Mar 12, 2024 5:05 pm

He pauses just long enough to take a bite, and then launches into speech again. "I think you'll all enjoy the day. My library is one of the oldest in the city. It actually predates the city, in point of fact, because my great-great-grandfather claimed it in lieu of a share of his treasure back when this was just a pirate haven. I have the finest collection of historical and prophesorial tomes in Stormreach, almost certainly in all of Xen'drik, and probably in most of Eberron too. But... The years were not kind to my family, and I've only recently been able to afford a restoration. The books will have to be moved and catalogued to get them out of the way of the repair work. That's where you come in."
Feel free to RP your day in the other thread. This one is here when we need it.