[CLOSED] 5e(2014), lvl 10, based on module ToA

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ClosedDungeons & Dragons 5thPublic5 / weekGreyWord
A party of adventurers made their uneasy way to the Forbidden City hoping to locate and destroy ungodly necromantic device called the Soulmonger. They have acquired 9 magical cubes and believe that the cubes are the key to enter Tomb of the Nine Gods (each cube represent one of the nine gods)

They have found 9 temples in the city and seen god statues all covered in plans - not just gods but also people abandoned the city century ago. The magic did not.

Feb 27, 2024 4:02 pm
OK here is something I could propose if there are enough takers:
I can run tomb of annihilation official WotC Adventure starting from chapter 5 (dumping knowledge players are expected to know experiencing first 4 chapters). Chapter is a huge dungeon crawl with some puzzles and some opportunities for DM to hint when they stuck.

- We would start with LVL 9 LVL 10 characters (expect to reach 11 by the end)
- Starting equipment as per DMG standard campaign (500 gp plus 1d10 x 25 gp, normal starting equipment). You will discover quite equipment in the dungeon

I only see this happening if all players can do at least 3 posts per week, preferably more. I will either setup discord for faster combat or ban feats, spells, even subclasses that rely on reaction. And I guess it would take about a year with 5 posts per week or longer if players post less frequent.
Last edited March 17, 2025 8:47 am
Feb 27, 2024 4:04 pm
I have never played ToA.
Would be interested.
Feb 27, 2024 5:01 pm
Thats interesting. Recently I was thinking to myself: "I have yet to understand why DnD - especially 5th ed (as I think I understand charm and principles behind OSR much more) - is so popular? Many other systems I have read seam more interesting and less clunky." (no offense to fans, just expressing why I don't understand DnD popularity and taking into account that I may know/understand very little. )

So I think it is a "call" and perfect opportunity to try 5th ed for once - and hopefully understand why is it so liked. "Huge dungeon crawl" would be also great. So I will be really glad to join your game. No problem with perspective of playing this game for a year or so - as it's my plan to have very few(1-3, and one of my active games I'm in is supposed to end soon) games that I can focus on and play longer campaigns. I see GP as light, but long term commitment in my life:)
3 post per week is no problem for me as I aim for 4-5 per week, BUT I don't play at weekends - so please consider this. I would also prefer to keep everything here on GP, as things like Discord are quite big distraction for me, but if it wille be required I can make an exception.

Only problems/caveats I see are:
- I only have some starter set for DnD - so no core rule book, so it may provide a problem with my character creation,
- but I would prefer it anyway to use some pre-gen/ready character if you will be able to provide me with - if that would be possible? Some cleric > paladin > barbarian would be totally ok:)
- I know almost nothing about the settings,
- don't play at weekends,

Edit: I have found a perfect pre-gen lvl 9 human Cleric for me, so that is solved :)
Last edited February 28, 2024 11:53 am
Feb 27, 2024 6:11 pm
Posting interest! A GreyWord game is a good game indeed!
Feb 27, 2024 6:12 pm
I would be interested. I have had a Level 9/10 character idea bobbing around in my head recently and would love to explore that.
Feb 27, 2024 6:15 pm
I would be interested in this. I love to post frequently and keep the game moving. I have an unusual but interesting Fairy Sorcerer that I would bring to the game.
Feb 27, 2024 6:21 pm
I'm getting back into The Plane again and I haven't played ToA. I'm definitely up for some dungeon fun.
Feb 28, 2024 3:15 pm
@Pedrop I wouldn't say there is anything "interesting" in 5e as a system. I'm done trying "interesting" systems. I choose 5e because I'm lazy understanding and teaching new system to other layers and DnD is something everyone know already, or if they don't - there are enough of tools, videos, tools and articles.
Nevertheless I don't recommend you to learn this system by jumping into as high level game as I am planning.

I guess I'll be changing this thread into recruitment soon.
Feb 28, 2024 4:03 pm
@GreyWord - Your reasoning about DnD 5ed is completely understandable for me. But I’m sill willing to learn why is it so popular. It can’t only "run" on its popularity alone, can it? :)

I know rules for few OSR versions and have read many, many other rules books for other systems or at least their QSRes - so I imagined I wouldn’t have problems with the rule set alone. Mainly want to learn about the "feeling" this game provides. Heigh level play seam as good fit dor trying to achieve this? Also I planed to read the online materials before our game. So I’m not afraid the rules at all:) Just found them too time consuming from GM perspective - before - and don’t providing enough return for this investment when someone is focusing mainly on good story, not combat(knowing well enough that it can only be my false impression, but later heard such opinions from quite a few YouTubers I respect), so didn’t try this system.

But it’s true I have never played "vanilla" DnD 5th edition so far. So if you think that will be the problem for your game - I will try;) to understand that, but… was really keen to try Tomb of Anhillation from player perspective as I have this module(didn’t read) and want to GM it someday - maybe on different rulesets… but that can change:) So, please reconsider me for this game:)
Last edited February 28, 2024 4:09 pm
Feb 29, 2024 12:49 pm
I've sent invites to all interested so far. Anyone else still interested please post here - I will keep you on a wait list.
Oct 6, 2024 12:25 pm
I have a place for two players in the game. We have made fairly good progress through the chapter and are half way to reach lvl 10.

I'm not yet adopted 2024 rules and don't plan to do that yet. Note the race limitation:
Race: Humanoid races from official published sources (please, no monstrosities and warfogeds)
More on character creation here
Any other questions?

P.S. Through the game I've realized following warning may be useful for anyone who is to join the game: in this module story is not about wise PCs fighting off dumb but powerful BBEG, just the opposite - you will feel fooled by BBEG more often than not. I'm looking for players who will not struggle to take action even knowing it may hurt your PC or be lethal even.
Oct 6, 2024 1:37 pm
I started toa hermit but the game died before finishing. I'm up for pang catch up for a bit. What is tgt current party composition?
Oct 6, 2024 3:14 pm
I would be interested in joining the group. No problem with daily posts, have never played TOA. We started a game here a month or two ago but the GM was unable to finish. If she fits, I'd be interested in playing Tante Lude who also has a bit of history of playing though not with this group. Tante Lude is listed in my characters.
Last edited October 8, 2024 2:11 am
Oct 6, 2024 3:56 pm
Party has and a Cleric, Sorceror and Warlock (pact of blades, so isn't shy of melee, but don't strive to be there).
Forgot to mention a PC with with ritual or at will ability to cast detect magic is a priority because we have lost PC capable to and players have found detect magic to be very useful.

@badbaron your PC characteristics would hardly be of any use in this game, and would need to extend backstory with adventuring experience appropriate for LVL 9 character, but we can do that in game threads. Let me know if you are willing to work with me to adjust your PC for this story and that you are OK to be the second cleric in the party.
Oct 6, 2024 4:15 pm
I'm certainly willing to work to adjust the PC and be a second cleric. As long as the adjustments work with the mental picture of her personality that I have, the mechanics can always be adjusted. For example her having Detect Magic, particularly as a ritual, is certainly fine.
Last edited October 6, 2024 4:17 pm
Oct 6, 2024 4:45 pm
That was faster than I expected. @Psybermagi it's a pleasure to have you, I owe you one for being so understanding DM for me in your game.

I'm leaving this open a few days for potential wait list. This specific game and me as DM may not be for everyone to enjoy 😈
Oct 8, 2024 1:40 am
Ciao! I'm interested! Haven't played any of TofA though familiarish with the story.
Dec 17, 2024 8:31 am
yet another player abandoned and I can invite at least one more player
@Dhakhan if you are still interested invite is waiting for you.
Anyone else want to get to a wait list, let me know.
Dec 17, 2024 9:04 pm
Expressing interest. Can have a character in the wings, simply for when and as a spot is free.
Dec 18, 2024 10:30 am
Just got message from Dhakhan he is not joining. Inviting @WhiteDwarf, wait list is empty at the moment and you know what that means
load next

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