There are legends within the Wood, of birdfolk blessed by the wind who are destined to soar over any and all obstacles. When a chick is born with special markings or unique feather patterns, or when they survive a dramatic childhood event, some folks brand them "Wind-Touched". Though a few dismiss the notion of the Wind-Touched as superstition, others heap reverence upon those believed chosen. According to legend, one who is touched by the wind will never feel at ease anywhere but high in the forest canopy, with the wind in their feathers.
Skill Proficiencies: Acrobatics, Performance
Tool Proficiencies: one type of wind Musical Instrument
Languages: you can speak as well as understand Auran
Equipment: a wind Musical Instrument (one of your choice), an ornate cloak, a symbol of the wind, common clothes, and a belt pouch containing 10 gp
[ +- ] Title and Blessing
For some birdfolk, the moniker of Wind-Touched is merely a title, a symbol of their devotion to the wind and the natural world. Others have been told since birth that they were blessed by the wind, much in the way the Amaranthine Reya was in the old tales. Decide what your character believes, or roll on the table below to understand how they feel.
d6 Acceptance
1 I am truly blessed and have power over the wind itself.
2 I am devoted to the wind spirits, in action and title.
3 I believe in nature and goodness.
4 I will work tirelessly to earn the respect of those who give me this title.
5 I accept this honor but have my doubts.
6 I feel nothing for this title, and carry it against my will. |
[ +- ] Feature: Supernatural Presence
Whether or not you are truly Wind-Touched, there are folk all across Everden that believe that you have been divinely blessed. If you make a show of power or skill that can be attributed to the wind or air, such as feats of acrobatics or commanding unseen forces, those believers will be bolstered by your supernatural presence. They will support you and, depending on how well you have convinced them of your powers, treat you with reverence and possibly even worship
[ +- ] Coupled with Power
While this background primarily focuses on the beliefs and perceptions of yourself and your community, pairing this background with a character who actually can manipulate the wind through magic could potentially set them up to become a holy figure, a prophet, or a fabled hero.