Character Creation

Apr 23, 2024 11:02 am
Discussion and notes for character creation. The system is a minor modified FATE Condensed one. You can have:

*A High Concept

*A Trouble / Flaw

*A Relationship (either with another PC or with an NPC)

*3-5 Free Aspects

*Skills: You can have all skills that are in the FATE Condensed book but there is Drive (Vehicle), Pilot (Vehicle) and Pilot (Mecha) added. You will be able to train on skills during the game.
One Great (+4) skill
Two Good (+3) skills
Three Fair (+2) skills
Four Average (+1) skills
All other skills at Mediocre (+0)
[ +- ] Skills List:
Stunts:You have access to stunts, as described in FATE Condensed.

Refresh / Fate Points:You start with 3 Fate Points, as described in FATE Condensed.

Stress and Consequences:As described in FATE Condensed.

Memento:You can choose one personal belonging that you were allowed to get just before you got frozen. (This cannot be a large item, like a fridge or a car)

Species:There are 3 species in the game. Human [1], Mutant [2] and Synthetic Organism (Synth) [3]. You can read the game Mutant Year Zero (Core, GenLab Alpha) for a Mutant character [2] and Mutant Year Zero (Mechatron) for a Synth character [3]. Or tell me to add more details here. All characters can have prosthetic parts. Take note that there will be a limit to how many parts you may have before the body collapses from the strain (still working on this rule).

Vehicles:There are vehicles in game. Their stats will be posted here.

Mechas:There are mechas in game. Their stats will be posted here.

Fuel Consumption:At the start of each day, the GM will roll a die for each player's vehicle. A result of 1 means that the vehicle runs out of fuel during the rest of the game (i.e. it runs dry, it sprang a fuel leak, etc). Sometimes Stunts can be used to overcome this.
Apr 23, 2024 5:39 pm
Sorry if this is a dumb question, but are there anything like psychic abilities or other mutations/abilities for Human characters?
Apr 23, 2024 5:45 pm
Thinking about a Mech pilot, one who by necessity is also a mechanic. @Alepous Are you stating the mechs up, or shall we?
Apr 23, 2024 7:02 pm
I haven't formalized my high concept yet. But I am thinking:

- Pink cowboy hat
- Two revolvers
- Post apocalyptic junkyard motor cycle
Apr 23, 2024 7:29 pm
@Nuttyartist Yes, there are psychic mutations. You start with one mutation and can get more along the way, accidental or not. I want to have a mechanic where you can remove mutations too. As a mutant, you can also be an animalistic human too. Mutant Year Zero starts with one mutation per PC and lets you have a second one with a penalty on your stats. We can use this too if you want.

@JoshuaMabry I am thinking of having 4 classes of Mechas.
1.Powersuit "eggs" (think MaschinenKrieger)
2.light mecha (Titanfall Stryder)
3.standard mecha (Titanfall Atlas)
4.heavy mecha (Titanfall Ogre)
5.super heavy mecha (probably needs 2 pilots)

I am reading 2 mecha rpgs now to flesh out the mecha construction. This is separate from the character creation rules, which follow the FATE system. Mechanic+Mecha pilot is not mandatory, however it may help to get some Stunts when the time comes.

*Vehicles have also classes. You can find fuel (both conventional and nuclear) in the Wasteland but it won't be as easy as going to the gas station.

*I am also thinking of adding aging along the way but for now I want to keep the game simple.

*You can have prosthetics but beware of psyberpsychosis™. Synths do not get this penalty.
Apr 23, 2024 10:52 pm
Have our characters been out of cryostasis for a while or are we waking up at the start of the game?

I’m not sure what type of character I want to run yet but I’m thinking as he was being put into cryostasis his brain was injected with a mutagen which altered his brain as he slept. No visible mutation (maybe a lump on his head, or something minor if you require it), but gave him some psionic ability (not sure exactly what yet, perhaps pyrokinesis/hydrokinesis/magneticism/or some form of mental or emotional manipulation.)

Also I was thinking of making him 17 or 18.
Apr 23, 2024 11:22 pm
I was thinking of playing a robot character. Something like a family helper unit who's been waiting patiently for a family who never made it out of cryo sleep. Presumably they've have finally realised that the family they served aren't coming back and they are now searching for a new purpose.

Does this sound like the sort of character that we want in the game?

Note: I seem to have an unhealthy predeliction for playing robots, so really any chance I get I'm going to go there.
Apr 24, 2024 5:57 am
@Nuttyartist you wake up at the start of the game. You have been in cryostasis for some years and do not know anything that has happened to the outside world. Yes, that will work for your character, to have had a mutagen injected into him just before the stasis or while he was sleeping. As far as gameplay aging, I have not thought the mechanics, so there won't be anything specific yet. You can be whatever age you want for the flair. Don't forget, a mutation is an Aspect.

@dunderklumpen yes, that character background works fine. You make what character you like / want to play. I will upload mechanics of how you can build your robot and upgrade it. Only problem will be getting the resourses needed in the Wasteland.
Apr 24, 2024 6:45 am
@Alepous, I wouldn't have thought that you'd need to do anything extra to cope with a robot PC. Fate will handle that fairly well through the standard character stuff (Aspects and Stunts)
Apr 24, 2024 7:30 am
I am fairly new to fate and I am coming from games with more rigid construction systems. I am thinking of having the construction aspect to be just as added flair, rather than pure gameplay mechanics.
Apr 24, 2024 10:08 am
So, by way of an example. Here's the sort of thing I would be thinking of. The robot aspects can be invoked for advantage or compelled as weaknesses or complications.

Stunts can be used to fill out some specific robot-y style stuff. Maybe something like easier interface with technology, ignoring pain, that sort of thing.
High Concept: Robot Assistant from a bygone era
Trouble: 200 years since my last service
Relationship: (tba)
Free aspects: Built to take it, My purpose was to serve
Apr 24, 2024 6:58 pm
dunderklumpen says:
I was thinking of playing a robot character. Something like a family helper unit who's been waiting patiently for a family who never made it out of cryo sleep. Presumably they've have finally realised that the family they served aren't coming back and they are now searching for a new purpose.

Does this sound like the sort of character that we want in the game?
Oh wow. I love this idea!
Apr 24, 2024 7:16 pm
I have been thinking a bit about my character and why she'd be cryo-ed. How she would be really interesting to play and I have to admit, I am quite inspired by Lucy from the fallout series. With a different story, I kinda like to go for the bit chipper naivity. Okidoki? ;)

Wok in progress:

High concept Pre-apocalyptic nepo baby
Trouble Spoiled brat
Aspect B-star actress
Apr 25, 2024 4:54 am
@dunderklumpen what do you mean by "built to take it"?

@ClaCle I like the idea for a naive character thrown into a post apocalyptic story. There is no special reason that you were "frozen". You just "won" the lottery for the vault just before everything went south. You wake up and do not know (yet) if outside is better or worse.
Apr 25, 2024 7:16 am
Alepous says:
what do you mean by "built to take it"?
It was an Aspect to express a robot body that is robust, as in "built to take a lot of punishment"
Last edited April 25, 2024 9:41 am
Apr 30, 2024 10:29 am
I see we stalled a bit. How are you with your characters? Still waiting for Bendy, I can wait some more days and we can either start or search for another player.
Apr 30, 2024 8:44 pm
I have a half-finished character. Still need to think of one stunt and a memento and a few other details. Shall I already post her or wait until finished?
Last edited April 30, 2024 8:44 pm
Apr 30, 2024 8:49 pm
I apologize, I've been busy both at work and at home. I'll have at least a partial character submitted tomorrow.
Apr 30, 2024 8:59 pm
Ok, no rush. I am still working some kinks.
Apr 30, 2024 10:43 pm
I'm pretty happy with my character, but I assumed that there wasn't much happening in the game as there was no activity.
Last edited May 1, 2024 10:07 am
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