
Apr 14, 2024 2:51 am
MovesHere is a quick reference list of the moves in the game. I might add them to the character sheets, but it should also be simple enough to link to them and have the bulk of the text in one place.

I will add details on City Moves and other more esoteric items as they become relevant in the game.

To Do It, You Do It
The golden rule of moves is simple: to do it, you do it.

No move triggers without an action. Want to Turn to Violence? You've got to start swinging fists or shooting bullets with the goal of inflicting harm on another character. Want to Figure Someone Out? You've got to watch them closely, long enough to get your bearings. Want to Hit the Streets? You've got to get out of your apartment, and track down whatever you're looking to get your hands on. To do it, you do it.

One of the MC's primary jobs is to watch for those moments when you trigger a move without thinking about it: when you start watching another character closely enough to Figure Them Out, or when you try to Keep Your Cool in a tense situation. You don't have to worry too much about what moves your character might be triggering; say what you want to do, and the MC will ensure the mechanics of the game kick in when they're needed.

Remember that moves are ultimately a tool to productively adjudicate uncertainty, the moments in the fiction when no one —not even the MC— knows what will happen next in the story. If you do something that might normally trigger a move in such a way that all uncertainty is removed —stabbing a sleeping human with a knife— you may not be triggering a move at all… and the MC will tell you what happens as a result of your actions.

Sidebar: Hold, Forward, and Ongoing
Some moves describe your character getting Hold, don't stop reading there, read the rest of the Move text and it should explain how and when you can use that Hold. If it is still unclear, ask the MC.

Once hold is spent it's gone. Usually hold only lasts for a given conversation or scene, but moves tell you how long you have before the hold expires. If there's some ambiguity as to how long hold should last, ask your MC for clarification.

Other moves describe your character "taking +1/-1 forward" or "taking +1/-1 ongoing." +1/-1 forward means your character adds +1 or -1 to the next applicable roll; +1/-1 ongoing means your character adds +1 or -1 to all rolls fitting the situation the move describes. Like hold, these bonuses —or penalties— only last as long as the move indicates.
Apr 14, 2024 2:52 am
Basic Moves
These basic moves —shared by all the PCs— are the majority of moves used every session.

Only player characters make Moves and roll dice during a session. The NPCs instead act according to the MC's moves; they never roll dice.
Apr 14, 2024 2:52 am
Turn to Violence (+blood)
When you turn to violence, roll with Blood.
• On a hit, you inflict harm as established and your opposition chooses 1:
 • they inflict harm on you
 • they put you in a bad spot
 • they create an opening to flee
• On a 10+, you also choose 1:
 • you inflict terrible harm
 • you take something from them
 • you create an opportunity for an ally
[ +- ] Notes on Turn to Violence
Apr 14, 2024 2:52 am
Escape a Situation (+blood)
When you take advantage of an opening to escape a situation, roll with Blood.
• On a hit, you get away and choose 1. On a 7-9, the MC chooses 1 as well:
 • you suffer harm during your escape
 • you end up in another dangerous situation
 • you leave something important behind
 • you owe an NPC a Debt for their aid
 • you give into your base nature and mark corruption
[ +- ] Notes on Escape a Situation
Apr 14, 2024 2:53 am
Persuade an NPC (+heart)
When you persuade an NPC with seduction, promises, or threats, roll with Heart.
• On a hit, they see your point and do as you ask.
• On a 7-9, they counter your offer or demand payment —a Debt, a favor, resources— before agreeing to follow through.
If you invoke a Debt with the NPC before you roll, add +3 to your total (max+4).
[ +- ] Notes on Persuade an NPC
Apr 14, 2024 2:53 am
Mislead, Distract, and Trick (+mind)
When you try to mislead, distract, or trick someone, roll with Mind.
• On a hit, they are fooled, at least for a moment. On a 10+, pick 3. On a 7-9, pick 2:
 • you create an opportunity
 • you expose a weakness or flaw
 • you confuse them for some time
 • you avoid further entanglement
[ +- ] Notes on Mislead, Distract, and Trick
Apr 14, 2024 2:53 am
Figure Someone Out (+mind)
When you try to figure someone out, roll with Mind.
• On a hit, ask 2. On a 7-9, they ask 1 of you as well. If you're in their Circle, ask an additional question, even on a miss.
 • who's pulling your character's strings?
 • what's your character's beef with ˍˍˍˍˍ?
 • what's your character hoping to get from ˍˍˍˍˍ?
 • what does your character worry is going to happen?
 • how could I get your character to ˍˍˍˍˍ?
 • how could I put your character in my Debt?
[ +- ] Notes on Figure Someone Out
Apr 14, 2024 2:53 am
Keep Your Cool (+spirit)
When things get real and you keep your cool, tell the MC the situation you want to avoid and roll with Spirit.
• On a 10+, all's well.
• On a 7--9, the MC will tell you what it's gonna cost you.
[ +- ] Notes on Keep Your Cool
Apr 14, 2024 2:54 am
Let It Out (+spirit)
When you let out the power within you, choose an ability from your playbook and roll with Spirit.
• On a hit, mark corruption and activate the ability; the MC will tell you how the effect is costly, limited, or unstable.
 • On a 10+, ignore the corruption or the complications, your choice.
[ +- ] Abilities per Playbook
[ +- ] Notes on Let It Out
Apr 14, 2024 2:54 am
Lend a Hand or Get in The Way (+their circle)
When you lend a hand or get in the way after a PC has rolled, roll with their Circle.
• On a hit, give them a +1 or -2 to their roll.
 • On a 7-9, you expose yourself to danger, entanglement, or cost.
[ +- ] Notes on Lend a Hand or Get in The Way
Apr 14, 2024 2:54 am
End of Session
At the end of every session, decide if you've grown closer to a Circle you engaged with this session: increase your score in that Circle and decrease your score in a different Circle. Tell the MC how your relationships to these communities have changed because of the events of the story, and mark one of the two Circles involved in those changes.

In addition, think about any Debts you may owe —or Debts owed to you— as a result of the session. Tell the group and note them down for next session.

PbP note: Play by post makes the whole concept of 'Sessions' a bit tricky, we don't have a time when we all go home. Fortunately this game's 'End of Session' move is not a big deal. We can review missed Debts at any time without disrupting the flow of the game.

The only part we need to consider is the Shifting of Circle Ratings and the associated Advancement (XP). By design this is a small part of any character's Advancement earning, so we could skip it, but I think we can watch for times when we think out Circles may have shifted and do this when appropriate. We do not all need to do this at the same time, but we should try to keep it 'balanced' and keep it down to only 'once each per chapter/episode' which is what most PbP Sessions get defined as anyway.
[ +- ] Notes on End of Session
Apr 14, 2024 2:55 am
Circle Moves
Circle moves complement the basic moves, allowing your character to interact more broadly with the Circles that vie for power within the city. Instead of rolling with a main stat when you trigger one of these moves, you roll with a Circle Rating that describes your relationship with the community you're engaging.

When you make a Circle move or any move that tells you to, mark the Circle in question even on a miss! You can see more on marking Circles and advancement on page 186.
Apr 14, 2024 2:55 am
Put a Face to a Name (+their circle)
When you put a name to a face or vice versa, roll with their Circle.
• On a hit, you know their reputation; the MC will tell you what most people know about them.
 • On a 10+, you've dealt with them before; learn something interesting and useful about them or they owe you a Debt, your choice.
• On a miss, you don't know them or you owe them, MC's choice.
[ +- ] Notes on Put a Face to a Name
Apr 14, 2024 2:55 am
Hit the Streets (+their circle)
When you hit the streets to get what you need, name who you're going to and roll with their Circle.
• On a hit, they're available and have the stuff!
 • On a 7-9, choose 1:
  • whoever you're going to is juggling their own problems
  • whatever you need is more costly than anticipated
[ +- ] Notes on Hit the Streets
Apr 14, 2024 2:56 am
Study a Place of Power (+their circle)
When you study a sanctuary, gathering spot, or place of power, roll with the Circle that controls it.
• On a hit, you see below the surface to the reality underneath; the MC will reveal an area, NPC, or item located within that is not what it seems.
 • On a 10+, your insight reveals much about the Circle's politics and schemes; ask the MC a relevant question about the Circle and take +1 forward when acting on the answer
[ +- ] Notes on Study a Place of Power
Apr 14, 2024 2:56 am
Debt Moves
Nothing is free in the city, friendship least of all. When you need help, your best chance of convincing other characters to aid you is calling in the Debts you're owed. You can always try to push people around or talk them into helping out, but Debt is the only currency that compels every member of every Circle (page 21).

Because once people owe you, you can ask them for all kinds of things. And when you put the weight of a Debt behind your request, it carries all new meaning. If they want to be taken seriously in the city, then they need to pay what they owe. Only someone who can't be trusted —who isn't worth saving when the chips are down— goes back on their accounts.
Apr 14, 2024 2:56 am
Do Someone a Favor
When you do someone a favor, they owe you a Debt.
[ +- ] Notes on Do Someone a Favor
Apr 14, 2024 2:56 am
Overlook a Harm
When someone agrees to overlook a harm you've done to them, you owe them a Debt.
[ +- ] Notes on Overlook a Harm
Apr 14, 2024 2:57 am
Cash In a Debt
When you cash in a Debt, remind your debtor why they owe you in order to…
• …make a PC:
 • answer a question honestly
 • do you a favor at moderate cost
 • lend a hand to your efforts
 • get in the way of someone else
 • erase a Debt they hold on someone
 • give you a Debt they hold on someone else
• …make an NPC:
 • answer a question honestly
 • arrange a meeting with an NPC in their Circle
 • grant you a worthy boon or useful gift
 • erase a Debt they hold on someone
 • give you a Debt they hold on someone else
[ +- ] Notes on Cash In a Debt
Apr 14, 2024 2:57 am
Refuse to Honor a Debt (+status difference)
When you refuse to honor a Debt, roll with the difference in Status between you and your creditor.
• On a hit, you weasel out of the obligation for now, but you still owe the Debt.
 • On a 7-9, you owe them an additional Debt or mark corruption, your choice.
• On a miss, you can't avoid the hammer: either honor the Debt in full or erase all the Debts owed to you by their Circle and take a -1 ongoing to Status with their Circle until after time passes.
[ +- ] Notes on Refuse to Honor a Debt

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