Psybermagi - Character Background Discussions

Mar 8, 2024 4:48 pm
This Thread to talk about background and other character needed discussions specific to you
Mar 8, 2024 5:00 pm
Based on your post in the OoC here is the plan you set out:
wind-touched with Heavy Glider Paladin then multi to Bard. Being on the big side for a Luma he always thinks he is bigger than he is and is slightly delusional about it. Seeing himself as a champion of "the little guy" he despises bullies in all forms.
Love it, seems great. Were you seeing yourself as potentially a soldier type character or city guard-ish before adventuring? Like you put yourself into a position to be more helpful for "the little guy"? or is it more adhoc free-lance Paladin?

I know you want to multiclass into bard, the base adventure goes from Level 1 - 5. Though there is material available from official sources through level 8 if we keep going. Does this change your plans at all?
Mar 8, 2024 6:07 pm
The way I see it he grew up larger than most Luma, being nearly 4' though he always insists he is over 4', and taking into account the Luma mindset he is both proude (and perhaps a bit prideful and conceited) while still feeling is is of the "salt of the earth" type. I haven't nailed down his hometown/social status yet but I am thinking lower mid tier so he is aware of the spectrum and fell oppression from those that view themselves as higher up but still has enough standing with family/church to help others. I need to review the religions again but if you have suggestions/feedback feel free to share.

Multiclass is just to blend a bit of the Luma and his own image of a hero with his need to self proclaim. A nice helpful friendly guy but a bit full of himself.
Mar 8, 2024 6:22 pm
Maybe Brackenmill would be a good home town. Farming community, Perch Guard (basically the town guard/militia) contingent. Mix between humblefolk and birdfolk. Lots of trade with the big capital city where you might not in agreement of the politics of the ruling class.

Smaller communities like this could also be maybe a good cultivating space for Wind-Touched background material.

As for religions, I feel like Paladin/Bard would really fit:
[ +- ] Chluran
At least visually, Luma are Clhuran's chosen as well.
Mar 8, 2024 7:02 pm
Sheet looks good to me.

Gust Barrier and Fated on a Paladin feels broken lol
Mar 8, 2024 7:58 pm
I missed that bit about " jester with bangles and bells, carrying a marotte, and on the other as an executioner, weilding an axe"
That make being a paladin/bard totally work. I can slay you by word or weapon should you deserve it or bring joy and cheer to those in need.

Well with wind-touched it was either that or Gust. Combining that with the Heavy-Glider aspect to knock people over he he he :) Seems like a Good way to not be the first to attack but still get in a good hit :)

Add in his preferred weapons have reach. Can he wield those while gliding over targets? Should be a fun little ball or righteous wrath bringing down judgment on evildoers everywhere.

Couple of things
+ His race and background both give the same language so I shifted one from Auran to Hedge if that is ok. To help him be closer to and understand the humble-folk.
+ Any chance of using a Buckler as a +1 ac weapon that is held in hand, interact with object to doff/don as a weapon?
Last edited March 8, 2024 7:59 pm
Mar 8, 2024 9:32 pm
In terms of Gliding AND attacking during the glide is hard, your wings are your arms so you have limits on the ability to attack. I would be fine with disadvantage though.

as for the other two:

1. Absolutely, pretty standard application
2. If you have a shield in hand, you shouldn't be able to also wield a two handed weapon at the same time (the glaive). Is this ask, +1 buckler that is more "strapped" to the arm (leaving hand free) but you can interact with an object to move it to the hand as a weapon? I would be ok with that.

Basically allows you to have +1 shield that can be used with two-handed weapons or if you don't have your glaive you could switch it to for a 1d4 light melee weapon you could use with two weapon fighting. This gives you the ability to do javelin/buckler two weapon fighting

Also, your glaive doesn't have the right damage, should be a d10 not a d6. Your Javelin should be a d6.
Mar 8, 2024 9:56 pm
RAW does not state anything about using hands, ex casting a spell, or attacking while moving in a glide.
[ +- ] Glide
Then Heavy glider states
[ +- ] Heavy Glider
So I should be able to "holding a heavy weapon" and/or hold a buckler and weapon, glide, then attack just fine.
The inability of not using a Glave while gliding makes sense as it does state you have to spread your arms

I was picturing the buckler more as a hand held only item. I imagine strapping anything to my arms/wings and trying to spread them might be hard/painful. Besides Gliding does say you can not do it with a strapped on shield.

The question is : Can I use a whip or other single handed weapon. Yes/No?
Mar 8, 2024 10:37 pm
I was thinking this part of the "Glide"
Using your feathered arms... to spread your arms, stiffen your wing feathers
You for sure have your HANDS free, but your arms to swing and stuff would be tough. I think to me as a RAI image I get is you have your arms spread out completely. You can HOLD the glaive etc but you couldn't "swing" well, thus disadvantage. I imagine this to be like a barrel roll with your glaive to whack the enemies.

Also Heavy Glider allowing two handed weapons and heavy armor but not shield does not make sense to me. Consider a shield ok.

As for a Whip, that is basically just using your wrist for it vs the whole arm. Other single handed weapons, probably the same thing.

For the Buckerler, basically you just wanted an option to move to attack mode on your shield? nothing special with strapping? That would be good. But I think what I said as well wouldn't be too unbalanced either. You could just as easily have full plate and have an even higher AC. And personally Paladins should be the "Just try and attack me" character anyways
Mar 9, 2024 2:54 pm
Just got reminded about this
RAW says:
Heavy. Small creatures have disadvantage on attack rolls with heavy weapons. A heavy weapon’s size and bulk make it too large for a Small creature to use effectively.
So the Gaive is out as RAW. The rules state
Altering Race Size says:
For the sake of simplicity we advise that, regardless of the physical measurements of a character, they follow the size category rules of their race (Medium or Small).
Different Looks for Birdfolk says:
At the discretion of the GM, your Humblewood character may look different than other members of its race. . . .
I am sure the races were designed to be balanced and making a Luma medium would break that but I also believe it does not hurt to ask.

So can my Luma be the smallest possible medium to use a heavy without disadvantage?
Most reach/heavy weapons do 1d10. Would it be possible for a small creature to have a 1d8 with reach variant pike/spear weapon?

While I like the idea of a heavy weapon for my character it is not a must neither is the reach. Just ideas that formed while creating my character concept. Brave paladin with delusions of grandeur that really knows the truth about it all so compensates a bit with the weapon.
Mar 9, 2024 3:01 pm
Isn't a spear a 1d8 reach weapon that isn't heavy already?
Mar 9, 2024 3:09 pm
I remember that being the case but when I checked D&D Beyond it only listed Thrown (range 20/60), versatile (1d8)
So it looks like the "Spear" in 5e is a battle spear variant not the pike/pole-arm variant
Mar 9, 2024 3:19 pm
How about remove thrown and versatile then make reach. So 1d8+str reach, two hander

Seems like a balance. It is basically a polearm for you, at least as big as you can hold
Mar 9, 2024 3:47 pm
Great, sounds fine with me. Thanks for the option.

I am about done and just need to fill everything out. Why is picking a name always so hard :(
Mar 11, 2024 12:54 am
I had some ideas to flesh out my backstory a bit and get me out to Meadowfen
The Silvercrest family has lived in Brackenmill and is well respected as a family full of sorcerers, wizards, and bards. As Charun grew so did his might, but sadly from his families perspective, not his intellect. He loved the tales of The Amaranthine and early on in his life expressed a desire to server Charun. Graduating from his training to become a paladin Charun was secured a position with the Perch Guard of Alderheart where his family hoped he could gather connections to help them further their goals.

At first Charun was proud to serve as a guard at the heart of the wood but the longer he served the more he realized that not all birdfolk in the wood took the responsibility their positions entailed. Seeing the abuse of authority and wealth as well as discrimination of the Humblefolk by some Birdfolk disillusioned him to the honor he felt upon recieving his posting. Fortunately Charun served under an observant and honest Strig lieutenant. The officer could see Charun was not happy and had to be reprimanded several time for overstepping himself.

So Charun was transferred to one of the furthest Perch Guard outputs and set the task of patrolling beyond the forest. There he was to act as a representative of the Perch Guard, send in regular report on conditions outside the forest, and oversee the forrests interest beyond its borders. To assist with this the Guard crafted a cover of releasing him from their ranks and he was forced to join the The Fortune Seekers. However his sponsor within the guild is actually a senior officer within the guards intelligence network. This quieted the nobles he had offended while allowing him to continue to serve the Perch Guard and the people of the forest.
This ties him to a faction but puts him outside the normal chain of command so that he will not be called up for basic operations but he can have contacts within various cities, likely though the guards operatives within the guild. I imagine him to be a bit of a cross between a scout and marshal. Operating outside his factions jurisdiction and without any direct supervision. He would suck as a spy so nothing covert. Not sure if the "cover story" is needed or useful and isn't really needed so feel free to give suggestions. Ideally Charun would not want to tanish the family name but if he can take the heat for trouble he caused to lessen and backlash to the family then he would do so.

How that? Corrections/Suggestions?
Last edited March 11, 2024 1:13 am
Mar 11, 2024 1:40 am
I like it, puts you tied to sone people and places around the Wood. Already immediately have some ideas.

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