Custom ship fittings and hulls

Mar 4, 2024 12:01 am
Starship Fitting: Cryo-pods
These stasis pods can keep a human subject alive and sane by letting they enter into cryosleep during hyperspace travel, provided that the ship’s power doesn’t fail. It cannot be used with sick or injured people. Each installation allows for keeping a number of people equal to the ship’s maximum crew in stasis for 1 jump before recharging for 1 day. This fitting can be installed multiple times.

Power: 0
Mass: 1
Cost: 5k*
Class: Frigate
Note: A Cold Sleep Pod (rulebook page 96) can also be used for hyperspace travel and is better in many ways, but consume 1 power instead of 0.
Mar 4, 2024 8:12 pm
Starship Hull: Armored Bulk Freighter
This class of huge cargo ships is most often found in densely populated systems near ITC borders or with fewer Navy patrols.

Base cost 5.75m
Speed 0
Armor 5
Crew 10 (min) / 40 (max)
AC 11
Power 15
Mass 25
Hard. 2
Class Cruiser

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