IBN News and articles

Mar 30, 2024 11:38 am
Chapter 1
Interstellar Broadcast Network (IBN) News Report, Trade Era 1235, Day 119
Anchor: "Good evening, citizens of the cosmos. Tonight, we bring you a monumental voyage set to unfold among the stars, as the Interstellar Trade Commission (ITC) embarks on a mission of unprecedented exploration and discovery. This is IBN, your source for news across the galaxy, and I'm your host, Marcus Eldridge."

[Graphics transition to a futuristic star map displaying a distant sector of space.]

Anchor: "The stage is set in the uncharted realms of the Pandora's Veil sector, where the Celestial Voyager, a state-of-the-art long-range cruiser, is poised for departure. Its mission: to transport new colonists, facilitate groundbreaking archaeological excavations, and pioneer comprehensive research on the enigmatic planet Astralon."

[Cut to footage of the Celestial Voyager, gleaming against the backdrop of space, as it prepares for launch.]

Anchor: "Leading this extraordinary expedition is the intrepid Captain Valeria Zaytsev. Born on the thriving planetary hub of New Jordan, Valeria's early life was steeped in the ebb and flow of trade negotiations and interstellar politics. Her parents, both respected diplomats in the Colonial Affairs Division of the Interstellar Trade Commission (ITC), instilled in her a deep appreciation for the delicate dance of diplomacy and the power dynamics that governed the interconnected planets. Under her command, the Celestial Voyager stands ready to traverse the vast expanse of the unknown, forging a path into uncharted territory. "

[Images transition to a bustling spaceport in New Jorday, where a couple of people gather to witness the departure of the Celestial Voyager.]

Anchor: "Accompanying Captain Zaytsev and her crew is a distinguished team of specialists, including the esteemed archaeologist Professor Evelyn Stone. Renowned for her groundbreaking research and unparalleled insights into ancient civilizations, Professor Stone will lead the expedition's efforts to unearth the mysteries of Astralon's rich history."

[Cut to an interview with Professor Evelyn Stone, her face illuminated by the soft glow of holographic displays.]

Professor Stone: "Astralon presents a unique opportunity to delve into the remnants of a bygone era, to uncover the secrets of a civilization long lost to the annals of time. With the support of the Interstellar Trade Commission's Explorers Division, we aim to unravel the mysteries that lie buried beneath its surface."

[Transition to Journeywoman Mariella Solbjerg, standing before a group of enthusiastic explorers.]

Journeywoman Solbjerg: "As part of the Explorer's Division, it is our duty to provide vital support to the colony and archaeological efforts on Astralon. From ensuring the safety and well-being of our fellow travelers to assisting in the establishment of infrastructure, we are committed to the success of this historic mission."

[Cut back to the anchor desk, with the star map glowing softly in the background.]

Anchor: "As the Celestial Voyager prepares to embark on its journey into the unknown, the eyes of the galaxy turn toward the Pandora's Veil sector, awaiting the discoveries that lie beyond. And now we give you breaking news from the heart of the New Jordan Space Yards, where the symphony of construction gives way to the crescendo of departure. "

[Cut to footage of the bustling assembly bay, where the Sentinel, a marvel of ITC Navy engineering, nears completion.]

Anchor: "In a display of unparalleled ingenuity, engineers at the New Jordan Space Yards have meticulously crafted the starship Sentinel, a testament to the prowess of the Interstellar Trade Commission's Navy and it's Seventh Fleet. With every bolt secured and panel sealed, anticipation crackles in the air as the Sentinel prepares for its maiden voyage."

[Transition to Captain Kara Rael, resplendent in her navy-blue uniform, standing proudly on the bridge of the Sentinel.]

Anchor: "Captain Kara Rael, a seasoned leader among the stars, oversees final preparations aboard the Sentinel. With determination in her eyes, she commands a crew of seasoned veterans and eager recruits, ready to embark on a journey into the unknown."

[Cut to scenes of the Sentinel gracefully gliding out of the assembly bay, its sleek form adorned with the emblem of the Interstellar Trade Commission.]

Anchor: "As the massive bay doors slowly open, revealing the boundless expanse of space beyond, the Sentinel emerges into the cosmos, leaving behind the New Jordan Space Yards. With engines roaring to life, the ship sets a course for the far reaches of known space, propelled by the spirit of exploration."

[Transition to Lieutenant Douklan Paravides, appointed as liaison officer with the Celestial Voyager, as he strides purposefully through the corridors of a starship.]

Anchor: "Lieutenant Paravides, entrusted with the crucial task of fostering collaboration between the Sentinel and the Celestial Voyager, embodies the dedication of the ITC Navy. His mission: to ensure a seamless partnership as these two vessels embark on a historic expedition into uncharted territory."

[Cut to Paravides traversing the gangway to the docked Celestial Voyager, his gaze fixed on the horizon of possibility.]

Anchor: "As the Sentinel and the Celestial Voyager stand ready to chart a course into the unknown, the galaxy holds its breath in anticipation of the discoveries that await. Stay tuned to IBN for continuous coverage of this epic odyssey, as we witness the dawn of a new era in interstellar exploration."

[Fade to black, accompanied by the IBN logo and theme music.]
Mar 30, 2024 11:55 am
Chapter 2
Interstellar Broadcast Network (IBN) News Report, Trade Era 1235, Day 132
Anchor: "Breaking news from the depths of space, as a distress signal echoes across the cosmos from the icy moon of Nocturna. This is IBN, bringing you urgent updates on the unfolding situation. I'm Marcus Eldridge."

[Cut to a view of the Postal Authority orbital facility, where officials scramble to address the crisis.]

Anchor: "Reports have just come in from the Postal Authority orbital facility in Draco III, indicating a loss of contact with Relay Station Theta on the inhabited moon of Nocturna. With communications severed and the situation escalating, authorities are turning to the ITC Navy for assistance."

[Transition to the bridge of the Sentinel, where Captain Kara Rael addresses her crew with steely resolve.]

Anchor: "Captain Kara Rael, at the helm of the mighty Sentinel, wastes no time in responding to the call for aid. With the urgency of the situation clear, she dispatches a small squad, led by Lieutenant Douklan Paravides, to investigate the disturbance on Nocturna."

[Cut to Lt. Douklan Paravides, his expression focused as he prepares for the mission ahead.]

Anchor: "Lieutenant Paravides, entrusted with the responsibility of leading the investigative team, stands ready to confront the unknown on Nocturna. As the squad prepares to depart, the fate of Relay Station Theta hangs in the balance."

[Transition to images of the Sentinel launching from the orbital facility, streaking through the void of space with purpose.]

Anchor: "With the might of the ITC Navy behind them, Lieutenant Paravides and his team embark on a perilous journey to uncover the truth behind the silence on Nocturna. As the galaxy holds its breath, we await further updates on this unfolding crisis."

[Cut back to the anchor desk, with a sense of urgency palpable in the air.]

Anchor: "Stay tuned to IBN for continuous coverage of this developing situation. We will bring you the latest updates as they become available, ensuring that the citizens of the cosmos remain informed in these uncertain times."

[Fade to black, accompanied by the IBN logo and theme music.]
Interstellar Broadcast Network (IBN) News Report, Trade Era 1235, Day 133
Anchor: "Urgent developments from the fringes of the cosmos, as a routine mission takes a treacherous turn on the icy moon of Nocturna. This is IBN, your source for breaking news across the galaxy. I'm Marcus Eldridge."

[Cut to a view of the Sentinel's bridge, where Captain Kara Rael confers with her team amidst the urgency of the situation.]

Anchor: "The situation on Nocturna grows increasingly dire as Sergeant Will Anderson, clad in formidable AV-1C powered armor, leads a squad of elite Marines to investigate the disruption at Relay Station Theta. With communication severed and danger lurking in the frozen wastelands, the fate of the outpost hangs in the balance."

[Transition to Sergeant Anderson, towering in his powered armor, as he surveys the desolate landscape of Nocturna.]

Anchor: "Sergeant Will Anderson, a formidable figure among the stars, stands as a bulwark against the encroaching threat on Nocturna. Equipped with a gauss rifle and unwavering resolve, he and his team brace for the harsh conditions of the moon's unforgiving environment."

[Cut to scenes of the shuttle's turbulent descent through Nocturna's dense, poisonous atmosphere, its hull buffeted by the elements.]

Anchor: "As the shuttle touches down amidst the chilling winds and freezing temperatures of Nocturna, danger lurks in the shadows. An ambush erupts, catching the Marines off guard as blaster fire rains down upon them."

[Transition to the intense firefight, with Sergeant Anderson leading the charge against the assailants.]

Anchor: "Reacting with swift precision, Sergeant Anderson and his team unleashes a barrage of firepower, driving back the attackers with ferocity. Amidst the chaos, Lieutenant Paravides, Corbin McRogers from the Celestial Voyager and the Marines rally, seeking cover and returning fire to quell the ambush."

[Cut to Anderson interrogating one of the assailants, his imposing presence demanding answers.]

Anchor: "As the dust settles, the Navy confronts one of the assailants, extracting vital information about the motive behind the attack. It appears that separatist forces from Draco I sought to disrupt communications, part of a larger conspiracy to establish covert links and communications with the asteroid belt."

[Transition back to the anchor desk, with a sense of urgency in the air.]

Anchor: "With the truth revealed and the threat exposed, the fate of Nocturna hangs in the balance. Stay tuned to IBN for continuous coverage as the situation unfolds, and join us as we follow the brave men and women of the ITC Navy in their fight against the darkness that threatens to engulf the cosmos."

[Fade to black, accompanied by the IBN logo and theme music.]
Mar 30, 2024 12:13 pm
Chapter 2
Interstellar Broadcast Network (IBN) News Report, Trade Era 1235, Day 132
Anchor: "Welcome to IBN, bringing you the latest developments from across the galaxy. Tonight, our focus turns to the harsh and unforgiving world of Draco I, where life is anything but easy. I'm Marcus Eldridge."

[Cut to footage of Draco I, a tiny and rocky inferno orbiting its orange (K4) star, its harsh landscape stretching as far as the eye can see.]

Anchor: "Draco I, a planet of extremes, where temperatures soar and life hangs in precarious balance. Despite its challenges, this tiny world is home to a population of 30,000 souls, each struggling to survive under the iron-fisted rule of Duke Arion Voss."

[Transition to scenes of daily life on Draco I, where strict laws and heavy taxation burden the citizens.]

Anchor: "Under the feudal system imposed by Duke Voss, life on Draco I is governed by strict laws and regulations, rigorously enforced by the feudal hierarchy. Heavy taxation, often unfair, weighs down on the shoulders of the populace, while a class divide between the rich nobility and the struggling masses threatens to tear the fabric of society apart."

[Cut to footage of the planet's abundant mineral resources, tightly controlled by the feudal government.]

Anchor: "But amidst the hardships, Draco I boasts abundant mineral resources, a double-edged sword in the hands of the feudal government. All goods are tightly controlled, requiring ration coupons and paperwork for every purchase, further exacerbating the plight of the common folk."
[Transition to the class 3 starport, a hub of activity on Draco I.]

Anchor: "The class 3 starport on Draco I, comprising both a downport and an orbital station, offers essential repair facilities to the inhabitants of this harsh world. However, obtaining special parts or undertaking complex repairs often requires off-planet resources, adding another layer of challenge to life on Draco I."

[Cut to an IBN reporter, standing before the imposing figure of Duke Arion Voss, ruler of Draco I.]

Reporter: "But amidst the struggles of daily life, Draco I harbors dark secrets beneath its surface. The crime-coded mines, where those who dare to defy Duke Voss's authority find themselves sentenced to a life of toil and hardship. Smuggling earns a one-way ticket to the platinum mines, while selling without a permit results in perpetual jail or indentured service in the tungsten mines. And for those who dare to remain on the planet without proper authorization, incarceration or indentured service in the iron mines awaits."

[Cut back to the anchor desk, with a sense of gravity in the air.]

Anchor: "As the people of Draco I continue to eke out an existence in the face of adversity, the iron grip of Duke Arion Voss tightens ever further. Stay tuned to IBN for more updates on this developing story, as we delve deeper into the struggles of life on the edge of the galaxy."

[Fade to black, accompanied by the IBN logo and theme music.]
Interstellar Broadcast Network (IBN) News Report, Trade Era 1235, Day 133
Anchor: "Good evening, citizens of Draco I and beyond. Tonight, we have the honor of speaking with Silas Marr, the esteemed leader of Ironsides Transportation Services. Silas, thank you for joining us."

Silas Marr: "Thank you for having me. It's a pleasure to be here."

Anchor: "Ironsides Transportation Services has long been a cornerstone of Draco I's logistics infrastructure. Could you tell our viewers a bit about the history of your organization and its mission?"

Silas Marr: "Certainly. Ironsides Transportation Services was founded with a singular goal in mind: to provide reliable and efficient transportation solutions to the people of Draco I. Our organization has deep roots in the labor movement, with a strong emphasis on empowering workers and fostering a sense of unity within our ranks. Over the years, we've become synonymous with reliability and professionalism, earning the trust of both our clients and the government."

Anchor: "Your commitment to unity and community among your workforce is evident in your organization's ethos. How does Ironsides prioritize the well-being of its workers while ensuring top-notch service for your clients?"

Silas Marr: "At Ironsides, we firmly believe that our workers are our greatest asset. That's why we've worked tirelessly to create a culture of respect, collaboration, and mutual support within our organization. We offer comprehensive training programs, competitive wages, and opportunities for advancement, ensuring that every member of our team feels valued and empowered. By investing in our workers, we're able to deliver the highest standard of service to our clients while upholding our commitment to integrity and transparency."

Anchor: "Ironsides Transportation Services operates across a variety of environments, from the bustling orbital station to the rugged terrain of Draco I's surface. How does your organization adapt to meet the unique challenges posed by each of these environments?"

Silas Marr: "Adaptability is key to our success at Ironsides. Our team of skilled workers undergo rigorous training to prepare them for the diverse challenges they may encounter, whether it's navigating the complexities of space logistics or traversing the rocky landscape of our planet's surface. We utilize state-of-the-art equipment and cutting-edge technology to ensure the safe and efficient transportation of goods in any environment. And, of course, our unwavering commitment to teamwork and unity allows us to overcome obstacles with strength and resilience."

Anchor: "As a leader in the transportation industry, what do you envision for the future of Ironsides Transportation Services?"

Silas Marr: "Our vision for the future is one of continued growth, innovation, and service to our community. We remain dedicated to our core principles of reliability, professionalism, and unity, and we will continue to uphold these values as we expand our operations and reach new heights of success. With the support of our loyal clients and the hard work of our dedicated workforce, I have no doubt that Ironsides Transportation Services will continue to be a driving force for progress and prosperity on Draco I and beyond."

Anchor: "Thank you, Silas, for sharing your insights with us tonight. It's been a pleasure speaking with you."

Silas Marr: "The pleasure is mine. Thank you for having me."

Anchor: "And there you have it, folks. Silas Marr, leader of Ironsides Transportation Services, speaking on the organization's commitment to reliability, unity, and service. Stay tuned to IBN for more news and updates from around Draco I and across the galaxy."
Mar 30, 2024 12:33 pm
Chapters 3 and 4
Interstellar Broadcast Network (IBN) News Report, Trade Era 1235, Day 135
Anchor: "Good evening, citizens of the cosmos. Tonight, we turn our attention to the vast expanse of the Draco star system's main belt, a labyrinth of rocky terrain stretching over 1 Astronomical Unit from the star. I'm Marcus Eldridge."

[Cut to footage of the Draco star system's main belt, where asteroids and rocky debris create a complex and treacherous environment.]

Anchor: "This belt is a real maze, a tangled web of asteroids and rocky outcrops that poses a significant challenge to navigation. If the Separatists are indeed lurking among these rocks, they could easily hide from prying eyes and evade detection."

[Transition to scenes of conflict on Draco I, where a civil war rages between the authoritarian government and the separatists of the so-called Democratic Republic of Draco.]

Anchor: "But the conflict extends beyond the reaches of space, as Draco I finds itself embroiled in a bitter civil war. On one side stands the authoritarian government, led by Duke Arion Voss, a figure intent on asserting his dominance and expanding his influence throughout the star system."

[Cut to images of Duke Arion Voss, a formidable figure whose ambitions clash with the laws of the Interstellar Trade Commission (ITC).]

Anchor: "Duke Voss's desire for greater autonomy and the right to form an interstellar empire puts him at odds with the ITC's regulations, which forbid such expansionist endeavors. But the duke remains undeterred, seeking to carve out a realm of his own amidst the chaos of the civil war."

[Transition to scenes of the separatists, who seek to overthrow Duke Voss and establish a planetary republic with ties to the ITC.]

Anchor: "Opposing Duke Voss are the separatists of the so-called Democratic Republic of Draco, a faction determined to cast off the shackles of authoritarian rule and forge a new path for their planet. With aspirations of forming a democratic society aligned with the principles of the ITC, the separatists seek to usher in an era of progress and prosperity for Draco I."

[Transition to an interview with a spokesperson for the separatist movement, their face obscured to protect their identity.]

Reporter: "The separatists claim to have established an autonomous base within the main belt, beyond the jurisdiction of Draco I's government. They argue that their actions are driven by a desire for freedom and self-determination, and they vow to continue their struggle until their goals are achieved."

[Transition to scenes of ITC Navy vessels engaging separatist ships in fierce battles, lasers and missiles lighting up the void of space.]

Anchor: "But their actions have not gone unnoticed. The ITC Navy, ever vigilant in its duty to maintain order and uphold interstellar law, has thwarted separatist plans at every turn. From restoring communications on the moon of Nocturna to intercepting separatist vessels within the main belt, the Navy remains a formidable obstacle to the separatist agenda."

[Cut to images of Duke Arion Voss, whose iron-fisted control of Draco I faces a new challenge from the separatists.]

Anchor: "Meanwhile, Duke Arion Voss, ruler of Draco I, finds himself increasingly isolated as the separatist movement gains momentum. His dreams of autonomy and interstellar empire clash with the regulations of the ITC, setting the stage for a conflict that threatens to engulf the entire star system."

[Cut back to the anchor desk, with a sense of urgency in the air.]

Anchor: "As tensions escalate and the conflict deepens, the fate of Draco I hangs in the balance. Will Duke Arion Voss maintain his grip on power, or will the separatists succeed in their quest for autonomy? Stay tuned to IBN for continuous coverage of this developing crisis, as we bring you the latest updates from the front lines of the Draco star system."

[Fade to black, accompanied by the IBN logo and theme music.]
Mar 30, 2024 12:49 pm
Chapter 4
Interstellar Broadcast Network (IBN) News Report, Trade Era 1235, Day 137
[The Interstellar Broadcast Network logo flashes across the screen, followed by the familiar face of Olivia, her auburn hair framing their determined expression.]


Olivia: "Good morning, viewers across the galaxy. I'm Olivia, reporting live from the Draco System's orbital station, where a tense manhunt is underway for a dangerous fugitive."

[Behind Olivia, footage plays of the Celestial Voyager, wreckage strewn across the void of space, with tug boats, gravitic fields and authorities swarming into the scene.]

Olivia: "Alfredo Hernandez, also known as Ryan Carter, is wanted by the Interstellar Trade Commission for a string of heinous crimes, including medical fraud, endangering civilians, and destruction of property. Considered armed and highly dangerous, Hernandez is believed to possess psionic abilities, making their capture all the more urgent."

[Images of Hernandez flash across the screen, accompanied by warnings urging civilians to avoid contact and alert authorities immediately.]

Olivia: "Earlier today, Chief Inspector Marcus Trent told us that Special Agent Slaine Rowan of the ITC Bureau of Investigation attempted to apprehend Hernandez aboard the Celestial Voyager. However, Hernandez managed to evade capture using their psionic powers, resulting in a devastating explosion that claimed the life of one crew member and endangered countless others."

[Cut to footage of Chief Inspector Marcus Trent addressing the press, his expression grim as he describe the events leading up to the explosion.]

Olivia: "Despite the setback, authorities remain determined to bring Hernandez to justice, with the full resources of the ITC and local law enforcement agencies dedicated to tracking them down. Civilians are urged to remain vigilant and report any sightings of Hernandez immediately."

[As Olivia speaks, images of Hernandez and possible hideouts flash across the screen, accompanied by a hotline number for viewers to call with information.]

Olivia: "As the manhunt intensifies, the galaxy holds its breath, hoping for a swift resolution to this dangerous situation. Stay tuned to IBN for the latest updates on this developing story."

[With a final nod to the camera, Olivia signs off, leaving viewers on the edge of their seats as they await further news of the elusive fugitive.]
Interstellar Broadcast Network (IBN) News Report, Trade Era 1235, Day 137
Olivia: "Good afternoon, viewers. I'm Olivia, and today we're delving into the pressing issue of psionic abilities and their impact on law enforcement. Joining me now is Judge Sophia Ramirez, an expert in interstellar law. Judge Ramirez, thank you for being here."

Judge Ramirez: "Thank you for having me, Olivia. It's a pleasure to be able to shed some light on this important topic."

Olivia: "Absolutely. Now, Judge Ramirez, we've recently seen the havoc wreaked by individuals like Alfredo Hernandez, who possess psionic abilities, specifically teleportation. From your perspective, how do these abilities complicate the work of law enforcement?"

Judge Ramirez: "Psionic abilities, especially those like teleportation, present a unique challenge for law enforcement agencies. These individuals can evade capture with astonishing speed and precision, making it incredibly difficult to apprehend them. Traditional methods of tracking and containment often prove ineffective against such powers, leading to increased danger for both officers and civilians."

Olivia: "Indeed, the danger is clear. With Hernandez still at large, what measures do you believe need to be taken to address the threat posed by psionic individuals?"

Judge Ramirez: "First and foremost, law enforcement agencies must prioritize the development of specialized training and tactics to counteract psionic abilities. This may involve collaboration with experts in psionics or the deployment of advanced technology capable of detecting and neutralizing such powers. Additionally, legislative measures may need to be enacted to provide authorities with the necessary legal framework to confront these individuals effectively."

Olivia: "Thank you, Judge Ramirez, for your insights. Now, turning to local law enforcement, we have with us Chief Inspector Marcus Trent. Chief Trent, thank you for joining us."

Chief Trent: "My pleasure, Olivia. Always happy to discuss matters of public safety."

Olivia: "Chief Trent, in light of recent events involving psionic individuals, what precautions is your department taking to ensure the safety of the public?"

Chief Trent: "Well, Olivia, we've stepped up our training programs to educate our officers on how to recognize and respond to psionic threats. We're also working closely with other agencies to share intelligence and develop strategies for apprehending individuals like Hernandez. It's a constant effort to stay one step ahead, but we're committed to protecting our community."

Olivia: "Thank you, Chief Trent, for your dedication to keeping us safe. As the search for Alfredo Hernandez continues, it's clear that the issue of psionics will remain at the forefront of law enforcement efforts. Stay tuned for further updates on this developing story. I'm Olivia, reporting for IBN. Back to you in the studio."
Interstellar Broadcast Network (IBN) News Report, Trade Era 1235, Day 138
Anchor: "Good evening, citizens of the galaxy. We have breaking news from the Draco System, where the manhunt for the dangerous fugitive Alfredo Hernandez has come to a dramatic conclusion. Olivia, please bring us the latest developments."

[Cut to footage of the Draco System's orbital station, where authorities swarm around a scene of intense activity.]

Olivia: "After a relentless pursuit spanning multiple star systems, Alfredo Hernandez, also known as Ryan Carter, has met his demise. The notorious fugitive, wanted by the Interstellar Trade Commission for a slew of crimes, met his end earlier today in a daring operation led by renowned bounty hunters Peter Morgan and Erin Brand, with the assistance of Special Agent Slaine Rowan of the ITC Bureau of Investigation."

[Images flash on screen, showing an abandoned warehouse and the faces of the bounty hunters and Special Agent Rowan.]

Olivia: "According to reports, Special Agent Rowan located Hernandez's hideout in the depths of the Postal Authority orbital station. With the help of Morgan and Brand, known for their fearlessness in the face of danger, they launched a coordinated assault, engaging Hernandez in a fierce firefight."

[Cut to footage of the intense battle, with bullets and laser fire lighting up the darkness of the warehouse.]

Olivia: "Despite Hernandez's desperate attempts to evade capture, Morgan, Brand, and Special Agent Rowan proved themselves to be a formidable team. The galaxy owes a debt of gratitude to these brave individuals for their tireless efforts in ensuring that justice is served."

[Images of the bounty hunters and Special Agent Rowan flash on screen, accompanied by messages of thanks and praise from citizens across the galaxy.]

Olivia: "As we reflect on the events that have transpired, let us not forget the sacrifices made by those who risked their lives to protect the innocent and uphold the law. Stay tuned to IBN for more updates on this developing story, as we continue to bring you the latest news from the far reaches of space."

[With a final salute to the brave individuals involved, Olivia signs off, leaving viewers with a sense of closure.]
Apr 3, 2024 11:19 pm
Chapter 5
Interstellar Broadcast Network (IBN) News Report, Trade Era 1235, Day 158
[Starts with aerial footage of Verdura's sprawling fields and bustling cities, a testament to the planet's agricultural prowess.]

Anchor: "Verdura, a world of boundless beauty and bountiful harvests, where verdant fields stretch as far as the eye can see, nourishing not only its inhabitants but also countless others across the cosmos. Under the rule of an intellectual elite selected through ostensibly neutral examinations, Verdura's governance system is a unique blend of meritocracy and pragmatism, though subject to varying degrees of corruption."

[Transition to scenes of robots and automated vehicles working in tandem with agricultural workers, ensuring the smooth functioning of Verdura's agricultural sector.]

Anchor: "Amidst the lush landscapes, robots and automated vehicles play a crucial role in cultivation, harvesting, and logistics, contributing to Verdura's thriving export industry. From grains to fruits, vegetables to livestock, the planet's bounty enriches both its coffers and its people."

[Cut to footage of Inspector Lin Xia, a stern but fair customs officer stationed at the Celestial Gate.]

Anchor: "Joining us now is Inspector Lin Xia, a seasoned customs officer tasked with ensuring the security and integrity of Verdura's borders. Inspector Xia, could you tell our viewers about the challenges you face in your role?"

Inspector Lin Xia: "Certainly. Maintaining the security of Verdura's borders is no small task. With the constant flow of travelers and cargo passing through the Celestial Gate, we must remain vigilant against the threat of contraband, forged permits, and suspicious activity. My team and I work tirelessly to uphold the laws of Verdura and safeguard the safety of its inhabitants."

[Transition to footage of the planet's abundant flora and fauna, accompanied by a warning about unseen microbial threats.]

Anchor: "But amidst the beauty of Verdura's landscapes lies a hidden danger. Its abundant flora and fauna harbor a plethora of bacteria and viruses, necessitating a constant demand for medical supplies and personnel to safeguard the health of its inhabitants."

[Transition to an interview with Mei Lin, head of the Verdura Medical Research Institute.]

Reporter: "Mei Lin, head of the Verdura Medical Research Institute, leads efforts to combat diseases and infections plaguing the planet's inhabitants. With her expertise in microbiology and pharmaceuticals, she spearheads the development of vaccines and treatments to safeguard public health."

Mei Lin: "Our research at the institute is focused on understanding and mitigating the threats posed by microbial adversaries. We work tirelessly to develop new vaccines and treatments, ensuring that the people of Verdura remain healthy and resilient in the face of unseen dangers."

[Cut back to the anchor desk, with a sense of awe and appreciation for Verdura's transformation evident in the reporter's voice.]

Anchor: "As Verdura continues to thrive, its story serves as a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the power of redemption. Stay tuned to IBN for more stories of hope and transformation from across the cosmos."

[Fade to black, accompanied by the IBN logo and theme music.]

Interstellar Broadcast Network (IBN) News, Trade Era 1235, Day 159
Anchor: Good evening, viewers across the cosmos. Tonight, we have the honor of speaking with Master Shen Wei, a venerable figure within the hallowed halls of the Jade Pavilion on Verdura. Master Shen Wei serves as the chief examiner, overseeing the rigorous examination system that shapes the destiny of this agricultural world. Joining us from the Jade Pavilion, welcome, Master Shen Wei.

Master Shen Wei: Thank you for having me, esteemed colleagues.

Anchor: Master Shen Wei, could you provide our viewers with some insight into the examination system here on Verdura? How does it function, and what role does it play in the governance of the planet?

Master Shen Wei: Certainly. The examination system on Verdura serves as the cornerstone of our governance structure. It is through these examinations that individuals are selected to serve in positions of leadership and influence, based on their intellectual prowess and understanding of our society's values. The examinations are designed to test not only one's knowledge but also their ability to navigate the complexities of our political landscape.

Reporter: "Master Shen Wei, could you shed some light on the recent flurry of legislative activity within the halls of the Jade Pavilion? There have been reports of a decree allowing foreigners to hold office in Verdura, even if only for a brief period, provided they pass a rigorous examination. What prompted this sudden change?"

Master Shen Wei: "Indeed, the past few months have seen a significant shift in Verdura's legislative landscape. The decree allowing foreigners to hold office, albeit temporarily, was a result of careful deliberation and consideration of the planet's evolving needs. In a world where connections to the wider cosmos are increasingly important, Verdura must adapt and embrace new perspectives to thrive."

Reporter: "Fascinating. And how does this decree fit into Verdura's broader governance system, particularly in relation to the rigorous examination process overseen by the Jade Pavilion?"

Master Shen Wei: "Ah, an astute question. The examination process lies at the heart of Verdura's governance, serving as a test of both intellect and character for those seeking positions of power and influence. The decree allowing foreigners to hold office for a brief period is a testament to our commitment to meritocracy and the belief that true leadership transcends borders."

Anchor: It sounds like navigating Verdura's political landscape requires a delicate balance of intellect and intuition. How do you advise aspiring adventurers who seek to rise through the ranks of Verdura's governance system?

Master Shen Wei: Ah, indeed. For those who seek to navigate Verdura's political landscape, I offer this counsel: tread carefully, for the path to power is fraught with challenges and pitfalls. Seek to understand not only the rules of the game but also the motivations and ambitions of those who wield influence. And above all, trust in your own abilities and judgment, for true leadership comes from within.

Anchor: Wise words indeed, Master Shen Wei. Before we conclude, is there anything else you would like to share with our viewers about the future of Verdura and its governance?

Master Shen Wei: Only this: that the fate of Verdura lies in the hands of those who possess the courage to shape it. As we look to the future, let us remember the values that have guided us thus far: integrity, resilience, and a commitment to the greater good. With these principles as our compass, I have no doubt that Verdura will continue to flourish and prosper.

Anchor: Thank you, Master Shen Wei, for sharing your insights with us tonight. It has been an honor speaking with you.

Master Shen Wei: The honor is mine. May the wisdom of the ancients guide us on our journey forward.

Anchor: And there you have it, viewers. Master Shen Wei, chief examiner of Verdura's examination system, offering sage counsel on navigating the labyrinthine political landscape of this agricultural world. Stay tuned to IBN for more updates on the governance of Verdura and other worlds across the cosmos.
How the Verdura's state mobilized civil society to fight the newest Virus in Lóngyùn Cūn
Article by Diana Fu published in the Verdura Times Magazine, a couple of weeks after the Virus outbreak in Lóngyùn Cūn
According to legend, the cradle of Verdura's civilization was formed in the hands of the ancient King Yu (c. 2123-2025 BCE), whose greatest feat was rescuing the people from atrocious floods. He paid a hefty personal price in the form of calloused hands and long absences from family in order to save the kingdom from natural disaster. The Great Yu may have been no more than a lore, but he symbolizes an enduring model of a benevolent and self-sacrificial ruler who rescued his subjects in the face of external shocks.

In response to the Lóngyùn Cūn’s Virus disaster, our prime minister Dai Long is no Great Yu. Instead of making personal sacrifices to fight the pandemic, he wielded the tried and tested tools of automation and mass mobilization – calling upon the people and the machines to serve the State and each other. In some ways, this was reminiscent of John Collins’ inaugural address in New Jordan in which he urged fellow citizens to ask themselves what they can do for their country.

Yet, Long’s call for 2.6 billion people and thousands of VIs to wage war against the newest Virus was unlike any routine beckoning for planetary unity in the face of calamity. Commanding a single party state and with the support of the Warden AIs, Long was able to mobilize societal forces much like a helmsman directing his crew. Rocked by the waves and the maddening storm, there was no room or time for quibbling. Different societal groups within Verdura may have differed in their approach and attribution of blame for the initial outbreak, but all acutely recognized the danger of what transpired in for what it was – a potentially lethal virus that needed a collective effort to stymie.

In fighting the Lóngyùn Cūn’s strain of the Virus, the mechanical hands of the Warden AIs were much more visible. After Meixian’s officials’ initial botch-up in suppressing information about the situation, the machines sprang into action, alerting the population and erecting hospitals and buildings. One of their first items of order was accepting and mobilizing teams of medical personnel, including doctors, nurses, and community leaders, who became frontline foot soldiers. Using automated shuttles, the first batch of emergency medical teams arrived in the embattled city just one day after the lockdown started. Among the first to arrive was Dr. Emily Hart, who selflessly helped everybody and risked her life to diagnose and heal as many people as possible. Also that day, supposedly because the Wardens started interfering and the government were unable to suppress the news any further, the Verdura Medical Research Institute conceded, mobilized and dispatched teams from multiple hospitals in Dunhuang, which each had temporary branches of the Government Party embedded in them. Shortly afterwards, the Youth League of Meixian issued a public notice online and recruited over 7,000 volunteers in less than 12 hours. Donning green vests and matching armbands reminiscent of teenage paramilitary guards, state-recruited volunteers got to work in neighborhoods and communities, delivering groceries and essential supplies. These volunteers often worked in concert with the machine-led neighborhood automation and community grid management teams to knock on residents’ doors, checking each person’s temperature, registering returnees from other provinces, and handing out educational pamphlets. These were the most visible of "volunteers" at the grassroots level. They are also the ones that are most closely aligned with state mobilization efforts.

Mega-corporations also pulled their weight. While corporate giving is common, Verdura's businesses understand that in order to thrive, they must align themselves with the government's agenda. Through the Sillas Marr Charity Fund, the Ironsides donated 14 million credits toward vaccine development and created one of the first color-coded holographic health diagnostics systems adopted widely to track the spread of the virus. In addition, the government praised Stellar Express for its cooperation in combating the virus by delivering supplies and providing free transport. Smaller businesses also joined in the effort, with restaurant owners providing free meals to volunteer medical workers.

All of this points to the resurgence of government-led civil society in the wake of this newest Virus strain and its aftermath. The key word here is government-led. At the same time that the government is unleashing and encouraging these civic groups to join in the fight against this newest strain of the Virus, it has also been heavy-handed in repressing grassroots civil society. In the previous Wu era, grassroots civil society, including NGOs, critical journalists, human rights lawyers, and religious leaders could survive in a legal gray zone. They survived at times by providing social services to the state and at other times by "mobilizing without the masses," through disguising collective action behind a façade of individual challenges to the state.

That era is no more. Under John Marr, our current Ministry of Justice, grassroots civil society in Verdura has been throttled by a combination of repression and restrictive laws for interplanetary NGOs that previously provided both resources and support for these groups. The passing of the National Security Law in Verdura also does not bode well for ITC sympathizers. It may be too early to assess what the long-term impact this law had on these advocacy groups, but one thing is for certain: this crisis pushed to the frontlines a civil society that is mobilized and led by the government, whether directly or indirectly.

In one version of the ancient flood story, the Great Yu was aided by mystical animals – a yellow dragon and a black turtle – in devising a remarkable network of irrigation canals diverting flood waters into farmers’ fields. In Verdura today, the yellow dragon may as well be the foreign ministers and mega-corporations, while the black turtle may be the Wardens and the state-approved civil society. Together, they rescued the planet from a deadly virus and even catapulted GDP growth into the positive again. Or at least that’s what Meixian's propaganda would have us believe.
Apr 4, 2024 4:21 pm
Chapter 6 - Prelude
Summary of recovered parchments from the Imperial Library in Zyronis, now kept in Verdura's orbit. A digital copy of this summary was taken by Douklan in Trade Era 1235, Day 160
Before the arrival of the first scouts in the system, there existed a mysterious and advanced civilization known as the Elders. Legends say they possessed knowledge far beyond anything known to the newcomers, and they built the vast ecumenopolis of Zyronis as a testament to their power and foresight. However, the Elders vanished without a trace, leaving behind only their gifts for future generations to marvel at.

It is said that the planet Zyronis was one such a gift from the Elders to the universe, a sanctuary of abundance and harmony. The legends tell of how the Elders designed every aspect of the planet to sustain life effortlessly, from the sprawling cities to the automated factories, ensuring that all who inhabited it would thrive. As such, soon after its discovery, thousands and then millions and then billions came, lured by the free housing, food and amenities. The planet prospered and an interstellar empire was born.

It is among the legends whispered in the parchments of the Imperial Library that the prophecy of the rise and fall of the Zyronis Empire is written. A legend about the lives of those who could unlock the secrets left behind by the Elders and ascend to even greater heights. Many believe that the destiny of the planet and its inhabitants is still intricately tied to the fulfillment of this prophecy.

It’s from this time, in the annals of Zyronis's history and before the foundation of the ITC, that our tale is told. For in that age, the planet was not shrouded in the eerie silence of desolation. Instead, it hummed with the vibrant energy of a civilization at its zenith.

In those days, the Forbidden Regions were not yet sealed off, and explorers ventured into its depths, eager to uncover the secrets left behind by the enigmatic Elders. However, as they delved deeper, they encountered not only the promised treasures of knowledge but horrors born of unchecked hubris. Within the Forbidden Regions lurked abominations, twisted creations of advanced technology gone awry. Bugs of metal and flesh, monstrous amalgamations of organic and synthetic, roamed the labyrinthine corridors, a testament to the dangers of tampering with forces beyond comprehension.

Soon, the abominations began to seep through and infest the upper layers of the planet. At first, the incursions were sporadic, isolated incidents that caught the settlers off guard. But as time passed, the bugs and monsters multiplied, their relentless onslaught threatening to engulf the once-proud civilization of Zyronis. Cities fell into chaos as the creatures ravaged the surface, forcing the population to retreat deeper into the labyrinth of interconnected buildings and leave everything behind. Technology and artifacts were lost. Entire districts were abandoned, left to the mercy of the abominations that now ruled the streets. Planetary trade collapsed, the monsters spread and Neptunia fell.

Amidst the despair and desperation, new leaders were born in Verdura. Leaders who rallied their people, drawing upon the resilience and ingenuity that had sustained them through generations of hardship. With determination burning in their hearts, they marshaled their forces, forging alliances and deploying advanced weaponry and robotics salvaged from the remnants of their fallen civilization.

Through countless battles and sacrifices, the leaders and their people fought back against the tide of darkness that threatened to consume them. They devised ingenious strategies, luring the creatures into traps and automated strongholds where they could be contained and eradicated.

But still faced with the constant threat of these monstrosities, the leaders convened, their minds set on protecting their people from the horrors lurking in the ecumenopolis. With solemn determination, they devised a plan to seal off the Forbidden Regions, to contain the abominations there and prevent their malevolent influence from spreading further.

Utilizing the advanced technology inherited from the Elders, the leaders erected barriers of energy and matter, sealing the entrances to the Forbidden Regions with impenetrable force fields. Though the task was arduous and fraught with peril, they persevered, driven by the knowledge that failure would mean the doom of their civilization.

As the last barriers were erected, sealing away the horrors of the Forbidden Regions, a somber silence descended upon Zyronis and the nearby planets. The leaders knew that their actions were necessary, that they had safeguarded their people from a fate worse than extinction. Yet, they also understood the weight of their decision, the loss of knowledge and potential riches locked away forever.

And so, the Forbidden Regions became a forbidden memory, a cautionary tale whispered among the inhabitants of Zyronis and its Imperial Library, now moved from the ecumenopolis to Verdura's orbital station. Though the dangers within the planet remained hidden from sight, their legacy lingered, a reminder of the consequences of unchecked ambition and the importance of humility in the face of the unknown.

With the foundation of the ITC and the arrival of the first Merchant Princes, their pockets rich from assets and investments in more than 200 star systems, the tide began to turn. Slowly, painstakingly, the princes, leaders and their people began to reclaim their system. They rebuilt some of what had been lost, layer by layer, building by building, forging a new civilization from the ashes of the old. And though the scars of their struggle remained etched upon the landscape, they stood resilient, united in their determination to ensure that the horrors of the past would never again threaten their future.

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