The Predator Patron Warlock
[ +- ] Summary
Your patron is a primal beast, driven by a bloodthirsty need to hunt. These beings tempt creatures to give in to their base instincts and become apex predators. Ancient white dragons, demons with a bestial bent, and the Amaranthine Kren have all been known to occasionally grant feral powers to those desperate enough to seek their aid. Many who strike a pact with a Predator find themselves forever changed, bearing razor teeth and wicked claws, an aspect of their predatory patron.
[ +- ] Expanded Spell List
1st-----Hunter's Mark, Jump
2nd ----- alter self, ambush prey*
3rd -----blink, slow
4th ----- dominate beast, freedom of movement
5th ----- contagion, misled
[ +- ] Bonus Proficiencies
Starting at 1st level, your patron grants you enhanced tracking skills. You gain expertise with the Survival skill, and you add double your proficiency bonus to any Wisdom (Survival) skill checks you make.
[ +- ] 1st Level Form of the Beast
At 1st level, you can use your bonus action to channel the ferocity and guile of your patron, transforming into a beastly figure. For 10 minutes, you gain the following abilities:
l You are flooded with adrenaline, feeling nothing besides the thrill of the hunt. You gain temporary hit points equal to two times your warlock level, up to a maximum of 20 temporary hit points at 10th level. These temporary hit points last until the end of your transformation.
l Your senses become supernaturally keen. You have advantage on Dexterity (Stealth), Wisdom (Perception), and Wisdom (Survival) checks you make to track or stalk your prey.
l You sprout a set of pointed teeth and razor-sharp claws, which are natural weapons you can use to make unarmed strikes against creatures within 5 feet of you. You have proficiency with these weapons and can use your Charisma modifier for the attack and damage rolls made using these natural weapons. On a hit, your bite deals 1d6 piercing damage, and your claws deal 1d4 slashing damage. If you already had a bite or claw attack (talon attacks count as claw attacks), its damage increases by one step (a d4 becomes a d6, a d6 becomes a d8, etc.). As a bonus action, after making a bite attack, you can make a claw attack.
l Starting at 5th level, your muscles strengthen, and your movements quicken. You can now make two claw attacks using your bonus action after you have made a bite attack with your action. Additionally, at 5th level, you can take the Dash or Hide action as a bonus action while you are in your Form of the Beast.
You can use this feature twice per short or long rest.
At 6th level, your transformation lasts for 1 hour instead of 10 minutes.