door, moving with deliberate precision to minimize any noise.

As the door creaked open, Slaine's eyes swept over the scene before them. Their breath caught in their throat as they spotted a motionless figure lying on the ground, a pool of blood spreading around them. Slaine's heart sank at the sight, realizing that the loud noise they had heard earlier was the sound of a gunshot—a gunshot that had claimed another life. A dead thug lying motionless on the ground. To their right, Alfredo Hernandez stood at the main warehouse door, his hands gripping a shotgun with deadly intent.

Slaine's mind raced with possibilities as they assessed the situation. Alfredo's presence confirmed their suspicions, but his volatile demeanor posed a significant threat to everyone present. Alfredo's eyes narrowed with defiance as he glared at Slaine, his grip tightening on the shotgun. With a menacing edge to his voice, he issued a chilling ultimatum.

"Back off," he growled, his voice laced with malice. "Or I'll take you all down with me. I won't hesitate to pull this trigger if you don't leave me alone."
@PhoenixScientist please roll for initiative and, if you get above Alfredo's roll (see below), please describe Slaine's action.

Map by 2-Minute Tabletop


Initiative (Alfredo) - (1d8+1)

(8) + 1 = 9

Erin Brand


Feb 28, 2024 3:13 pm
Erin Brand
Sorry, but this was her entire intention ...
Wordlessly, with no advanced notice and no hesitation, while keeping as much cover as she can, she straight up shoots Alfredo, hoping everyone else joins in.


Shoot Alfredo - (1d20+2)

(12) + 2 = 14

Feb 28, 2024 5:07 pm
There is actually no way


Initiative - (1D8+1)

(4) + 1 = 5

Feb 28, 2024 6:54 pm
I think you both have to wait for Alfredo to go

Erin Brand


Feb 28, 2024 8:25 pm
Erin Brand
I don't know if she has a plus on Initiative. I assume not, which means he moves before her. I'll roll anyway. She's still shooting him.

Oh, yeah. I realized that she should have +3, not +2. So, she rolled a 15.
Last edited February 28, 2024 8:26 pm


Erin Initiative - (1d8)

(6) = 6

Feb 28, 2024 11:07 pm
On the fly battle maps server is (temporarily I hope) broken. It can't handle background images today. Below is our map, but, today, you have to imagine Alfredo in the doors to the main area (with the orange crates) and the crew in the garage to the top right. Any questions, just ask.

I'm also using group initiative from the SWN rulebook, so only the highest of you (Slaine) can roll. Alfredo is first, then all PCs will go (in whatever order you post). Erin already posted, but Slaine and Morgan can act now.

Unfortunately I can't really understand Morgan's action, because I don't have the coordinates today.
Sensing imminent danger, Alfredo pulled the trigger, the deafening roar of the shotgun echoing through the corridor. Slaine's heart raced as they instinctively dodged to the side, narrowly avoiding the deadly projectile as it whizzed past them, grazing their arm but failing to find its mark.
Take 6 damage. You are alive from a shotgun shot, so OOC I hit, but obviously IC that's a miss, as you're not dead. =)
As the tension escalated and Alfredo's shotgun blast narrowly missed Slaine, Erin reacted with lightning speed. With a steady hand and nerves of steel, she raised her laser rifle and fired back at Alfredo, her shot burning through the corridor with deadly intent.

He has AC 13, so that's a hit. Roll damage.
Slaine, Morgan, what do you do?
Map by 2-Minute Tabletop


Alfredo shoots

Shotgun damage (to Slaine) - (3d4)

(114) = 6

Feb 29, 2024 12:14 am
was full defense ( making 17AC) taken into account?
Slaine is going to sprint, head low, and charge Alfredo, slipping behind him and slashing
(It looks like I have enough movement to do that and leave a sight line for everyone else.)


Slaine Rowan: Stab - Usual roll - (1D20+3)

(12) + 3 = 15

Feb 29, 2024 12:25 am
Slaine just flanked.
Also you should have a Movement on your character sheet. If you make it public we can look too.
The squares in the first room and each doorway were about one square.
Feb 29, 2024 12:29 am
Sorry, I think I was writing at the same time as Slaine, let things settle down and I will go again
Feb 29, 2024 12:30 am
PhoenixScientist says:
was full defense ( making 17AC) taken into account?
Actually, no... I thought it was something only for opening the door, not as your first round after Alfredo said what he said. He won the initiative.

So, should that cost you the Main Action for the round? If so, I will ignore both your Stab attack roll and Alfredo's 6 damage.
kind of lost on how far can I go each turn with no markings, but I’m sure you can tell me when I get in position to shoot
At the end of this round if you go the long way using the street. This round if you get the short route.
Feb 29, 2024 12:41 am
htech says:
PhoenixScientist says:
was full defense ( making 17AC) taken into account?
Actually, no... I thought it was something only for opening the door, not as your first round after Alfredo said what he said. He won the initiative.

So, should that cost you the Main Action for the round? If so, I will ignore both your Stab attack roll and Alfredo's 6 damage.

No I hadn't gone yet so, since I hadn't taken my turn, the +2 was still in play. The stab roll still happens.


Slaine Rowan: Vibroblade (Advanced Medium) - (1D8+1)

(7) + 1 = 8

Feb 29, 2024 12:43 am
PhoenixScientist says:
No I hadn't gone yet so, since I hadn't taken my turn, the +2 was still in play. The stab roll still happens.
There is no +2 before combat... This is a combat action. Alfredo was the first to act, in the first round. =)

Using Total Defense costs the user their Main Action for the round. Please choose one of these.
Feb 29, 2024 1:03 am
Morgan is going to cross the hallway in direction to that bathroom in the other side, for some extra cover, he will keep his gun pointed at Alfredo, he will take his shot being careful to avoid Slaine.


Peter Morgan: Combat Rifle - ToHit - (1d20+1)

(3) + 1 = 4

Erin Brand


Feb 29, 2024 1:13 am
Erin Brand

Erin is still shooting him with her roll above.
Last edited February 29, 2024 1:14 am
Feb 29, 2024 1:15 am
daryen says:
Erin is still shooting him with her roll above.
Yup. He has AC 13, so that's a hit. Roll damage.

Erin Brand


Feb 29, 2024 2:28 am
Erin Brand

Damage roll ...

(One plus is her Dex. The other is her skill from Gunslinger.)


Laser rifle damage - (1d10+2)

(9) + 2 = 11

Feb 29, 2024 9:38 am
Slaine sprang into action, their movements fluid and precise as they charged towards Alfredo with determination. With their head low and their blade poised for attack, they closed the distance with lightning speed, aiming to catch Alfredo off guard and deliver a decisive blow.

As Slaine closed in, Peter's shot rang out, the sound of gunfire reverberating through the corridor. However, his aim faltered, and the bullet went wide, striking a nearby wall with a resounding thud.

Undeterred, Slaine pressed on, their focus locked on Alfredo as they closed the gap between them. With a swift and fluid motion, they slipped behind Alfredo, their blade flashing in the dim light as they slashed with precision.

As Peter's shot missed its mark, Erin seized the opportunity to intervene. With precision and accuracy, she fired her laser weapon at Alfredo, the beam of energy lancing through the air with deadly intent.

But Alfredo was quick to react, disengaging from the confrontation with a sudden burst of movement. He teleported further inside the warehouse, vanishing in the blink of an eye.

He was now behind the crane, close to a large white structural column and near a small storage room, temporarily out of sight of Erin and Peter. Slaine could still see him.
Map by 2-Minute Tabletop
Next round.
Feb 29, 2024 5:32 pm
Slaine is going to close the distance (if they can) and swing.


Slaine Rowan: Stab - Usual roll - (1D20+3)

(18) + 3 = 21

Feb 29, 2024 7:45 pm
PhoenixScientist says:
Slaine is going to close the distance (if they can) and swing.
That's a hit. Roll for damage.
Feb 29, 2024 7:49 pm
Morgan will move forward trhough the door, turn left and try to shoot again.
p.s.: adding the roll for damage
Last edited February 29, 2024 7:51 pm


Peter Morgan: Combat Rifle - ToHit - (1d20+1)

(20) + 1 = 21

Peter Morgan: Combat Rifle - Damage - (1d12)

(9) = 9

Feb 29, 2024 7:51 pm
arthur12320 says:
Morgan will move forward trhough the door, turn left and try to shoot again.
That's a hit. Roll for damage.

Erin Brand


Feb 29, 2024 8:43 pm
Erin Brand

Erin follows Morgan around and takes her shot, too.

Edit: That probably hits the crate where it blocks him, unfortunately.
Last edited February 29, 2024 8:44 pm


Roll to hit - (1d20+3)

(10) + 3 = 13

Feb 29, 2024 9:02 pm


Damage - (1D8+1)

(6) + 1 = 7

Feb 29, 2024 11:34 pm
Erin and Peter advanced with military precision, their movements calculated and methodical. With eyes sharp and weapons at the ready, they entered the main area looking for Alfredo. As soon as they got inside, Erin and Peter opened fire, their shots ringing out in rapid succession as they sought to neutralize the dangerous fugitive.

Erin's shot went wide, striking a nearby crate, while Peter's aim proved true, his bullet finding its mark and injuring Alfredo. The fugitive staggered under the impact, a pained grunt escaping his lips as he recoiled from the blow.

Seizing the opportunity, Slaine surged forward with their Vibrosword held high, their movements fluid and precise as they closed the distance with Alfredo. With a swift and decisive strike, Slaine delivered the killing blow, their blade slicing through the air with deadly accuracy and cutting deep into Alfredo's arm. Alfredo let out a cry of pain as Slaine's blade found its mark. With one final strike, Slaine killed the dangerous fugitive, ensuring that he posed no further threat to those around him.

As the dust settled and the adrenaline of battle began to fade, Slaine, Erin, and Peter stood victorious.
End of combat. What do you do?


Secret Roll

Erin Brand


Mar 1, 2024 12:21 am
Erin Brand

Erin spits out, "That's what you deserve for killing my friend."

She then stows her weapon, while waiting for the rest of the police to arrive.
And the player is looking forward to the autopsy report!
Last edited March 1, 2024 12:22 am
Mar 1, 2024 12:27 am
Slaine is going to rifle through the body and toss Alfredos compad to whoever's closer
"Check it for outgoing signals or running programs."
Then will pull out his Datapad and do the same.
rolling Notice and Program. GM can decide what to take.


Slaine Rowan: Program - Usual roll - (2D6+2)

(54) + 2 = 11

Slaine Rowan: Notice - Usual roll - (3D6h2+2)

(533) + 2 = 10

Mar 1, 2024 12:52 am
Alfredo's compad and datapad were turned off since he left the Celestial Voyager.

But his datapad does have some encrypted files, electronic mail and unexpected contents. It will take a couple of hours to analyse and decode, but Slaine can surely do that later, using the computers available in the Celestial Voyager or the Bureau's starship.
Mar 1, 2024 12:59 am
Morgan will try and contact the police chief, make sure they are still on their way to the right location.

"Chief we have your guy KIA, or at least from what I heard in the news, someone that looks like him"

He puts down his gun and takes a Quick Look at the corpse but does not investigate much.

"I’m sure he isn’t going anywhere, I will take a quick look around

He will go back into the building and do a quick sweep, just to make sure there isn’t anyone else hiding and to see if there’s any evidence on any of the other rooms.


Peter Morgan: Notice - (2d6)

(45) = 9

Mar 1, 2024 1:04 am
Slaine sighs, releases that there probably isn't any imminent explosions, then is going to confirm and call time of death


Slaine Rowan: Heal - Usual roll - (3D6h2+3)

(366) + 3 = 15

Mar 1, 2024 1:08 am
Slaine confirms that Alfredo is dead.

He also doesn't show, in preliminary scans, as having an artificial Central Nervous System (ie. he is not showing as a Bio-Synth).

An autopsy will confirm, but maybe this one was just a gene donor. The dataslab is getting more and more relevant to solve this mystery.
Mar 1, 2024 1:11 am
He will go back into the building and do a quick sweep, just to make sure there isn’t anyone else hiding and to see if there’s any evidence on any of the other rooms.
Besides Alfredo and the dead thug, there is nothing else. The building seems to have been abandoned a long time ago.

Erin Brand


Mar 1, 2024 1:13 am
Erin Brand

Erin catches the dataslab from Slaine and says, "I really can't help with this, but Hank is pretty handy with computers back on the ship. He can probably help with investigating this."
Mar 1, 2024 11:32 pm
Slaine will wait for the local authorities, filling them in on the situation, but will do both autopsies themselves.
Mar 1, 2024 11:47 pm
Morgan will also wait for the authorities, specially because he now doesn’t know what happens to his bounty, since another person killed his target but he also helped.

But in the meantime he will try to talk to the rest of the group that he helped.

"Nice work with that blade back there, where you two after his bounty also?"
Last edited March 1, 2024 11:48 pm
Mar 1, 2024 11:51 pm
As the dust settled and the adrenaline of the confrontation with Alfredo began to fade, the local police force arrived on the scene, their presence a welcome sight. With another drone hovering overhead and a squad of officers at the ready, they quickly set about securing the area and isolating the scene of the altercation.

Among the arriving officers was Chief Inspector Marcus Trent, a seasoned law enforcement veteran known for his no-nonsense approach to crime-solving.

"Secure the area," Chief Inspector Trent ordered, his tone leaving no room for interpretation. "I want a thorough investigation conducted"

With the area cordoned off, Chief Inspector Trent turned his attention to Slaine, Erin, and Peter, his gaze lingering on them with a mix of respect and gratitude.

"Good work," he said simply, his words carrying the weight of sincere appreciation.
What do you do?

Erin Brand


Mar 2, 2024 12:36 am
Erin Brand

arthur12320 says:
"Nice work with that blade back there, where you two after his bounty also?"
Erin jabs her thumb in the direction of Slaine and bitterly replies, "They were hunting him down as a wanted fugitive. I was hunting him down because he murdered my friend and almost murdered more of my friends. I knew nothing of any bounty."

After this, unless she is needed by Slaine or the police, will likely head back to the Celestial Voyager. She wants to let everyone else know that Gabe's killer is dead and she figures she's going to need to help Corbin with the repairs as an extra hand. If she does need to stick around, then she'll give Hank and Corbin a call to let them know.
Last edited March 2, 2024 12:43 am
Mar 2, 2024 5:54 pm
"Thanks. Slaine Rowan, ITC Investigations. I'm part of the reason there was a bounty."

Slaine is going to ask for an official eyewitness report and then let Erin go.

Erin Brand


Mar 2, 2024 6:13 pm
Erin Brand

Erin willingly provides the requested eyewitness report with no complaint and heads back to the ship.

She figures she's "overdressed" to wander about so, even if she is going to go out on the town, she's got to change first.
Last edited March 2, 2024 6:14 pm
Mar 3, 2024 12:29 am
Morgan walks over to the chief and stands his hand to shake

"would have liked to meet you again in calmer circumstances, but at least the threat is taken care of"

Morgan will try not to be too forward, but when he sees the moment is right, he will ask how to go about claiming the bounty (if he still has a claim to it that is).
Mar 3, 2024 1:01 am
arthur12320 says:
Morgan will try not to be too forward, but when he sees the moment is right, he will ask how to go about claiming the bounty (if he still has a claim to it that is).
I figure Morgan's got at least a 1/3 claim on it, maybe even 1/2 (if Slaine is disqualified due to being the source of the bounty). And if Erin's association with Slaine disqualifies her, too, then he gets the full claim. So, yeah, go for it!
Mar 3, 2024 1:28 am
It's either too much drudgery or too much excitement in tur ITC.
Of course, I'll make sure to get your bounty report filed with all the rest of the paperwork I have to do for... All this...
If you want to head to the office with me we may get it to you today.
No promises though.
I think Slaine is very disqualified, as it's their job. I don't know if Erin would be valid for a claim, or try for it.
Last edited March 3, 2024 1:34 am

Erin Brand


Mar 3, 2024 1:31 am
Erin Brand
Erin was in it for the revenge, not the money. But ... if there is money to be made for the revenge, she is not going to turn it down. Since this is all happening before she could head out, she'll definitely see how it goes and if she's eligible, too.
Last edited March 3, 2024 1:32 am
Mar 3, 2024 8:40 pm
"thanks! And of course, let’s go, I can file my report of what happened also if needed, but I think everything I saw, that guy saw too."

Morgan points at the police drone that arrived with him. He goes with Slaine and when able he will try to change back into normal clothes, and store his gear and weapon in his bag
Morgan has no problem sharing with everyone.
Mar 3, 2024 9:45 pm
Can we handwaved travel time and paperwork?
I think Slaine's next Todo is an autopsy, or two.
I don't know if Slaine would try to get into the tech, may try to use an ITC ally to do that?
If there isn't one available they may approach Hank to see if he can help?
Last edited March 3, 2024 9:47 pm
Mar 3, 2024 11:48 pm
I wouldn't mind skipping the paperwork
Mar 4, 2024 4:45 pm
Morgan walks over to the chief and stands his hand to shake

"would have liked to meet you again in calmer circumstances, but at least the threat is taken care of"
Chief Inspector Trent accepted Morgan's handshake with a firm grip, acknowledging the sentiment. "Likewise, Morgan. It's unfortunate that we meet again under these circumstances, but I'm grateful for your assistance in apprehending Hernandez."

Trent then turned to Slaine and started discussing how they would proceed. Morgan waited for the opportune moment to broach the topic of claiming the bounty. When the conversation naturally shifted to logistical matters, he seized the opportunity to inquire about the process.

"Chief Trent, I understand that there was a bounty on Alfredo Hernandez," Morgan began, choosing his words carefully. "I was wondering how I could go about claiming it."

Chief Inspector Trent nodded in understanding. "Of course, Morgan. The bounty will be processed through the proper channels. You and Erin both played instrumental roles in apprehending Hernandez, so you'll both receive compensation for your efforts."

He motioned for one of the officers to bring over the necessary paperwork. After a brief exchange of information and signatures, both from him and from Slaine, the details of the bounty claim were finalized.

"Here you go," Chief Inspector Trent said, handing Morgan the completed paperwork. "You and Erin will each receive 2,500 credits as a reward for your contributions."

Morgan nodded in appreciation, accepting the paperwork with gratitude. "Thank you, Chief Trent. I appreciate your assistance in this matter."

Trade Era 1235, Day 138. 10:15 UTC

Morgue, Postal Authority Orbital Stion, Draco III

As Slaine began the autopsy of Alfredo Hernandez, they approached the task with meticulous attention to detail, their skilled hands working with precision as they carefully examined the body for any signs of trauma or anomalies.

With each incision, Slaine's trained eyes scrutinized the internal organs, searching for clues that could shed light on Alfredo's true nature and the motivations behind his actions. However, as they meticulously examined each organ, they found no evidence of cybernetic enhancements or artificial implants.

After thorough examination, it became clear that Alfredo Hernandez was indeed a regular human, devoid of any unusual augmentations or enhancements. Despite initial suspicions, there was no indication that he was a bio-synth.

As Slaine processed this revelation, their thoughts turned to the other individual involved in the altercation—the man who had accompanied Alfredo to the warehouse. With renewed focus, Slaine turned their attention to the second body, determined to uncover any clues that could explain the station. They observed some strange cybernetic implants in the man's brain.

With careful precision, Slaine dissected the body, their expertise guiding them as they meticulously examined each implant and its placement within the brain. What they discovered was both intriguing and concerning—a network of cybernetic implants woven into the man's neural pathways, suggesting a level of technological augmentation far beyond the norm.

As Slaine meticulously documented their findings, their mind raced with questions. Who was this man, and what had led him to undergo such extensive cybernetic enhancements? What connection did he have to Alfredo Hernandez, and what role had he played in the events that had unfolded? Was he a bio-synth or just a cybernetic enhanced human?

Either way, Slaine also received the preliminary decryption and report of the dataslab contents from an ITC tech. The encrypted files were basically contact information and a couple of electronic transfers and mail.

Among the numerous contacts stored in the dataslab, Slaine's attention was drawn to several key entries that stood out from the rest. One such contact was the deceased man who had accompanied Alfredo to the warehouse, confirming their suspicions of a connection between the two individuals.

But it was the other contacts that intrigued Slaine the most—the ones related to a synth rights group in Eclipse that they already investigated, a synth brain company in Draco I, and a shipping company in New Jordan linking the two companies together. As Slaine delved deeper into the contacts in New Jordan, they began to piece together a complex network of individuals and entities spanning various sectors of society. From influential politicians and corporate executives to grassroots activists and underground organizations, the contacts painted a vivid portrait of the diverse and interconnected fabric of life in the bustling sector capital.

With a sense of urgency, Slaine made note of these key contacts, recognizing the importance of further investigation there. Slaine knew that delving deeper into these connections would be crucial in unraveling the full extent of Alfredo's motivations and uncovering any hidden agendas that may have been at play.

The electronic transfers and communications, on the other hand, also revealed a disturbing pattern, suggesting that Alfredo had been coerced or manipulated into donating genetic material to an enigmatic organization or individual with nefarious intentions. The evidence painted a chilling picture of a clandestine operation aimed at building bio-synths with psionic powers, a prospect that sent shivers down Slaine's spine.

Bio-synths, synthetic organisms designed to mimic and sometimes surpass human capabilities, were already a subject of debate and controversy due to their potential for misuse and ethical implications. However, the addition of psionic powers introduced a whole new level of complexity and danger.

With the evidence pointing towards New Jordan as the epicenter of the sinister plot involving bio-synths with psionic powers, Slaine felt a growing sense of urgency to travel to the sector capital and uncover the truth hidden within its shadowy depths.

htech sent a note to PhoenixScientist
Mar 4, 2024 4:57 pm
Trade Era 1235, Day 138. 13:42 UTC

Postal Authority orbital station, Draco III

Morgan succeeded in neutralizing the threat posed by Alfredo Hernandez, ensuring that he could no longer endanger innocent lives. As he returned to his small apartment, weary but triumphant, Morgan found himself greeted by the familiar chime of an incoming transmission on his personal comm link. With a sense of curiosity, he activated the transmission, his heart skipping a beat as the holographic image of Commander Reyes materialized before him.

"Morgan," Reyes began, his voice filled with pride and admiration. "I wanted to personally commend you on a job well done. Your efforts in apprehending Alfredo Hernandez without showing your psionics powers have not gone unnoticed, and the Psi Operatives are grateful for your dedication and bravery."

Morgan's chest swelled with pride at Reyes' words, a sense of validation coursing through him. To receive recognition from his former commander was an honor he had never anticipated, and it served as a reminder of the importance of his work within the clandestine world of psionics.

"Thank you, Commander," Morgan replied, his voice tinged with gratitude. "It was an honor to be able to contribute to the safety and security of the galaxy."

Reyes nodded, a small smile playing at the corners of his lips. "For now, instead of directly engaging in high-risk operations, you're tasked with embedding yourself within civilian populations, gathering intelligence and monitoring potential threats from within. You should secure a position aboard a ship or station within the sector and wait for further instructions or developments."

With a final nod of acknowledgment, Reyes ended the transmission, leaving Morgan alone with his thoughts. And as luck would have it, there was an announcement posted prominently on the space station's bulletin board from the Celestial Voyager. Though Morgan lacked medical skills, he saw that the ship was in need of additional crew.

He could contact Hank Heron, the ship's first officer, for futher information about it.
Mar 4, 2024 8:17 pm
htech says:

PhoenixScientist sent a note to PhoenixScientist
Last edited March 4, 2024 8:33 pm
Mar 4, 2024 8:26 pm
htech sent a note to PhoenixScientist
Mar 4, 2024 9:25 pm
htech sent a note to PhoenixScientist
Mar 7, 2024 12:28 am
Slaine is going to head back to the Celestial Voyager to thank everyone for their help and to let them know he was going to be following this mission back to the capital.
I don't know if we want to do that here since it will probably be short or wait until the next thread/chapter?
Mar 7, 2024 2:55 pm
Let's wait, so they could see Mercer there. =)
Mar 8, 2024 2:22 pm
"... so I have 2 years in the military, plus 2 more years in the private sector. I've seen my fair share of combat, and though I understand that the ad specified a need for a medic specialist, in my experience, the best remedy is eliminating the target before it is able to hurt you."

Morgan will have made contact with Hank and sent along a briefing of his experience. He knows he's a bit outside the requested expertise, but he hopes an extra gun is always needed on a ship like that. He also hopes the Celestial Voyager would be a great place to monitor any potential threats closely. For some reason, he imagines that Alfredo Hernandez would not be the last threat to cross his path.

Morgan would also send Erin Brand as a possible reference. He knows they haven't known each other for much time, but he hopes she could at least vouch for his shooting skills.
I'm sending this here to mainting the thread going, but let me know if i should send it in another thread also.
Mar 9, 2024 9:05 am
I'm sending this here to mainting the thread going, but let me know if i should send it in another thread also.
That's the correct thread. Hank can also answer here
Mar 9, 2024 7:08 pm
I am going to make some assumptions here:
1) This is a bit in the future, after the whole synth thing was taken care of, and after Erin got back to relay the news.
2) That Hank is filtering prospects and the final in-person interview goes through Captain Valeria.
3) That the above is the tail end of Peter's introductory statement on an initial video interview.
Hank replies, "Yes, our primary need for someone with medic experience. However, we are going to need some people with weapons training to qualify for more freight assignments. And, yes, Erin is the entire reason I set up this interview.

"I do want to admit that we are a bit tight on finances at the moment. While we will pay full salary for the medic, for someone in your position, we will initially start with a working passage. You will get room and board, of course, but no salary to start with while we make sure everything works out with you in the crew."
Hank slightly smiles and continues, "Kind of like a short unpaid internship. After a couple of trips, we will start with a salary.

"Is that acceptable?"

Assuming it is so, Hank will arrange for an on-board interview with the Captain.
Mar 10, 2024 7:20 am
"I accept it"

Morgan is a bit disappointed on the prospect of having to work for free, but the main focus of the job for him is to get some contacts and being able to keep an eye on anything he may need to act upon or report, so if that’s the price (literally..) he must pay he will endure it.

"I also heard that some of the ships in your line of work, have a police where the workers have free range to have their own trades when in ports, is that the same here?"
Mar 10, 2024 2:41 pm
Yeah, sorry about the work for free. But, that's standard fare for PCs, anyway. It's also what the current crew are likely doing, too, for now. It'll be fixed when we get sufficient funds.

"We most definitely do! The only caveat is the you pay for the cargo space taken by the speculation. In better times, you may also borrow from the ships funds for particularly good deals. We can go over the specifics later.
Last edited March 10, 2024 2:42 pm
Mar 10, 2024 4:30 pm
Great. I will skip the interview with the Captain, will leave it off camera. Welcome aboard, Peter.

Now, for the medic...
In the Celestial Voyager, Hank sat at his desk, scrolling through bulletin boards and searching for any potential recruits. The urgency to fill the gap left by Alfredo weighed heavily on him. Just as he was about to send out another announcement, his communicator buzzed.

"Hello?" Hank answered, his voice echoing slightly in the quiet room.

"Hi, this is Dr. Emily Hart," came the voice from the other end. "I saw your announcement about needing crew, particularly someone trained as a medic. I'm interested in the position."

Hank leaned forward. "Tell me more, Dr. Hart," he encouraged.

Emily took a deep breath before continuing. "Well, I'm a medical professional with experience in various fields. My brother, he's also a doctor, volunteered to go to Verdura in the Zyronis system, to help the impoverished communities there. But I've lost contact with him, and I'm worried something might have happened."

Hank's expression softened with empathy. "I'm sorry to hear that," he said sincerely. "But what does that have to do with joining our crew?"

Emily hesitated for a moment before replying, "I'm willing to work for passage to Verdura. If I can't reach him through conventional means, I'm hoping I can gather some information there. I'm also willing to pay for any news about him and for your crew's help, if you're willing."
What do you do?
Mar 10, 2024 6:57 pm
I was going to pose these as questions, but instead they are assumptions. Please correct bad ones.

I am assuming our freight is headed for Zyronis proper. So this would involve a side trip to Verdura. That would be good. Hank wants that. He hopes we can get some good agricultural goods there before heading to Zyronis proper. Then we can unload it immediately, or hold on to it later for Castand. So, one point in her favor.

Also, working passage is good, too. Another point in her favor.

However, this would just be delaying things for one jump. (As an aside, what do we call interstellar movement? I call it a "jump" because of Traveller. Is there a proper term for using interstellar travel from one world to another?) And neither world in Zyronis looks promising for finding a new doctor. A point against her.

Finally, we have had no bites and no other interest in the position. And we are running out of time before we have to leave. (I am assuming this only came in very late in the process.) So, while she is just a temporary fix, a temporary fix is better than no fix. Another point in her favor.

Looks like she succeeds.

Plus, if something comes in very, very late, we can just take both. That won't happen, but it wouldn't really end up being a problem.
Hank replies, "I was really hoping for someone to stick around for more than one world, but one world is better than no worlds. Assuming the Captain agrees, you get the position." He then proceeds to give her their location so she can come in for the final interview. I assume she passes the Captain's muster and joins us for our departure.
Of course we have to wait for the asteroid battle to finish before the story can advance. Especially since the Celestial Voyager is so far ahead of the Sentinel right now.

I would make a comment about hoping she decides to stick with us after Verdura, but that would probably be bad for her and extremely bad for her brother, so I won't do that ...
Last edited March 10, 2024 6:59 pm
Mar 11, 2024 12:04 am
Those assumptions are correct. We call it Spike Drills in SWN, but jump also works for me.

End of thread. =)

Thread locked