Character background stories

Mar 6, 2024 5:04 pm
I have provided a ton of lore and setting information.

My hope is to have relatively detailed backgrounds set up for your characters, though if that becomes a lot for you we can flesh it out as we go. Let me know if you want elements of your background story to be secret to the group (but please not contradictory to the purpose of the group unless you are expecting character growth to come into alignment with everyone)

Information for Backgrounds needed:

1. Where are you from in the Wood?
2. Do you have any religious leanings?
3. Why are you traveling the Wood now?
4. Is there an "arc" you want to have your character have? I can't promise it will happen but I can try

As encouragement to integrate the established lore. Integrating any of the Lore information into your background story will have you start the game with Inspiration.
Mar 9, 2024 7:35 pm
The Silvercrest family has lived in Brackenmill and is well respected as a family full of sorcerers, wizards, and bards. As Charun grew so did his might, but sadly from his families perspective, not his intellect. He loved the tales of The Amaranthine and early on in his life expressed a desire to server Charun. Graduating from his training to become a paladin Charun set out to bring joy and justice to those in need.
Mar 9, 2024 8:06 pm
Cyrus Glass was born and raised in the bandit consortium, but he has left them behind.
What part of the forest he calls home, I don't know, properly The Crest

In Alderheart’s prison, he had a vision from Gesmer. An inspiration to work with the natural materials, and work his way to redemption for the bad things he has done.
I'm still peacing his story together, but this feels solid and interesting
Mar 9, 2024 8:08 pm
I am liking this.

Note, official it is the Bandit Coalition in lore. Not sure if I put things there
Mar 10, 2024 9:47 pm
Leif Truetail:

1. Where are you from in the Wood?

2. Do you have any religious leanings?
No religious leanings, but he reveres nature

3. Why are you traveling the Wood now?
He's searching for a group of bandits that attacked his caravan and left him for dead, but the trail has gone cold, and he's eking out a living being a guard/guide/ranger now.

4. Is there an "arc" you want to have your character have? I can't promise it will happen but I can try
Would be awesome to get closure with the bandit group that attacked his caravan if possible.
[ +- ] Leif's full backstory
Mar 11, 2024 7:22 pm
I give you the bandit group
The Red flag crew
Just like pirates who fly the Jolly Roger, this crew raise a red flag to signal that they are about, and whom you have the pleasure to be robed by. They are primarly highwaymen, but also operate in citys.
From left to right
Captain ResPar. With a sense of honor, enough panache and a lot of romantic highwaymen, he was a charismatic leader that had @soises character convinced to fight the "good" fight. But he has a ruthless streak
Inspired by Don Karnage
Diamond. ResPar's girlfriend and the group face and hustler.

Simion is one of the muscles. A Thug through and through. He is not elegant or smooth-talking like ResPar and Diamond, but he has a mean left hoof and sharpened antlers.

Zeck is the last Cervan in the group. He is not as strong as Simion, but when he fights it is with a scary ferocity.
I imagine him to be a warlock of a predator patron
Young Cyrus Glass grew up with them and was their scout and lookout.
Sherry was their Runner and Lifter.

When Cyrus got caught and thrown into Alderheart’s prison they became more cold and cruel.
Last edited March 11, 2024 7:41 pm
Mar 11, 2024 7:28 pm
is "Pirate" more metaphor or are they sea faring bandits?
Mar 11, 2024 7:39 pm
valdattaMadun says:
is "Pirate" more metaphor or are they sea faring bandits?
It was a comparison. I'll update the text
Mar 11, 2024 7:44 pm
gotcha that works either way.
Mar 11, 2024 7:58 pm
All of a sudden Cyrus seems a bit more scary. I remember liking the original talespin but forgot about the pirates till I saw the original character picture
Last edited March 11, 2024 7:59 pm
Mar 25, 2024 2:40 pm
Scylla Snow was always a bright child. Her family made enough money to get her a place in the Brackenmill Library. She has always been in love with books and knowledge but, the Brackenmill library has no more books or knowledge for her to read. She’s struck out into the world to learn more.
Mar 25, 2024 4:07 pm
@Ysolde I like it. I will message you separately on introduction information and ideas based on this character.

Also I added the Vulpin/Background abilities to your character sheet for quick reference (hope you don't mind)
Mar 26, 2024 12:11 am
@valdattaMadun Thanks! I forgot to add those traits.

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