Ship designs

Mar 16, 2024 4:29 pm
Spargel class ships
This Planetary Defense Forces Destroyer is designed to safeguard its home world from extraterrestrial incursions, pirates and smaller warships typically deployed by peer star-faring factions.

Its substantial crew complement and military drop pod fitting enable rapid deployment of well-armed marines to critical areas across a solar system.

Role Multi-mission interplanetary ship
Designed and manufactured by Zyronis Imperial spaceport and shipyards
Hull Type Heavy Frigate (Destroyer)
Total cost 9,820,000
Maintenance costs 491,000
Speed 1
Hyperspace range0 hexes
Armor 10
Crew 30 (min) / 120 (max)
AC 15
Max HP 50
Class Frigate
Crew skill +2

Ship Fittings
- Plasma Beam x2 (3d6 damage, AP 10)
- Flak Emitter Battery x2 (2d6, AP 10, Flak)
- Planetary Defense Array
- System drive
- Boarding tubes
- Extended Stores
- Point Defense Lasers (+2 AC vs weapons that use ammo)
- Armory
- Ship’s Locker
- Drop pods
- Lifeboats

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