Synthetic Organisms (Synths)

Apr 23, 2024 11:47 am
You can be either a cyborg or a robot. A cyborg has its human brain still intact. A robot is a pure mechanical construct with either a human brain downloaded, advanced programming or pure AI.

Robot Types:
[ +- ] Companion / Domestic Robot
[ +- ] Military & Security Robot
[ +- ] Service Robot
[ +- ] Industrial Robot
[ +- ] Medical Robot
[ +- ] Research Robot
[ +- ] Hybrid Robot
Battery: You have 10 Energy. Power consumption is 1 Energy per day. You can recharge from a generator or from a powerpack (1d10 roll), which is then consumed. When Energy reaches zero, you go into Sleep Mode. You can increase your battery with the Backup Power Module.


Robot Parts: This is a list with parts that can be used to build your robot.
[ +- ] Head
[ +- ] Chassis
[ +- ] Arms
[ +- ] Locomotion
[ +- ] Core

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