Chapter 5.1: Byzantine bureaucracy

Mar 17, 2024 11:39 pm
Trade Era 1235, Day 151

Celestial Voyager, Postal Authority orbital station, Draco III

As the Celestial Voyager hummed with life, its crew scurried about, conducting final checks and adjustments. Captain Valeria Zaytsev stood at the helm, her gaze fixed on the vast expanse of space beyond the station's windows. Fourteen days of rigorous repairs had brought their ship almost back to prime condition, and anticipation crackled through the air as they proceeded with the last tests in preparation for departure. The ship is scheduled to leave for Verdura in 2 days.

Hank moved about the cargo hold, overseeing the loading of supplies and goods. Corbin McRogers, the chief engineer, darted between terminals, ensuring every system was functioning flawlessly. Jilandra, known simply as Jil, sat in the Solaris cockpit, her fingers dancing across the controls as she ran pre-flight diagnostics. And Peter Morgan, the newly hired gunnery head and security officer, inspected the sandthrower with a trained eye, ready to defend their vessel if need be.

Amidst the bustle, a new presence made itself known - Mercer, already wearing the Stellar Express uniform and weapons, emerged from the airlock accompanied by three towering robots. Each robot bore the unmistakable marks of heavy-duty cargo handlers, their metallic frames gleaming under the station's artificial lights. Behind them, in 3 large gravsleds, 302 tons of crates.

About this time, Slaine and Alex Mercer also appeared, ready to give their farewells before departing to New Jordan.
Mercer, please introduce yourself, In Character. Also, you should talk about your 2 tons of Clothing with Hank, they are not part of the Stellar Express contract.

Feel free to control Slaine as they say goodbye.

About the robots, they will help with the unloading of the crates and then return to the station. They're not going with you

Trade Era 1235, Day 151.

Sentinel, orbiting Draco III

Captain Kara Rael surveyed the bridge of the Sentinel, her eyes sweeping over the monitors and displays with practiced ease. The ambient hum of the ship's systems filled the air, a reassuring backdrop to the flurry of activity that had consumed them in recent days. With resupply efforts completed, emergency repairs addressed, and meticulous maintenance undertaken, the Sentinel stood poised for departure. In accordance with schedule, the ITC heavy cruiser "Frank Exchange of Views," flagship of the 2nd fleet, had just entered the system, escorted by a heavy frigate, a missile boat and a couple of smaller craft. News of recent events had evidently prompted the Admiral of the region to personally oversee matters here.

Soon enough, a transmission was received and the Admiral Harkin's distinguished voice echoed through the bridge, conveying authority and resolve.

"This is Admiral Harkin of the 'Frank Exchange of Views' to the crew of the Sentinel," the transmission crackled to life, reaching every corner of the bridge. "On behalf of the 2nd fleet, I extend our gratitude for your support in Draco and wish you safe travels in the Pandora's Veil sector."

Captain Kara Rael acknowledged the transmission with a respectful nod, her admiration for Admiral Harkin evident in her expression. "Thank you, Admiral," she replied, her voice steady and unwavering. "Your presence in Draco will surely bring much-needed stability to the region. We will depart now."

As a member of the Seventh Fleet, the Sentinel was just in transit rather than within its designated area of operation. Nevertheless, both the Captain and the Admiral were pleased with the results achieved during the Sentinel's presence, and also the fact that the ship was already moving forward to the next star system.

With a final exchange of pleasantries and well-wishes, the transmission from the Frank Exchange of Views concluded.

"Lieutenant Paravides, please help the crew set a course for the Navy base in orbit of Neptunia," she commanded, her tone decisive. "After that, prepare to board the ITC shuttle Amanda and return to the Celestial Voyager as our Liaison Officer. The shuttle's already unloaded our supplies and they're probably just waiting for you."

"Aye, Captain," Lieutenant Paravides replied, swiftly inputting some coordinates into the navigation console.

"Please inform Captain Zaytsev and the Celestial Voyager that we will rendezvous at Neptunia. We will wait for them there before proceeding to the Dianreti system" - she continued.

As the ship hummed to life, Captain Rael turned her attention to the crew gathered on the bridge. Lieutenant Jr. Fu Chen manned the gunnery station with focused determination, while Lieutenant Katlina Komarov monitored the engineering systems and prepared the cryo-pods with meticulous precision. Ensign Alonso Carderas sat at the communications console, his fingers dancing across the interface as he followed orders.

Her eyes fell upon Douklan, a seasoned crew member who had served faithfully the Navy for years. He stood at the helm finishing his navigation course, his uniform crisp and his demeanor resolute. Captain Rael approached him, a sense of pride swelling within her.

"Douklan," she began in a softer tone, drawing him aside for a private conversation. "Your dedication to the Sentinel and the Navy has been exemplary. As we approach Neptunia and it nears the end of another tour of duty for you, know that your service has not gone unnoticed."

Douklan's expression softened, a hint of gratitude flickering in his eyes. "Thank you, Captain. It's been an honor serving under your command."

Captain Rael clasped his shoulder warmly. "You've earned your rest, but I must ask, will you be reenlisting with us?"

Douklan paused, his gaze drifting to the viewport where the stars twinkled in the vast expanse of space. For a moment, the weight of his decision hung in the air.
Douklan, what do you do?
Mar 18, 2024 2:41 am
Special Agent Slaine Rowan exits the very government issue transport; making a stop on their way to be transported back to New Jordan to further looking into the threat of, and conspiracy around, these bio-synths with psionic powers. They find the Celestial Voyager full of activity as the crew prepares for another venture and cargo is loaded on.
Scanning across the movement for a familiar face they are surprised to find one they didn't expect: Mercer. Mercer, though they weren't in constant contact as adults, had been one of kids getting into trouble with Mercer on the streets of New Jordan, and had convinced Slaine of the benefits of using a blade.
Anyone who overheard their greeting would easily clock their familiarity, especially as Slaine asked how a wound was healing and Mercer talked about hiw he was finally doing what he always said he was going to: become a trader, a star-merchant.
"It was a real surprise seeing you here, but I'm about to return home. But let me introduce you before I go, the Celestial Voyager has a good crew."
Slaine will find Hank, explaining to Mercer, "You'll want to talk to Hank first. He's the First Officer."
Then to Hank, "This is Mercer Furio. I happened to run into him just as I got here to say goodbye everyone, but wanted to introduce you both. And vouch for Mercer. He's loyal and reliable, I'm sure you'll like having him on your crew."
"But on the note of saying goodbye, I wanted to thank you for your help with that mess involving Alfredo, and advise that you not wildly talk about all that. I still don't know whose involved, but don't want you all painting a target on your back."

Slaine will also stop by Captain's office. Giving her the information for the possible reimbursement, but no promise on likelyhood, or a time table. But a possibility.
Then vouch for Mercer, so tjat the captain kmows she has someone reliable coming onto her ship.
They will also find Erin, to thank her for her help and give her the official report of the takedown of Alfredo which states that she was "... a driven and keen Civilian Assets under pressure and in the face of danger "
Mar 18, 2024 3:08 am
It was good to see Slaine, but as they headed into the Celwstial Voyager to make a round of goodbyes, Mercer was face to face with his new First Officer, Hank Heron.
I just wanted to say, while I'm technically working for Stellar Express, I know who I'm working along side of, and I know who I'm taking orders from. He held out his hand towards Hank to shake.
But on the note of the trip, I have two tons of my own trade goods, I wanted to know how we could work something out so I could get those transported with me on this voyage.
Mar 18, 2024 5:52 am
To Slaine:
"Thank you for revealing the danger in our midst. We had no idea, and who knows what he might have done if left completely unchecked going forward. I'm just disappointed Gabe was lost in the effort. We will keep the information under wraps going forward. If we have to admit anything, it'll just be that someone rigged our shuttle to explode and he was tracked down and killed in the pursuit. No mention of teleporting, bio-synths, clones, or the like."

In light of that, he will talk with the original six to make sure everyone knows to not really talk about what happened, and if it does come up, what to not say.

To Mercer:
"Everyone is encouraged to try their hand at speculating, if that is what they want to do. The only real stipulations are that it is completely legal and that you pay standard freight rates for the space it consumes in the cargo hold. Everyone plays by that same rule, including me."

Erin Brand


Mar 18, 2024 5:53 am
Erin Brand
Erin replies, "I was glad to help end his threat. It won't bring our friend back, but at least he didn't get away with no consequences."
Mar 18, 2024 6:10 am
Draco to Ventura is 1 hex or 3 (do we count starting and ending hex or just in between)?
If I have the math of 1 hex rate to ferry the goods would be 60 credits, rate to ferry 3 hexes would be 120 credits?
Mar 18, 2024 9:00 am
PhoenixScientist says:
Draco to Ventura is 1 hex or 3 (do we count starting and ending hex or just in between)?
If I have the math of 1 hex rate to ferry the goods would be 60 credits, rate to ferry 3 hexes would be 120 credits?
I actually count 2 hexes. I ignore the starting hex and include the ending one. It's 150 credits for those 2 tons. But you pay that to the CV ship funds only after you sell.
Mar 18, 2024 1:20 pm
Also, to be fair, these aren't Hank's rules. They are the Captain's, and Hank is abiding by them, too. Heck, I think even the Captain would go by these rules for anything she personally speculates on.
Mar 18, 2024 4:00 pm
Trade Era 1235, Day 151.

Sentinel, orbiting Draco III

htech says:

"Douklan," she began in a softer tone, drawing him aside for a private conversation. "Your dedication to the Sentinel and the Navy has been exemplary. As we approach Neptunia and it nears the end of another tour of duty for you, know that your service has not gone unnoticed."

Douklan's expression softened, a hint of gratitude flickering in his eyes. "Thank you, Captain. It's been an honor serving under your command."

Captain Rael clasped his shoulder warmly. "You've earned your rest, but I must ask, will you be reenlisting with us?"

Gazing out at the vast expanse of stars made small by the framing of the viewport, Douklan chose his words carefully. "I think so, Captain. The Navy - and you - have been very good to me." He smiled. "I'm very grateful for this opportunity to serve as liaison. It's a perfect opportunity you've given me, serving aboard the Celestial Voyager, because..." Douklan sighed, uncomfortable with his own emotions. "As a boy in Destroid, I-I dreamed of becoming an Explorer, if you can believe it. Being on board the CV, I've been working alongside actual Explorers, and we're going to the edges of known space!" His eyes crinkled in wry amusement. "The reality is almost certain to not live up to the fantasy of my youth."
Last edited March 18, 2024 4:01 pm
Mar 18, 2024 4:07 pm
Douklan chose his words carefully. "I think so, Captain. The Navy - and you - have been very good to me."
Okay! Just to be clear, the alternative is (depending on your conversation with Valeria) you don't reenlist in Neptunia and work as a civilian that is part of the CV's crew from them on. You can talk to Valeria, Hank and Corbin about it. You have until then to really commit to reenlisting or not.

For me (GM) both options work. It's your call if you wanna stay in the military or not. =)

Captain Kara Rael


Mar 18, 2024 4:10 pm
Captain Kara Rael
spaceseeker19 says:
Gazing out at the vast expanse of stars made small by the framing of the viewport, Douklan chose his words carefully. "I think so, Captain. The Navy - and you - have been very good to me." He smiled. "I'm very grateful for this opportunity to serve as liaison. It's a perfect opportunity you've given me, serving aboard the Celestial Voyager, because..." Douklan sighed, uncomfortable with his own emotions. "As a boy in Destroid, I-I dreamed of becoming an Explorer, if you can believe it. Being on board the CV, I've been working alongside actual Explorers, and we're going to the edges of known space!" His eyes crinkled in wry amusement. "The reality is almost certain to not live up to the fantasy of my youth."
"Thank you." - she smiles - "See you in Neptunia, then. Safe travels."
Mar 18, 2024 8:11 pm
With a sense of purpose, Douklan made his way to the waiting ITC shuttle, ready to embark on the next phase of his journey.

As the shuttle glided through the void of space towards the Celestial Voyager, Douklan couldn't help but marvel at the sight of the vast expanse of stars stretching out before him. The dreams of his youth seemed to come alive once more, fueling his excitement for the adventures that lay ahead. Upon reaching the Celestial Voyager, Douklan was greeted warmly by Captain Zaytsev and the crew.

"Welcome back, Lieutenant! Jil is in the shuttle and helping with other stuff, as she likes to be. Do you wanna take the ship's helm again, like you did before?" - asked Valeria Zaytsev.

"Ah, Hank, I just received our Stellar Express Partnership Program rules. It's available on the ship's computers"
Does anyone else wanna do anything here in Draco? Should we depart?

I have updated the CV sheet to note your freight certification progress with Stellar Express.
Mar 18, 2024 8:44 pm
daryen says:

To Mercer:
"Everyone is encouraged to try their hand at speculating, if that is what they want to do. The only real stipulations are that it is completely legal and that you pay standard freight rates for the space it consumes in the cargo hold. Everyone plays by that same rule, including me."
"Standard rate would be..." He does some math in his head. About $150? I can do that.
And as to the cargo, it's just clothing. Payment from someone who was going into debt and liquidating assets for several expeditions. All legal.
Then you can probably see a flicker g o over Mercerks face, as if he's still getting used to legal.
As everything gets loaded I'd prefer to stay by to watch, but after that where do you want me to be?
Last edited March 18, 2024 10:14 pm
Mar 18, 2024 10:18 pm
Hank pats him on the shoulder and says, "Sounds good! Welcome aboard!"

Hank looks through the Stellar Express guidelines, and is pleased that they should be able to start ramping up their freight totals.
Last edited March 18, 2024 10:22 pm
Mar 18, 2024 11:22 pm
Corbin runs though the final checks on the ships systems. Scanning the status of the synths, he sighs, I guess we're ready.

"Engineering to Bridge, we're green across the board, departure on your schedule."
Mar 19, 2024 5:00 am
Douklan accepts Captain Zaytsev's offer and takes the pilot station, adjusts the seat, and begins going through the standard pre-flight checks.
Mar 19, 2024 11:59 am
Morgan has walked a bit introducing himself to the rest of the crew, as he's still trying to get used to his new jobs he will do a quick sweep of the ship, looking for anything out of place, he will also accompany the loading of the cargo. After the ship is done and preparing to flight he sits on his gunnery post, turns on the sand thrower system and gets settled to the flight.
Mar 19, 2024 11:28 pm
Are we ready to go?
Mar 19, 2024 11:32 pm
I guess so. Let's go! =)
Trade Era 1235, Day 159

Celestial Voyager, Verdura's orbit, Zyronis system

The Celestial Voyager emerged from hyperspace without issues. With the human crew back to their stations, the ship moved gracefully through the vast expanse of space, its hull gleaming under the distant glow of Verdura's twin suns.

Inside the bridge, Lieutenant Paravides guided the ship with practiced precision, his hands deftly maneuvering the controls.

"Approaching Verdura's orbital perimeter and gravity well," announced the ship's first officer, Hank Heron, also working at the sensors/comms station. "Traffic control is requesting identification and purpose of visit."

Captain Zaytsev
Captain Zaytsev nodded, her gaze focused on the viewscreen displaying the approaching planet. "Open a channel to traffic control," she instructed.

The response came swiftly, a voice crackling through the speakers with authority. "This is Verdura Orbital Station, requesting identification and purpose of visit. State your business, please."

"This is Captain Valeria Zaytsev of the Celestial Voyager," she replied, her tone respectful. "We are en route to Meixian looking for trade. Requesting permission to land."

"Please stand by, Celestial Voyager," answered the traffic controller. "Trade activities are restricted on Verdura. You may only sell goods in orbit and purchase goods on the planet's surface, according to Mercantile Law 67,257, article 12. Do you copy?"

As Hank heard the answer, a flurry of data packets containing the planet's laws and procedures arrived. Skimming its contents, Valeria's expression changed.

"Acknowledged, control. We will comply and remain in orbit."

"Roger, Celestial. Permission granted for orbit 52-12-6 and to establish remote communications with the station or the planetary surface. Stand by for coordinates and orbital vectors,"
replied traffic control, their tone firm yet accommodating.

As the communication with Verdura's orbital station concluded, Captain Zaytsev couldn't shake the feeling that they were treading on thin ice. She sighed softly, her gaze shifting to the dense legal documents before her. "Looks like we have our work cut out for us," she remarked, her voice tinged with determination. "We'll need to familiarize ourselves with the regulations before making any moves."

Dr. Emily Hart
Dr. Emily Hart, who had hoped that joining the crew of the Celestial Voyager would provide her with the means to reach her brother, felt a sense of helplessness creeping in. Apparently, they were stranded in orbit.

"Is there anything we can do? Anyone we can reach out to for help? Someone who might be able to assist us in landing on Verdura?" - she asked.
What do you do?
Mar 20, 2024 12:02 am
Hank, in as calming a voice as he knows how to provide, replies, "We won't know anything until we plow through these regulations to see what our options are. I was planning to try and buy things here, and if we have to go to the planet to make the purchase, then that's our entry to going down there. But you are going to need to be patient for a little longer. We will do our best to help you with your brother."

Once he has calmed her down as best he can, he turns back to plowing through the newly receive regulations book. He does still want to try and buy some agricultural related items, if possible. That will take them down to the surface where they can hopefully look for her brother. When the good doctor can't hear him, but the Captain can, he comments, "I hope this place doesn't have crime-colored mines like Draco I."
BTW, the Celestial Voyager is a cruiser hull. I didn't think it could land. (More properly, it can't land and then take off again.) That's why we had to get the Solaris.

As we read through the regulations, please give us the outline so we can start planning on how we're going to approach this. Can we find cargo and make the deal from orbit and just pay and pick up on the planet? Or do we have to go down to do the whole business? I'm kinda assuming the latter, but I wanna check. We'll also need to see what other random regulations we have to be wary of that get triggered by going down to the surface.
EDIT: He asks the Captain if Mariella can help with reading the regulations. He figures and extra pair of eyes looking at this still will give them a better chance to figure things out. She's the only one I can think of to help read the regulations. Corbin would incinerate it in the reactor. Douklan would probably jetison it into space. Jil would ignore it. Erin would shoot it. I don't know what Peter would do, but it is probably unfavorable, too. If Mercer wants to take a look, that works.
Last edited March 20, 2024 12:09 am
Mar 20, 2024 12:20 am
Mercer would help, no expert but no minuses for this sort of thing either, probably enough for an Aid action if we have to roll.
Mar 20, 2024 12:22 am
BTW, the Celestial Voyager is a cruiser hull. I didn't think it could land. (More properly, it can't land and then take off again.) That's why we had to get the Solaris.
It can't, I am aware =)
As we read through the regulations, please give us the outline so we can start planning on how we're going to approach this.
Okay... I suggest that there are sooo many regulations here that they contradict each other. So, I dont have an outline, I have a suggestion of how we can do that. =D

Anyone can gimme me an In Character rationale (you can invent the laws and regulations as much as I will do) plus an Administrate roll DC8 and we will see if this law is real. The dice will be the real gauge of how accurate is your pseudo-law or if the PCs misunderstood it and it will give you some trouble.

After a law is described, we follow from that.
Can we play this way? What do you think?
Mar 20, 2024 12:25 am
PhoenixScientist says:
Mercer would help, no expert but no minuses for this sort of thing either, probably enough for an Aid action if we have to roll.
Great. Mercer can help, you can roll Aid. (and the players can help as well, inventing those laws and regulations)



Mar 20, 2024 12:47 am
Here is an example of how a PC could help Hank
With Valeria's blessing, Hank asked everyone who could and wanted to help to take a look around the laws and regulations of Verdura.

With a furrowed brow, Mariella meticulously sifted through the information, her eyes scanning the text for any glimmer of hope.

As she delved deeper into the labyrinthine laws, her gaze fell upon Mercantile Law 6,767, article 67. Her heart quickened as she read the words, a spark of recognition igniting within her.

"Because a cruiser cannot land on Verdura's surface," she murmured to herself, "it is entitled to send a shuttle to purchase goods in its place."

A sense of excitement bubbled up within Mariella as she realized the potential loophole in Verdura's strict regulations. As they couldn't land the Celestial Voyager on the planet's surface, perhaps they could send a shuttle in their place, allowing them to conduct trade and gather information without violating the law.

Quickly calling Hank, Mariella outlined her discovery.
Edit: She didn't succeed, so Hank won't receive a +1 in his roll and there is something wrong with her interpretation.


Administer - Aid Hank's evaluation - (2d6-1)

(11) - 1 = 1

Captain Zaytsev


Mar 20, 2024 1:01 am
Captain Zaytsev
Hearing Mariella's interpretation, but reading the same law, Valeria disagrees:

"But if I understand that correctly, in this case, the crew in the shuttle cannot conduct the trading. It must relay all the negotiations to the cruiser and back again, without autonomy or interference. If the shuttle is considered by Verdura's government an autonomous starship, then its crew could negotiate directly. I think we should contact traffic control from the shuttle and request permission to land. "
Edit: Valeria interpretation seems better, but is also flawed somehow. Hank may find a solution, but also won't receive +1 from her.
What do you do?


Administer - Aid Hank - (2d6+3)

(31) + 3 = 7

Mar 20, 2024 2:46 am
Mercer is going to ask permission to get on the comms and then try to talk with simeone who can point them in the right direction of where to reference for the goods they have.


Mercer Canaan Furio: Talk - Usual roll - (3D6h2+3)

(421) + 3 = 9

Mar 20, 2024 6:08 am
Douklan is confused. "Captain? Doesn't it seem odd to you that we didn't know about these regulations until now? We knew we were coming here, and we all read up about the trade regulations of our destination - well, OK, we read the executive summaries of the regs - but there wasn't anything in it about this bifurcated trade arrangement. That suggests to me either a criminal scam, trying to trick us into a situation where we agree to pay "approved proxies" to do the trading for us (for a fee), or a really recent change in regulation." Douklan searches through the records and the new trade code packet they've just received to see if he can figure out which.
I'm searching through logged information about the system, its government, and its known crime, to determine which is more likely: a recent change in government that would lead to new, contradictory regs, or outlaws trying to scam us? I don't know the difficulty, or which skill to use: Notice (to find useful information in a flood of data) or Program (to compose and run searches with precision). For Douklan, the roll is the same for either skill.
During periods when his searches are running and he's waiting for responses, Douklan skims through the trading regulations packet they received. At one point, he becomes excited to see that there is still a law on the books that ITC Exploration Division members have preferred status for trading...but then he finds three other laws that don't actually rescind that law, but rather constrain it.
Last edited March 20, 2024 6:24 am


Administer (looking for laws) DC8 - (2d6-1)

(11) - 1 = 1

Looking through systems to find recent news about the system (Notice or Program) - (2d6+2)

(36) + 2 = 11

Mar 20, 2024 9:55 am
Either skill would work for me. I will describe using Notice.
Douklan furrowed his brow in deep concentration as he poured over the newly discovered regulations and legal documents. Something didn't add up. He couldn't shake the feeling of unease that gnawed at the back of his mind.

As he continued to dig deeper into the history of the regulations, Douklan's suspicions grew. He noticed a sudden flurry of legislative activity in the past four to five months. It hinted at something more than mere bureaucratic reshuffling. Reading some material from the Celestial Voyager databases and recent information available in the local planetary network, he learns about the Jade Pavilion, in Meixian.

The Jade Pavilion serves as the seat of governance, where the intellectual elite convene to shape the destiny of Verdura. Its elegant architecture is adorned with intricate jade motifs and traditional Chinese designs. Within its hallowed halls, the fate of the planet is decided through a complex web of examinations for government seats and political maneuvering to vote on new laws and regulations.

Verdura always had its fair share of laws and bureaucracy, but something has changed here and now it's much, much worse. Unfortunately, the Jade Pavilion cannot be remotely contacted, but it's sessions are open to the public and there are government agencies and private lawyers that could provide more information about that, if you wanna dig deeper.
Do you wanna dig deeper and make understanding or even changing it a possible part of the adventure or just consider it a nuisance and try to work around those laws?
Mar 20, 2024 9:56 am
Mercer is going to ask permission to get on the comms and then try to talk with someone who can point them in the right direction of where to reference for the goods they have.
Before talking, Mercer tries to find and Connect with a relevant person. Fortunately, he knows about Xiao Chen.

A shrewd entrepreneur and black market dealer, Xiao Chen operates discreetly within the shadows of Meixian's bustling streets. Specializing in acquiring rare artifacts and contraband goods, he possesses a network of informants and smugglers who help him procure items of interest to discerning buyers.

Mercer is also able to connect and then talk to a couple of regular merchants working in The Lotus Market.

A vibrant marketplace teeming with life and energy in the middle of Meixian, the Lotus Market is a sensory delight, where the aromas of exotic spices mingle with the colorful displays of fresh produce and handmade crafts. Vendors from across Verdura gather here to trade their wares, while street performers entertain the crowds with mesmerizing displays of music and dance.

They're willing to sell you agricultural products and other merchandise if Mercer meets then in Meixian. Strangely enough, they are not willing to buy your stuff, as that's seemingly illegal. They cannot trade imports, just local products.

Mr. Chen, on the other hand, can help you with whatever you want to buy or sell. For the right amount, of course.
What do you do?


Mercer Canaan Furio: Connect - Usual roll - (2D6+2)

(35) + 2 = 10

Mar 20, 2024 1:20 pm
Corbin moves through the ship, checking all of the 'new' systems and seeing how the ship faired on this first jump. He can't help but overhear the conversations around the laws of this latest planet.

"Sounds like soft rocks to me. Why don't we move on?"
Mar 20, 2024 1:37 pm
Reply to Corbin: "Two reasons. One, we owe it to the doctor to at least get down to check on her brother. Two, this is still our best opportunity to pick up some agricultural products which should sell well either on the other planet in this system (not likely since they probably get as much as they want already) or two worlds down the path. So, we still need to do our due-diligence before moving on. Otherwise, honestly, I'd agree with you."

Request to Mercer: "Can you use some of those contacts you might have to find out anything on the Doctor's brother?" He'll fill Mercer in as needed. Basically, it's a "am looking for my lost brother" story. "We need to find out if he's still alive and, if so, if we can get to him." Hank will give Mercer the required name and background information. Hank would not add in the second part if the doctor is actually there.
Best case scenario: He's found love and is relatively happy where he is. It's just really hard to communicate out. The scenarios kinda go down from there, all the way down to: He's dead.
On to the Admin stuff. First, a roll to see if he figures out what Mariella and Valeria were looking at ...

Hank discovers that the communication doesn't have to come from the shuttle directly, but in fact cannot be done from orbit at all. The party to do the negotiation and even discovery has to go to the planet's surface and do the effort from there. (As long as this is DC8, Hank succeeded.)

He also tries to see what it takes to sell things here. He finds that it isn't that we can't sell, but rather that the selling agent and the buying agent must be different. When you register for one activity, you eliminate yourself from being able to do the other. (This is the second roll ...) And hopefully that one is correct!
And I'm glad to see my expectations of Corbin's reaction was basically correct. :-)
Last edited March 20, 2024 1:48 pm


Hank Heron: Administer - (3d6h2+2)

(433) + 2 = 9

Hank Heron: Administer DC8 - (3d6h2+2)

(643) + 2 = 12

Mar 21, 2024 12:07 am
You passed both rolls (Verdura's laws are always DC8), each roll was related to a single subject, it doesn't contradicts nothing written previously, so yeah, those laws are that way now. =)

I will let Mercer and the crew RP with you.
Mar 21, 2024 12:21 am
Mercer is going to go to Hank, who he had found out did most of the dealing recently. I was able to get a hold of a contact I knew from last time I was here, Xiao Chen, who we can sell our goods to. I want to be up front though, not everything that Mr. Chen trades is strictly legal. As far as I know nothing really immoral but... I wanted you to know and be able to make a decision.
Mercer then changed tone from trying serious to a bit more optimistic. but some merchants in The Lotus Market are willing and able to sell to us, If we can get down to Mexican.
Last edited March 21, 2024 12:22 am

Dr. Emily Hart


Mar 21, 2024 12:29 am
"Can you use some of those contacts you might have to find out anything on my brother, Mercer? Dr. Robert Hart. Last I heard, he was working at the Verdura Medical Research Institute"
Dr. Emily Hart
Roll Connect DC6 if you wanna help her find someone.
Mar 21, 2024 12:36 am
Mercer does a slow nod, thinking. Probably, I can ask at least. Mr. Chen is the most.. widely.. connected person I know there, and he would be more inclined to look into things if we were trading with him.
I'll touch base with others before him and see what I can get.
Last edited March 21, 2024 1:41 am


Mercer Canaan Furio: Connect - Usual roll - (2D6+2)

(41) + 2 = 7

Mar 21, 2024 2:56 am
"Well, if we can go meet him down on the planet, and he can make everything look up-and-up, we are willing to buy for a reasonable price."

Remember that whoever is buying and whoever is selling have to be different. Hank will be a buyer, which means he can't be a seller. Worst case, Hank can be the buyer and Mariella can be the seller. Mercer will have to pick which he wants to be. If everything appears to be OK with the doctor's brother, Hank will take her down with us to visit.

Oh, new roll coming. Hope it works, as it will give Mercer more freedom. Hank finds a law that says that while the trader has to work only one side, a fixer can work both sides. (Mercer is working as a fixer right now, as is his contact. He would have to involve another as the actual trader in any deal. Presumably, he would have several on hand.)


Hank Heron: Administer DC8 - (3d6h2+2)

(152) + 2 = 9

Mar 21, 2024 9:31 am
Mariella summarizes the commercial restrictions that they discovered so far into a handy table:

Role Account Property Dice
Importer Cannot receive any credits, can transfer credits to someone else Can legally receive ownership of merchandise and assetsCan do or help rolls to buy
Exporter Can receive credits, cannot transfer credits to someone else Can legally transfer ownership of his merchandise to someone else Can do or help rolls to sell
Fixer Can receive credits Cannot give or receive assets (legally) Can do or help rolls to buy or sell

Most merchants in the Lotus Market are registered as exporters.

She also notices that the Celestial Voyager is considered an actor and its accounts can only be registered to receive or spend credits. She finds out that the local Stellar Express office is registered to sell stuff from other planets in Verdura (they can receive credits from local accounts)

The next step would be for the crew to go to the Celestial Gate in Meixian and register themselves and the Celestial Voyager into one of those roles.

This starport serves as the primary gateway to and from Verdura, connecting the planet to distant corners of the cosmos. Its sprawling expanse of runways, docking bays, and terminals bustles with activity as starships of all shapes and sizes come and go, ferrying passengers and cargo to their destinations. The Celestial Gate structures are adorned with intricate carvings depicting celestial beings and mythical creatures from Chinese folklore. It serves as both a symbol of the city's grandeur and a checkpoint for travelers seeking passage beyond Verdura's borders, where the coveted authorization permits hold the promise of adventure and freedom among the stars.
Erin, in the meantime, is looking forward to leave this crazy planet behind and go to Zyronis proper. She asks Corbin and whoever else is also bored with Verdura:

"Hey, should we do something else while they are 'having fun' with all that bureaucracy? I heard that Verdura's orbital station offers bars, restaurants, theaters... Even gigs and temporary jobs for those that cannot or will not land."
Mar 21, 2024 12:43 pm
Not usually one for excessive carousing, Corbin's been head down on the ship repairs and diagnostics for weeks now. Maybe it is time for a stroll outside the ship.

"Sure Erin, I think we can spare some time to do a little sight seeing and maybe grab a drink."
Mar 21, 2024 3:20 pm
Hank says, "Well, as a starting point, how about this? I can register as an Importer. Since that requires feet-on-the-ground, that means I will need to take the Solaris and head down dirt-side to see what I can find there. Plus, Emily can come along so that we can look for her brother, too.

"Do we plan on selling anything here? We should be able to wait on selling things until Zyronis. Maybe the storage devices might have a market here. But, if I'm registered as an Importer, then I can't be an Exporter. So, I guess Mariella can register as an Exporter and see if she can find any deals for any of our cargo.

"Also, if the Celestial Voyager can only spend or receive credits, let's also register the Solaris to do the opposite.

"Finally, I'd like to check with Stellar Express. While we are currently only 'rated' for another 25 tons of freight, they might be willing to take a bit more of a risk if they have anything pressing for an intrasystem trip. Even so, we'll have much more opportunity once we make our deliveries on Zyronis."
If we are taking a trip planet-side, I am not sure who all wants to go. Hank and Emily for sure. Mercer if he wants to. I figure we rope Jil in, too, as pilot, unless she'd rather go bar-hopping with Corbin and Erin.
Mar 21, 2024 5:55 pm
Morgan is still trying to get used to the new crew, and now he's hit with all the new laws and regulations. He was very excited to try his hand at a bit of trading, but all the new limitations seemed a bit out of reach for him. He will try just to go along and keep his eyes peeled for some opportunity to participate in any good negotiations.

"Hey, Hank, I was thinking of tagging along on the planet-side excursion. I could do my job as security for all of you, and if you need extra people to register for something specific, I can also do it."

Morgan, accustomed to always having his full kit on him, assumes that it would attract too much attention and raise some eyebrows. So, he's wearing normal clothes and carrying a small backpack. However, as he gets ready to go, he notices a problem.

"I'm not sure how lawful or lawless the planet-side is. Do you think this would draw attention?"

he asks, pointing at his rifle. If the rest of the crew thinks it's too much, he's willing to borrow a pistol from someone or go unarmed.
Mar 21, 2024 6:12 pm
Merceris willing to register as a fixer



Mar 21, 2024 6:37 pm
"I can't be an Exporter, I don't own the cargo to be legally able to sell it to someone else. It was bought by the Celestial Voyager in Draco and I am not part of the crew. I think we will need to choose one, so let's just buy here and leave our cargo for Zyronis. I will go with you and help with the trading."
About the rifle, someone can create a law about that as well. Administrate DC8



Mar 21, 2024 6:40 pm
"I will go with you, but as a pilot. Just leave me out of the bureaucracy and trading."
Mar 21, 2024 6:52 pm
"Do you all know where you're going after this? I might want to sell my cargo here, but if you are going somewhere that would get better prices next I will probably stay for that voyage.
Though .. it may make sense to get some agricultural good here, for cheap, and sell them at Zyronis Prime, where they go for a premium "
Mar 21, 2024 6:53 pm
While taking a closer look at the received laws and specifically searching for laws regarding weapons possession, in Law 32C, paragraph 4, it reads:

Carrying weapons for personal or group security while on Verdura's planet-side is permitted, provided that the following rules are adhered to:

1- All weapons must be openly displayed and not concealed.
2- The weapon should be kept with the safety on and magazine removed.
3- Any weapons brought for personal security cannot be sold.
4- While carrying any weapons, the user may be subject to inspection by official Verdura's security forces.
With the failed roll i assume the law does not exist, but then what? i can't bring it? if so i will just go unarmed
Last edited March 21, 2024 6:54 pm


Peter Morgan: Administer DC8 - (2d6-2)

(13) - 2 = 2

Mar 21, 2024 7:20 pm
With the failed roll i assume the law does not exist, but then what? i can't bring it? if so i will just go unarmed
Let Hank help you. He is the Administer specialist.
Mar 21, 2024 7:25 pm
"Do you all know where you're going after this?"
You have been hired to deliver 300 tons to the Stellar Express orbital facility on Zyronis (the planet). Stopping by Verdura on the way was approved by Hank + Valeria but is not part of the freight job.
Mar 21, 2024 8:26 pm
Hank agrees with Mariella's assessment. We are only going to buy here, if we can find something. Again, this is our best place to get "Agricultural" stuff, and that will help later on down the road. (It could work at Zyronis, too, and we'll try, but I'm gonna assume familiarity breeds disdain, so they aren't going to be terribly interested in anything from Verdura. What they want, they likely already get through recurring means.)

"I agree, Mariella. Let's focus on buying and on finding Emily's brother. If there is freight, great, but that is completely independent of the cargo.

"And, yes, Zyronis Prime is our main target for this trip. That is where our freight is headed, so we have to stop there no matter what. I just thought that if we hit Verdura we might be able to score a quick win going low/high on Agricultural goods."

Let's check on those laws ...
There is also law 56E, paragraph 2 that specifically outlines that projectile weapons are banned and only energy weapons may be used. (Rollin', rollin', rollin' ...) The unstated reason is because the planet is low-tech and energy weapons are extremely expensive. That way the commoner can't easily be armed. It also explains the prohibition on selling personal weaponry.

So, it looks like we have Hank, Emily, Jil, Mariella, Mercer, and Peter going. That's pretty much half the crew. :-) We'll need to get a flight plan to get down to the surface.

As for weapons, the Celestial Voyager has a Ship's Locker, but not an Armory. I assume that means it will have a small collection of a dozen or so laser pistols and a half-dozen or so laser rifles. If it was an Armory, we'd have enough weapons and armor to fully equip the maximum crew. Instead, we have vacc suits for everyone, and pistols and rifles for an security detail. Plus whatever anyone owns. (I figure lasers because it power cells are rechargeable, so it eliminates any ammo costs; and they are interchangeable, so no need to worry about ammo types and such.) So, Hank will suggest everyone who wants to carry grab a pistol and a pair of Type A cells. Remember to keep the cell out of the pistol while it's holstered.
Last edited March 21, 2024 8:38 pm


Hank Heron: Administer DC8 - (3d6h2+2)

(135) + 2 = 10

Mar 21, 2024 9:25 pm
Mercer would like to sell his goods, or get help selling them , and then use the money from that to buy in on the agricultural good purchase.
Mar 21, 2024 9:56 pm
Well, if you want to do that, we'll have to make some more Admin rolls to figure out the rules around you selling cargo that is yours, but was transported on the Celestial Voyager. Geeze this world is a mess.

(But, again, as long as it doesn't have crime-coded mines, it's still better than Draco I!)
Mar 21, 2024 11:16 pm
We could still have the Stellaris register as the ship for selling Mercer's goods. If noone wants to get involved in it he will just register as a exporter instead of a fixer(stopping him from helping with the buying).
Mar 21, 2024 11:30 pm
"ohh yeah, I must have skipped that 56E one, thanks for the help Hank"

Morgan stores his combat rifle on the ship’s locker and prepares his own laser rifle to take into the planet, he makes sure to grab an extra type A cell and take out the one in his rifle. Before we go he will also make sure anyone bringing a weapon has their magazines out and properly stored.

"I don’t think we will need more than one rifle for a short recon assignment so the extra one can stay here aboard"
From what I understood the weapons situation is:

#stored in the ship’s locker:
- enough laser pistol to all those that are staying
- one extra laser rifle
- Morgan’s assault rifle he stored

#that we are taking to planet side:
- everyone that wants takes a laser pistol
- Morgan’s laser rifle
Mar 22, 2024 12:06 am
Geez... I don't want you to roll Admin to sneeze. Sorry if it got out of control, this world is really a mess. Let me solve Mercer's situation, its fair enough for him to want to trade, and we can move on.
Mercer's contacts tell him that Mr. Chen's preferred method of trading is through bartering. As long as not a single credit is involved, only goods, there is a giant loophole in Verdura's legislation that allows even unregistered people and finders to buy and sell. It was not the legislator's original intention, but it remained that way and today it is taken advantage of, specially by influential and powerful people like Xiao Chen.
I will write you going planet-side after Douklan's choice, if he wants to investigate, understand and try to fix it or not.

We will use Daryen's equipment suggestion about the laser, so arthur12320 list is correct. Please buy an Armory when you can, so we don't have to track anything at all. =)
Mar 22, 2024 12:16 am
In that case Mercer will trade the clothing for Agricultural goods.
Mercer will also help with buying more agricultural goods, probably at that time.
And then, if he's needed for it, will check in with that Connection for Dr. Emily Hart to find Dr. Robert Hart. Last I at the Verdura Medical Research Institute
Mar 22, 2024 4:17 am
htech says:
Douklan furrowed his brow in deep concentration as he poured over the newly discovered regulations and legal documents. Something didn't add up. He couldn't shake the feeling of unease that gnawed at the back of his mind.

Do you wanna dig deeper and make understanding or even changing it a possible part of the adventure or just consider it a nuisance and try to work around those laws?
Since Douklan has no goods to barter, I don't see a point in his going with the traders. He'll continue to dig deeper into the records to gain insight into political machinations of the elite in the Jade Palace, and try to figure out some of the reasons for this nonsensical legislation: who does it benefit?
Last edited March 22, 2024 4:18 am

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