Apr 27, 2024 10:14 am
If I call for a roll, I'll give a Stat Pool, a Difficulty [0-10], followed by a Target Number (or TN) in parenthesis afterwards, and ended with a consequence, like so:
"Speed, Difficulty 6 (TN 18) to avoid falling off the roof and taking 2 damage when landing in the street below."
This allows you to make the roll and describe the fail state or success state without needing to wait for me, and lets you know which pool you need to spend points from to apply Effort. I might post this in an OOC note at the bottom of my post, either as a response to NPC actions or preempting a task I believe you are likely to take. I'll make it clear if the roll is optional or not. This is also the format I will use if I decide an action your character has taken requires a roll, in which case I will give you a friendly ping ;)
When you roll, please name what Skills, Assets, and special abilities you are using that modify the roll, as well as any effort you are applying. Roll for the Difficulty and Target Number that you adjust for, and simply assume they apply. This will speed up play greatly, with little to no downside. There is a chance that you reduce the difficulty of a task to 0 (and thus, a TN of 0). If you do so, please still make the roll.
In the rare instance that I feel any of these do NOT apply, and that disregarding the element would change the result of the roll, I will simply correct the fiction organically down the line. For example, in the above scenario, you may say that you have a crowbar that you can use to hook onto the roof and swing back on in the event you DO slip, this providing an asset, and lowering the difficulty to 5... you make the roll, get a 15! You proceed to narrate continuing the rooftop chase.
When it comes around to my turn, I may veto your asset, in which case I will simply say you catch up to the person chasing you! They turn and sucker-punch you, sending you sprawling, and tumbling off the roof. That way, you don't need to wait for me to approve each and every change, or wait for confirmation on your success, nor do we need to edit posts, ret-con, or anything else that might put the brakes on the narrative. :D
Finally, there is a rule for retrying a roll. To do so, you must spend at least one level of effort on the roll to even attempt a retry, regardless of whether you spent effort the first time. For the sake of ease in this game, you may assume that you ALWAYS have the option of retrying a roll, and may only retry once, unless you have a specific special ability or cypher that says otherwise.
If I call for a roll, I'll give a Stat Pool, a Difficulty [0-10], followed by a Target Number (or TN) in parenthesis afterwards, and ended with a consequence, like so:
"Speed, Difficulty 6 (TN 18) to avoid falling off the roof and taking 2 damage when landing in the street below."
This allows you to make the roll and describe the fail state or success state without needing to wait for me, and lets you know which pool you need to spend points from to apply Effort. I might post this in an OOC note at the bottom of my post, either as a response to NPC actions or preempting a task I believe you are likely to take. I'll make it clear if the roll is optional or not. This is also the format I will use if I decide an action your character has taken requires a roll, in which case I will give you a friendly ping ;)
When you roll, please name what Skills, Assets, and special abilities you are using that modify the roll, as well as any effort you are applying. Roll for the Difficulty and Target Number that you adjust for, and simply assume they apply. This will speed up play greatly, with little to no downside. There is a chance that you reduce the difficulty of a task to 0 (and thus, a TN of 0). If you do so, please still make the roll.
In the rare instance that I feel any of these do NOT apply, and that disregarding the element would change the result of the roll, I will simply correct the fiction organically down the line. For example, in the above scenario, you may say that you have a crowbar that you can use to hook onto the roof and swing back on in the event you DO slip, this providing an asset, and lowering the difficulty to 5... you make the roll, get a 15! You proceed to narrate continuing the rooftop chase.
When it comes around to my turn, I may veto your asset, in which case I will simply say you catch up to the person chasing you! They turn and sucker-punch you, sending you sprawling, and tumbling off the roof. That way, you don't need to wait for me to approve each and every change, or wait for confirmation on your success, nor do we need to edit posts, ret-con, or anything else that might put the brakes on the narrative. :D
Finally, there is a rule for retrying a roll. To do so, you must spend at least one level of effort on the roll to even attempt a retry, regardless of whether you spent effort the first time. For the sake of ease in this game, you may assume that you ALWAYS have the option of retrying a roll, and may only retry once, unless you have a specific special ability or cypher that says otherwise.