New Races

Mar 4, 2024 8:13 pm
Humblewood has 10 new playable races
[ +- ] Races of the Wood
[ +- ] Birdfolk
[ +- ] Humblefolk
[ +- ] Sex and Gender
[ +- ] Height and Weight
[ +- ] Altering Race Size
[ +- ] Variant Rule: Different Looks for Birdfolk and Humblefolk
[ +- ] Language
Mar 4, 2024 11:36 pm
[ +- ] Corvum
Corvums are a crow-like race with dark feathers and sharp minds. Their reputation in birdfolk society is nothing short of villainous, and they are regularly cast as the antagonists of any given situation. It’s hard to say whether the corvums are distrusted because they behave the way they do, or if they behave the way they do because they are distrusted.
[ +- ] For Personal Gain
[ +- ] Too Smart
[ +- ] Corvum Traits
[ +- ] Dusk Corvum
[ +- ] Kindled Corvum
Mar 4, 2024 11:42 pm
[ +- ] Gallus
The gallus commonly dwell in small, familial communities as opposed to the grand perches of the Wood. Of the birdfolk, they are the most likely to be found living among the humblefolk. Gallus have a deep respect for nature and a loveof gardening unmatched by other birdfolk. They value their social bonds above all else, and are always ready to help theirneighbors and promote the common good. They are polite but have little patience for deceit and rudeness.
[ +- ] A Varied Folk
[ +- ] Salt of the Earth
[ +- ] Gallus Traits
[ +- ] Bright Gallus
[ +- ] Huden Gallus
Mar 4, 2024 11:42 pm
[ +- ] Luma
Lumas are a race of polar opposites when it comes to their role in perch society. They are as often shunned for their eccentricities as they are celebrated for them. Lumas are smaller than most birdfolk, and resemble either doves or pigeons. Many have ruffs of feathers that shine with unique iridescent colors, something which can be seen as either alluring or unusual. Most fledgling lumas approach social situations with hesitation, until a time when society inevitably labels them an outcast or a notable figure, and the individual naturally adapts to the role.
[ +- ] Touched
[ +- ] Of Two Worlds
[ +- ] Luma Traits
[ +- ] Sable Luma
[ +- ] Sera Luma
Mar 4, 2024 11:42 pm
[ +- ] Raptor
When the birdfolk think of hunters or rangers, they picture a raptor. Resembling small hawks, eagles, and other birds of prey, they have sharp talons and agile builds that help them effortlessly glide through the canopy. These birdfolk are swift and strong with an uncanny knack for tracking. They are rarely prey, and are quick to turn the tables when finding themselves hunted.
[ +- ] Perceptive Awareness
[ +- ] Natural Predator
[ +- ] Raptor Traits
[ +- ] Maran Raptor
[ +- ] Mistral Raptor
Mar 4, 2024 11:42 pm
[ +- ] Strig
Strigs are the most imposing of the birdfolk races. Resembling owls, their thick feathers, solid bodies, and broad wings have earned them a reputation as the most powerful of the birdfolk races. They value strength and endurance, traits they believe crucial for survival in the Wood. Although they are not necessarily prejudiced against those who are weaker, strigs are quick to call out when someone is not doing their best for the common good.
[ +- ] Strong and Brave
[ +- ] Woodland Survivors
[ +- ] Strig Traits
[ +- ] Stout Strig
[ +- ] Swift Strig
Mar 4, 2024 11:43 pm
[ +- ] Cervan
Cervans are a versatile deer-like folk who make their homes in small, intimate villages throughout Humblewood. More insular than other humblefolk, cervans often reside deep in the most ancient parts of Humblewood’s vast forest, in tree stands and groves far from birdfolk perches.
[ +- ] Hale and Hearty
[ +- ] Wary and Practical
[ +- ] The Sight
[ +- ] Blessing of Cairith
[ +- ] Cervan Traits
[ +- ] Grove Cervan
[ +- ] Pronghorn Cervan
Mar 4, 2024 11:43 pm
[ +- ] Hedge
The most diplomatic and good natured of all the humblefolk, hedges like to live quiet lives in villages throughout the Wood, or within the safety of birdfolk perches. They resemble hedgehogs, although the quills that cover their backs are far tougher, hard enough to repel blades and sharp enough to pierce the solid hides of monstrous creatures. Despite their sturdiness, hedges are sensitive and emotional creatures, who display meekness more than bravado. Their meek demeanor and deference in social situations has earned them a reputation as cowards in the eyes of outsiders. But rather than being born of cowardice, their behavior stems from a desire to respect the feelings and sensitivities of others, something considered to be of utmost importance in hedge society.
[ +- ] Sensitive and Kind
[ +- ] One with the Forest
[ +- ] Dressed for Comfort
[ +- ] Hedge Traits
Mar 4, 2024 11:43 pm
[ +- ] Jerbeen
Jerbeens are small mouse-like folk with long, furred tails that help them balance. In proportion to the rest of their body, a jerbeen’s legs are long and powerful. Jerbeens can be found in a variety of places across the Wood, usually forming their own communities within birdfolk perches and humblefolk villages. Seldom do they live alone. A jerbeen’s home can contain several generations, including extended family and cousins living together under one roof. Jerbeens have a strong sense of family and like to surround themselves with good company wherever they rest.
[ +- ] Outsize Courage
[ +- ] Community First
[ +- ] Jerbeen Traits
Mar 4, 2024 11:43 pm
[ +- ] Mapach
Naturally curious, mapachs are a medium-sized racoon-like race. They are crafty, hearty, and tough, but their true strength lies in the potential they see when looking at the world around them. Mapachs have incredibly light hands and a great degree of fine motor control that doesn’t diminish with age. They are also adept at climbing and sneaking. This, combined with their love of trinkets, has earned them an undeserved reputation as thieves. While there are exceptions, most mapachs are quite good-natured, if a little eccentric.
[ +- ] Resilient Opportunists
[ +- ] Canny Craftspeople
[ +- ] Hubs of Invention
[ +- ] Mapach Traits
Mar 4, 2024 11:43 pm
[ +- ] Vulpin
Vulpins are fox-like in appearance, with light builds and sharp fangs. One of the least understood and most often vilified humblefolk in the Wood, vulpins have earned a bad reputation that isn’t entirely deserved. Much of this stems from the fact that vulpins are ambitious. Sometimes their drive to succeed can make it difficult for them to empathize with others. Vulpins feel just as deeply as other folk of the Wood, but they possess a keen survival instinct which sometimes causes them to take courses of action that are selfish. Moreover, they are sharp and savvy, possessing an uncanny force of personality that allows them to easily sway the trust of others. In the right situations, vulpins can be true friends, and in the wrong ones, deadly enemies.
[ +- ] Artful and Cunning
[ +- ] Prodigious Predators
[ +- ] Vulpin Traits

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