Chapter 4E: Bounty hunter

Feb 25, 2024 3:48 pm
This begins as a solo thread with Peter Morgan.
The Interstellar Broadcast Network logo flashes across the screen, followed by the familiar face of Olivia, her auburn hair framing their determined expression.

Olivia: "Good morning, viewers across the galaxy. I'm Olivia, reporting live from the Draco System's orbital station, where a tense manhunt is underway for a dangerous fugitive."

Behind Olivia, footage plays of the Celestial Voyager, wreckage strewn across the void of space, with tug boats, gravitic fields and authorities swarming into the scene.
Olivia: "Alfredo Hernandez, also known as Ryan Carter, is wanted by the Interstellar Trade Commission for a string of heinous crimes, including medical fraud, endangering civilians, and destruction of property. Considered armed and highly dangerous, Hernandez is believed to possess psionic abilities, making their capture all the more urgent."

Images of Hernandez flash across the screen, accompanied by warnings urging civilians to avoid contact and alert authorities immediately.
Olivia: "Earlier today, Chief Inspector Marcus Trent told us that Special Agent Slaine Rowan of the ITC Bureau of Investigation attempted to apprehend Hernandez aboard the Celestial Voyager. However, Hernandez managed to evade capture using their psionic powers, resulting in a devastating explosion that claimed the life of one crew member and endangered countless others."

Cut to footage of Chief Inspector Marcus Trent addressing the press, his expression grim as he describe the events leading up to the explosion.
Olivia: "Despite the setback, authorities remain determined to bring Hernandez to justice, with the full resources of the ITC and local law enforcement agencies dedicated to tracking them down. Civilians are urged to remain vigilant and report any sightings of Hernandez immediately."

As Olivia speaks, images of Hernandez and possible hideouts flash across the screen, accompanied by a hotline number for viewers to call with information.
Olivia: "As the manhunt intensifies, the galaxy holds its breath, hoping for a swift resolution to this dangerous situation. Stay tuned to IBN for the latest updates on this developing story."

With a final nod to the camera, Olivia signs off, leaving viewers on the edge of their seats as they await further news of the elusive fugitive.
Morgan sat in his small, rented apartment, the glow of the holoscreen casting flickering shadows across the walls. He watched intently as Olivia's report played out before him, his expression grim as he absorbed the news of Alfredo Hernandez's crimes and the havoc he had wreaked aboard the Celestial Voyager.

Suddenly, a soft chime broke through the silence, signaling an incoming transmission on his personal comm link. Morgan's heart skipped a beat as he recognized the encrypted signature of his former commander from the Psi Operatives.

With a sense of apprehension, Morgan activated the transmission, his eyes narrowing as the familiar face of Commander Reyes materialized on the holoscreen before him.

"Morgan," Commander Reyes began, his voice grave and solemn. "I'm reaching out to you on behalf of the Psi Operatives. We have a situation that requires your immediate attention."

Morgan's pulse quickened at the seriousness in Reyes' tone. "What's the situation, Commander?" he asked, his voice steady despite the rising sense of urgency within him.

Reyes wasted no time in delivering the news. "Alfredo Hernandez, also known as Ryan Carter, has been officially designated as a high-priority target by local law enforcement agencies," he explained.

"You're being granted a bounty from local enforcement to apprehend Hernandez," the Commander continues. "But I need you to understand that this goes beyond simple law enforcement and bounty hunting. Hernandez's psionic abilities make him a danger to everyone around him. Your real mission is to neutralize the threat and ensure the safety of civilians. Here is the contact for Chief Inspector Marcus Trent."
What do you do?
Feb 25, 2024 8:10 pm
"Understood commander, I will get right to it. Do you have any extra info on him? or should i get everything from the local authorities?"
Not waiting for his response, but if he has more info i would just read it before going forward.
Morgan finishes the secured connection, he looks around the small apartment, he sometimes hopes he had more time to really get attached to the places he calls home. He gets down on the floor and unscrews an access panel, on it he has hidden his laser rifle that he usually does not use in his private sector job, and some other odds and ends that he usually only takes out when a psi-operative job comes up.

In his bed he throws all the things he took from the access panel into a bag, he also pulls his service rifle and his armor and throws on top of the other stuff, he stands over the bag looking a bit, to see if he hasn’t forgot anything and then shuts it and heads out the door.

Morgan already has some lies put in place to situations like that, and he uses one of those to quickly get out of any odd job he had in the private sector. With all of that taken care of, he reckons he’s ready to go after the fugitive, so he gives a call to Chief Inspector Marcus Trent.

"Hello is this Chief Inspector Marcus? This is Peter Morgan, remember me from that Jeff Salender bounty I helped you guys with last month? So I have just been assigned the bounty for that Alfredo guy, anywhere I could meet you to go over some info you guys had on him?"
Feb 26, 2024 12:25 am
"Understood commander, I will get right to it. Do you have any extra info on him? or should i get everything from the local authorities?"
"We don't have further information. Just be careful, he seems to be a powerful psionic."
"Hello is this Chief Inspector Marcus? This is Peter Morgan, remember me from that Jeff Salender bounty I helped you guys with last month? So I have just been assigned the bounty for that Alfredo guy, anywhere I could meet you to go over some info you guys had on him?"
Yes. Actually, Special Agent Slaine just told us that Alfredo Hernandez has been located in the warehouse on 321 Reckoning Way. They also told us that a group of assumed accomplices have recently entered the premises. We are sending a drone and an armed squad as first responders. I will be arriving in approximately 30 minutes, meet me there."
What do you do?
Feb 26, 2024 12:57 am
"Meet you there"

Morgan hangs up the connection, plots the destination and goes to meet the chief.
Not really sure how would I get there, if I have a vehicle of some sort I would don my tactical gear before getting there, if I’m going by public transport would wait until there to get ready
Last edited February 26, 2024 12:58 am
Feb 26, 2024 11:39 pm
I guess public transportation.
End. Continues in Thread 4C

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