Mar 25, 2024 5:45 am
This thread is for tracking the progress of the "Secrets of the Greenwold" campaign.

This will include summaries of each part as they are completed, as well as the Adventure Tracker with the legacy cards that the party has earned to date.

1) Adventure 1 summary: Caravan of Peril
2) Adventure 2 summary: Streets Unseen
3) Adventure 3 summary: Splendor of the Sewers
4) Adventure 4: The Riddle of Grayhaven

Adventure Tracker and Legacy Cards
As each part of the campaign is completed, the party will receive a boon called a "Legacy Card." Each card has a different boon; multiple cards are provided with each part of the campaign, but only one gets awarded to the party, and the players do not know the details of the cards before the end of each part of the campaign. It's a surprise!

It's also another mechanism to make this instance of the campaign different from any other group's version. Which Legacy Card is awarded varies based on the party's choices, successes, failures, and/or events they cause to transpire in the world during the associated adventure. Each Legacy Card's boons give some mechanical benefit that the group can use, usually "once a session." The group has to decide when and if the boon should be used. Since sessions don't really have meaning in play-by-post, we will interpret the phrase "once a session" to mean once per long rest.

The Adventure Tracker is a poster that displays all the adventures that the party has completed, and the Legacy Card for each.
Mar 25, 2024 5:46 am
This Adventure Tracker will be updated after each adventure is completed.
Mar 25, 2024 5:48 am
Part 1 began in the ancient, crumbling city of Mara. Princess the human bard, Gunter the dwarven cleric, Elowin the elven cleric, her brother Adran the elven artificer, Morik the dwarven druid, and Bramlin the human fighter were hired by Dugal Stonepick to guard his caravan on the Old Trade Road from Mara to Grayhaven. After facing many minor dangers over the course of weeks of travel, the caravan was waylaid by a group of bandits who've been terrorizing caravans for months. The bandits consisted of several goblins, their trained wolves, their tamed ungual ogre, and their werewolf leader, but the party emerged victorious and were celebrated as heroes. As the caravan neared the end of its journey, the gnome sage Findal Dinfizzle Findazzle hired the PCs for their next job: escorting the gnome through the big city to meet with his sage friend, Tykus, who may have found the key to finding a major artifact.
The Boon from the first adventure, Caravan of Peril, is:

"Veterans of the Long Road:"
Once per session, one member of the party can gain ADV on a Nature or Survival check.
Jul 9, 2024 12:40 am
Part 2 began at the gates of the capitol of the Greenwold: the city of Grayhaven. Hired as escorts/bodyguards by the gnome sage Findal Dinfizzle Findazzle, the party (elven artificer Adran, human fighter Bramlin, Adran's sister Elowin the elven cleric, and dwarven druid Morik) entered the city, were joined by half-elven rogue Elysia and half-elven bard Eozindra, and then saved a dwarven merchant named Argus Goldblood from a dangerous carriage crash caused by short black crossbow bolts. As thanks, Argus treated them all to supper and gave the party a chunk of sparkling dragonglass. Bramlin decided to remain behind while the party continued to take Findal to the home of his good friend and colleague, Tykus. On the way, they fought their way through a couple of altercations, and were joined by elven barbarian Ishi.

Arriving at their destination, they found that someone had ransacked Tykus' home, clearly looking for some kind of document. They rescued Tykus' pet newt, Jeffery, who took an instant liking to Morik. They found a magical recording meant for Findal, which told them that Tykus was going to meet them later with a "map." Findal and his protectors returned to the lodgings that Findal had arranged: the Lucky Copper Inn.

They'd barely arrived at the Inn when Tykus ran in, pressed the map on them, and ran out again. He was closely followed by Duke Dain Draymore, regent of the Greenwold until Queen Sophia comes of age, and a bevy of Grayhaven guards. Out back, the guards found Tykus, killed by short black crossbow bolts. Findal was taken into custody and the party watched him get dragged off to prison. Then they rested for eight hours.

After a long night of questioning, the interrogators decided that Findal's companions might know more, and the Duke and his men returned to capture the party in the morning. But the adventurers chased off the Duke, beat down the authorities, stole their horses (well, Morik transformed into a bear), and raced through back alleys to get to the jail in an attempt to free Findal before the Duke could arrive with his carriage (which had to stick to larger avenues).

But on arrival at the jail, they found that two drow assassins and their enthralled spirit had attacked and killed the guards. The drow were prevented from escaping with their prisoner Findal by the heroes, who reclaimed the gnome and escaped before the Duke could catch them in the act. They fled to a hiding place that Elysia knew of, and Findal confirmed that Tykus' document was a treasure map showing a route through the old city that predated Grayhaven to the location of a powerful artifact meant to be kept out of evil hands. Since both the Duke and the drow seemed pretty bad, that led the party to thoughts of preventing the bad guys from ever getting the artifact.

The Boon from the second adventure, Streets Unseen, is:

Stalwart Companions

Once per session, one member of the party may Help as a bonus action to aid a companion who is grappled or restrained.
Dec 14, 2024 9:53 am
Part 3 began with the heroes following Tykus' map into the sewers under Grayhaven. Reading the map by the light of one of Adran's devices, Eozindra led them deeper and deeper into the maze of tunnels. They fought and defeated an otyugh, swarms of centipedes, a rust monster, and dozens of rats. Descending to a stratum older than the sewers, the party moved into ancient tunnels, where they met and befriended a small community of outcasts. They had been driven out of surface society due to obvious deformities stemming from their demon heritage. From these refugees the party learned that noble scion Comte Farthingo Elvin Burlingvy Mertrand Camembri d'Regalport IV has been secretly moonlighting as "the Lord Mayor," a brotherhood of thieves and cutthroats that have made their headquarters in the exact place the party wanted to go: the Ancient Abbey indicated on Tykus' map as the location of the powerful artifact.

The party ventured into the Abbey, defeated a carrion crawler and an abominable water creature, but then were discovered by the Lord Mayor's gang. A long running battle ensued, during which the Lord Mayor himself appeared, using dark magic and wielding a glowing staff. Beating on the Lord Mayor, the villain transformed into a manticore but then, that, too, was defeated. The few remaining robbers fought on, and managed to kill Elowin before they succumbed themselves.

Everyone expressed their grief in different ways, and in the hours that followed, different members of the party discovered the crypt where the four original Abbots had been laid to rest in magic white robes. The heroes donned them, and then solved a puzzle to open a wall that led to the Inner Sanctum of the Abbey: where in ages past, the Orb of Dragon Souls had been laid to rest. Faith, Morik, Eozindra, and Adran each swore mighty oaths to the Orb and then were allowed to claim it. The chapter ended as the PCs left the Abbey to return to the surface.





Each member of the party knows that upholding their oath will be rewarded, but violating the oath will have lingering consequences.

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