May 1, 2024 5:41 pm
I put in a personal avatar, then realized I should probably crop it further, did so and uploaded the further cropped image. However I still see my original avatar next to all my posts, BUT on the settings page I see the updated avatar.
So there is some cookie cache going on that doesn't refresh properly. If when looking at this post you can see my avatar's waist then that is the first uncropped version, but if you can't that is the correct one. Either way I see the uncropped version.
I put in a personal avatar, then realized I should probably crop it further, did so and uploaded the further cropped image. However I still see my original avatar next to all my posts, BUT on the settings page I see the updated avatar.
So there is some cookie cache going on that doesn't refresh properly. If when looking at this post you can see my avatar's waist then that is the first uncropped version, but if you can't that is the correct one. Either way I see the uncropped version.
Last edited May 2, 2024 8:30 pm