[Gameplay] 7. The Search for the Forgotten Pharoah

May 6, 2024 2:34 pm

As the adventure begins, the Destined Delvers are in possession of the funerary mask of the Sky Pharaoh Hakotep I—now the artifact known as the Mask of the Forgotten Pharaoh—and have learned of the Cult of the Forgotten Pharaoh, who seeks the mask for terrible reasons. Although the Destined Delvers defeated the cult’s members in Wati, you are fully aware that the cult will not be stymied so easily, and with the mask now in their hands, you will again find yourselves the targets of the cult sooner or later.

With the assistance of the Grand Mausoleum, you come to the realization that very few details on Hakotep I, the Mask of the Forgotten Pharaoh, or the Cult of the Forgotten Pharaoh can be found in Wati, but the neighboring city of Tephu is home to the Great Library, the largest repository of knowledge in the region, if not all of Osirion. If there is any information to be found, the Great Library of Tephu is the place to search.

Tephu lies downstream from Wati to the northwest, just a short boat ride across the River Sphinx. Ferries regularly ply the river, conveying people, goods, and livestock across the water, and their pilots cram the docks in the Veins and Bargetown—Wati’s harbor districts—looking for passengers. Wati’s ferrymen are forceful—some would say overbearing—and fall over themselves to obtain fares. The average fare for passage to Tephu is 5 sp per person (twice that for creatures larger than Medium or difficult to transport), though you may be able to negotiate a better rate. Low fares typically increase once a ferry is halfway across the river, and the crocodiles that inhabit the river make most passengers begrudgingly pay the new, higher rate to get safely across. A ferry journey is usually shared with farmers, heaped piles of goods, and livestock such as chickens, cows, and even camels, making for a noisy and smelly, but thankfully short, trip. The journey takes only a few hours and is uneventful.

Like most Osirian cities on the banks of the River Sphinx, Tephu is hot, dusty, and perpetually busy. Its streets are full of hawkers and peddlers, well known for their stubbornness, sham charm, and inability to hear the word no. You are immersed in this world as soon as you step off the ferry—you’re offered everything from savory minced lamb, limes, olives, mint tea, and water to carpets (some of which the sellers claim to be "magic" carpets), camel hide leather goods, hookah pipes, pesh, pots and pans, and even camels and dancing girls and boys.

Your task is to go to the Great Library of Tephu, gain access to the archives, and then research what you can. This is likely a lengthy process and could take weeks or longer. As such, you'll need accommodations for the duration of your stay in Tephu.
May 8, 2024 9:37 am
Before gaining passage, Tabat speaks to the ferrymen, seeking a reasonable fare to cross to Tephu. He drums up their competitiveness and requests a reasonable cost on account of their mission on behalf of the city's protection.
Using Diplomacy to try and get a better than average fare for the group
As they pass through and into Tephu, Tabat rides upon Andromeda. He purchases a minced pie and lifts his mask to eat while they wind their way through the streets. He asks around for opinions and information regarding any rumors and as to where they may find comfortable lodgins for their stay here.
Diplomacy again for gathering information


Tabat Menes: Diplomacy (Cha) (negotiation on fare) - (1d20+12)

(7) + 12 = 19

Tabat Menes: Diplomacy (Cha) - (1d20+12)

(16) + 12 = 28

May 8, 2024 7:18 pm
Iseret watches the scenery, reflecting on what she might know of the city.


Knowledge (local) - (1d20+11)

(9) + 11 = 20

May 9, 2024 2:53 am
Tabat is able to save a few coins on the journey through his wit and charisma.


After arriving in Tephu and securing accommodations at an inn, you can seek out the city’s Great Library. Overlooking the Plaza of the Bright Horizon in Tephu’s Old City, the library’s outer sanctum is one of Tephu’s most prominent landmarks and can be located with ease.

As you jostle the crowds, constantly waylaid by buskers, barkers, and beggars, you attempt to learn what you can.
[ +- ] Tephu Overview
May 18, 2024 1:56 am
The adventure starts at The Great Library of Tephu
The Great Library of Tephu

After selling into quarters and cleaning up, you travel to the your destination in the heart of the old city. Overlooking the Plaza of the Bright Horizon in Tephu’s Old City, the library’s outer sanctum is one of Tephu’s most prominent landmarks and can be located with ease.

Enormous bronze doors, etched with the images of rampant sphinxes, lead into the library’s cavernous interior (A1). The guards seem quite lax, but do keep an eye out for would be thieves.

The high blue dome of Tephu’s Great Library, topped with shining gold pinnacles, towers over the surrounding buildings. Huge columns rise from immense footings along the edifice’s sheer walls.
[ +- ] Library
(A2) A large, ornate desk lit by a magnificent lantern seemingly made of water stands in the center of this entrance hall. Statues of enigmatic sphinxes sit in each corner of the room, their gazes an impossible mixture of pleasure and defiance. Archways in three walls open into larger spaces, the chambers beyond drowning in books, ledgers, librams, scrolls, clay tablets, tomes, and other more obscure forms of record, held in countless shelves and cabinets. The smell of old books is almost overpowering.

The three chambers leading off the foyer form the Great Library’s Outer Stacks (areas A2a and A3). The towering shelves lining these rooms hold a vast repository of knowledge that is but a fraction of that held beyond in the Great Chamber of Knowledge (area A4) and the Upper Stacks (area A6). Entry to the Outer Stacks is free (though a small donation is customary). Entry to the Great Chamber of Knowledge to the north is more controlled, requiring a donation of 50 gp per day of research. Permission to access the library’s greater collections extends only until the library closes at dusk and the research fee must be paid again the next day.
May 20, 2024 5:41 am
"This place...is impressive," Tabat says, looking around at the stored knowledge visible to him here. He looks for an aide that may assist in locating a section of the library that may house books about the mask and the cult they've been dealing with.
May 20, 2024 3:34 pm
You're cautious about what you tell them, as the Cult of the Forgotten Pharoah may be doing the same as you, trying to find what they can. Still, the assistants you speak to give you the impression that no one here knows where anything really is, not specifically. There is an organization to the library. Unfortunately, what you want in the end is likely going to be tidbits found in unrelated material, and you'll need to research the library the hard way to find references and hints.
May 20, 2024 6:57 pm
Would Iseret's Osrionologist trait be of any use here?
May 21, 2024 9:57 am
"I suppose we need to dig in and start looking through these books," Tabat ventures with a sigh. This was not his strong suit, but he knew a bit about religion and wonders if knowledge therein might help suss out some clues. He pays an assistant for access to the full scope of the library - for himself and his companions - before heading further inside.
200gp for all 4 of use? Tabat will take care of it.
May 22, 2024 12:55 am
There are rules for researching, essentially extended skill checks. Each day of research, you can make a Research* check. The margin of success of your Research roll vs the Library's complexity (target number) achieves knowledge points (kp). Clues are uncovered at milestones of kp.

* Appropriate Research checks are defined by the Library itself. Some Library's grant a bonus to certain checks.

The Outer Sanctum of the Great Library (areas A2 through A6) is a confusing mass of charts, papers, maps, and texts, a vast store of knowledge without much of an index. Your first task should be to try to find some lines of research to follow through the library’s bewildering amount of information.

Outer Sanctum
Complexity 15
Research check: Knowledge (local), Knowledge (history), or Knowledge (nobility); Knowledge bonus +2
kp 20
The Osrionologist Trait grants +1 bonuses on certain Knowledge checks, but nothing extra for using the Library.
May 22, 2024 4:51 am
With the library's resources, are we able to make Knowledge checks untrained?
May 22, 2024 6:37 am
I am useless for this but if not :p Maybe I can assit in some way.
May 22, 2024 3:41 pm
Iseret digs in and begins the quest.


Knowledge (history) + bonus + Osirionologist - (1d20+14)

(15) + 14 = 29

May 22, 2024 4:02 pm
Yes, these checks can be made untrained, due to the Library's vast resources. However, it looks like Iseret and Jaware alone succeed completely.
After a full days research in the Outer Sanctum, you manage to determine...

Not only does the Outer Sanctum seem to be missing quite a lot of knowledge, but some of the more interesting and secretive works seem to have been deliberately removed.

While the Outer Stacks and Great Chamber of Knowledge contain general information on Osirion’s most famous royal dynasties, information relating to less wellknown dynasties and older families is contained in the Upper Stacks.

A papyrus scroll dating from Osirion’s Second Age over 6,000 years ago references a "lost" pharaoh named Hakotep. The scroll ascribes the epithet of "Sky Pharaoh" to the forgotten ruler, and recounts his ability to "ride the stars by night." The scroll even contains a crude illustration of the Sky Pharaoh, a figure standing upon a dais surrounded by glass and crystal. A researcher who succeeds at a DC 20 Perception check (succeeded) notes that the dais and crystals are f loating, seemingly part of a vast temple that somehow sits in the night sky. With a successful DC 30 Knowledge (arcana) check (Jaware failed), the image can be further interpreted as
Qralloq sent a note to Qralloq
An obscure index compiled by a previous curator of the library lists the scroll referencing Hakotep as one of many that were copied from the personal library of the Sky Pharaoh. This collection of scrolls is held in a part of the Great Library’s Inner Sanctum called the Spiral Archive (area C), described as a chamber resembling a vertical scroll tube crossed by a latticework of papyrus bridges.


Knowledge History +2 - (1d20+6)

(17) + 6 = 23

Perception, Arcana - (1d20+5, 1d20+13)

1d20+5 : (15) + 5 = 20

1d20+13 : (11) + 13 = 24

May 25, 2024 9:31 pm
"Seems this is just one of several scrolls about this Sky Pharaoh. Let's see if we can find the others?" He scans the room, looking for any location that might match the description of the Spiral Archive, asking an attendant if needed.
May 26, 2024 3:53 pm
You'll need to return the next day, as you've spent the whole day in the Outer Sanctum.

You have learned that the Great Library’s Outer Sanctum holds little of the information you seek, and that to find out more about Hakotep I, you’ll need to gain access to the Inner Sanctum—specifically the Spiral Archive, which will lead to further collections within the Inner Sanctum. However, with access to those collections tightly controlled by the Tephu’s haty-a, Deka An-Keret, so you suspect that you must be particularly cunning to get inside.

You could attempt to break in, or seek out Haty-a Deka An-Keret. You can request an audience with her from the library acolytes.
May 26, 2024 9:01 pm
Tabat approaches one of the acolytes. "My friend, it has become our belief the information we seek may be located within the Inner Sanctum and would like to request an audience with Haty-a Deka An-Keret to appeal for entry. Would it be possible to meet with her tomorrow?"
May 27, 2024 4:39 pm
You are directed to Deaconess Sekek, who politely but flatly refuses the audience. "The haty-a is busy with civic and religious duties and cannot spare time for casual visitors."

After you explain that you need access to the Spiral Archive and Inner Sanctum, she realizes your predicament. "What topics are you researching? Perhaps I can convince her to squeeze you into her schedule."
May 27, 2024 11:29 pm
"We are researching an ancient Osirion ruler, labeled in some texts as the 'Sky Pharoah'," Tabat explains.
May 28, 2024 12:47 am
Deaconess Sekek studies you a moment then nods and says, "Return here tomorrow at dawn, and I'll have her reply. "
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