Apr 9, 2024 3:22 pm
As the carriage moves through the city of Grayhaven, the view through the windows gives a sense of how the Jewel of the West is organized. The carriage heads down Grand Avenue from Eastgate toward Market Square at the city's center. Today is not a market day, but the district of interconnected plazas is still awash in commerce: so cluttered, noisy, and crowded that it makes Eastgate seem abandoned in comparison.

Through the throng, you can see some roads that lead down to the Waterfront District and the harbor with its many docks. But instead of continuing downslope, the carriage team turns and gradually proceeds up a street that rises toward the cliffs that overlook the harbor. The view above is dominated by the Royal Castle that looks protectively down on the rest of the city and the surrounding area. Findazzle remarks that both the Inn he stays at when he's in town and Tykus' tower are in this High Street district. As you enter High Street, you pass by a series of temples to the gods. Adran notices that one of the temples - a church of Bealdor - bears the same markings as the silver candlestick he used to bash Zik.

Through the throng, you can see some roads that lead down to the Waterfront District and the harbor with its many docks. But instead of continuing downslope, the carriage team turns and gradually proceeds up a street that rises toward the cliffs that overlook the harbor. The view above is dominated by the Royal Castle that looks protectively down on the rest of the city and the surrounding area. Findazzle remarks that both the Inn he stays at when he's in town and Tykus' tower are in this High Street district. As you enter High Street, you pass by a series of temples to the gods. Adran notices that one of the temples - a church of Bealdor - bears the same markings as the silver candlestick he used to bash Zik.